Пример #1
ki_wait (struct k_t *sem, int timeout)
    DI ();

    if (0 < sem->cnt1) {
	sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra
	k_sem_unclip (sem->nr);
	return (1);		// ok: 1 bq we are not suspended

    if (timeout < 0)		// no luck, dont want to wait so bye bye
	return (-2);
    // from here we want to wait
    pRun->cnt2 = timeout;	//  0 == wait forever

    if (timeout) {		//  so we can be removed if timeout occurs
	pRun->cnt3 = (int) sem;	// nasty keep ref to semaphore in task stomach

    sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra
    k_sem_unclip (sem->nr);

    enQ (sem, deQ (pRun));
    ki_task_shift ();

    // back again - have semaphore received signal or timeout ?
    pRun->cnt3 = 0;		// reset ref to timer semaphore

    return ((char) (pRun->cnt2));	// 0: ok , -1: timeout
Пример #2
k_set_prio (char prio)
    int i;

    if (!k_running) {
	return (-2);

    DI ();

    if ((prio <= 0) || (DMY_PRIO <= prio))	// not legal value my friend
	EI ();
	return (-1);
    i = pRun->prio;

    pRun->prio = prio;

    prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));
    ki_task_shift ();

    EI ();

    return (i);
Пример #3
k_wait (struct k_t *sem, int timeout)

  // copy of ki_wait just with EI()'s before leaving
  DI ();

  if (0 < sem->cnt1) {     // lucky that we do not need to wait ?
    sem->cnt1--;		       // Salute to Dijkstra
    EI ();
    return (0);

  if (timeout == -1) {     // no luck, dont want to wait so bye 

    EI ();
    return (-2);

  // from here we have to wait
  pRun->cnt2 = timeout;	// if 0 then wait forever

  if (timeout)
    pRun->cnt3 = (int) sem;	// nasty keep ref to semaphore,
  //  so we can be removed if timeout occurs
  sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra

  enQ (sem, deQ (pRun));
  ki_task_shift ();		// call enables interrupt on return

  EI ();

  return (char) (pRun->cnt2);	// 0: ok, -1: timeout
Пример #4
k_mut_ceil_enter (struct k_t *sem, int timeout)
    int retval;
    DI ();
    // if ceiling_prio < 0 then its a normal wait call
    if (sem->ceiling_prio < 0) {
	retval = ki_wait (sem, timeout);	// could call k_wait but just extra fct call
	EI ();
	return retval;

    if (pRun->prio < sem->ceiling_prio) {	// I have higher priority than ceiling :-(
	EI ();
    // now we play imm ceiling protocol
    sem->saved_prio = pRun->prio;	// do im ceiling
    pRun->prio = sem->ceiling_prio;	// dont need to reinsert in AQ bq ceil prio is higher or equal to mine and Im already in front of AQ
    prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));	// resinsert me in AQ acc to nwe(old) priority
    retval = ki_wait (sem, timeout);
    // coming back interrupt is still disabled !

    // chk if we did get semaphore
    if (retval < 0) {		// NOPE we did not
	pRun->prio = sem->saved_prio;	// reset to my old priority
	prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));	// reinsert me in AQ acc to nwe(old) priority
	ki_task_shift ();	// bq maybe started task has higher prio than me

    EI ();
    return retval;		// 0(has waited),1(straight through) : ok, -1: timeout
Пример #5
ki_wait (struct k_t *sem, int timeout)
// used by msg system
  DI ();

  if (0 < sem->cnt1) {
    //      lucky that we do not need to wait ?
    sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra
    return (0);

  if (timeout == -1) {
    // no luck, dont want to wait so bye bye
    return (-2);

  // from here we want to wait
  pRun->cnt2 = timeout;	// if 0 then wait forever

  if (timeout)
    pRun->cnt3 = (int) sem;	// nasty keep ref to semaphor
  //  so we can be removed if timeout occurs
  sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra

  enQ (sem, deQ (pRun));
  ki_task_shift ();		// call enables NOT interrupt on return

  return ((char) (pRun->cnt2));	// 0: ok, -1: timeout
Пример #6
k_release (void)

    // let next run
    DI ();
    ki_task_shift ();
    EI ();
Пример #7
k_round_robbin (void)

    // reinsert running task in activeQ if round robbin is selected
    DI ();

    prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));
    ki_task_shift ();

    EI ();
Пример #8
k_signal (struct k_t *sem)
	int res;

  DI ();

  res = ki_signal (sem);

  if (res == 0)
    ki_task_shift ();

  EI ();

  return (res);
Пример #9
k_send (struct k_msg_t *pB, void *el)
    char res;

    DI ();

    res = ki_send (pB, el);
    if (res == 0)		// if new task in AQ == someone was waiting for msg
    {				// if 1 then nobody was waiting so no neeed for task shift
	ki_task_shift ();

    EI ();
    return (res);
Пример #10
k_prio_wait (struct k_t *sem, int timeout, char prio)

    int retval;

    return -666;		// no rdy for use
    // copy of ki_wait just with EI()'s before leaving
    DI ();

    if (0 < sem->cnt1) {	// lucky that we do not need to wait ?
        sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra
        // set prio
        pRun->prio = prio;
        // no need bq we are alrdy in front prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));
        EI ();
        return (0);

    if (timeout == -1) {	// no luck, dont want to wait so bye

        EI ();
        return (-2);
    // from here we have to wait
    pRun->cnt2 = timeout;	// if 0 then wait forever

    if (timeout) {
        pRun->cnt3 = (int) sem;    // nasty keep ref to semaphore,
    //  so we can be removed if timeout occurs
    sem->cnt1--;		// Salute to Dijkstra

    enQ (sem, deQ (pRun));
    ki_task_shift ();		// call enables interrupt on return
    pRun->cnt3 = 0;		// reset ref to timer semaphore
    retval = pRun->cnt2;
    if (retval == 0) {
        // set prio
        pRun->prio = prio;
        // no need prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));

    EI ();

    return retval;		// 0: ok, -1: timeout
Пример #11
k_send (struct k_msg_t *pB, void *el)

  char res;

  DI ();

  res = ki_send (pB, el);

  if (res == 0)
    ki_task_shift ();

  EI ();

  return (res);
Пример #12
k_signal (struct k_t *sem)
    int res;

    DI ();

    res = ki_signal (sem);	// 1: ok no task to AQ, 0: ok task to AQ

    if (res == 0) {
	ki_task_shift ();	// bq maybe started task has higher prio than me

    EI ();

    return (res);
Пример #13
k_send (struct k_msg_t *pB, void *el)

    char res;

    DI ();

    res = ki_send (pB, el);

    if (res == 0) {	// if new task in AQ == someone was waiting for msg
        ki_task_shift ();

    EI ();

    return (res);
Пример #14
k_prio_signal (struct k_t *sem, char prio)
    int res;

    DI ();

    res = ki_signal (sem);

    // set prio
    pRun->prio = prio;
    prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));

    ki_task_shift ();

    EI ();

    return (res);
Пример #15
k_mutex_leave (struct k_t *sem)
   volatile char res;

  DI ();

  pRun->prio = (char) (pRun->maxv);	// back to org prio
  prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));	// chg pos in AQ acc to prio

  res = ki_signal (sem);

  if (res == 0)
    ki_task_shift ();

  EI ();

  return (res);
Пример #16
k_stop (int exitVal)
// DANGEROUS - handle with care - no isr timer control etc etc
    DI ();			// silencio
    if (!k_running) {
        EI ();
        return -1;

    pmain_el->cnt1 = exitVal;	// transfer in pocket
    // stop tick timer isr
    TIMSKx &= ~(1 << TOIEx);

    stopp = 1;
    // back to main
    AQ.next = pmain_el;		// we will be the next BRUTAL WAY TO DO IT NASTY
    ki_task_shift ();
    while (1);			// you will never come here
Пример #17
k_set_prio (char prio)

  if (!k_running)
    return (-1);

  DI ();

  if ((prio <= 0) || (DMY_PRIO <= prio)) {
    // not legal value my friend
    EI ();
    return (-2);

  pRun->prio = prio;
  prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));
  ki_task_shift ();

  EI ();

  return (0);
Пример #18
k_mut_ceil_leave (struct k_t *sem)
    int res;

    DI ();
    if (sem->ceiling_prio < 0) {	// just std signal
	return k_signal (sem);

    res = ki_signal (sem);	// 1: ok no task to AQ, 0: ok task to AQ

    // coming back interrupt is still disabled !
    pRun->prio = sem->saved_prio;	// reset to my old priority

    prio_enQ (pAQ, deQ (pRun));	// resinsert me in AQ acc to nwe(old) priority

    ki_task_shift ();		// bq maybe started task has higher prio than me

    EI ();

    return (res);
Пример #19
k_start (int tm)

  if (k_err_cnt)
    return -k_err_cnt;		// will not start if errors during initialization

  DI (); // silencio

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
  // 32u4 have no intern/extern clock source register
  ASSR &= ~(1 << AS2);	// Select clock source: internal I/O clock 32u4 does not have this facility

  if (0 < tm) {
    TIFR2 = 0x00;
    TCCR2B = 0x00;	                                    // silencio from this timer
    TCCR2A &= ~((1 << WGM21) | (1 << WGM20));	          // Configure timer2 in normal mode (pure counting, no PWM etc.)
    TCCR2B |= (1 << CS22) | (1 << CS21) | (1 << CS20);	// Set prescaler to CPU clock divided by 1024 See p162 i atmega328
    TIMSK2 &= ~(1 << OCIE2A);	                          // Disable Compare Match A interrupt enable (only want overflow)
    TIMSK2 = 0x01;	//HACK ? ...
    TCCR2A = 0x00;	// normal

    /* for your and my own memory
     *  We need to calculate a proper value to load the timer counter.
     * The following loads the value 131 into the Timer 2 counter register
     * The math behind this is:
     * (CPU frequency) / (prescaler value) = 16000000/1024= 15625 Hz ~= 64us.
     * 100Hz = 10msec
     * 10000usec / 64us = 156.25
     * MAX(uint8) + 1 - 156 = 100;
     * JDN
     * 100 Hz ~ 100
     * tm in msec ->
     * cnt =  tm*1000/64
     * ex: 10 msec: 10000/64 =156
     * some timer reg values:
     * 1msec: 240 5msec: 178  10msec: 100   15msec: 22
    tcnt2 = 240;		// 1 msec as basic heart beat

    // lets set divider for timer ISR
    if (tm <= 0)
      fakecnt = fakecnt_preset = 10;	// 10 msec
      fakecnt = fakecnt_preset = tm;

    TCNT2 = tcnt2;	// Finally load end enable the timer
    TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2);

  pRun = &main_el;		// just for ki_task_shift
  k_running = 1;

  DI ();
  ki_task_shift ();		// bye bye from here
  EI ();
  while (1);			// you will never come here
  return (0);			// ok you will never come here hmmmm
Пример #20
k_start (int tm)
       48,88,168,328, 1280,2560
       timer 0 and 2 has same prescaler config:
       8 bit:
       0 0 0 No clock source (Timer/Counter stopped).
       0 0 1 clk T2S /(No prescaling)
       0 1 0 clk T2S /8 (From prescaler)      2000000 intr/sec at 1 downcount
       0 1 1 clk T2S /32 (From prescaler)      500000 intr/sec ...
       1 0 0 clk T2S /64 (From prescaler)      250000
       1 0 1 clk T2S /128 (From prescaler)     125000
       1 1 0 clk T 2 S /256 (From prescaler)    62500
       1 1 1 clk T 2 S /1024 (From prescaler)   15625  eq 15.625 count down for 1 millisec
       so 255 counts ~= 80.32 milli sec timer

       timer 1(328+megas), 3,4,5(megas only)
       1280, 2560,2561 has same prescaler config :
       FOR 16 bits !
       prescaler in cs2 cs1 cs0
       0   0   0   none
       0   0   1   /1 == none
       0   1   0   /8     2000000 intr/sec
       0   1   1   /64     250000 intr/sec
       1   0   0   /256     62500 intr/sec
       1   0   1   /1024    15625 intr/sec
       16MHz Arduino -> 16000000/1024 =  15625 intr/second at one count
       16MHz Arduino -> 16000000/256  =  62500 ticks/second
       -------------------------/64   = 250000 ticks/second !

       NB 16 bit counter so values >= 65535 is not working
       ************************************************************************************* */

    // will not start if errors during initialization
    if (k_err_cnt) {
	return -k_err_cnt;
    // boundary check
    if (tm <= 0) {
	return -555;
    } else {
	k_tick_size = fakecnt = tm;
	fakecnt_preset = 0;	// on duty for every interrupt

    DI ();			// silencio

    //  outdated ? JDN NASTY
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
    // 32u4 have no intern/extern clock source register
    // should be default ASSR &= ~(1 << AS2);   // Select clock source: internal I/O clock 32u4 does not have this facility

#if (KRNLTMR !=0)
    TCCRxA = 0;
    TCCRxB = PRESCALE;		// atm328s  2560,...

    if (F_CPU == 16000000L) {
	tcntValue = COUNTMAX - DIVV;
    } else {
	tcntValue = COUNTMAX - DIVV8;	// 8 Mhz wwe assume

    TCNTx = tcntValue;

    //  let us start the show
    TIMSKx |= (1 << TOIEx);	// enable interrupt

    DI ();
    pRun = pmain_el;		// just for ki_task_shift

    k_running = 1;

    ki_task_shift ();		// bye bye from here
    EI ();

    // this while loop bq main are dummy
    while (!stopp) {


    return (pmain_el->cnt1);	// haps from pocket from kstop