Пример #1
void export_cube_base::perform(const std::string &name,
    const std::string &desc, const mat &data) {

    static const char method[] = "add(const std::string &, "
            "const std::string &, const mat &)";

    if (data.n_rows != data.n_cols) {
        libwfa_exception(k_clazz, method, __FILE__, __LINE__, "data");
    if (m_dms.find(name) != m_dms.end()) {
        libwfa_exception(k_clazz, method, __FILE__, __LINE__, name.c_str());

    dm_data *ptr = new dm_data(desc, data);
    m_dms.insert(dm_list::value_type(name, ptr));

    if (m_nmax != 0 && m_dms.size() + m_orbs.size() > m_nmax) do_export();
Пример #2
void selector::select(size_t i) {

    if (i >= m_ntotal) return;
    if (m_indexes.count(i) != 0) {
        throw libwfa_exception("selector", "select(size_t)",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, "Already selected.");
    m_indexes[i] = m_cur++;
Пример #3
void export_cube_base::perform(const std::string &name,
    const std::string &desc, const std::vector<size_t> &idx,
    const mat &vecs) {

    static const char method[] =
            "add(const std::string &, const std::string &, "
            "const std::vector<size_t> &, const mat &)";

    if (idx.size() != vecs.n_cols) {
        libwfa_exception(k_clazz, method, __FILE__, __LINE__, "idx");
    if (m_orbs.find(name) != m_orbs.end()) {
        libwfa_exception(k_clazz, method, __FILE__, __LINE__, name.c_str());

    orb_data *ptr = new orb_data(desc, idx, vecs);
    m_orbs.insert(orb_list::value_type(name, ptr));

    if (m_nmax != 0 && m_dms.size() + m_orbs.size() > m_nmax) do_export();
Пример #4
void pop_data::print(std::ostream &out, const std::vector<std::string> &l,
        size_t cw, size_t prec, size_t off) const {

    if (m_sets.size() == 0) return;

    // Check if all data sets have the correct size
    for (iterator i = m_sets.begin(); i != m_sets.end(); i++) {
        if (l.size() != i->data.size()) {
            throw libwfa_exception("pop_data", "print(...) const",
                    __FILE__, __LINE__, "Length of population data.");

    // Compute max width of an index number
    size_t nw1 = 0, nl = l.size();
    while (nl != 0) { nl /= 10; nw1++; }

    // Compute max width of a label
    size_t nw2 = 0;
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = l.begin();
            i != l.end(); i++) {
        nw2 = std::max(nw2, i->size());

    // Compute width of initial columns
    size_t nw = nw1 + nw2 + 1;
    nw = std::max(nw, (size_t) 4);

    std::string os1(off, ' '), os2(nw - (nw1 + nw2 + 1) + off, ' ');

    // Reduce column width, if total width is wider than 80 characters
    size_t maxwidth = 80;
    size_t mincolwidth = prec + 4;
    size_t width = off + nw + cw * m_sets.size();
    while (width > maxwidth && cw > mincolwidth) {
        width -= m_sets.size();

    // Print header
    out << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(prec);
    out << os1 << std::setw(nw) << "Atom";
    for (pop_data::iterator i = m_sets.begin(); i != m_sets.end(); i++) {
        out << std::setw(cw) << i->name;
    out << std::endl;

    out << os1 << std::string(width - off, '-') << std::endl;
    arma::vec total(m_sets.size(), arma::fill::zeros);
    for (size_t i = 0, j = 1; i != l.size(); i++, j++) {

        out << os2 << std::setw(nw1) << j;
        out << " " << std::setw(nw2) << l[i];

        size_t k = 0;
        for (iterator kk = m_sets.begin(); kk != m_sets.end(); k++, kk++) {

            total(k) += kk->data(i);

            out << std::setw(cw) << kk->data(i);
        out << std::endl;

    // sum
    out << os1 << std::string(width - off, '-') << std::endl;

    out << std::right;
    out << os1 << std::setw(nw) << "Sum:";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < total.size(); i++) 
        out << std::setw(cw) << total(i);
    out << std::endl;