Пример #1
/// Sets the temperature of system.
/// Selects atom velocities randomly from a boltzmann (equilibrium)
/// distribution that corresponds to the specified temperature.  This
/// random process will typically result in a small, but non zero center
/// of mass velocity and a small difference from the specified
/// temperature.  For typical MD runs these small differences are
/// unimportant, However, to avoid possible confusion, we set the center
/// of mass velocity to zero and scale the velocities to exactly match
/// the input temperature.
void setTemperature(SimFlat* s, real_t temperature)
   // set initial velocities for the distribution

   printf("CnC: Inside setTemperature %f, %d\n",temperature, s->boxes->nLocalBoxes);

   for (int iBox=0; iBox<s->boxes->nLocalBoxes; ++iBox)
      for (int iOff=MAXATOMS*iBox, ii=0; ii<s->boxes->nAtoms[iBox]; ++ii, ++iOff)
         int iType = s->atoms->iSpecies[iOff];
         real_t mass = s->species[iType].mass;
         real_t sigma = sqrt(kB_eV * temperature/mass);
         uint64_t seed = mkSeed(s->atoms->gid[iOff], 123);

#ifndef CNCOCR_TG // Manu: gasdev not working with TG
         s->atoms->p[iOff][0] = mass * sigma * gasdev(&seed);
         s->atoms->p[iOff][1] = mass * sigma * gasdev(&seed);
         s->atoms->p[iOff][2] = mass * sigma * gasdev(&seed);
         s->atoms->p[iOff][0] = mass * sigma;
         s->atoms->p[iOff][1] = mass * sigma;
         s->atoms->p[iOff][2] = mass * sigma;

   // compute the resulting temperature
   // kinetic energy  = 3/2 kB * Temperature
   if (temperature == 0.0) return;
   real_t vZero[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
   setVcm(s, vZero);


   real_t temp = (s->eKinetic/s->atoms->nGlobal)/kB_eV/1.5;
   // scale the velocities to achieve the target temperature
   real_t scaleFactor = sqrt(temperature/temp);
//   real_t scaleFactor =1;
   for (int iBox=0; iBox<s->boxes->nLocalBoxes; ++iBox)
      for (int iOff=MAXATOMS*iBox, ii=0; ii<s->boxes->nAtoms[iBox]; ++ii, ++iOff)
         s->atoms->p[iOff][0] *= scaleFactor;
         s->atoms->p[iOff][1] *= scaleFactor;
         s->atoms->p[iOff][2] *= scaleFactor;


   temp = s->eKinetic/s->atoms->nGlobal/kB_eV/1.5;
Пример #2
double totalEnergy(particle * particles, int n){
	double out = 0;
	double kinetic = kineticEnergy(particles, n);
	double potential = potentialEnergy(particles, n);
	//printf("kinetic = %g, potential = %g\n", kinetic, potential);
	out += kineticEnergy(particles, n);
	out += potentialEnergy(particles, n);
	return out;
Пример #3
void dumpStats()
	PotentialEnergies pe = calcPotentialEnergies();
	/* Output in electron volt */
	pe.bond      /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	pe.angle     /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	pe.dihedral  /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	pe.stack     /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	pe.basePair  /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	pe.Coulomb   /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	pe.exclusion /= ELECTRON_VOLT;
	double K = kineticEnergy() / ELECTRON_VOLT;
	double T = getKineticTemperature();
	double E = K + pe.bond + pe.angle + pe.dihedral + pe.stack + pe.basePair + pe.Coulomb + pe.exclusion;

	printf("Vb = %le, Va = %le, Vd = %le, Vs = %le, Vbp = %le, Vpp = %le, Ve = %le",
			pe.bond, pe.angle, pe.dihedral, pe.stack, pe.basePair, pe.Coulomb, pe.exclusion);

	/* Extra interactions */
	ExtraIntNode *node = extraIntList;
	while (node != NULL) {
		double V = node->i.potential(node->i.data) / ELECTRON_VOLT;
		printf(", V%s = %le\n", node->i.symbol, V);
		E += V;
		node = node->next;

	printf(", E = %le, K = %le, T = %lf\n", E, K, T);
Пример #4
/// Advance the simulation time to t+dt using a leap frog method
/// (equivalent to velocity verlet).
/// Forces must be computed before calling the integrator the first time.
///  - Advance velocities half time step using forces
///  - Advance positions full time step using velocities
///  - Update link cells and exchange remote particles
///  - Compute forces
///  - Update velocities half time step using forces
/// This leaves positions, velocities, and forces at t+dt, with the
/// forces ready to perform the half step velocity update at the top of
/// the next call.
/// After nSteps the kinetic energy is computed for diagnostic output.
double timestep(SimFlat* s, int nSteps, real_t dt)
   for (int ii=0; ii<nSteps; ++ii)
      advanceVelocity(s, s->boxes->nLocalBoxes, 0.5*dt); 

      advancePosition(s, s->boxes->nLocalBoxes, dt);



      advanceVelocity(s, s->boxes->nLocalBoxes, 0.5*dt); 


   return s->ePotential;
Пример #5
 static double kineticEnergy_proxy(const ModelHandler & model,
                                   DataHandler & data,
                                   const VectorXd_fx & q,
                                   const VectorXd_fx & v,
                                   const bool update_kinematics = true)
   return kineticEnergy(*model,*data,q,v,update_kinematics);
Пример #6
//http://klas-physics.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/general/Integrator.cpp (reference)
void CVX_Voxel::timeStep(float dt)
	previousDt = dt;
	if (dt == 0.0f) return;

	if (dofIsAllSet(dofFixed)){ //if this voxel is fixed, no need to change its location

	Vec3D<> curForce = force();
	linMom += curForce*dt;

	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, X_TRANSLATE)){linMom.x=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Y_TRANSLATE)){linMom.y=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Z_TRANSLATE)){linMom.z=0;}

	Vec3D<double> translate(linMom*(dt*mat->_massInverse)); //movement of the voxel this timestep

	if (isFloorEnabled() && floorPenetration() > 0){ //we must catch a slowing voxel here since it all boils down to needing access to the dt of this timestep.
		vfloat work = curForce.x*translate.x + curForce.y*translate.y; //F dot disp
		if(kineticEnergy() + work < 0) setFloorStaticFriction(true); //this checks for a change of direction according to the work-energy principle

		if (isFloorStaticFriction()){ //if we're in a state of static friction, zero out all horizontal motion
			linMom.x = linMom.y = 0;
			translate.x = translate.y = 0;

	pos += translate;

	Vec3D<> curMoment = moment();
	angMom += curMoment*dt;

	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, X_ROTATE)){angMom.x=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Y_ROTATE)){angMom.y=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Z_ROTATE)){angMom.z=0;}

	orient = CQuat<>(angularVelocity()*dt)*orient; //update the orientation

//	if(pSim->StatToCalc & CALCSTAT_KINE) KineticEnergy = 0.5*Mass*Vel.Length2() + 0.5*Inertia*AngVel.Length2(); //1/2 m v^2
//	if(pSim->StatToCalc & CALCSTAT_PRESSURE) {
////		vfloat VolumetricStrain = GetVoxelStrain(AXIS_X) + GetVoxelStrain(AXIS_Y) + GetVoxelStrain(AXIS_Z);
//		vfloat VolumetricStrain = strain(false).x+strain(false).y+strain(false).z;
//		Pressure = - _pMat->GetElasticMod()*VolumetricStrain/(3*(1-2*_pMat->GetPoissonsRatio())); //http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/CAS/courses.d/Structures.d/IAST.Lect05.d/IAST.Lect05.pdf
//	}
//	updatePoissonsstrain();

Пример #7
/// Initialized the main CoMD data stucture, SimFlat, based on command
/// line input from the user.  Also performs certain sanity checks on
/// the input to screen out certain non-sensical inputs.
/// Simple data members such as the time step dt are initialized
/// directly, substructures such as the potential, the link cells, the
/// atoms, etc., are initialized by calling additional initialization
/// functions (initPotential(), initLinkCells(), initAtoms(), etc.).
/// Initialization order is set by the natural dependencies of the
/// substructure such as the atoms need the link cells so the link cells
/// must be initialized before the atoms.
SimFlat* initSimulation(Command cmd)
   SimFlat* sim = comdMalloc(sizeof(SimFlat));
   sim->nSteps = cmd.nSteps;
   sim->printRate = cmd.printRate;
   sim->dt = cmd.dt;
   sim->domain = NULL;
   sim->boxes = NULL;
   sim->atoms = NULL;
   sim->ePotential = 0.0;
   sim->eKinetic = 0.0;
   sim->atomExchange = NULL;

   sim->pot = initPotential(cmd.doeam, cmd.potDir, cmd.potName, cmd.potType);
   real_t latticeConstant = cmd.lat;
   if (cmd.lat < 0.0)
      latticeConstant = sim->pot->lat;

   // ensure input parameters make sense.
   sanityChecks(cmd, sim->pot->cutoff, latticeConstant, sim->pot->latticeType);

   sim->species = initSpecies(sim->pot);

   real3 globalExtent;
   globalExtent[0] = cmd.nx * latticeConstant;
   globalExtent[1] = cmd.ny * latticeConstant;
   globalExtent[2] = cmd.nz * latticeConstant;

   sim->domain = initDecomposition(
      cmd.xproc, cmd.yproc, cmd.zproc, globalExtent);

   sim->boxes = initLinkCells(sim->domain, sim->pot->cutoff);
   sim->atoms = initAtoms(sim->boxes);

   // create lattice with desired temperature and displacement.
   createFccLattice(cmd.nx, cmd.ny, cmd.nz, latticeConstant, sim);
   setTemperature(sim, cmd.temperature);
   randomDisplacements(sim, cmd.initialDelta);

   sim->atomExchange = initAtomHaloExchange(sim->domain, sim->boxes);

   // Forces must be computed before we call the time stepper.



   return sim;
Пример #8
void StatisticsSampler::saveToFile(System &system, ofstream &file)
    // Convert all energy per atom, use eV
    file << setw(15) << UnitConverter::timeToSI(system.steps()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::timeToSI(system.time()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::temperatureToSI(temperature()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::energyToEv(kineticEnergy()/system.atoms().size()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::energyToEv(potentialEnergy()/system.atoms().size()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << UnitConverter::energyToEv(totalEnergy()/system.atoms().size()) << "      "
         << setw(15) << diffusionConstant() << "      "
         << setw(15) << m_rSquared << std::endl;
Пример #9
int testEnergy(){
	int failed = 0;
	int n = 3;
	particle * particles = malloc(n * sizeof(particle));
	initialize_linearx(particles, n);
	double kinetic = kineticEnergy(particles, n);
	if(kinetic != 0){
		failed ++;
		printf("nonzero kinetic energy %lf found\n", kinetic);
	double potential = potentialEnergy(particles, n);
	if(potential != -0.25){
		failed ++;
		printf("unexpected potential energy %lf found. expected -0.25\n", potential);
	//double distances, expect force ~2^-9
	particles[0]. x = 0;
	particles[1].x = 2;
	particles[2].x = 4;
	potential = potentialEnergy(particles, n);
	if(potential != -0.00048828125){
		failed ++;
		printf("unexpected potential energy %lf found. expected -0.00048828125\n", potential);
	//equilateral triangle
	initialize_equilateral(particles, n);
	potential = potentialEnergy(particles, n);
	if(potential != 1.375){
		failed ++;
		printf("unexpected potential energy %g found. expected 1.375\n", potential - 1.375);
	if(failed == 0){
		printf("energy test passed\n");
	return !failed;
Пример #10
double getKineticTemperature(void)
	return 2.0 / (3.0 * BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT)
			* kineticEnergy() / numParticles();
Пример #11
SimFlat* initSimulation(Command cmd)
   SimFlat* sim = comdMalloc(sizeof(SimFlat));
   sim->nSteps = cmd.nSteps;
   sim->printRate = cmd.printRate;
   sim->dt = cmd.dt;
   sim->domain = NULL;
   sim->boxes = NULL;
   sim->atoms = NULL;
   sim->ePotential = 0.0;
   sim->eKinetic = 0.0;
   sim->atomExchange = NULL;

   sim->pot = initPotential(cmd.doeam, cmd.potDir, cmd.potName, cmd.potType);
   real_t latticeConstant = cmd.lat;
   if (cmd.lat < 0.0)
      latticeConstant = sim->pot->lat;

   // ensure input parameters make sense.
   sanityChecks(cmd, sim->pot->cutoff, latticeConstant, sim->pot->latticeType);

   sim->species = initSpecies(sim->pot);

   real3 globalExtent;
   globalExtent[0] = cmd.nx * latticeConstant;
   globalExtent[1] = cmd.ny * latticeConstant;
   globalExtent[2] = cmd.nz * latticeConstant;

   sim->domain = initDecomposition(cmd.xproc, cmd.yproc, cmd.zproc, globalExtent);

   sim->boxes = initLinkCells(sim->domain, sim->pot->cutoff);
   sim->atoms = initAtoms(sim->boxes);

   sim->defInfo = initDeformation(sim, cmd.defGrad);

   //printf("Got to here\n");

   // create lattice with desired temperature and displacement.
   createFccLattice(cmd.nx, cmd.ny, cmd.nz, latticeConstant, sim);

   randomDisplacements(sim, cmd.initialDelta);

   sim->atomExchange = initAtomHaloExchange(sim->domain, sim->boxes);

   // Procedure for energy density passing from the macrosolver to CoMD 
   //setTemperature(sim,((cmd.energy*latticeVolume*cmd.nx*cmd.ny*cmd.nz-sim->ePotential)/sim->atoms->nGlobal)/(kB_eV * 1.5));
   //randomDisplacements(sim, cmd.initialDelta);

   // Forces must be computed before we call the time stepper.

   double cohmmEnergy=cmd.energy*sim->defInfo->globalVolume;
   double temperatureFromEnergyDensity=((cohmmEnergy-sim->ePotential)/sim->atoms->nGlobal)/(kB_eV*1.5);

   setTemperature(sim,temperatureFromEnergyDensity); //uncomment to set temperature according to hmm energy density
   //setTemperature(sim,cmd.temperature); //uncomment to directly input temperature

   return sim;