Пример #1
 * Reflects a vector about a given surface normal. The surface normal is
 * assumed to be of unit length.
kmVec2* kmVec2Reflect(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pIn, const kmVec2* normal) {
	kmVec2 tmp;
	kmVec2Scale(&tmp, normal, 2.0f * kmVec2Dot(pIn, normal));
	kmVec2Subtract(pOut, pIn, &tmp);

	return pOut;
Пример #2
void calculate_line_normal(kmVec2 p1, kmVec2 p2, kmVec2 other_point, kmVec2* normal_out) {
        A = (3,4)
        B = (2,1)
        C = (1,3)

        AB = (2,1) - (3,4) = (-1,-3)
        AC = (1,3) - (3,4) = (-2,-1)
        N = n(AB) = (-3,1)
        D = dot(N,AC) = 6 + -1 = 5

        since D > 0:
          N = -N = (3,-1)

    kmVec2 edge, other_edge;
    kmVec2Subtract(&edge, &p2, &p1);
    kmVec2Subtract(&other_edge, &other_point, &p1);
    kmVec2Normalize(&edge, &edge);
    kmVec2Normalize(&other_edge, &other_edge);

    kmVec2 n;
    n.x = edge.y;
    n.y = -edge.x;

    kmScalar d = kmVec2Dot(&n, &other_edge);
    if(d > 0.0f) {
        n.x = -n.x;
        n.y = -n.y;

    normal_out->x = n.x;
    normal_out->y = n.y;
    kmVec2Normalize(normal_out, normal_out);
Пример #3
kmBool kmRay2IntersectBox(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2, const kmVec2* p3, const kmVec2* p4,
                          kmVec2* intersection, kmVec2* normal_out) {
    kmBool intersected = KM_FALSE;
    kmVec2 intersect, final_intersect, normal;
    kmScalar distance = 10000.0f;

    const kmVec2* points[4];
    points[0] = p1;
    points[1] = p2;
    points[2] = p3;
    points[3] = p4;

    unsigned int i = 0;
    for(; i < 4; ++i) {
        const kmVec2* this_point = points[i];
        const kmVec2* next_point = (i == 3) ? points[0] : points[i+1];
        const kmVec2* other_point = (i == 3 || i == 0) ? points[1] : points[0];

        if(kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(ray, this_point, next_point, &intersect)) {

            kmVec2 tmp;
            kmScalar this_distance = kmVec2Length(kmVec2Subtract(&tmp, &intersect, &ray->start));

            kmVec2 this_normal;

            calculate_line_normal(*this_point, *next_point, *other_point, &this_normal);
            if(this_distance < distance && kmVec2Dot(&this_normal, &ray->dir) < 0.0f) {
                kmVec2Assign(&final_intersect, &intersect);
                distance = this_distance;
                intersected = KM_TRUE;
                kmVec2Assign(&normal, &this_normal);

    if(intersected) {
        intersection->x = final_intersect.x;
        intersection->y = final_intersect.y;
        if(normal_out) {
            normal_out->x = normal.x;
            normal_out->y = normal.y;

    return intersected;
Пример #4
 * 	Returns the angle in degrees between the two vectors
kmScalar kmVec2DegreesBetween(const kmVec2* v1, const kmVec2* v2) {
	if(kmVec2AreEqual(v1, v2)) {
		return 0.0;
	kmVec2 t1, t2;
	kmVec2Normalize(&t1, v1);
	kmVec2Normalize(&t2, v2);
	kmScalar cross = kmVec2Cross(&t1, &t2);
	kmScalar dot = kmVec2Dot(&t1, &t2);

	 * acos is only defined for -1 to 1. Outside the range we 
	 * get NaN even if that's just because of a floating point error
	 * so we clamp to the -1 - 1 range

	if(dot > 1.0) dot = 1.0;
	if(dot < -1.0) dot = -1.0;

	return kmRadiansToDegrees(atan2(cross, dot));
Пример #5
kmBool kmRay2IntersectTriangle(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2, const kmVec2* p3, kmVec2* intersection, kmVec2* normal_out, kmScalar* distance_out) {
    kmVec2 intersect;
    kmVec2 final_intersect;
    kmVec2 normal;
    kmScalar distance = 10000.0f;
    kmBool intersected = KM_FALSE;

    if(kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(ray, p1, p2, &intersect)) {
        kmVec2 tmp;
        kmScalar this_distance = kmVec2Length(kmVec2Subtract(&tmp, &intersect, &ray->start));
        kmVec2 this_normal;
        calculate_line_normal(*p1, *p2, *p3, &this_normal);
        if(this_distance < distance && kmVec2Dot(&this_normal, &ray->dir) < 0.0f) {
            final_intersect.x = intersect.x;
            final_intersect.y = intersect.y;
            distance = this_distance;
            kmVec2Assign(&normal, &this_normal);
            intersected = KM_TRUE;

    if(kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(ray, p2, p3, &intersect)) {
        kmVec2 tmp;
        kmScalar this_distance = kmVec2Length(kmVec2Subtract(&tmp, &intersect, &ray->start));

        kmVec2 this_normal;
        calculate_line_normal(*p2, *p3, *p1, &this_normal);

        if(this_distance < distance && kmVec2Dot(&this_normal, &ray->dir) < 0.0f) {
            final_intersect.x = intersect.x;
            final_intersect.y = intersect.y;
            distance = this_distance;
            kmVec2Assign(&normal, &this_normal);
            intersected = KM_TRUE;

    if(kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(ray, p3, p1, &intersect)) {

        kmVec2 tmp;
        kmScalar this_distance = kmVec2Length(kmVec2Subtract(&tmp, &intersect, &ray->start));

        kmVec2 this_normal;
        calculate_line_normal(*p3, *p1, *p2, &this_normal);
        if(this_distance < distance && kmVec2Dot(&this_normal, &ray->dir) < 0.0f) {
            final_intersect.x = intersect.x;
            final_intersect.y = intersect.y;
            distance = this_distance;
            kmVec2Assign(&normal, &this_normal);
            intersected = KM_TRUE;

    if(intersected) {
        intersection->x = final_intersect.x;
        intersection->y = final_intersect.y;
        if(normal_out) {
            normal_out->x = normal.x;
            normal_out->y = normal.y;
        if(distance) {
            *distance_out = distance;

    return intersected;