Пример #1
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::KiwayMailIn( KIWAY_EXPRESS& mail )
    const std::string& payload = mail.GetPayload();

    switch( mail.Command() )
    case MAIL_LIB_EDIT:
        if( !payload.empty() )
            wxString libFileName( payload );
            wxString libNickname;
            wxString msg;

            SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE*    libTable = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable();
            const LIB_TABLE_ROW* libTableRow = libTable->FindRowByURI( libFileName );

            if( !libTableRow )
                msg.Printf( _( "The current configuration does not include the symbol library\n"
                               "\"%s\".\nUse Manage Symbol Libraries to edit the configuration." ),
                            libFileName );
                DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Library not found in symbol library table." ), msg );

            libNickname = libTableRow->GetNickName();

            if( !libTable->HasLibrary( libNickname, true ) )
                msg.Printf( _( "The library with the nickname \"%s\" is not enabled\n"
                               "in the current configuration.  Use Manage Symbol Libraries to\n"
                               "edit the configuration." ), libNickname );
                DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "Symbol library not enabled." ), msg );

            SetCurLib( libNickname );

            if( m_treePane )
                LIB_ID id( libNickname, wxEmptyString );
                m_treePane->GetLibTree()->ExpandLibId( id );
                m_treePane->GetLibTree()->CenterLibId( id );


Пример #2
std::string CAIInterfaceLibrary::FindLibFile() {

	const std::string& dataDir = info.GetDataDir();

	std::string libFileName("AIInterface"); // "AIInterface"
	#ifndef _WIN32
		libFileName = "lib" + libFileName; // "libAIInterface"

	// eg. libAIInterface.so
	libFileName = libFileName + "." + SharedLib::GetLibExtension();

	return dataDir + sPS + libFileName;