/*! * Decrement (lock) semaphore value by 1 (if not 0 when thread is blocked) * \param sem Semaphore descriptor (user level descriptor) * \return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise and appropriate error number is set */ int sys__sem_wait ( sem_t *sem ) { ksem_t *ksem; kobject_t *kobj; kthread_t *kthread; SYS_ENTRY(); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( sem, EINVAL ); kthread = kthread_get_active (); kobj = sem->ptr; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kobj, EINVAL ); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( list_find ( &kobjects, &kobj->list ), EINVAL ); ksem = kobj->kobject; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( ksem && ksem->id == sem->id, EINVAL ); kthread_set_errno ( kthread, EXIT_SUCCESS ); kthread_set_syscall_retval ( kthread, EXIT_SUCCESS ); if ( ksem->sem_value > 0 ) { ksem->sem_value--; ksem->last_lock = kthread; } else { kthread_enqueue ( kthread, &ksem->queue ); kthreads_schedule (); } SYS_EXIT ( kthread_get_errno(NULL), kthread_get_syscall_retval(NULL) ); }
/*! * Wait on conditional variable * \param cond conditional variable descriptor (user level descriptor) * \param mutex Mutex descriptor (user level descriptor) * \return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise and appropriate error number is set */ int sys__pthread_cond_wait ( pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex ) { kpthread_cond_t *kcond; kpthread_mutex_t *kmutex; kobject_t *kobj_cond, *kobj_mutex; SYS_ENTRY(); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( cond && mutex, EINVAL ); kobj_cond = cond->ptr; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kobj_cond, EINVAL ); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( list_find ( &kobjects, &kobj_cond->list ), EINVAL ); kcond = kobj_cond->kobject; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kcond && kcond->id == cond->id, EINVAL ); kobj_mutex = mutex->ptr; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kobj_mutex, EINVAL ); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( list_find ( &kobjects, &kobj_mutex->list), EINVAL ); kmutex = kobj_mutex->kobject; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kmutex && kmutex->id == mutex->id, EINVAL ); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kmutex->owner == kthread_get_active(), EPERM ); kthread_set_errno ( NULL, EXIT_SUCCESS ); kthread_set_syscall_retval ( NULL, EXIT_SUCCESS ); /* move thread in conditional variable queue */ kthread_enqueue ( NULL, &kcond->queue ); /* save reference to mutex object */ kthread_set_private_param ( NULL, kobj_mutex ); /* release mutex */ kmutex->owner = kthreadq_get ( &kmutex->queue ); if ( kmutex->owner ) kthreadq_release ( &kmutex->queue ); kthreads_schedule (); SYS_EXIT ( kthread_get_errno(NULL), kthread_get_syscall_retval(NULL) ); }
/*! * Increment (lock) semaphore value by 1 (or unblock one thread that is blocked) * \param sem Semaphore descriptor (user level descriptor) * \return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise and appropriate error number is set */ int sys__sem_post ( sem_t *sem ) { ksem_t *ksem; kobject_t *kobj; kthread_t *kthread, *released; SYS_ENTRY(); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( sem, EINVAL ); kthread = kthread_get_active (); kobj = sem->ptr; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( kobj, EINVAL ); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( list_find ( &kobjects, &kobj->list ), EINVAL ); ksem = kobj->kobject; ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( ksem && ksem->id == sem->id, EINVAL ); kthread_set_errno ( kthread, EXIT_SUCCESS ); kthread_set_syscall_retval ( kthread, EXIT_SUCCESS ); released = kthreadq_get ( &ksem->queue ); /* first to release */ if ( !released || ksem->sem_value < 0 ) { /* if initial semaphore value (set by sem_init) was negative, * semaphore will not release threads until its value * reaches zero (small extension of POSIX semaphore) */ ksem->sem_value++; } else { kthreadq_release ( &ksem->queue ); kthreads_schedule (); } SYS_EXIT ( kthread_get_errno(NULL), kthread_get_syscall_retval(NULL) ); }
/*! * Wait for thread termination * \param thread Thread descriptor (user level descriptor) * \param retval Where to store exit status of joined thread * \return 0 if thread already gone; -1 if not finished and 'wait' not set; * 'thread exit status' otherwise */ int sys__pthread_join ( pthread_t *thread, void **retval ) { kthread_t *kthread; SYS_ENTRY(); ASSERT_ERRNO_AND_EXIT ( thread, ESRCH ); kthread = thread->ptr; if ( kthread_get_id (kthread) != thread->id ) { /* at 'kthread' is now something else */ SYS_EXIT ( ESRCH, EXIT_FAILURE ); } else if ( kthread_is_alive (kthread) ) { kthread_set_errno ( NULL, EXIT_SUCCESS ); kthread_set_syscall_retval ( NULL, EXIT_SUCCESS ); kthread_set_private_param ( kthread_get_active(), retval ); kthread_wait_thread ( NULL, kthread ); kthreads_schedule (); SYS_EXIT ( kthread_get_errno(NULL), kthread_get_syscall_retval(NULL) ); } else { /* target thread is passive, collect status and free descr. */ kthread_collect_status ( kthread, retval ); SYS_EXIT ( EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_SUCCESS ); } }
int sys__get_errno ( void *p ) { return kthread_get_errno (NULL); }
int sys__get_errno () { SYS_ENTRY(); SYS_RETURN ( kthread_get_errno (NULL) ); }