static int Solver_query(struct lua_State *state) { LGL* lgl = get_lgl(state); if (lua_gettop(state) != 2) { lua_pushliteral(state, "Query must be called with arguments self and a table"); lua_error(state); } int type = lua_type(state, 2); if (type != LUA_TTABLE) { lua_pushliteral(state, "Query must be called with a table argument"); lua_error(state); } lua_newtable (state); // Stack pos 3 lua_len(state, 2); lua_Integer len = lua_tointeger(state, -1); lua_pop(state, 1); for (int j = 1; j <= len; j++) { lua_geti(state, 2, j); lua_Integer c = lua_tointeger (state, -1); if (!c) { lua_pushliteral(state, "Array may contain only non-zero integers"); lua_error(state); } lua_pop(state,1); lua_pushinteger(state, lglderef(lgl, c)); lua_seti(state, 3, j); } return 1; }
tvt satcheck_lingelingt::l_get(literalt a) const { if(a.is_constant()) return tvt(a.sign()); tvt result; if(a.var_no()>lglmaxvar(solver)) return tvt(tvt::TV_UNKNOWN); const int val=lglderef(solver, a.dimacs()); if(val>0) result=tvt(true); else if(val<0) result=tvt(false); else return tvt(tvt::TV_UNKNOWN); return result; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int i, len, ch, close = 0, res, arg; char buffer[80], * tok, * opt; FILE * file; char * cmd; LGL * lgl; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-h")) { printf ("usage: lgluntrace [-h][-v][-e][<trace>[.gz]]\n"); exit (0); } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-v")) verbose = 1; else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-e")) exitonabort = 1; else if (argv[i][0] == '-') die ("invalid command line option '%s' (try '-h')", argv[i]); else if (name) die ("two traces '%s' and '%s' specified (try '-h')", name, argv[i]); else name = argv[i]; } if(name) { len = strlen (name); if (len >= 3 && !strcmp (name + len - 3, ".gz")) { cmd = malloc (len + 20); sprintf (cmd, "gunzip -c %s", name); file = popen (cmd, "r"); free (cmd); if (file) close = 2; } else { file = fopen (name, "r"); if (file) close = 1; } if (!file) die ("can not read '%s'", name); } else name = "<stdin>", file = stdin; if (exitonabort) { msg ("setting signal handlers since '-e' specified"); signal (SIGINT, exitonsig); signal (SIGSEGV, exitonsig); signal (SIGABRT, exitonsig); signal (SIGTERM, exitonsig); } msg ("reading %s", name); buffer[len = 0] = 0; lineno = 1; res = 0; lgl = 0; NEXT: ch = getc (file); if (ch == EOF) goto DONE; if (ch == '\r') goto NEXT; if (ch != '\n') { if (len + 1 >= sizeof (buffer)) perr ("line buffer exceeded"); buffer[len++] = ch; buffer[len] = 0; goto NEXT; } msg ("line %d : %s", lineno, buffer); if (!(tok = strtok (buffer, " "))) perr ("empty line"); else if (!strcmp (tok, "add")) lgladd (lgl, intarg ("add")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "return")) { arg = intarg ("return"); if (arg != res) die ("expected return value %d but got %d", arg, res); } else if (!strcmp (tok, "deref")) res = lglderef (lgl, intarg ("deref")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "failed")) res = lglfailed (lgl, intarg ("failed")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "fixed")) res = lglfixed (lgl, intarg ("fixed")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "repr")) res = lglrepr (lgl, intarg ("repr")); else if (noarg (tok, "incvar")) res = lglincvar (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "maxvar")) res = lglmaxvar (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "changed")) res = lglchanged (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "inconsistent")) res = lglinconsistent (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "lkhd")) res = lglookahead (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "fixate")) lglfixate (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "reduce")) lglreducecache (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "flush")) lglflushcache (lgl); else if (noarg (tok, "chkclone")) lglchkclone (lgl); else if (!strcmp (tok, "assume")) lglassume (lgl, intarg ("assume")); else if (noarg (tok, "init")) lgl = lglinit (); else if (noarg (tok, "sat")) res = lglsat (lgl); else if (!strcmp (tok, "simp")) res = lglsimp (lgl, intarg ("simp")); else if (noarg (tok, "stats")) lglstats (lgl); else if (!strcmp (tok, "freeze")) lglfreeze (lgl, intarg ("freeze")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "melt")) lglmelt (lgl, intarg ("melt")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "reuse")) lglreuse (lgl, intarg ("reuse")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "frozen")) res = lglfrozen (lgl, intarg ("frozen")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "usable")) res = lglusable (lgl, intarg ("usable")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "reusable")) res = lglreusable (lgl, intarg ("reusable")); else if (noarg (tok, "setphases")) lglsetphases (lgl); else if (!strcmp (tok, "setphase")) lglsetphase (lgl, intarg ("setphase")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "resetphase")) lglresetphase (lgl, intarg ("resetphase")); else if (!strcmp (tok, "option")) { if (!(opt = strtok (0, " "))) perr ("option name missing"); lglsetopt (lgl, opt, intarg ("option")); } else if (noarg (tok, "release")) lglrelease (lgl); else perr ("invalid command '%s'", tok); lineno++; len = 0; goto NEXT; DONE: if(close == 1) fclose (file); if(close == 2) pclose (file); msg ("done %s", name); return 0; }
static int btor_lingeling_deref (BtorSATMgr * smgr, int lit) { BtorLGL * blgl = smgr->solver; return lglderef (blgl->lgl, lit); }