Пример #1
void WriterNodeVisitor::apply3DSMatrixNode(osg::Node &node, const osg::Matrix * m, const char * const prefix)
    // Note: Creating a mesh instance with no transform and then copying the matrix doesn't work (matrix seems to be a temporary/computed value)
    Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode * parent = _cur3dsNode;
    Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode * node3ds = NULL;
    if (m)
        osg::Vec3 osgScl, osgPos;
        osg::Quat osgRot, osgSo;
        m->decompose(osgPos, osgRot, osgScl, osgSo);

        float pos[3];
        float scl[3];
        float rot[4];
        copyOsgVectorToLib3dsVector(pos, osgPos);
        copyOsgVectorToLib3dsVector(scl, osgScl);
        copyOsgQuatToLib3dsQuat(rot, osgRot);
        node3ds = lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(NULL, getUniqueName(node.getName().empty() ? node.className() : node.getName(), true, prefix).c_str(), pos, scl, rot);
        node3ds = lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(NULL, getUniqueName(node.getName().empty() ? node.className() : node.getName(), true, prefix).c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL);

    lib3ds_file_append_node(_file3ds, reinterpret_cast<Lib3dsNode*>(node3ds), reinterpret_cast<Lib3dsNode*>(parent));
    _cur3dsNode = node3ds;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Lib3dsFile *file = lib3ds_file_new();
    file->frames = 360;
        Lib3dsMaterial *mat = lib3ds_material_new("c_tex");
        lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
        strcpy(mat->texture1_map.name, "cube.tga");
        mat->texture1_map.percent = 1.0;

        mat = lib3ds_material_new("c_red");
        lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
        mat->diffuse[0] = 1.0;
        mat->diffuse[1] = 0.0;
        mat->diffuse[2] = 0.0;

        mat = lib3ds_material_new("c_blue");
        lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
        mat->diffuse[0] = 0.0;
        mat->diffuse[1] = 0.0;
        mat->diffuse[2] = 1.0;

        int i, j;
        Lib3dsMesh *mesh = lib3ds_mesh_new("cube");
        Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode *inst;        
        lib3ds_file_insert_mesh(file, mesh, -1);

        lib3ds_mesh_resize_vertices(mesh, 8, 1, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
            lib3ds_vector_copy(mesh->vertices[i], g_vertices[i]);
            mesh->texcos[i][0] = g_texcoords[i][0];
            mesh->texcos[i][1] = g_texcoords[i][1];

        lib3ds_mesh_resize_faces(mesh, 12);
        for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                mesh->faces[i].index[j] = g_indices[i][j];

        for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
            mesh->faces[i].material = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            mesh->faces[8+i].material = 1;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            mesh->faces[10+i].material = 2;

        inst = lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(mesh, "01", NULL, NULL, NULL);
        lib3ds_file_append_node(file, (Lib3dsNode*)inst, NULL);

        Lib3dsCamera *camera;
        Lib3dsCameraNode *n;
        Lib3dsTargetNode *t;
        int i;

        camera = lib3ds_camera_new("camera01");
        lib3ds_file_insert_camera(file, camera, -1);
        lib3ds_vector_make(camera->position, 0.0, -100, 0.0);
        lib3ds_vector_make(camera->target, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

        n = lib3ds_node_new_camera(camera);
        t = lib3ds_node_new_camera_target(camera);
        lib3ds_file_append_node(file, (Lib3dsNode*)n, NULL);
        lib3ds_file_append_node(file, (Lib3dsNode*)t, NULL);

        lib3ds_track_resize(&n->pos_track, 37);
        for (i = 0; i <= 36; i++) {
            n->pos_track.keys[i].frame = 10 * i;
                (float)(100.0 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / 36.0)), 
                (float)(100.0 * sin(2 * M_PI * i / 36.0)), 

    if (!lib3ds_file_save(file, "cube.3ds")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Saving 3ds file failed!\n");
Пример #3
// TODO: Build own exporter class
void objectExporter::on_buttonBox_accepted()
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(gloParent, "Save 3ds Object", ".", "3D Object (*.3ds)", 0, 0);

    QList<trackHandler*> trackList = gloParent->getTrackList();
    trackHandler* curTrack = trackList[ui->trackBox->currentIndex()];

    trackMesh* mesh = curTrack->mMesh;

    QVector<float> *vertices = new QVector<float>();
    QVector<unsigned int> *indices = new QVector<unsigned int>();
    QVector<unsigned int> *borders = new QVector<unsigned int>();

    Lib3dsFile *file = lib3ds_file_new();
    file->frames = 360;

        Lib3dsMaterial* mat = lib3ds_material_new("coaster");
        lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
        mat->diffuse[0] = curTrack->trackColors[0].red()/255.f;
        mat->diffuse[1] = curTrack->trackColors[0].green()/255.f;
        mat->diffuse[2] = curTrack->trackColors[0].blue()/255.f;

        for(int section = 0; section < curTrack->trackData->lSections.size(); ++section) {
            mesh->build3ds(section, vertices, indices, borders);

            float* fvertices = new float[vertices->size()];
            for(int i = 0; i < vertices->size()/3; ++i) {
                fvertices[3*i+0] = vertices->at(3*i+0);
                fvertices[3*i+1] = -vertices->at(3*i+2);
                fvertices[3*i+2] = vertices->at(3*i+1);

            for(int subIndex = 0; subIndex < borders->size()-2; subIndex+= 2) {
                int fromVIndex = borders->at(subIndex)/3;
                int toVIndex = borders->at(subIndex+2)/3;
                int fromIIndex = borders->at(subIndex+1)/3;
                int toIIndex = borders->at(subIndex+3)/3;

                int i, j;
                QString name = QString::number(section).append(QString("_").append(QString::number(subIndex/2)));
                Lib3dsMesh *mesh = lib3ds_mesh_new(name.toLocal8Bit().data());
                Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode *inst;
                lib3ds_file_insert_mesh(file, mesh, -1);

                lib3ds_mesh_resize_vertices(mesh, toVIndex-fromVIndex, 1, 0);
                for (i = 0; i < toVIndex-fromVIndex; ++i) {
                    lib3ds_vector_copy(mesh->vertices[i], &fvertices[(i+fromVIndex)*3]);
                    mesh->texcos[i][0] = 0.f;
                    mesh->texcos[i][1] = 0.f;

                lib3ds_mesh_resize_faces(mesh, toIIndex-fromIIndex);
                for (i = 0; i < toIIndex-fromIIndex; ++i) {
                    for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                        mesh->faces[i].index[j] = indices->at(3*(i+fromIIndex)+j)-fromVIndex;
                        mesh->faces[i].material = 0;
                inst = lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(mesh, name.toLocal8Bit().data(), NULL, NULL, NULL);
                lib3ds_file_append_node(file, (Lib3dsNode*)inst, NULL);
            delete[] fvertices;

        Lib3dsCamera *camera;
        Lib3dsCameraNode *n;
        Lib3dsTargetNode *t;
        int i;

        camera = lib3ds_camera_new("camera01");
        lib3ds_file_insert_camera(file, camera, -1);
        lib3ds_vector_make(camera->position, 0.0, -100, 0.0);
        lib3ds_vector_make(camera->target, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

        n = lib3ds_node_new_camera(camera);
        t = lib3ds_node_new_camera_target(camera);
        lib3ds_file_append_node(file, (Lib3dsNode*)n, NULL);
        lib3ds_file_append_node(file, (Lib3dsNode*)t, NULL);

        lib3ds_track_resize(&n->pos_track, 37);
        for (i = 0; i <= 36; i++) {
            n->pos_track.keys[i].frame = 10 * i;
                (float)(100.0 * cos(2 * F_PI * i / 36.0)),
                (float)(100.0 * sin(2 * F_PI * i / 36.0)),

    if (!lib3ds_file_save(file, fileName.toLocal8Bit().data())) {
         qDebug("ERROR: Saving 3ds file failed!\n");

    delete indices;
    delete vertices;
Пример #4
WriterNodeVisitor::buildMesh(osg::Geode        & geo,
                             const osg::Matrix & mat,
                             MapIndices        & index_vert,
                             bool                texcoords,
                             Lib3dsMesh        * mesh)
    OSG_DEBUG << "Building Mesh" << std::endl;

    // Write points
    assert(index_vert.size() <= MAX_VERTICES);
    lib3ds_mesh_resize_vertices(mesh, index_vert.size(), texcoords ? 1 : 0, 0);

    for(MapIndices::iterator it = index_vert.begin(); it != index_vert.end();++it)
        osg::Geometry *g = geo.getDrawable( it->first.second )->asGeometry();
        const osg::Array * basevecs = g->getVertexArray();
        if (!basevecs || basevecs->getNumElements()==0) continue;
        if (basevecs->getType() == osg::Array::Vec3ArrayType)
            const osg::Vec3Array & vecs= *static_cast<const osg::Vec3Array *>(basevecs);
            copyOsgVectorToLib3dsVector(mesh->vertices[it->second], vecs[it->first.first]*mat);
        else if (basevecs->getType() == osg::Array::Vec3dArrayType)
            // Handle double presision vertices by converting them to float with a warning
            OSG_NOTICE << "3DS format only supports single precision vertices. Converting double precision to single." << std::endl;
            const osg::Vec3dArray & vecs= *static_cast<const osg::Vec3dArray *>(basevecs);
            copyOsgVectorToLib3dsVector(mesh->vertices[it->second], vecs[it->first.first]*mat);
            OSG_NOTIFY(osg::FATAL) << "Vertex array is not Vec3 or Vec3d. Not implemented" << std::endl;
            _succeeded = false;

    // Write texture coords (Texture 0 only)
    if (texcoords)
        for(MapIndices::iterator it = index_vert.begin(); it != index_vert.end(); ++it)
            osg::Geometry *g = geo.getDrawable( it->first.second )->asGeometry();
            const osg::Array * texarray = g->getNumTexCoordArrays()>=1 ? g->getTexCoordArray(0) : NULL;
            if (!texarray || texarray->getNumElements()==0) continue;

            if (g->getTexCoordArray(0)->getType() != osg::Array::Vec2ArrayType)
                OSG_NOTIFY(osg::FATAL) << "Texture coords array is not Vec2. Not implemented" << std::endl;
                _succeeded = false;
            const osg::Vec2Array & vecs= *static_cast<const osg::Vec2Array *>(texarray);
            mesh->texcos[it->second][0] = vecs[it->first.first][0];
            mesh->texcos[it->second][1] = vecs[it->first.first][1];
    lib3ds_file_insert_mesh(_file3ds, mesh, _lastMeshIndex);

    Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode * node3ds = lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(mesh, mesh->name, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    lib3ds_file_append_node(_file3ds, reinterpret_cast<Lib3dsNode*>(node3ds), reinterpret_cast<Lib3dsNode*>(_cur3dsNode));