static bool test_runner_init(bool init) { bool result = TRUE; if (init) { libhydra_init("test_runner"); libcharon_init("test_runner"); lib->settings->set_int(lib->settings, "test_runner.filelog.stdout.default", 0); charon->load_loggers(charon, NULL, FALSE); /* Register TKM specific plugins */ static plugin_feature_t features[] = { PLUGIN_REGISTER(NONCE_GEN, tkm_nonceg_create), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(NONCE_GEN), PLUGIN_CALLBACK(kernel_ipsec_register, tkm_kernel_ipsec_create), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(CUSTOM, "kernel-ipsec"), }; lib->plugins->add_static_features(lib->plugins, "tkm-tests", features, countof(features), TRUE); lib->settings->set_int(lib->settings, "%s.dh_mapping.%d", 1, charon->name, MODP_3072_BIT); lib->settings->set_int(lib->settings, "%s.dh_mapping.%d", 2, charon->name, MODP_4096_BIT); register_dh_mapping(); plugin_loader_add_plugindirs(BUILDDIR "/src/libstrongswan/plugins", PLUGINS); plugin_loader_add_plugindirs(BUILDDIR "/src/libhydra/plugins", PLUGINS); plugin_loader_add_plugindirs(BUILDDIR "/src/libcharon/plugins", PLUGINS); if (charon->initialize(charon, PLUGINS)) { if (!tkm_initialized) { if (!tkm_init()) { return FALSE; } tkm_initialized = true; } return TRUE; } result = FALSE; } destroy_dh_mapping(); libcharon_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); return result; }
static bool test_runner_init(bool init) { if (init) { libhydra_init(); } else { lib->processor->set_threads(lib->processor, 0); lib->processor->cancel(lib->processor); libhydra_deinit(); } return TRUE; }
/** * Main function, starts the daemon. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction action; struct utsname utsname; int group; dbg = dbg_stderr; atexit(library_deinit); if (!library_init(NULL)) { exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (lib->integrity) { if (!lib->integrity->check_file(lib->integrity, "charon-xpc", argv[0])) { exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } } atexit(libhydra_deinit); if (!libhydra_init("charon-xpc")) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } atexit(libcharon_deinit); if (!libcharon_init("charon-xpc")) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } for (group = 0; group < DBG_MAX; group++) { levels[group] = LEVEL_CTRL; } charon->load_loggers(charon, levels, TRUE); lib->settings->set_default_str(lib->settings, "charon-xpc.port", "0"); lib->settings->set_default_str(lib->settings, "charon-xpc.port_nat_t", "0"); lib->settings->set_default_str(lib->settings, "charon-xpc.close_ike_on_child_failure", "yes"); if (!charon->initialize(charon, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "charon-xpc.load", "random nonce pem pkcs1 openssl kernel-pfkey kernel-pfroute " "keychain socket-default eap-identity eap-mschapv2 osx-attr"))) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (uname(&utsname) != 0) { memset(&utsname, 0, sizeof(utsname)); } DBG1(DBG_DMN, "Starting charon-xpc IKE daemon (strongSwan %s, %s %s, %s)", VERSION, utsname.sysname, utsname.release, utsname.machine); /* add handler for SEGV and ILL, * INT, TERM and HUP are handled by sigwait() in run() */ action.sa_handler = segv_handler; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); dispatcher = xpc_dispatch_create(); if (!dispatcher) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } atexit(dispatcher_cleanup); charon->start(charon); return run(); }
/** * Main function, starts the conftest daemon. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction action; int status = 0; sigset_t set; int sig; char *suite_file = "suite.conf", *test_file = NULL; file_logger_t *logger; if (!library_init(NULL)) { library_deinit(); return SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY; } if (!libhydra_init("conftest")) { libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); return SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; } if (!libcharon_init("conftest")) { libcharon_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); return SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; } INIT(conftest, .creds = mem_cred_create(), .config = config_create(), .hooks = linked_list_create(), .loggers = linked_list_create(), ); lib->credmgr->add_set(lib->credmgr, &conftest->creds->set); logger = file_logger_create("stdout"); logger->set_options(logger, NULL, FALSE); logger->open(logger, FALSE, FALSE); logger->set_level(logger, DBG_ANY, LEVEL_CTRL); charon->bus->add_logger(charon->bus, &logger->logger); conftest->loggers->insert_last(conftest->loggers, logger); atexit(cleanup); while (TRUE) { struct option long_opts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "suite", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "test", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; switch (getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL)) { case EOF: break; case 'h': usage(stdout); return 0; case 'v': printf("strongSwan %s conftest\n", VERSION); return 0; case 's': suite_file = optarg; continue; case 't': test_file = optarg; continue; default: usage(stderr); return 1; } break; } if (!load_configs(suite_file, test_file)) { return 1; } load_loggers(logger); if (!lib->plugins->load(lib->plugins, NULL, conftest->test->get_str(conftest->test, "preload", ""))) { return 1; } if (!charon->initialize(charon, PLUGINS)) { return 1; } if (!load_certs(conftest->test, conftest->suite_dir)) { return 1; } if (!load_keys(conftest->test, conftest->suite_dir)) { return 1; } load_cdps(conftest->test); if (!load_hooks()) { return 1; } charon->backends->add_backend(charon->backends, &conftest->config->backend); conftest->config->load(conftest->config, conftest->test); conftest->actions = actions_create(); /* set up thread specific handlers */ action.sa_handler = segv_handler; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); /* start thread pool */ charon->start(charon); /* handle SIGINT/SIGTERM in main thread */ sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); while (sigwait(&set, &sig) == 0) { switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: fprintf(stderr, "\nshutting down...\n"); break; default: continue; } break; } return status; }
/** * Main function, starts the daemon. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction action; struct utsname utsname; int group; /* handle simple arguments */ handle_arguments(argc, argv, TRUE); dbg = dbg_stderr; atexit(library_deinit); if (!library_init(NULL, "charon-cmd")) { exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (lib->integrity) { if (!lib->integrity->check_file(lib->integrity, "charon-cmd", argv[0])) { exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } } atexit(libhydra_deinit); if (!libhydra_init()) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } atexit(libcharon_deinit); if (!libcharon_init()) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } for (group = 0; group < DBG_MAX; group++) { levels[group] = default_loglevel; } charon->load_loggers(charon, levels, TRUE); if (!lookup_uid_gid()) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } lib->settings->set_default_str(lib->settings, "charon-cmd.port", "0"); lib->settings->set_default_str(lib->settings, "charon-cmd.port_nat_t", "0"); if (!charon->initialize(charon, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "charon-cmd.load", PLUGINS))) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (!lib->caps->drop(lib->caps)) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } conn = cmd_connection_create(); atexit(cleanup_conn); creds = cmd_creds_create(); atexit(cleanup_creds); /* handle all arguments */ handle_arguments(argc, argv, FALSE); if (uname(&utsname) != 0) { memset(&utsname, 0, sizeof(utsname)); } DBG1(DBG_DMN, "Starting charon-cmd IKE client (strongSwan %s, %s %s, %s)", VERSION, utsname.sysname, utsname.release, utsname.machine); lib->plugins->status(lib->plugins, LEVEL_CTRL); /* add handler for SEGV and ILL, * INT, TERM and HUP are handled by sigwait() in run() */ action.sa_handler = segv_handler; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR1); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); /* start daemon with thread-pool */ charon->start(charon); /* wait for signal */ return run(); }
/** * Main function, starts the daemon. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction action; int group, status = SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; struct utsname utsname; /* logging for library during initialization, as we have no bus yet */ dbg = dbg_stderr; /* initialize library */ if (!library_init(NULL, "charon")) { library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (lib->integrity && !lib->integrity->check_file(lib->integrity, "charon", argv[0])) { dbg_stderr(DBG_DMN, 1, "integrity check of charon failed"); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } if (!libhydra_init()) { dbg_stderr(DBG_DMN, 1, "initialization failed - aborting charon"); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (!libcharon_init()) { dbg_stderr(DBG_DMN, 1, "initialization failed - aborting charon"); goto deinit; } /* use CTRL loglevel for default */ for (group = 0; group < DBG_MAX; group++) { levels[group] = LEVEL_CTRL; } /* handle arguments */ for (;;) { struct option long_opts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "use-syslog", no_argument, NULL, 'l' }, /* TODO: handle "debug-all" */ { "debug-dmn", required_argument, &group, DBG_DMN }, { "debug-mgr", required_argument, &group, DBG_MGR }, { "debug-ike", required_argument, &group, DBG_IKE }, { "debug-chd", required_argument, &group, DBG_CHD }, { "debug-job", required_argument, &group, DBG_JOB }, { "debug-cfg", required_argument, &group, DBG_CFG }, { "debug-knl", required_argument, &group, DBG_KNL }, { "debug-net", required_argument, &group, DBG_NET }, { "debug-asn", required_argument, &group, DBG_ASN }, { "debug-enc", required_argument, &group, DBG_ENC }, { "debug-tnc", required_argument, &group, DBG_TNC }, { "debug-imc", required_argument, &group, DBG_IMC }, { "debug-imv", required_argument, &group, DBG_IMV }, { "debug-pts", required_argument, &group, DBG_PTS }, { "debug-tls", required_argument, &group, DBG_TLS }, { "debug-esp", required_argument, &group, DBG_ESP }, { "debug-lib", required_argument, &group, DBG_LIB }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL); switch (c) { case EOF: break; case 'h': usage(NULL); status = 0; goto deinit; case 'v': printf("Linux strongSwan %s\n", VERSION); status = 0; goto deinit; case 'l': use_syslog = TRUE; continue; case 0: /* option is in group */ levels[group] = atoi(optarg); continue; default: usage(""); status = 1; goto deinit; } break; } if (!lookup_uid_gid()) { dbg_stderr(DBG_DMN, 1, "invalid uid/gid - aborting charon"); goto deinit; } charon->load_loggers(charon, levels, !use_syslog); if (uname(&utsname) != 0) { memset(&utsname, 0, sizeof(utsname)); } DBG1(DBG_DMN, "Starting IKE charon daemon (strongSwan "VERSION", %s %s, %s)", utsname.sysname, utsname.release, utsname.machine); if (lib->integrity) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "integrity tests enabled:"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "lib 'libstrongswan': passed file and segment integrity tests"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "lib 'libhydra': passed file and segment integrity tests"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "lib 'libcharon': passed file and segment integrity tests"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "daemon 'charon': passed file integrity test"); } /* initialize daemon */ if (!charon->initialize(charon, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "charon.load", PLUGINS))) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "initialization failed - aborting charon"); goto deinit; } lib->plugins->status(lib->plugins, LEVEL_CTRL); if (check_pidfile()) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "charon already running (\""PID_FILE"\" exists)"); goto deinit; } if (!lib->caps->drop(lib->caps)) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "capability dropping failed - aborting charon"); goto deinit; } /* add handler for SEGV and ILL, * INT, TERM and HUP are handled by sigwaitinfo() in run() */ action.sa_handler = segv_handler; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); /* start daemon (i.e. the threads in the thread-pool) */ charon->start(charon); /* main thread goes to run loop */ run(); /* normal termination, cleanup and exit */ unlink_pidfile(); status = 0; deinit: libcharon_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); return status; }
/** * Main function, starts TKM backend. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *dmn_name; if (argc > 0 && strlen(argv[0]) > 0) { dmn_name = basename(argv[0]); } else { dmn_name = "charon-tkm"; } /* TKM credential set */ tkm_cred_t *creds; struct sigaction action; int status = SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; /* logging for library during initialization, as we have no bus yet */ dbg = dbg_syslog; /* initialize library */ if (!library_init(NULL, dmn_name)) { library_deinit(); exit(status); } if (!libhydra_init()) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "initialization failed - aborting %s", dmn_name); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(status); } if (!libcharon_init()) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "initialization failed - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; } if (!lookup_uid_gid()) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "invalid uid/gid - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; } /* make sure we log to the DAEMON facility by default */ lib->settings->set_int(lib->settings, "%s.syslog.daemon.default", lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "%s.syslog.daemon.default", 1, dmn_name), dmn_name); charon->load_loggers(charon, NULL, FALSE); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "Starting charon with TKM backend (strongSwan "VERSION")"); /* register TKM specific plugins */ static plugin_feature_t features[] = { PLUGIN_REGISTER(NONCE_GEN, tkm_nonceg_create), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(NONCE_GEN), PLUGIN_REGISTER(PUBKEY, tkm_public_key_load, TRUE), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(PUBKEY, KEY_RSA), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(PUBKEY_VERIFY, SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA1), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(PUBKEY_VERIFY, SIGN_RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA256), PLUGIN_CALLBACK(kernel_ipsec_register, tkm_kernel_ipsec_create), PLUGIN_PROVIDE(CUSTOM, "kernel-ipsec"), }; lib->plugins->add_static_features(lib->plugins, "tkm-backend", features, countof(features), TRUE); if (!register_dh_mapping()) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "no DH group mapping defined - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; } /* register TKM keymat variant */ keymat_register_constructor(IKEV2, (keymat_constructor_t)tkm_keymat_create); /* initialize daemon */ if (!charon->initialize(charon, PLUGINS)) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "initialization failed - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; } lib->plugins->status(lib->plugins, LEVEL_CTRL); /* set global pidfile name depending on daemon name */ if (asprintf(&pidfile_name, IPSEC_PIDDIR"/", dmn_name) < 0) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "unable to set pidfile name - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; }; if (check_pidfile()) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "%s already running (\"%s\" exists)", dmn_name, pidfile_name); goto deinit; } if (!lib->caps->drop(lib->caps)) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "capability dropping failed - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; } /* initialize TKM client */ if (!tkm_init()) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "init of TKM client failed - aborting %s", dmn_name); goto deinit; } /* register TKM authorization hook */ listener = tkm_listener_create(); charon->bus->add_listener(charon->bus, &listener->listener); /* register TKM credential set */ creds = tkm_cred_create(); lib->credmgr->add_set(lib->credmgr, (credential_set_t*)creds); /* register TKM credential encoder */ lib->encoding->add_encoder(lib->encoding, tkm_encoder_encode); /* add handler for SEGV and ILL, * INT and TERM are handled by sigwait() in run() */ action.sa_handler = segv_handler; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); /* start daemon (i.e. the threads in the thread-pool) */ charon->start(charon); /* main thread goes to run loop */ run(); unlink_pidfile(); status = 0; charon->bus->remove_listener(charon->bus, &listener->listener); listener->destroy(listener); creds->destroy(creds); lib->encoding->remove_encoder(lib->encoding, tkm_encoder_encode); deinit: destroy_dh_mapping(); libcharon_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); tkm_deinit(); return status; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool fork_desired = TRUE; bool log_to_stderr_desired = FALSE; bool nat_traversal = FALSE; bool nat_t_spf = TRUE; /* support port floating */ unsigned int keep_alive = 0; bool force_keepalive = FALSE; char *virtual_private = NULL; int lockfd; #ifdef CAPABILITIES cap_t caps; int keep[] = { CAP_NET_ADMIN, CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE }; #endif /* CAPABILITIES */ /* initialize library and optionsfrom */ if (!library_init(NULL)) { library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (!libhydra_init("pluto")) { libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (!pluto_init(argv[0])) { pluto_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } options = options_create(); ha_mcast_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SA_SYNC_MULTICAST); /* handle arguments */ for (;;) { # define DBG_OFFSET 256 static const struct option long_opts[] = { /* name, has_arg, flag, val */ { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "optionsfrom", required_argument, NULL, '+' }, { "nofork", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "stderrlog", no_argument, NULL, 'e' }, { "noklips", no_argument, NULL, 'n' }, { "nocrsend", no_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "strictcrlpolicy", no_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "crlcheckinterval", required_argument, NULL, 'x'}, { "cachecrls", no_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "probe-psk", no_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "uniqueids", no_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "interface", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "ha_interface", required_argument, NULL, 'H' }, { "ha_multicast", required_argument, NULL, 'M' }, { "ha_vips", required_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { "ha_seqdiff_in", required_argument, NULL, 'S' }, { "ha_seqdiff_out", required_argument, NULL, 'O' }, { "ikeport", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "ctlbase", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "secretsfile", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "foodgroupsdir", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "perpeerlogbase", required_argument, NULL, 'P' }, { "perpeerlog", no_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "policygroupsdir", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, #ifdef USE_LWRES { "lwdnsq", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, #else /* !USE_LWRES */ { "adns", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, #endif /* !USE_LWRES */ { "pkcs11module", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "pkcs11keepstate", no_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "pkcs11initargs", required_argument, NULL, 'z' }, { "pkcs11proxy", no_argument, NULL, 'y' }, { "nat_traversal", no_argument, NULL, '1' }, { "keep_alive", required_argument, NULL, '2' }, { "force_keepalive", no_argument, NULL, '3' }, { "disable_port_floating", no_argument, NULL, '4' }, { "debug-natt", no_argument, NULL, '5' }, { "virtual_private", required_argument, NULL, '6' }, #ifdef DEBUG { "debug-none", no_argument, NULL, 'N' }, { "debug-all", no_argument, NULL, 'A' }, { "debug-raw", no_argument, NULL, DBG_RAW + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-crypt", no_argument, NULL, DBG_CRYPT + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-parsing", no_argument, NULL, DBG_PARSING + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-emitting", no_argument, NULL, DBG_EMITTING + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-control", no_argument, NULL, DBG_CONTROL + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-lifecycle", no_argument, NULL, DBG_LIFECYCLE + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-klips", no_argument, NULL, DBG_KLIPS + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-dns", no_argument, NULL, DBG_DNS + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-oppo", no_argument, NULL, DBG_OPPO + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-controlmore", no_argument, NULL, DBG_CONTROLMORE + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-ha", no_argument, NULL, DBG_HA + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-private", no_argument, NULL, DBG_PRIVATE + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-delay-adns-key-answer", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_DELAY_ADNS_KEY_ANSWER + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-delay-adns-txt-answer", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_DELAY_ADNS_TXT_ANSWER + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-bust-mi2", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_BUST_MI2 + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-bust-mr2", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_BUST_MR2 + DBG_OFFSET }, #endif { 0,0,0,0 } }; /* Note: we don't like the way short options get parsed * by getopt_long, so we simply pass an empty string as * the list. It could be "hvdenp:l:s:" "NARXPECK". */ int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL); /* Note: "breaking" from case terminates loop */ switch (c) { case EOF: /* end of flags */ break; case 0: /* long option already handled */ continue; case ':': /* diagnostic already printed by getopt_long */ case '?': /* diagnostic already printed by getopt_long */ usage(""); break; /* not actually reached */ case 'h': /* --help */ usage(NULL); break; /* not actually reached */ case 'v': /* --version */ { const char **sp = ipsec_copyright_notice(); printf("strongSwan "VERSION"%s\n", compile_time_interop_options); for (; *sp != NULL; sp++) puts(*sp); } exit_pluto(0); break; /* not actually reached */ case '+': /* --optionsfrom <filename> */ if (!options->from(options, optarg, &argc, &argv, optind)) { exit_pluto(1); } continue; case 'd': /* --nofork*/ fork_desired = FALSE; continue; case 'e': /* --stderrlog */ log_to_stderr_desired = TRUE; continue; case 'n': /* --noklips */ no_klips = TRUE; continue; case 'c': /* --nocrsend */ no_cr_send = TRUE; continue; case 'r': /* --strictcrlpolicy */ strict_crl_policy = TRUE; continue; case 'x': /* --crlcheckinterval <time>*/ if (optarg == NULL || !isdigit(optarg[0])) usage("missing interval time"); { char *endptr; long interval = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || endptr == optarg || interval <= 0) usage("<interval-time> must be a positive number"); crl_check_interval = interval; } continue; case 'C': /* --cachecrls */ cache_crls = TRUE; continue; case 'o': /* --probe-psk */ probe_psk = TRUE; continue; case 'u': /* --uniqueids */ uniqueIDs = TRUE; continue; case 'i': /* --interface <ifname> */ if (!use_interface(optarg)) usage("too many --interface specifications"); continue; case 'H': /* --ha_interface <ifname> */ if (optarg && strcmp(optarg, "none") != 0) ha_interface = optarg; continue; case 'M': /* --ha_multicast <ip> */ ha_mcast_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(optarg); if (ha_mcast_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE || (((unsigned char *) &ha_mcast_addr.s_addr)[0] & 0xF0) != 0xE0) ha_mcast_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SA_SYNC_MULTICAST); continue; case 'V': /* --ha_vips <ip addresses> */ if(add_ha_vips(optarg)) usage("misconfigured ha_vip addresses"); continue; case 'S': /* --ha_seqdiff_in <diff> */ ha_seqdiff_in = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); continue; case 'O': /* --ha_seqdiff_out <diff> */ ha_seqdiff_out = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); continue; case 'p': /* --port <portnumber> */ if (optarg == NULL || !isdigit(optarg[0])) usage("missing port number"); { char *endptr; long port = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || endptr == optarg || port <= 0 || port > 0x10000) usage("<port-number> must be a number between 1 and 65535"); pluto_port = port; } continue; case 'b': /* --ctlbase <path> */ if (snprintf(ctl_addr.sun_path, sizeof(ctl_addr.sun_path) , "%s%s", optarg, CTL_SUFFIX) == -1) usage("<path>" CTL_SUFFIX " too long for sun_path"); if (snprintf(info_addr.sun_path, sizeof(info_addr.sun_path) , "%s%s", optarg, INFO_SUFFIX) == -1) usage("<path>" INFO_SUFFIX " too long for sun_path"); if (snprintf(pluto_lock, sizeof(pluto_lock) , "%s%s", optarg, LOCK_SUFFIX) == -1) usage("<path>" LOCK_SUFFIX " must fit"); continue; case 's': /* --secretsfile <secrets-file> */ shared_secrets_file = optarg; continue; case 'f': /* --policygroupsdir <policygroups-dir> */ policygroups_dir = optarg; continue; case 'a': /* --adns <pathname> */ pluto_adns_option = optarg; continue; case 'm': /* --pkcs11module <pathname> */ pkcs11_module_path = optarg; continue; case 'k': /* --pkcs11keepstate */ pkcs11_keep_state = TRUE; continue; case 'y': /* --pkcs11proxy */ pkcs11_proxy = TRUE; continue; case 'z': /* --pkcs11initargs */ pkcs11_init_args = optarg; continue; #ifdef DEBUG case 'N': /* --debug-none */ base_debugging = DBG_NONE; continue; case 'A': /* --debug-all */ base_debugging = DBG_ALL; continue; #endif case 'P': /* --perpeerlogbase */ base_perpeer_logdir = optarg; continue; case 'l': log_to_perpeer = TRUE; continue; case '1': /* --nat_traversal */ nat_traversal = TRUE; continue; case '2': /* --keep_alive */ keep_alive = atoi(optarg); continue; case '3': /* --force_keepalive */ force_keepalive = TRUE; continue; case '4': /* --disable_port_floating */ nat_t_spf = FALSE; continue; case '5': /* --debug-nat_t */ base_debugging |= DBG_NATT; continue; case '6': /* --virtual_private */ virtual_private = optarg; continue; default: #ifdef DEBUG if (c >= DBG_OFFSET) { base_debugging |= c - DBG_OFFSET; continue; } # undef DBG_OFFSET #endif bad_case(c); } break; } if (optind != argc) usage("unexpected argument"); reset_debugging(); lockfd = create_lock(); /* select between logging methods */ if (log_to_stderr_desired) { log_to_syslog = FALSE; } else { log_to_stderr = FALSE; } /* set the logging function of pfkey debugging */ #ifdef DEBUG pfkey_debug_func = DBG_log; #else pfkey_debug_func = NULL; #endif /* create control socket. * We must create it before the parent process returns so that * there will be no race condition in using it. The easiest * place to do this is before the daemon fork. */ { err_t ugh = init_ctl_socket(); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "pluto: %s", ugh); exit_pluto(1); } } /* If not suppressed, do daemon fork */ if (fork_desired) { { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "pluto: fork failed (%d %s)\n", errno, strerror(e)); exit_pluto(1); } if (pid != 0) { /* parent: die, after filling PID into lock file. * must not use exit_pluto: lock would be removed! */ exit(fill_lock(lockfd, pid)? 0 : 1); } } if (setsid() < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "setsid() failed in main(). Errno %d: %s\n", errno, strerror(e)); exit_pluto(1); } } else { /* no daemon fork: we have to fill in lock file */ (void) fill_lock(lockfd, getpid()); fprintf(stdout, "Pluto initialized\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Close everything but ctl_fd and (if needed) stderr. * There is some danger that a library that we don't know * about is using some fd that we don't know about. * I guess we'll soon find out. */ { int i; for (i = getdtablesize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) /* Bad hack */ { if ((!log_to_stderr || i != 2) && i != ctl_fd) close(i); } /* make sure that stdin, stdout, stderr are reserved */ if (open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) != 0) abort(); if (dup2(0, 1) != 1) abort(); if (!log_to_stderr && dup2(0, 2) != 2) abort(); } init_constants(); init_log("pluto"); /* Note: some scripts may look for this exact message -- don't change * ipsec barf was one, but it no longer does. */ plog("Starting IKEv1 pluto daemon (strongSwan "VERSION")%s", compile_time_interop_options); if (lib->integrity) { plog("integrity tests enabled:"); plog("lib 'libstrongswan': passed file and segment integrity tests"); plog("lib 'libhydra': passed file and segment integrity tests"); plog("daemon 'pluto': passed file integrity test"); } /* load plugins, further infrastructure may need it */ if (!lib->plugins->load(lib->plugins, NULL, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "pluto.load", PLUGINS))) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } print_plugins(); init_builder(); if (!init_secret() || !init_crypto()) { plog("initialization failed - aborting pluto"); exit_pluto(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } init_nat_traversal(nat_traversal, keep_alive, force_keepalive, nat_t_spf); init_virtual_ip(virtual_private); scx_init(pkcs11_module_path, pkcs11_init_args); init_states(); init_demux(); init_kernel(); init_adns(); init_myid(); fetch_initialize(); ac_initialize(); whack_attribute_initialize(); /* HA System: set sequence number delta and open HA interface */ if (ha_interface != NULL) { int version; if (kernel_ops->type == KERNEL_TYPE_LINUX && (version = xfrm_aevent_version()) != XFRM_AEVENT_VERSION) { if (version == 0) plog("HA system: XFRM sequence number updates only " "supported with kernel version 2.6.17 and later."); else if (version == -1) plog("HA system: error reading kernel version. " "Sequence number updates disabled."); else plog("HA system: Strongswan compiled for wrong kernel " "AEVENT version! Please set XFRM_AEVENT_VERSION " "to %d in src/include/linux/xfrm.h", version); ha_seqdiff_in = 0; ha_seqdiff_out = 0; } else { FILE *etime = fopen("/proc/sys/net/core/xfrm_aevent_etime", "w"); FILE *rseqth = fopen("/proc/sys/net/core/xfrm_aevent_rseqth", "w"); if (etime == NULL || rseqth == NULL) { plog("HA System: no sequence number support in Kernel! " "Please use at least kernel 2.6.17."); ha_seqdiff_in = 0; ha_seqdiff_out = 0; } else { /* * Disable etime (otherwise set to a multiple of 100ms, * e.g. 300 for 30 seconds). Using ha_seqdiff_out. */ fprintf(etime, "0"); fprintf(rseqth, "%d", ha_seqdiff_out); } fclose(etime); fclose(rseqth); } if (open_ha_iface() >= 0) { plog("HA system enabled and listening on interface %s", ha_interface); if (access("/var/master", F_OK) == 0) { plog("Initial HA switch to master mode"); ha_master = 1; event_schedule(EVENT_SA_SYNC_UPDATE, 30, NULL); } } else { plog("HA system failed to listen on interface %s. " "HA system disabled.", ha_interface); ha_interface = NULL; } } /* drop unneeded capabilities and change UID/GID */ prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1); #ifdef IPSEC_GROUP { struct group group, *grp; char buf[1024]; if (getgrnam_r(IPSEC_GROUP, &group, buf, sizeof(buf), &grp) != 0 || grp == NULL || setgid(grp->gr_gid) != 0) { plog("unable to change daemon group"); abort(); } } #endif #ifdef IPSEC_USER { struct passwd passwd, *pwp; char buf[1024]; if (getpwnam_r(IPSEC_USER, &passwd, buf, sizeof(buf), &pwp) != 0 || pwp == NULL || setuid(pwp->pw_uid) != 0) { plog("unable to change daemon user"); abort(); } } #endif #ifdef CAPABILITIES caps = cap_init(); cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_EFFECTIVE, 2, keep, CAP_SET); cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_INHERITABLE, 2, keep, CAP_SET); cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_PERMITTED, 2, keep, CAP_SET); if (cap_set_proc(caps) != 0) { plog("unable to drop daemon capabilities"); abort(); } cap_free(caps); #endif /* CAPABILITIES */ /* loading X.509 CA certificates */ load_authcerts("ca", CA_CERT_PATH, X509_CA); /* loading X.509 AA certificates */ load_authcerts("aa", AA_CERT_PATH, X509_AA); /* loading X.509 OCSP certificates */ load_authcerts("ocsp", OCSP_CERT_PATH, X509_OCSP_SIGNER); /* loading X.509 CRLs */ load_crls(); /* loading attribute certificates (experimental) */ ac_load_certs(); daily_log_event(); call_server(); return -1; /* Shouldn't ever reach this */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool fork_desired = TRUE; bool log_to_stderr_desired = FALSE; bool nat_traversal = FALSE; bool nat_t_spf = TRUE; /* support port floating */ unsigned int keep_alive = 0; bool force_keepalive = FALSE; char *virtual_private = NULL; int lockfd; #ifdef CAPABILITIES int keep[] = { CAP_NET_ADMIN, CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE }; #endif /* CAPABILITIES */ /* initialize library and optionsfrom */ if (!library_init(NULL)) { library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (!libhydra_init("pluto")) { libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (!pluto_init(argv[0])) { pluto_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } options = options_create(); /* handle arguments */ for (;;) { # define DBG_OFFSET 256 static const struct option long_opts[] = { /* name, has_arg, flag, val */ { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "optionsfrom", required_argument, NULL, '+' }, { "nofork", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "stderrlog", no_argument, NULL, 'e' }, { "nocrsend", no_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "strictcrlpolicy", no_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "crlcheckinterval", required_argument, NULL, 'x'}, { "cachecrls", no_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "uniqueids", no_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "disableuniqreqids", no_argument, NULL, 'Z'}, { "interface", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "ikeport", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "ctlbase", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "secretsfile", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "foodgroupsdir", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "perpeerlogbase", required_argument, NULL, 'P' }, { "perpeerlog", no_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "policygroupsdir", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, #ifdef USE_LWRES { "lwdnsq", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, #else /* !USE_LWRES */ { "adns", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, #endif /* !USE_LWRES */ { "pkcs11module", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "pkcs11keepstate", no_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "pkcs11initargs", required_argument, NULL, 'z' }, { "pkcs11proxy", no_argument, NULL, 'y' }, { "nat_traversal", no_argument, NULL, '1' }, { "keep_alive", required_argument, NULL, '2' }, { "force_keepalive", no_argument, NULL, '3' }, { "disable_port_floating", no_argument, NULL, '4' }, { "debug-natt", no_argument, NULL, '5' }, { "virtual_private", required_argument, NULL, '6' }, #ifdef DEBUG { "debug-none", no_argument, NULL, 'N' }, { "debug-all", no_argument, NULL, 'A' }, { "debug-raw", no_argument, NULL, DBG_RAW + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-crypt", no_argument, NULL, DBG_CRYPT + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-parsing", no_argument, NULL, DBG_PARSING + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-emitting", no_argument, NULL, DBG_EMITTING + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-control", no_argument, NULL, DBG_CONTROL + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-lifecycle", no_argument, NULL, DBG_LIFECYCLE + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-klips", no_argument, NULL, DBG_KERNEL + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-kernel", no_argument, NULL, DBG_KERNEL + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-dns", no_argument, NULL, DBG_DNS + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-oppo", no_argument, NULL, DBG_OPPO + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-controlmore", no_argument, NULL, DBG_CONTROLMORE + DBG_OFFSET }, { "debug-private", no_argument, NULL, DBG_PRIVATE + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-delay-adns-key-answer", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_DELAY_ADNS_KEY_ANSWER + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-delay-adns-txt-answer", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_DELAY_ADNS_TXT_ANSWER + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-bust-mi2", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_BUST_MI2 + DBG_OFFSET }, { "impair-bust-mr2", no_argument, NULL, IMPAIR_BUST_MR2 + DBG_OFFSET }, #endif { 0,0,0,0 } }; /* Note: we don't like the way short options get parsed * by getopt_long, so we simply pass an empty string as * the list. It could be "hvdenp:l:s:" "NARXPECK". */ int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL); /* Note: "breaking" from case terminates loop */ switch (c) { case EOF: /* end of flags */ break; case 0: /* long option already handled */ continue; case ':': /* diagnostic already printed by getopt_long */ case '?': /* diagnostic already printed by getopt_long */ usage(""); break; /* not actually reached */ case 'h': /* --help */ usage(NULL); break; /* not actually reached */ case 'v': /* --version */ { const char **sp = ipsec_copyright_notice(); printf("strongSwan "VERSION"%s\n", compile_time_interop_options); for (; *sp != NULL; sp++) puts(*sp); } exit_pluto(0); break; /* not actually reached */ case '+': /* --optionsfrom <filename> */ if (!options->from(options, optarg, &argc, &argv, optind)) { exit_pluto(1); } continue; case 'd': /* --nofork*/ fork_desired = FALSE; continue; case 'e': /* --stderrlog */ log_to_stderr_desired = TRUE; continue; case 'c': /* --nocrsend */ no_cr_send = TRUE; continue; case 'r': /* --strictcrlpolicy */ strict_crl_policy = TRUE; continue; case 'x': /* --crlcheckinterval <time>*/ if (optarg == NULL || !isdigit(optarg[0])) usage("missing interval time"); { char *endptr; long interval = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || endptr == optarg || interval <= 0) usage("<interval-time> must be a positive number"); crl_check_interval = interval; } continue; case 'C': /* --cachecrls */ cache_crls = TRUE; continue; case 'u': /* --uniqueids */ uniqueIDs = TRUE; continue; case 'Z': /* --disableuniqreqids */ disable_uniqreqids = TRUE; continue; case 'i': /* --interface <ifname> */ if (!use_interface(optarg)) usage("too many --interface specifications"); continue; case 'p': /* --port <portnumber> */ if (optarg == NULL || !isdigit(optarg[0])) usage("missing port number"); { char *endptr; long port = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || endptr == optarg || port <= 0 || port > 0x10000) usage("<port-number> must be a number between 1 and 65535"); pluto_port = port; } continue; case 'b': /* --ctlbase <path> */ if (snprintf(ctl_addr.sun_path, sizeof(ctl_addr.sun_path) , "%s%s", optarg, CTL_SUFFIX) == -1) usage("<path>" CTL_SUFFIX " too long for sun_path"); if (snprintf(info_addr.sun_path, sizeof(info_addr.sun_path) , "%s%s", optarg, INFO_SUFFIX) == -1) usage("<path>" INFO_SUFFIX " too long for sun_path"); if (snprintf(pluto_lock, sizeof(pluto_lock) , "%s%s", optarg, LOCK_SUFFIX) == -1) usage("<path>" LOCK_SUFFIX " must fit"); continue; case 's': /* --secretsfile <secrets-file> */ shared_secrets_file = optarg; continue; case 'f': /* --policygroupsdir <policygroups-dir> */ policygroups_dir = optarg; continue; case 'a': /* --adns <pathname> */ pluto_adns_option = optarg; continue; case 'm': /* --pkcs11module <pathname> */ pkcs11_module_path = optarg; continue; case 'k': /* --pkcs11keepstate */ pkcs11_keep_state = TRUE; continue; case 'y': /* --pkcs11proxy */ pkcs11_proxy = TRUE; continue; case 'z': /* --pkcs11initargs */ pkcs11_init_args = optarg; continue; #ifdef DEBUG case 'N': /* --debug-none */ base_debugging = DBG_NONE; continue; case 'A': /* --debug-all */ base_debugging = DBG_ALL; continue; #endif case 'P': /* --perpeerlogbase */ base_perpeer_logdir = optarg; continue; case 'l': log_to_perpeer = TRUE; continue; case '1': /* --nat_traversal */ nat_traversal = TRUE; continue; case '2': /* --keep_alive */ keep_alive = atoi(optarg); continue; case '3': /* --force_keepalive */ force_keepalive = TRUE; continue; case '4': /* --disable_port_floating */ nat_t_spf = FALSE; continue; case '5': /* --debug-nat_t */ base_debugging |= DBG_NATT; continue; case '6': /* --virtual_private */ virtual_private = optarg; continue; default: #ifdef DEBUG if (c >= DBG_OFFSET) { base_debugging |= c - DBG_OFFSET; continue; } # undef DBG_OFFSET #endif bad_case(c); } break; } if (optind != argc) usage("unexpected argument"); reset_debugging(); lockfd = create_lock(); /* select between logging methods */ if (log_to_stderr_desired) { log_to_syslog = FALSE; } else { log_to_stderr = FALSE; } /* set the logging function of pfkey debugging */ #ifdef DEBUG pfkey_debug_func = DBG_log; #else pfkey_debug_func = NULL; #endif /* create control socket. * We must create it before the parent process returns so that * there will be no race condition in using it. The easiest * place to do this is before the daemon fork. */ { err_t ugh = init_ctl_socket(); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "pluto: %s", ugh); exit_pluto(1); } } /* If not suppressed, do daemon fork */ if (fork_desired) { { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "pluto: fork failed (%d %s)\n", errno, strerror(e)); exit_pluto(1); } if (pid != 0) { /* parent: die, after filling PID into lock file. * must not use exit_pluto: lock would be removed! */ exit(fill_lock(lockfd, pid)? 0 : 1); } } if (setsid() < 0) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "setsid() failed in main(). Errno %d: %s\n", errno, strerror(e)); exit_pluto(1); } } else { /* no daemon fork: we have to fill in lock file */ (void) fill_lock(lockfd, getpid()); fprintf(stdout, "Pluto initialized\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Redirect stdin, stdout and stderr to /dev/null */ { int fd; if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)) == -1) abort(); if (dup2(fd, 0) != 0) abort(); if (dup2(fd, 1) != 1) abort(); if (!log_to_stderr && dup2(fd, 2) != 2) abort(); close(fd); } init_constants(); init_log("pluto"); /* Note: some scripts may look for this exact message -- don't change * ipsec barf was one, but it no longer does. */ plog("Starting IKEv1 pluto daemon (strongSwan "VERSION")%s", compile_time_interop_options); if (lib->integrity) { plog("integrity tests enabled:"); plog("lib 'libstrongswan': passed file and segment integrity tests"); plog("lib 'libhydra': passed file and segment integrity tests"); plog("daemon 'pluto': passed file integrity test"); } /* load plugins, further infrastructure may need it */ if (!lib->plugins->load(lib->plugins, NULL, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "pluto.load", PLUGINS))) { exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } print_plugins(); init_builder(); if (!init_secret() || !init_crypto()) { plog("initialization failed - aborting pluto"); exit_pluto(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } init_nat_traversal(nat_traversal, keep_alive, force_keepalive, nat_t_spf); init_virtual_ip(virtual_private); scx_init(pkcs11_module_path, pkcs11_init_args); init_states(); init_demux(); init_kernel(); init_adns(); init_myid(); fetch_initialize(); ac_initialize(); whack_attribute_initialize(); /* drop unneeded capabilities and change UID/GID */ prctl(PR_SET_KEEPCAPS, 1); #ifdef IPSEC_GROUP { struct group group, *grp; char buf[1024]; if (getgrnam_r(IPSEC_GROUP, &group, buf, sizeof(buf), &grp) != 0 || grp == NULL || setgid(grp->gr_gid) != 0) { plog("unable to change daemon group"); abort(); } } #endif #ifdef IPSEC_USER { struct passwd passwd, *pwp; char buf[1024]; if (getpwnam_r(IPSEC_USER, &passwd, buf, sizeof(buf), &pwp) != 0 || pwp == NULL || setuid(pwp->pw_uid) != 0) { plog("unable to change daemon user"); abort(); } } #endif #ifdef CAPABILITIES_LIBCAP { cap_t caps; caps = cap_init(); cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_EFFECTIVE, countof(keep), keep, CAP_SET); cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_INHERITABLE, countof(keep), keep, CAP_SET); cap_set_flag(caps, CAP_PERMITTED, countof(keep), keep, CAP_SET); if (cap_set_proc(caps) != 0) { plog("unable to drop daemon capabilities"); abort(); } cap_free(caps); } #endif /* CAPABILITIES_LIBCAP */ #ifdef CAPABILITIES_NATIVE { struct __user_cap_data_struct caps = { .effective = 0 }; struct __user_cap_header_struct header = { .version = _LINUX_CAPABILITY_VERSION, }; int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(keep); i++) { caps.effective |= 1 << keep[i]; caps.permitted |= 1 << keep[i]; caps.inheritable |= 1 << keep[i]; } if (capset(&header, &caps) != 0) { plog("unable to drop daemon capabilities"); abort(); } } #endif /* CAPABILITIES_NATIVE */ /* loading X.509 CA certificates */ load_authcerts("ca", CA_CERT_PATH, X509_CA); /* loading X.509 AA certificates */ load_authcerts("aa", AA_CERT_PATH, X509_AA); /* loading X.509 OCSP certificates */ load_authcerts("ocsp", OCSP_CERT_PATH, X509_OCSP_SIGNER); /* loading X.509 CRLs */ load_crls(); /* loading attribute certificates (experimental) */ ac_load_certs(); lib->processor->set_threads(lib->processor, lib->settings->get_int(lib->settings, "pluto.threads", DEFAULT_THREADS)); daily_log_event(); call_server(); return -1; /* Shouldn't ever reach this */ } /* leave pluto, with status. * Once child is launched, parent must not exit this way because * the lock would be released. * * 0 OK * 1 general discomfort * 10 lock file exists */ void exit_pluto(int status) { lib->processor->set_threads(lib->processor, 0); reset_globals(); /* needed because we may be called in odd state */ free_preshared_secrets(); free_remembered_public_keys(); delete_every_connection(); whack_attribute_finalize(); /* free in-memory pools */ kernel_finalize(); fetch_finalize(); /* stop fetching thread */ free_crl_fetch(); /* free chain of crl fetch requests */ free_ocsp_fetch(); /* free chain of ocsp fetch requests */ free_authcerts(); /* free chain of X.509 authority certificates */ free_crls(); /* free chain of X.509 CRLs */ free_ca_infos(); /* free chain of X.509 CA information records */ free_ocsp(); /* free ocsp cache */ free_ifaces(); ac_finalize(); /* free X.509 attribute certificates */ scx_finalize(); /* finalize and unload PKCS #11 module */ stop_adns(); free_md_pool(); free_crypto(); free_myid(); /* free myids */ free_events(); /* free remaining events */ free_vendorid(); /* free all vendor id records */ free_builder(); delete_lock(); options->destroy(options); pluto_deinit(); lib->plugins->unload(lib->plugins); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); close_log(); exit(status); }
/** * Main function, starts NetworkManager backend. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sigaction action; int status = SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; /* logging for library during initialization, as we have no bus yet */ dbg = dbg_syslog; /* initialize library */ if (!library_init(NULL)) { library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (lib->integrity && !lib->integrity->check_file(lib->integrity, "charon-nm", argv[0])) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "integrity check of charon-nm failed"); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } if (!libhydra_init("charon-nm")) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "initialization failed - aborting charon-nm"); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } if (!libcharon_init("charon-nm")) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "initialization failed - aborting charon-nm"); goto deinit; } if (!lookup_uid_gid()) { dbg_syslog(DBG_DMN, 1, "invalid uid/gid - aborting charon-nm"); goto deinit; } initialize_logger(); /* use random ports to avoid conflicts with regular charon */ lib->settings->set_int(lib->settings, "charon-nm.port", 0); lib->settings->set_int(lib->settings, "charon-nm.port_natt_t", 0); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "Starting charon NetworkManager backend (strongSwan "VERSION")"); if (lib->integrity) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "integrity tests enabled:"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "lib 'libstrongswan': passed file and segment integrity tests"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "lib 'libhydra': passed file and segment integrity tests"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "lib 'libcharon': passed file and segment integrity tests"); DBG1(DBG_DMN, "daemon 'charon-nm': passed file integrity test"); } /* register NM backend to be loaded with plugins */ nm_backend_register(); /* initialize daemon */ if (!charon->initialize(charon, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "charon-nm.load", PLUGINS))) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "initialization failed - aborting charon-nm"); goto deinit; } if (!charon->caps->drop(charon->caps)) { DBG1(DBG_DMN, "capability dropping failed - aborting charon-nm"); goto deinit; } /* add handler for SEGV and ILL, * INT and TERM are handled by sigwait() in run() */ action.sa_handler = segv_handler; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); /* start daemon (i.e. the threads in the thread-pool) */ charon->start(charon); /* main thread goes to run loop */ run(); status = 0; deinit: libcharon_deinit(); libhydra_deinit(); library_deinit(); return status; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { starter_config_t *cfg = NULL; starter_config_t *new_cfg; starter_conn_t *conn, *conn2; starter_ca_t *ca, *ca2; struct sigaction action; struct stat stb; int i; int id = 1; struct timespec ts; unsigned long auto_update = 0; time_t last_reload; bool no_fork = FALSE; bool attach_gdb = FALSE; bool load_warning = FALSE; library_init(NULL); atexit(library_deinit); libhydra_init("starter"); atexit(libhydra_deinit); /* parse command line */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (streq(argv[i], "--debug")) { current_loglevel = 2; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--debug-more")) { current_loglevel = 3; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--debug-all")) { current_loglevel = 4; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--nolog")) { current_loglevel = 0; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--nofork")) { no_fork = TRUE; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--attach-gdb")) { no_fork = TRUE; attach_gdb = TRUE; } else if (streq(argv[i], "--auto-update") && i+1 < argc) { auto_update = atoi(argv[++i]); if (!auto_update) usage(argv[0]); } else if (streq(argv[i], "--daemon") && i+1 < argc) { daemon_name = argv[++i]; } else { usage(argv[0]); } } if (!set_daemon_name()) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "unable to set daemon name"); exit(LSB_RC_FAILURE); } init_log("ipsec_starter"); DBG1(DBG_APP, "Starting %sSwan "VERSION" IPsec [starter]...", lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "charon.i_dont_care_about_security_and_use_aggressive_mode_psk", FALSE) ? "weak" : "strong"); #ifdef LOAD_WARNING load_warning = TRUE; #endif if (lib->settings->get_bool(lib->settings, "starter.load_warning", load_warning)) { if (lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "charon.load", NULL)) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "!! Your strongswan.conf contains manual plugin load options for charon."); DBG1(DBG_APP, "!! This is recommended for experts only, see"); DBG1(DBG_APP, "!!"); } } /* verify that we can start */ if (getuid() != 0) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "permission denied (must be superuser)"); cleanup(); exit(LSB_RC_NOT_ALLOWED); } if (check_pid(pid_file)) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "%s is already running (%s exists) -- skipping daemon start", daemon_name, pid_file); } else { _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON; } if (stat(DEV_RANDOM, &stb) != 0) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "unable to start strongSwan IPsec -- no %s!", DEV_RANDOM); cleanup(); exit(LSB_RC_FAILURE); } if (stat(DEV_URANDOM, &stb)!= 0) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "unable to start strongSwan IPsec -- no %s!", DEV_URANDOM); cleanup(); exit(LSB_RC_FAILURE); } cfg = confread_load(CONFIG_FILE); if (cfg == NULL || cfg->err > 0) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "unable to start strongSwan -- fatal errors in config"); if (cfg) { confread_free(cfg); } cleanup(); exit(LSB_RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } /* determine if we have a native netkey IPsec stack */ if (!starter_netkey_init()) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "no netkey IPsec stack detected"); if (!starter_klips_init()) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "no KLIPS IPsec stack detected"); DBG1(DBG_APP, "no known IPsec stack detected, ignoring!"); } } last_reload = time_monotonic(NULL); if (check_pid(starter_pid_file)) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "starter is already running (%s exists) -- no fork done", starter_pid_file); confread_free(cfg); cleanup(); exit(LSB_RC_SUCCESS); } #ifdef GENERATE_SELFCERT generate_selfcert(); #endif /* fork if we're not debugging stuff */ if (!no_fork) { log_to_stderr = FALSE; switch (fork()) { case 0: { int fnull; close_log(); closefrom(3); fnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (fnull >= 0) { dup2(fnull, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(fnull, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fnull, STDERR_FILENO); close(fnull); } setsid(); init_log("ipsec_starter"); } break; case -1: DBG1(DBG_APP, "can't fork: %s", strerror(errno)); break; default: confread_free(cfg); cleanup(); exit(LSB_RC_SUCCESS); } } /* save pid file in /var/run/starter[.daemon_name].pid */ { FILE *fd = fopen(starter_pid_file, "w"); if (fd) { fprintf(fd, "%u\n", getpid()); fclose(fd); } } /* we handle these signals only in pselect() */ memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGALRM); sigaddset(&action.sa_mask, SIGUSR1); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &action.sa_mask, NULL); /* install a handler for fatal signals */ action.sa_handler = fatal_signal_handler; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &action, NULL); action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); /* install main signal handler */ action.sa_handler = signal_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &action, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &action, NULL); /* this is not blocked above as we want to receive it asynchronously */ sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, NULL); /* empty mask for pselect() call below */ sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); for (;;) { /* * Stop charon (if started) and exit */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_QUIT) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stop_charon(); } starter_netkey_cleanup(); confread_free(cfg); unlink(starter_pid_file); cleanup(); DBG1(DBG_APP, "ipsec starter stopped"); close_log(); exit(LSB_RC_SUCCESS); } /* * Delete all connections. Will be added below */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_RELOAD) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { if (conn->startup == STARTUP_ROUTE) { starter_stroke_unroute_conn(conn); } starter_stroke_del_conn(conn); } conn->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_del_ca(ca); } ca->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_RELOAD; } /* * Update configuration */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE) { DBG2(DBG_APP, "Reloading config..."); new_cfg = confread_load(CONFIG_FILE); if (new_cfg && (new_cfg->err == 0)) { /* Switch to new config. New conn will be loaded below */ /* Look for new connections that are already loaded */ for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { for (conn2 = new_cfg->conn_first; conn2; conn2 = conn2->next) { if (conn2->state == STATE_TO_ADD && starter_cmp_conn(conn, conn2)) { conn->state = STATE_REPLACED; conn2->state = STATE_ADDED; conn2->id = conn->id; break; } } } } /* Remove conn sections that have become unused */ for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { if (conn->startup == STARTUP_ROUTE) { starter_stroke_unroute_conn(conn); } starter_stroke_del_conn(conn); } } } /* Look for new ca sections that are already loaded */ for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { for (ca2 = new_cfg->ca_first; ca2; ca2 = ca2->next) { if (ca2->state == STATE_TO_ADD && starter_cmp_ca(ca, ca2)) { ca->state = STATE_REPLACED; ca2->state = STATE_ADDED; break; } } } } /* Remove ca sections that have become unused */ for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_del_ca(ca); } } } confread_free(cfg); cfg = new_cfg; } else { DBG1(DBG_APP, "can't reload config file due to errors -- keeping old one"); if (new_cfg) { confread_free(new_cfg); } } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE; last_reload = time_monotonic(NULL); } /* * Start daemon */ if (_action_ & FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON) { if (cfg->setup.charonstart && !starter_charon_pid()) { DBG2(DBG_APP, "Attempting to start %s...", daemon_name); if (starter_start_charon(cfg, no_fork, attach_gdb)) { /* schedule next try */ alarm(CHARON_RESTART_DELAY); } starter_stroke_configure(cfg); } _action_ &= ~FLAG_ACTION_START_CHARON; for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_ADDED) { ca->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_ADDED) { conn->state = STATE_TO_ADD; } } } /* * Add stale conn and ca sections */ if (starter_charon_pid()) { for (ca = cfg->ca_first; ca; ca = ca->next) { if (ca->state == STATE_TO_ADD) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_add_ca(ca); } ca->state = STATE_ADDED; } } for (conn = cfg->conn_first; conn; conn = conn->next) { if (conn->state == STATE_TO_ADD) { if (conn->id == 0) { /* affect new unique id */ conn->id = id++; } if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_add_conn(cfg, conn); } conn->state = STATE_ADDED; if (conn->startup == STARTUP_START) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_initiate_conn(conn); } } else if (conn->startup == STARTUP_ROUTE) { if (starter_charon_pid()) { starter_stroke_route_conn(conn); } } } } } /* * If auto_update activated, when to stop select */ if (auto_update) { time_t now = time_monotonic(NULL); ts.tv_sec = (now < last_reload + auto_update) ? (last_reload + auto_update - now) : 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0; } /* * Wait for something to happen */ if (!_action_ && pselect(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, auto_update ? &ts : NULL, &action.sa_mask) == 0) { /* timeout -> auto_update */ _action_ |= FLAG_ACTION_UPDATE; } } exit(LSB_RC_SUCCESS); }