Пример #1
void rotate_vector_by_axis_angle(fixedpointnum *v1, fixedpointnum *axisvector, fixedpointnum angle, fixedpointnum *v2) {
   fixedpointnum cosineofangle=lib_fp_cosine(angle);
   fixedpointnum sineofangle=lib_fp_sine(angle);
   fixedpointnum crossproductvector[3];
   vector_cross_product(axisvector,v1, crossproductvector);
   fixedpointnum dotproducttimesoneminuscosineofangle=lib_fp_multiply(vector_dot_product(axisvector,v1),FIXEDPOINTONE-cosineofangle);
   v2[0]=lib_fp_multiply(v1[0], cosineofangle)+lib_fp_multiply(crossproductvector[0],sineofangle)+lib_fp_multiply(axisvector[0],dotproducttimesoneminuscosineofangle);
   v2[1]=lib_fp_multiply(v1[1], cosineofangle)+lib_fp_multiply(crossproductvector[1],sineofangle)+lib_fp_multiply(axisvector[1],dotproducttimesoneminuscosineofangle);
   v2[2]=lib_fp_multiply(v1[2], cosineofangle)+lib_fp_multiply(crossproductvector[2],sineofangle)+lib_fp_multiply(axisvector[2],dotproducttimesoneminuscosineofangle);
Пример #2
void navigation_setangleerror(unsigned char gotnewgpsreading,fixedpointnum *angleerror)
   { // calculate the angle errors between our current attitude and the one we wish to have
   // and adjust the angle errors that were passed to us.  They have already been set by pilot input.
   // For now, we just override any pilot input.
   // keep track of the time between good gps readings.

   if (gotnewgpsreading)
      // unshift our timesliver since we are about to use it. Since we are accumulating time, it may get too large to use while shifted.
      // get the new distance and bearing from our current location to our target position

      // split the distance into it's ontrack and crosstrack components
      // see the diagram above
      fixedpointnum angledifference=global.navigation_bearing-navigation_starttodestbearing;
      fixedpointnum crosstrack_distance=lib_fp_multiply(global.navigation_distance,lib_fp_sine(angledifference));
      fixedpointnum ontrack_distance=lib_fp_multiply(global.navigation_distance,lib_fp_cosine(angledifference));

      // accumulate integrated error for both ontrack and crosstrack

      // calculate the ontrack and crosstrack velocities toward our target.
      // We want to put the navigation velocity (change in distance to target over time) into a low pass filter but
      // we don't want to divide by the time interval to get velocity (divide is expensive) to then turn around and
      // multiply by the same time interval. So the following is the same as the lib_fp_lowpassfilter code
      // except we eliminate the multiply.
      // note: if we use a different time period than FIXEDPOINTONEOVERONE, we need to multiply the distances by the new time period.
      fixedpointnum fraction=lib_fp_multiply(navigation_time_sliver,FIXEDPOINTONEOVERONE);
      // calculate the desired tilt in each direction independently using navigation PID
      fixedpointnum crosstracktiltangle=lib_fp_multiply(usersettings.pid_pgain[NAVIGATIONINDEX],crosstrack_distance)
      fixedpointnum ontracktiltangle   =lib_fp_multiply(usersettings.pid_pgain[NAVIGATIONINDEX],ontrack_distance)
      // don't tilt more than MAX_TILT

      // Translate the ontrack and cross track tilts into pitch and roll tilts.
      // Set angledifference equal to the difference between the aircraft's heading (the way it's currently pointing)
      // and the angle between waypoints and rotate our tilts by that much.   
      fixedpointnum sineofangle=lib_fp_sine(angledifference);
      fixedpointnum cosineofangle=lib_fp_cosine(angledifference);
      // for now, don't rotate the aircraft in the direction of travel. Add this later.
   // set the angle error as the difference between where we want to be and where we currently are angle wise.

   // don't set the yaw.  Let the pilot do yaw
//   angleerror[YAWINDEX]=navigation_desiredeulerattitude[YAWINDEX]-global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[YAWINDEX];

   // don't let the yaw angle error get too large for any one cycle in order to control the maximum yaw rate.
//   lib_fp_constrain180(&angleerror[YAWINDEX]);
//   lib_fp_constrain(&angleerror[YAWINDEX],-MAXYAWANGLEERROR,MAXYAWANGLEERROR);
Пример #3
void getangleerrorfrompilotinput(fixedpointnum * angleerror)
    // sets the ange errors for roll, pitch, and yaw based on where the pilot has the tx sticks.
    fixedpointnum rxrollvalue;
    fixedpointnum rxpitchvalue;

    // if in headfree mode, rotate the pilot's stick inputs by the angle that is the difference between where we are currently heading and where we were heading when we armed.
    if (global.activecheckboxitems & CHECKBOXMASKHEADFREE) {
        fixedpointnum angledifference = global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[YAWINDEX] - global.heading_when_armed;

        fixedpointnum cosangledifference = lib_fp_cosine(angledifference);
        fixedpointnum sinangledifference = lib_fp_sine(angledifference);
        rxpitchvalue = lib_fp_multiply(global.rxvalues[PITCHINDEX], cosangledifference) + lib_fp_multiply(global.rxvalues[ROLLINDEX], sinangledifference);
        rxrollvalue = lib_fp_multiply(global.rxvalues[ROLLINDEX], cosangledifference) - lib_fp_multiply(global.rxvalues[PITCHINDEX], sinangledifference);
        #ifdef INVERTED
		rxrollvalue = - rxrollvalue;
    } else {
        rxpitchvalue = global.rxvalues[PITCHINDEX];
        rxrollvalue = global.rxvalues[ROLLINDEX];
        #ifdef INVERTED
		rxrollvalue = - rxrollvalue;

    // first, calculate level mode values
    // how far is our estimated current attitude from our desired attitude?
    // desired angle is rxvalue (-1 to 1) times LEVEL_MODE_MAX_TILT
    // First, figure out which max angle we are using depending on aux switch settings.
    fixedpointnum levelmodemaxangle;
    if (global.activecheckboxitems & CHECKBOXMASKHIGHANGLE)
        levelmodemaxangle = FP_LEVEL_MODE_MAX_TILT_HIGH_ANGLE;
        levelmodemaxangle = FP_LEVEL_MODE_MAX_TILT;

    // the angle error is how much our current angles differ from our desired angles.
    fixedpointnum levelmoderollangleerror = lib_fp_multiply(rxrollvalue, levelmodemaxangle) - global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[ROLLINDEX];
    fixedpointnum levelmodepitchangleerror = lib_fp_multiply(rxpitchvalue, levelmodemaxangle) - global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[PITCHINDEX];

    // In acro mode, we want the rotation rate to be proportional to the pilot's stick movement.  The desired rotation rate is
    // the stick movement * a multiplier.
    // Fill angleerror with acro values.  If we are currently rotating at rate X and
    // we want to be rotating at rate Y, then our angle should be off by (Y-X)*timesliver.  In theory, we should probably accumulate
    // this error over time, but our I term will do that anyway and we are talking about rates, which don't need to be perfect.
    // First figure out what max rotation rates we are using depending on our aux switch settings.
    fixedpointnum maxyawrate;
    fixedpointnum maxpitchandrollrate;
    if (global.activecheckboxitems & CHECKBOXMASKHIGHRATES) {
        maxyawrate = highyawrate;
        maxpitchandrollrate = highpitchandrollrate;
    } else {
        maxyawrate = usersettings.maxyawrate;
        maxpitchandrollrate = usersettings.maxpitchandrollrate;

    angleerror[ROLLINDEX] = lib_fp_multiply(lib_fp_multiply(rxrollvalue, maxpitchandrollrate) - global.gyrorate[ROLLINDEX], global.timesliver);
    angleerror[PITCHINDEX] = lib_fp_multiply(lib_fp_multiply(rxpitchvalue, maxpitchandrollrate) - global.gyrorate[PITCHINDEX], global.timesliver);

    // put a low pass filter on the yaw gyro.  If we don't do this, things can get jittery.
    lib_fp_lowpassfilter(&filteredyawgyrorate, global.gyrorate[YAWINDEX], global.timesliver >> (TIMESLIVEREXTRASHIFT - 3), FIXEDPOINTONEOVERONESIXTYITH, 3);

    if(global.activecheckboxitems & CHECKBOXMASKYAWHOLD) {
        // Yaw hold: control yaw angle instead of yaw rate by accumulating the yaw errors.
        // This is similar to compass mode, but no hardware compass needed.
        if(!(global.previousactivecheckboxitems & CHECKBOXMASKYAWHOLD)) {
            // This mode was just switched on. Use current position as reference by setting error to zero.
            accumulatedyawerror = 0;
        // Accumulate yaw angle error
        accumulatedyawerror += lib_fp_multiply(lib_fp_multiply(global.rxvalues[YAWINDEX], maxyawrate) - filteredyawgyrorate, global.timesliver) >> TIMESLIVEREXTRASHIFT;
        // Make sure it does not get too high
        angleerror[YAWINDEX] = accumulatedyawerror;
    } else {