Пример #1
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    l2tpvpn_listen - called by vpnd to setup listening socket
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int l2tpvpn_listen(void)
    if (listen_sockfd <= 0)
        return -1;
    if (!opt_noipsec) {
        vpnlog(LOG_INFO, "VPND L2TP plugin:  start racoon...\n");
        /* start racoon */
        if (start_racoon(0 /*pppbundle*/, 0 /*"racoon.l2tp"*/) < 0) {
            vpnlog(LOG_ERR, "VPND L2TP plugin: cannot start racoon...\n");
            return -1;
        /* XXX if we started racoon, we will need to stop it */
        /* racoon should probably provide a control API */
        need_stop_racoon = 1;

    set_flag(listen_sockfd, debug, L2TP_FLAG_DEBUG);
    set_flag(listen_sockfd, 1, L2TP_FLAG_CONTROL);

    /* unknown src and dst addresses */
    any_address.sin_len = sizeof(any_address);
    any_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
    any_address.sin_port = 0;
    any_address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    /* bind the socket in the kernel with L2TP port */
    listen_address.sin_len = sizeof(listen_address);
    listen_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
    listen_address.sin_port = L2TP_UDP_PORT;
    listen_address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    l2tp_set_ouraddress(listen_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&listen_address);
    our_address = listen_address;

    /* add security policies */
    if (!opt_noipsec) { 
        if (configure_racoon(&our_address, &any_address, 0, IPPROTO_UDP, opt_ipsecsharedsecret, opt_ipsecsharedsecrettype)
            || require_secure_transport((struct sockaddr *)&any_address, (struct sockaddr *)&listen_address, IPPROTO_UDP, "in"))  {
            vpnlog(LOG_ERR, "VPND L2TP plugin: cannot configure secure transport...\n");
            return -1;
        /* set IPSec Key management to prefer most recent key */
        if (set_key_preference(&key_preference, 0))
            vpnlog(LOG_ERR, "VPND L2TP plugin: cannot set IPSec Key management preference (error %d)\n", errno);

        secure_transport = 1;

    return listen_sockfd;
Пример #2
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    l2tpvpn_listen - called by vpnd to setup listening socket
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int l2tpvpn_listen(void)
	char *errstr;
    if (listen_sockfd <= 0)
        return -1;
    //set_flag(listen_sockfd, kerneldebug & 1, L2TP_FLAG_DEBUG);
    set_flag(listen_sockfd, 1, L2TP_FLAG_CONTROL);
    set_flag(listen_sockfd, !opt_noipsec, L2TP_FLAG_IPSEC);

    /* unknown src and dst addresses */
    any_address.sin_len = sizeof(any_address);
    any_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
    any_address.sin_port = 0;
    any_address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    /* bind the socket in the kernel with L2TP port */
    listen_address.sin_len = sizeof(listen_address);
    listen_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
    listen_address.sin_port = htons(L2TP_UDP_PORT);
    listen_address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    l2tp_set_ouraddress(listen_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&listen_address);
    our_address = listen_address;

    /* add security policies */
    if (!opt_noipsec) { 

		CFStringRef				auth_method;
		CFStringRef				string;
		CFDataRef				data;
		uint32_t						natt_multiple_users;

		/* get authentication method from the IPSec dict */
		auth_method = CFDictionaryGetValue(ipsec_settings, kRASPropIPSecAuthenticationMethod);
		if (!isString(auth_method))
			auth_method = kRASValIPSecAuthenticationMethodSharedSecret;

		/* get setting for nat traversal multiple user support - default is enabled for server */
		GetIntFromDict(ipsec_settings, kRASPropIPSecNattMultipleUsersEnabled, &natt_multiple_users, 1);
		ipsec_dict = IPSecCreateL2TPDefaultConfiguration(
			(struct sockaddr *)&our_address, (struct sockaddr *)&any_address, NULL, 
			auth_method, 0, natt_multiple_users, 0); 

		/* set the authentication information */
		if (CFEqual(auth_method, kRASValIPSecAuthenticationMethodSharedSecret)) {
			string = CFDictionaryGetValue(ipsec_settings, kRASPropIPSecSharedSecret);
			if (isString(string)) 
				CFDictionarySetValue(ipsec_dict, kRASPropIPSecSharedSecret, string);
			else if (isData(string) && ((CFDataGetLength((CFDataRef)string) % sizeof(UniChar)) == 0)) {
				CFStringEncoding    encoding;

				data = (CFDataRef)string;
#if     __BIG_ENDIAN__
				encoding = (*(CFDataGetBytePtr(data) + 1) == 0x00) ? kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE : kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE;
#else   // __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
				encoding = (*(CFDataGetBytePtr(data)    ) == 0x00) ? kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE : kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE;
				string = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (const UInt8 *)CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data), encoding, FALSE);
				CFDictionarySetValue(ipsec_dict, kRASPropIPSecSharedSecret, string);
			string = CFDictionaryGetValue(ipsec_settings, kRASPropIPSecSharedSecretEncryption);
			if (isString(string)) 
				CFDictionarySetValue(ipsec_dict, kRASPropIPSecSharedSecretEncryption, string);
		else if (CFEqual(auth_method, kRASValIPSecAuthenticationMethodCertificate)) {
			data = CFDictionaryGetValue(ipsec_settings, kRASPropIPSecLocalCertificate);
			if (isData(data)) 
				CFDictionarySetValue(ipsec_dict, kRASPropIPSecLocalCertificate, data);

		if (IPSecApplyConfiguration(ipsec_dict, &errstr)
			|| IPSecInstallPolicies(ipsec_dict, -1, &errstr)) {
			vpnlog(LOG_ERR, "L2TP plugin: cannot configure secure transport (%s).\n", errstr);
			IPSecRemoveConfiguration(ipsec_dict, &errstr);
			ipsec_dict = 0;
			return -1;

        /* set IPSec Key management to prefer most recent key */
        if (IPSecSetSecurityAssociationsPreference(&key_preference, 0))
            vpnlog(LOG_ERR, "L2TP plugin: cannot set IPSec Key management preference (error %d)\n", errno);
		sick_timeleft = IPSEC_SICK_TIME;
		ping_timeleft = 0;


    return listen_sockfd;