Пример #1
 Function Name  : vSetColumnInfo
 Inputs         : nRow          - Row Index
                  nColumn       - Column Index
                  sInfo         - List info structure
 Output         :   -
 Description    : This function will be called to set the list item type. This
                  will call lGetMapID to derive a unique number from row-column
                  index. This will update the CMap with the type information.
 Member of      : CListCtrlEx
 Author(s)      : Raja N
 Date Created   : 22.07.2004
 Modifications  :
void CListCtrlEx::vSetColumnInfo(int nRow, int nColunm, SLISTINFO sInfo)
    // Get the unique map index
    int nIndex = lGetMapID(nRow, nColunm );
    // Update the map with the type information
    m_omListItemType[ nIndex ] = sInfo;
Пример #2
 Function Name  : vSetUserProgInfo
 Inputs         : nRow          - Row Index
                  nColumn       - Column Index
                  sInfo         - User Program info structure
 Output         :   -
 Description    : This function will be called to set the list item user program
                  information. This will set the value in the user prog CMap
 Member of      : CFlexListCtrl
 Author(s)      : Raja N
 Date Created   : 22.07.2004
 Modifications  :
void CFlexListCtrl::vSetUserProgInfo( int nRow, int nColunm,
                                      const SUSERPROGINFO& sUSerProgInfo)
    // Get the Unique Index
    int nIndex = lGetMapID(nRow, nColunm);
    // Update the map data
    m_omUserProg[ nIndex ] = sUSerProgInfo;
Пример #3
 Function Name  : vSetNumericInfo
 Inputs         : nRow          - Row Index
                  nColumn       - Column Index
                  sInfo         - Numeric info structure
 Output         :   -
 Description    : This function will be called to set the list item numeric
                  information. This will set the value in the numeric CMap
 Member of      : CFlexListCtrl
 Author(s)      : Raja N
 Date Created   : 22.07.2004
 Modifications  :
void CFlexListCtrl::vSetNumericInfo( int nRow, int nColunm,
                                     const SNUMERICINFO& sInfo)
    // Get the Unique Index
    int nIndex = lGetMapID(nRow, nColunm);
    // Update the map data
    m_omNumDetails[ nIndex ] = sInfo;
 Function Name  : OnClick
 Description    : Event Handler. This handler will show the controls to edit the
                  selected data from the list control only if signle click
                  activate property is set. This will make list control editable
                  with a single click.
 Member of      : CLinFlexListCtrl
 Author(s)      : Raja N
 Date Created   : 22.07.2004
 Modifications  : Raja N on 01.08.2004, Modified the function name ShowControl
                  as vShowControl.
void CLinFlexListCtrl::OnClick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)

    if(pNMListView != NULL)
        // Call Handler Function with required parameters
        m_nRow = pNMListView->iItem;
        m_nColumn = pNMListView->iSubItem;

        sUserProgInfo ouUserProg;
        //TODO::Lot of If Statements has to reduced;
        if( m_omUserProg.Lookup(lGetMapID(m_nRow, m_nColumn) , ouUserProg) == TRUE )
            if ( ouUserProg.m_bIcon == true )
                CRect omRect;
                GetSubItemRect(m_nRow, m_nColumn, LVIR_ICON, omRect);
                if ( true == omRect.PtInRect( pNMListView->ptAction ) )
                    if ( ouUserProg.m_pfHandler != NULL )
                        ouUserProg.m_pfHandler(this, m_nRow, m_nColumn, ouUserProg.m_pUserParam);

        if( m_bSingleClickActivate == TRUE )
            // Set the focus to the list control
            if( GetFocus() != this)

            //m_nCurrentCell = pNMListView->iItem * GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount() +  pNMListView->iSubItem ;
            // lGetMapID(pNMListView->iItem, pNMListView->iSubItem);

            vShowControl(pNMListView->iItem, pNMListView->iSubItem);

    *pResult = 0;
Пример #5
 Function Name  : vShowControl
 Inputs         : nRow      - Index of the Row
                  nColumn   - Index of the Column
 Output         :   -
 Description    : This function will show the UI control to change the list item
                  text. This will get the type information from the Cmap and
                  will call approp. function to create and show that control.
 Member of      : CFlexListCtrl
 Author(s)      : Raja N
 Date Created   : 22.07.2004
 Modifications  : Raja N on 30.07.2004, Code review comments implemented
void CFlexListCtrl::vShowControl(int nItem, int nSubItem)
    // Proceed only for a valid entry
    if( nItem >= 0 && nSubItem >= 0)
        SLISTINFO sInfo;
        SNUMERICINFO    sNumInfo;
        SUSERPROGINFO   sProgInfo;
        CString omStr = STR_EMPTY;

        // Got the entry type from the CMap
        if( m_omListItemType.Lookup(
                    lGetMapID(nItem, nSubItem) , sInfo) == TRUE )
            // Begining of Controls creation
            m_bCreating = TRUE;

            switch( sInfo.m_eType)
                    // Numeric Edit box with or with out Spin Control
                case eNumber:
                case eBuddy:

                    // Get the numeric control parameters
                    if( m_omNumDetails.Lookup( lGetMapID(nItem, nSubItem),
                                               sNumInfo ) == TRUE )
                        pomNumItem(nItem, nSubItem, sNumInfo);
                        // Numeric info is not set
                        ASSERT( FALSE );
                        // Call with default value
                        pomNumItem(nItem, nSubItem, sNumInfo);


                    // General Edit control
                case eText:
                    pomEditItem(nItem, nSubItem);

                    // Editalble Combo Box
                case eComboList:
                    pomComboList(nItem, nSubItem, sInfo.m_omEntries);

                    // Non - Editable combo box
                case eComboItem:
                    pomComboItem(nItem, nSubItem, sInfo.m_omEntries);

                    // User function will be executed
                case eUser:

                    // Get the user program pointer and parameter details
                    if( m_omUserProg.Lookup( lGetMapID(nItem, nSubItem),
                                             sProgInfo ) == TRUE )
                        sProgInfo.m_pfHandler( this,
                        // User program information is not set
                        ASSERT( FALSE );


                    // Toggling type control
                case eBool:
                    // Get the current text
                    omStr = GetItemText(nItem, nSubItem);

                    // Compare with the first item
                    if( sInfo.m_omEntries.GetAt(0).Compare(omStr) == 0 )
                        // Toggle the first with the second item text.
                        omStr = sInfo.m_omEntries.GetAt(1);
                    // Compare with the Second item
                    else if( sInfo.m_omEntries.GetAt(1).Compare(omStr) == 0 )
                        // Replace with the first item
                        omStr = sInfo.m_omEntries.GetAt(0);

                    // If it is not matching with these two items nothing will
                    // happen. This could be used to disable the control
                    // For boolean type this is the end of Controls creation
                    m_bCreating = FALSE;
                    // For boolean send the EndLAbleEdit message here itself
                    LV_DISPINFO lvDispInfo;
                    lvDispInfo.hdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd;
                    lvDispInfo.hdr.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID();
                    lvDispInfo.hdr.code = LVN_ENDLABELEDIT;
                    lvDispInfo.item.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
                    lvDispInfo.item.iItem = nItem;
                    lvDispInfo.item.iSubItem = nSubItem;
                    lvDispInfo.item.pszText = LPTSTR((LPCTSTR)omStr);
                    lvDispInfo.item.cchTextMax = omStr.GetLength();
                    SendMessage( WM_NOTIFY, GetDlgCtrlID(),(LPARAM)&lvDispInfo);

                    // Unknown control type
                    ASSERT( FALSE );

            // End of Controls
            m_bCreating = FALSE;
Пример #6
 Function Name  : sGetColumnInfo
 Inputs         : nRow      - Index of the intrested Row
                  nColumn   - Index of the intrested Column
 Output         : SLISTINFO - Column Type info
 Description    : This function will be called to get the list item type. This
                  will call lGetMapID to derive a unique number from row-column
                  index. This will return the value stored in the CMap
 Member of      : CFlexListCtrl
 Author(s)      : Raja N
 Date Created   : 22.07.2004
 Modifications  :
SLISTINFO CFlexListCtrl::sGetColumnInfo(int nRow, int nColunm)
    return m_omListItemType [ lGetMapID(nRow, nColunm) ];
Пример #7
CAlphaCharEdit* CFlexListCtrl::pomAlphaNumericChar( int nItem, int nSubItem)
    CRect omRect;
    // Set the item to be visible
    if(!EnsureVisible(nItem, TRUE))
        return nullptr;
    // Get the item rect
    GetSubItemRect(nItem, nSubItem, LVIR_BOUNDS, omRect);

    sUserProgInfo ouUserProg;
    bool bIsIconAvail = false;
    if( m_omUserProg.Lookup(lGetMapID(nItem, nSubItem) , ouUserProg) == TRUE )
        bIsIconAvail = ouUserProg.m_bIcon;

    if ( true == bIsIconAvail )
        CRect omRect2;
        GetSubItemRect(nItem, nSubItem, LVIR_ICON , omRect2);
        omRect.left = omRect2.right;
        //omRect.right = omRect2.right;
        omRect.right = omRect.left + GetColumnWidth(nSubItem);

    // Now scroll if we need to expose the column
    CRect omClientRect;
    if( omRect.left < 0 || omRect.left > omClientRect.right )
        CSize size( omRect.left, 0 );
        Scroll( size );
        omRect.left -= size.cx;

    if(omRect.right > omClientRect.right)
        omRect.right = omClientRect.right;

    // Get Column alignment
    LV_COLUMN lvcol;
    lvcol.mask = LVCF_FMT;
    GetColumn(nSubItem, &lvcol);

    DWORD dwStyle;
    if((lvcol.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) == LVCFMT_LEFT)
        dwStyle = ES_LEFT;
    else if((lvcol.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) == LVCFMT_RIGHT)
        dwStyle = ES_RIGHT;
        dwStyle = ES_CENTER;
    // Set the standard windows style
    // Get the selected item text
    CString omStrText = GetItemText(nItem, nSubItem);
    // Create the control
    CAlphaCharEdit* pomEdit2 = nullptr;
    info.m_uMaxVal.m_n64Value = 5;
    info.m_uMaxVal.m_n64Value = 0;
    omStrText = "";
    CAlphaCharEdit* pomEdit = new CAlphaCharEdit(nItem, nSubItem, omStrText);
    if( pomEdit != nullptr )

        pomEdit->Create(WS_BORDER|WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, omRect, this, IDC_CONTROL);
        CString omStrErr;
        omStrErr.Format( _(defFLC_CREATE_FAILED), defNUM_ITEM );
        AfxMessageBox( omStrErr );
    // Return the window pointer
    return pomEdit2;
Пример #8
void CFlexListCtrl::selectNext (int nIncrement)
    int nCurrentCell = m_nCurrentCell;
    if ( nIncrement < 0 )
        nCurrentCell += nIncrement;
        while( nCurrentCell > 0 )
            SLISTINFO sInfo;
            int r = nCurrentCell / GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
            int c = nCurrentCell % GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
            if( m_omListItemType.Lookup(lGetMapID(r,c), sInfo) == TRUE )
                m_nCurrentCell = nCurrentCell;
                vShowControl(r, c);
        int nTotalItems = GetItemCount() * GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
        nCurrentCell += nIncrement;
        while( nCurrentCell < nTotalItems )
            SLISTINFO sInfo;
            int r = nCurrentCell / GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
            int c = nCurrentCell % GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
            if( m_omListItemType.Lookup(lGetMapID(r,c), sInfo) == TRUE )
                m_nCurrentCell = nCurrentCell;
                vShowControl(r, c);

    //   int cItems = GetItemCount ();
    //   int iItem = -1;
    //   iItem = GetNextItem (iItem, LVIS_SELECTED);
    //   int iEditItem = 0;
    //   SetFocus ();
    //int nNextCell = ( m_nCurrentCell + 1 ) % m_nTotalCell;
    //  int nItem = nNextCell / cItems;
    //  int nSubItems = nNextCell % GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();
    //   if (Forward)
    //   {
    //  if (iItem + 1 >= cItems)
    //      iEditItem = 0;
    //  else
    //      iEditItem = iItem + 1;
    //   }
    //   else
    //   {
    //  if (iItem - 1 < 0)
    //      iEditItem = cItems - 1;
    //  else
    //      iEditItem = iItem - 1;
    //   }
    //m_nCurrentCell = nItem*GetItemCount() + nSubItems;
    //   vShowControl(nItem, nSubItems);
} // selectNext