Пример #1
void leadHQHandle(void) {
  int rsize;
  unsigned short index[32]; // <10 keypairs in the incoming json

  // only continue if new data to read
  if (!Scout.wifi.client.available()) {

  // Read a block of data and look for packets
  while ((rsize = hqIncoming.readClient(Scout.wifi.client, 128))) {
    int nl;
    while((nl = hqIncoming.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) {
     // look for a packet
      if (hqVerboseOutput) {
        Serial.print(F("looking for packet in: "));

      // Parse JSON up to the first newline
      if (!js0n((const unsigned char*)hqIncoming.c_str(), nl, index, 32)) {
        leadIncoming(hqIncoming.c_str(), nl, index);
      } else {
        if (hqVerboseOutput) {
          Serial.println(F("JSON parse failed"));

      // Remove up to and including the newline
      hqIncoming.remove(0, nl + 1);
Пример #2
// this is called on the main loop to try to (re)connect to the HQ
void leadHQHandle(void) {
  static char *buffer = NULL;
  uint8_t block[128];
  char *nl;
  int rsize, len;
  unsigned short index[32]; // <10 keypairs in the incoming json

  // only continue if new data to read
  if (!Scout.wifi.client.available()) {

  // check to initialize our read buffer
  if (!buffer) {
    buffer = (char*)malloc(1);
    *buffer = 0;

  // get all waiting data and look for packets
  while (rsize = Scout.wifi.client.read(block, sizeof(block))) {
    len = strlen(buffer);

    // process chunk of incoming data
    buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, len + rsize + 1);
    if (!buffer) {
      return; // TODO, realloc error, need to restart?
    memcpy(buffer + len, block, rsize);
    buffer[len + rsize] = 0; // null terminate

    // look for a packet
    if (hqVerboseOutput) {
      sp("looking for packet in: ");
    nl = strchr(buffer, '\n');
    if (!nl) {

    // null terminate just the packet and process it
    *nl = 0;
    j0g(buffer, index, 32);
    if (*index) {
      leadIncoming(buffer, index);
    } else {
      if (hqVerboseOutput) {
        speol("JSON parse failed");

    // advance buffer and resize, minimum is just the buffer end null
    len = strlen(nl);
    memmove(buffer, nl, len+1);
    buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, len+1); // shrink