Пример #1
T_KRIndex* kr_index_create(T_KRDB *ptDB,
        int iIndexId, char *psIndexName, 
        E_KRType eIndexFieldType)
    T_KRIndex *ptIndex = (T_KRIndex *)kr_calloc(sizeof(T_KRIndex));
    if (ptIndex == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "kr_calloc ptIndex failed!\n");
        return NULL;
    ptIndex->ptDB = ptDB;
    ptIndex->iIndexId = iIndexId;
    strncpy(ptIndex->caIndexName, psIndexName, sizeof(ptIndex->caIndexName));
    ptIndex->eIndexFieldType = eIndexFieldType;
    KRHashFunc hash_func = (KRHashFunc )kr_get_hash_func(eIndexFieldType);
    KREqualFunc equal_func = (KREqualFunc )kr_get_equal_func(eIndexFieldType);
    ptIndex->pHashTable = kr_hashtable_new(hash_func, equal_func);

    ptIndex->pIndexTableList = kr_list_new();
            (KRCompareFunc )kr_table_indexid_match);

    kr_list_add_tail(ptDB->pIndexList, ptIndex);
    return ptIndex;
Пример #2
T_KRIndex* kr_create_index(T_KRDB *krdb, T_KRTable *krtable, int index_id, 
                           char *index_name, E_KRIndexType index_type, 
                           int index_field_id, int sort_field_id)
    T_KRIndex *ptIndex = (T_KRIndex *)kr_calloc(sizeof(T_KRIndex));
    if (ptIndex == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "kr_calloc ptIndex failed!\n");
        return NULL;
    ptIndex->iIndexId = index_id;
    strncpy(ptIndex->caIndexName, index_name, sizeof(ptIndex->caIndexName));
    ptIndex->eIndexType = index_type;
    ptIndex->iIndexFieldId = index_field_id;
    ptIndex->iSortFieldId = sort_field_id;
    E_KRType index_field_type = krtable->ptFieldDef[index_field_id].type;
    KRHashFunc hash_func = (KRHashFunc )kr_get_hash_func(index_field_type);
    KREqualFunc equal_func = (KREqualFunc )kr_get_equal_func(index_field_type);
        /* table-index build with two steps:
         * 1.create new hashtable;
         * 2.add index to the table-index list
        case KR_INDEXTYPE_TABLE:
            ptIndex->pHashTable = kr_hashtable_new(hash_func, equal_func); 
            kr_list_add_tail(krtable->pIndexList, ptIndex);
        /* db-index build will be a little bit complicated...
         * Check whether db-index with same index_id exists?
         * exists: link hashtable to the exist one, add to table-index list;
         * not: create an new hashtable, add to table-index and db-index list;
        case KR_INDEXTYPE_DB:
            T_KRIndex *ptDBIndex = kr_get_db_index(krdb, index_id);
            if (ptDBIndex != NULL) {
                ptIndex->pHashTable = ptDBIndex->pHashTable;
                kr_list_add_tail(krtable->pIndexList, ptIndex);
            } else {
                ptIndex->pHashTable = kr_hashtable_new(hash_func, equal_func); 
                kr_list_add_tail(krtable->pIndexList, ptIndex);
                kr_list_add_tail(krdb->pIndexList, ptIndex);
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown index type[%c]\n", ptIndex->eIndexType);
            return NULL;
    return ptIndex;
Пример #3
/*create a new set*/
T_KRHashSet *kr_hashset_create(char *name, E_KRType key_type)
    T_KRHashSet *krset = (T_KRHashSet *)kr_calloc(sizeof(T_KRHashSet));
    krset->name = (char *)kr_strdup(name);
    krset->type = key_type;
    KRHashFunc hash_func = kr_get_hash_func(key_type);
    KREqualFunc equal_func = kr_get_equal_func(key_type);
    krset->set = kr_hashtable_new_full(hash_func, equal_func, kr_free, NULL);
    return krset;