Пример #1
static int mtp_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *f, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	struct xmp_event *event;
	int i, j, k;
	uint8 buffer[25];
	int blocksize;


	hio_read(buffer, 6, 1, f);

	if (!memcmp(buffer, "SONGOK", 6))
		libxmp_set_type(m, "IIgs SoundSmith");
	else if (!memcmp(buffer, "IAN92a", 8))
		libxmp_set_type(m, "IIgs MegaTracker");
		return -1;

	blocksize = hio_read16l(f);
	mod->spd = hio_read16l(f);
	hio_seek(f, 10, SEEK_CUR);		/* skip 10 reserved bytes */
	mod->ins = mod->smp = 15;
	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0)
		return -1;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, 1) < 0)
			return -1;

		hio_read(buffer, 1, 22, f);
		if (buffer[0]) {
			buffer[buffer[0] + 1] = 0;
			libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, buffer + 1, 22);
		hio_read16l(f);		/* skip 2 reserved bytes */
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].vol = hio_read8(f) >> 2;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = 0x80;
		hio_seek(f, 5, SEEK_CUR);	/* skip 5 bytes */

	mod->len = hio_read8(f) & 0x7f;
	hio_read(mod->xxo, 1, 128, f);


	hio_seek(f, start + 600, SEEK_SET);

	mod->chn = 14;
	mod->pat = blocksize / (14 * 64);
	mod->trk = mod->pat * mod->chn;

	if (libxmp_init_pattern(mod) < 0)
		return -1;

	/* Read and convert patterns */
	D_(D_INFO "Stored patterns: %d", mod->pat);

	/* Load notes */
	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_pattern_tracks(mod, i, 64) < 0)
			return -1;

		for (j = 0; j < mod->xxp[i]->rows; j++) {
			for (k = 0; k < mod->chn; k++) {
				event = &EVENT(i, k, j);
				event->note = hio_read8(f);;
				if (event->note)
					event->note += 24;

	/* Load fx1 */
	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < mod->xxp[i]->rows; j++) {
			for (k = 0; k < mod->chn; k++) {
				uint8 x;
				event = &EVENT(i, k, j);
				x = hio_read8(f);;
				event->ins = x >> 4;

				switch (x & 0x0f) {
				case 0x00:
					event->fxt = FX_ARPEGGIO;
				case 0x03:
					event->fxt = FX_VOLSET;
				case 0x05:
					event->fxt = FX_VOLSLIDE_DN;
				case 0x06:
					event->fxt = FX_VOLSLIDE_UP;
				case 0x0f:
					event->fxt = FX_SPEED;

	/* Load fx2 */
	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < mod->xxp[i]->rows; j++) {
			for (k = 0; k < mod->chn; k++) {
				event = &EVENT(i, k, j);
				event->fxp = hio_read8(f);;

				switch (event->fxt) {
				case FX_VOLSET:
				case FX_VOLSLIDE_DN:
				case FX_VOLSLIDE_UP:
					event->fxp >>= 2;

	/* Read instrument data */
	D_(D_INFO "Instruments    : %d ", mod->ins);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		char filename[1024];

		if (!mod->xxi[i].name[0])

		strncpy(filename, m->dirname, NAME_SIZE);
		if (*filename)
			strncat(filename, "/", NAME_SIZE);
		strncat(filename, (char *)mod->xxi[i].name, NAME_SIZE);

		if ((s = hio_open_file(filename, "rb")) != NULL) {
			asif_load(m, s, i);

#if 0
		mod->xxs[i].lps = 0;
		mod->xxs[i].lpe = 0;
		mod->xxs[i].flg = mod->xxs[i].lpe > 0 ? XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP : 0;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin = 0;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = 0x80;

		D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-22.22s %04x %04x %04x %c V%02x", i,
				mod->xxs[i].len, mod->xxs[i].lps, mod->xxs[i].lpe,
				mod->xxs[i].flg & XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP ? 'L' : ' ',

	return 0;
Пример #2
static int rtm_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *f, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	int i, j, r;
	struct xmp_event *event;
	struct ObjectHeader oh;
	struct RTMMHeader rh;
	struct RTNDHeader rp;
	struct RTINHeader ri;
	struct RTSMHeader rs;
	int offset, smpnum, version;
	char tracker_name[21], composer[33];


	if (read_object_header(f, &oh, "RTMM") < 0)
		return -1;

	version = oh.version;

	hio_read(tracker_name, 1, 20, f);
	tracker_name[20] = 0;
	hio_read(composer, 1, 32, f);
	composer[32] = 0;
	rh.flags = hio_read16l(f);	/* bit 0: linear table, bit 1: track names */
	rh.ntrack = hio_read8(f);
	rh.ninstr = hio_read8(f);
	rh.nposition = hio_read16l(f);
	rh.npattern = hio_read16l(f);
	rh.speed = hio_read8(f);
	rh.tempo = hio_read8(f);
	hio_read(&rh.panning, 32, 1, f);
	rh.extraDataSize = hio_read32l(f);

	/* Sanity check */
	if (rh.nposition > 255 || rh.ntrack > 32 || rh.npattern > 255) {
		return -1;

	if (version >= 0x0112)
		hio_seek(f, 32, SEEK_CUR);		/* skip original name */

	for (i = 0; i < rh.nposition; i++) {
		mod->xxo[i] = hio_read16l(f);
		if (mod->xxo[i] >= rh.npattern) {
			return -1;
	strncpy(mod->name, oh.name, 20);
	snprintf(mod->type, XMP_NAME_SIZE, "%s RTM %x.%02x",
				tracker_name, version >> 8, version & 0xff);
	/* strncpy(m->author, composer, XMP_NAME_SIZE); */

	mod->len = rh.nposition;
	mod->pat = rh.npattern;
	mod->chn = rh.ntrack;
	mod->trk = mod->chn * mod->pat;
	mod->ins = rh.ninstr;
	mod->spd = rh.speed;
	mod->bpm = rh.tempo;

	m->c4rate = C4_NTSC_RATE;
	m->period_type = rh.flags & 0x01 ? PERIOD_LINEAR : PERIOD_AMIGA;


	for (i = 0; i < mod->chn; i++)
		mod->xxc[i].pan = rh.panning[i] & 0xff;

	if (libxmp_init_pattern(mod) < 0)
		return -1;

	D_(D_INFO "Stored patterns: %d", mod->pat);

	offset = 42 + oh.headerSize + rh.extraDataSize;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		uint8 c;

		hio_seek(f, start + offset, SEEK_SET);

		if (read_object_header(f, &oh, "RTND") < 0) {
			D_(D_CRIT "Error reading pattern %d", i);
			return -1;
		rp.flags = hio_read16l(f);
		rp.ntrack = hio_read8(f);
		rp.nrows = hio_read16l(f);
		rp.datasize = hio_read32l(f);

		/* Sanity check */
		if (rp.ntrack > rh.ntrack || rp.nrows > 256) {
			return -1;

		offset += 42 + oh.headerSize + rp.datasize;

		if (libxmp_alloc_pattern_tracks(mod, i, rp.nrows) < 0)
			return -1;

		for (r = 0; r < rp.nrows; r++) {
			for (j = 0; /*j < rp.ntrack */; j++) {

				c = hio_read8(f);
				if (c == 0)		/* next row */

				/* Sanity check */
				if (j >= rp.ntrack) {
					return -1;

				event = &EVENT(i, j, r);

				if (c & 0x01) {		/* set track */
					j = hio_read8(f);

					/* Sanity check */
					if (j >= rp.ntrack) {
						return -1;

					event = &EVENT(i, j, r);
				if (c & 0x02) {		/* read note */
					event->note = hio_read8(f) + 1;
					if (event->note == 0xff) {
						event->note = XMP_KEY_OFF;
					} else {
						event->note += 12;
				if (c & 0x04)		/* read instrument */
					event->ins = hio_read8(f);
				if (c & 0x08)		/* read effect */
					event->fxt = hio_read8(f);
				if (c & 0x10)		/* read parameter */
					event->fxp = hio_read8(f);
				if (c & 0x20)		/* read effect 2 */
					event->f2t = hio_read8(f);
				if (c & 0x40)		/* read parameter 2 */
					event->f2p = hio_read8(f);

	 * load instruments

	D_(D_INFO "Instruments: %d", mod->ins);

	hio_seek(f, start + offset, SEEK_SET);

	/* ESTIMATED value! We don't know the actual value at this point */
	mod->smp = MAX_SAMP;

	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0)
		return -1;

	smpnum = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		struct xmp_instrument *xxi = &mod->xxi[i];

		if (read_object_header(f, &oh, "RTIN") < 0) {
			D_(D_CRIT "Error reading instrument %d", i);
			return -1;

		libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, (uint8 *)&oh.name, 32);

		if (oh.headerSize == 0) {
			D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-26.26s %2d ", i,
						xxi->name, xxi->nsm);
			ri.nsample = 0;

		ri.nsample = hio_read8(f);
		ri.flags = hio_read16l(f);	/* bit 0 : default panning enabled */
		if (hio_read(&ri.table, 1, 120, f) != 120)
			return -1;

		ri.volumeEnv.npoint = hio_read8(f);

		/* Sanity check */
		if (ri.volumeEnv.npoint >= 12)
			return -1;

		for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
			ri.volumeEnv.point[j].x = hio_read32l(f);
			ri.volumeEnv.point[j].y = hio_read32l(f);
		ri.volumeEnv.sustain = hio_read8(f);
		ri.volumeEnv.loopstart = hio_read8(f);
		ri.volumeEnv.loopend = hio_read8(f);
		ri.volumeEnv.flags = hio_read16l(f); /* bit 0:enable 1:sus 2:loop */
		ri.panningEnv.npoint = hio_read8(f);

		/* Sanity check */
		if (ri.panningEnv.npoint >= 12)
			return -1;

		for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
			ri.panningEnv.point[j].x = hio_read32l(f);
			ri.panningEnv.point[j].y = hio_read32l(f);
		ri.panningEnv.sustain = hio_read8(f);
		ri.panningEnv.loopstart = hio_read8(f);
		ri.panningEnv.loopend = hio_read8(f);
		ri.panningEnv.flags = hio_read16l(f);

		ri.vibflg = hio_read8(f);
		ri.vibsweep = hio_read8(f);
		ri.vibdepth = hio_read8(f);
		ri.vibrate = hio_read8(f);
		ri.volfade = hio_read16l(f);

		if (version >= 0x0110) {
			ri.midiPort = hio_read8(f);
			ri.midiChannel = hio_read8(f);
			ri.midiProgram = hio_read8(f);
			ri.midiEnable = hio_read8(f);
		if (version >= 0x0112) {
			ri.midiTranspose = hio_read8(f);
			ri.midiBenderRange = hio_read8(f);
			ri.midiBaseVolume = hio_read8(f);
			ri.midiUseVelocity = hio_read8(f);

		xxi->nsm = ri.nsample;

		D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-26.26s %2d", i, xxi->name, xxi->nsm);

		if (xxi->nsm > 16)
			xxi->nsm = 16;

		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, xxi->nsm) < 0)
			return -1;

		for (j = 0; j < 120; j++)
			xxi->map[j].ins = ri.table[j];

		/* Envelope */
		xxi->rls = ri.volfade;
		xxi->aei.npt = ri.volumeEnv.npoint;
		xxi->aei.sus = ri.volumeEnv.sustain;
		xxi->aei.lps = ri.volumeEnv.loopstart;
		xxi->aei.lpe = ri.volumeEnv.loopend;
		xxi->aei.flg = ri.volumeEnv.flags;
		xxi->pei.npt = ri.panningEnv.npoint;
		xxi->pei.sus = ri.panningEnv.sustain;
		xxi->pei.lps = ri.panningEnv.loopstart;
		xxi->pei.lpe = ri.panningEnv.loopend;
		xxi->pei.flg = ri.panningEnv.flags;

		for (j = 0; j < xxi->aei.npt; j++) {
			xxi->aei.data[j * 2 + 0] = ri.volumeEnv.point[j].x;
			xxi->aei.data[j * 2 + 1] = ri.volumeEnv.point[j].y / 2;
		for (j = 0; j < xxi->pei.npt; j++) {
			xxi->pei.data[j * 2 + 0] = ri.panningEnv.point[j].x;
			xxi->pei.data[j * 2 + 1] = 32 + ri.panningEnv.point[j].y / 2;

		/* For each sample */
		for (j = 0; j < xxi->nsm; j++, smpnum++) {
			struct xmp_subinstrument *sub = &xxi->sub[j];
			struct xmp_sample *xxs;

			if (read_object_header(f, &oh, "RTSM") < 0) {
				D_(D_CRIT "Error reading sample %d", j);
				return -1;

			rs.flags = hio_read16l(f);
			rs.basevolume = hio_read8(f);
			rs.defaultvolume = hio_read8(f);
			rs.length = hio_read32l(f);
			rs.loop = hio_read32l(f);
			rs.loopbegin = hio_read32l(f);
			rs.loopend = hio_read32l(f);
			rs.basefreq = hio_read32l(f);
			rs.basenote = hio_read8(f);
			rs.panning = hio_read8(f);

			libxmp_c2spd_to_note(rs.basefreq, &sub->xpo, &sub->fin);
			sub->xpo += 48 - rs.basenote;
			sub->vol = rs.defaultvolume * rs.basevolume / 0x40;
			sub->pan = 0x80 + rs.panning * 2;
			sub->vwf = ri.vibflg;
			sub->vde = ri.vibdepth << 2;
			sub->vra = ri.vibrate;
			sub->vsw = ri.vibsweep;
			sub->sid = smpnum;

			if (smpnum >= mod->smp) {
				 mod->xxs = libxmp_realloc_samples(mod->xxs,
						&mod->smp, mod->smp * 3 / 2);
				if (mod->xxs == NULL)
					return -1;
 			xxs = &mod->xxs[smpnum];

			libxmp_copy_adjust(xxs->name, (uint8 *)oh.name, 31);

			xxs->len = rs.length;
			xxs->lps = rs.loopbegin;
			xxs->lpe = rs.loopend;

			xxs->flg = 0;
			if (rs.flags & 0x02) {
				xxs->flg |= XMP_SAMPLE_16BIT;
				xxs->len >>= 1;
				xxs->lps >>= 1;
				xxs->lpe >>= 1;

			xxs->flg |= rs.loop & 0x03 ?  XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP : 0;
			xxs->flg |= rs.loop == 2 ? XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP_BIDIR : 0;

			D_(D_INFO "  [%1x] %05x%c%05x %05x %c "
						"V%02x F%+04d P%02x R%+03d",
				j, xxs->len,
				xxs->flg & XMP_SAMPLE_16BIT ? '+' : ' ',
				xxs->lps, xxs->lpe,
				xxs->flg & XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP_BIDIR ? 'B' :
				xxs->flg & XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP ? 'L' : ' ',
				sub->vol, sub->fin, sub->pan, sub->xpo);

			if (libxmp_load_sample(m, f, SAMPLE_FLAG_DIFF, xxs, NULL) < 0)
				return -1;
Пример #3
static int gdm_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *f, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	struct xmp_event *event;
	int vermaj, vermin, tvmaj, tvmin, tracker;
	int /*origfmt,*/ ord_ofs, pat_ofs, ins_ofs, smp_ofs;
	uint8 buffer[32], panmap[32];
	int i;


	hio_read32b(f);			/* skip magic */
	hio_read(mod->name, 1, 32, f);
	hio_seek(f, 32, SEEK_CUR);	/* skip author */

	hio_seek(f, 7, SEEK_CUR);

	vermaj = hio_read8(f);
	vermin = hio_read8(f);
	tracker = hio_read16l(f);
	tvmaj = hio_read8(f);
	tvmin = hio_read8(f);

	if (tracker == 0) {
		libxmp_set_type(m, "GDM %d.%02d (2GDM %d.%02d)",
					vermaj, vermin, tvmaj, tvmin);
	} else {
		libxmp_set_type(m, "GDM %d.%02d (unknown tracker %d.%02d)",
					vermaj, vermin, tvmaj, tvmin);

	hio_read(panmap, 32, 1, f);
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
		if (panmap[i] == 255) {
			panmap[i] = 8;
			mod->xxc[i].vol = 0;
			mod->xxc[i].flg |= XMP_CHANNEL_MUTE;
		} else if (panmap[i] == 16) {
			panmap[i] = 8;
		mod->xxc[i].pan = 0x80 + (panmap[i] - 8) * 16;

	mod->gvl = hio_read8(f);
	mod->spd = hio_read8(f);
	mod->bpm = hio_read8(f);
	/*origfmt =*/ hio_read16l(f);
	ord_ofs = hio_read32l(f);
	mod->len = hio_read8(f) + 1;
	pat_ofs = hio_read32l(f);
	mod->pat = hio_read8(f) + 1;
	ins_ofs = hio_read32l(f);
	smp_ofs = hio_read32l(f);
	mod->ins = mod->smp = hio_read8(f) + 1;
	m->c4rate = C4_NTSC_RATE;


	hio_seek(f, start + ord_ofs, SEEK_SET);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->len; i++)
		mod->xxo[i] = hio_read8(f);

	/* Read instrument data */

	hio_seek(f, start + ins_ofs, SEEK_SET);

	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0)
		return -1;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		int flg, c4spd, vol, pan;

		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, 1) < 0)
			return -1;

		if (hio_read(buffer, 1, 32, f) != 32)
			return -1;

		libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, buffer, 32);
		hio_seek(f, 12, SEEK_CUR);		/* skip filename */
		hio_read8(f);			/* skip EMS handle */
		mod->xxs[i].len = hio_read32l(f);
		mod->xxs[i].lps = hio_read32l(f);
		mod->xxs[i].lpe = hio_read32l(f);
		flg = hio_read8(f);
		c4spd = hio_read16l(f);
		vol = hio_read8(f);
		pan = hio_read8(f);
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].vol = vol > 0x40 ? 0x40 : vol;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = pan > 15 ? 0x80 : 0x80 + (pan - 8) * 16;
		libxmp_c2spd_to_note(c4spd, &mod->xxi[i].sub[0].xpo, &mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin);

		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].sid = i;
		mod->xxs[i].flg = 0;

		if (mod->xxs[i].len > 0)
			mod->xxi[i].nsm = 1;

		if (flg & 0x01) {
			mod->xxs[i].flg |= XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP;
		if (flg & 0x02) {
			mod->xxs[i].flg |= XMP_SAMPLE_16BIT;
			mod->xxs[i].len >>= 1;
			mod->xxs[i].lps >>= 1;
			mod->xxs[i].lpe >>= 1;

		D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-32.32s %05x%c%05x %05x %c V%02x P%02x %5d",
				i, mod->xxi[i].name,
				mod->xxs[i].flg & XMP_SAMPLE_16BIT ? '+' : ' ',
				mod->xxs[i].flg & XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP ? 'L' : ' ',
Пример #4
static int pw_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *h, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	struct xmp_event *event;
	struct mod_header mh;
	uint8 mod_event[4];
	FILE *temp;
	char *name;
	char *temp_name;
	int i, j;

	/* Prowizard depacking */

	if ((temp = make_temp_file(&temp_name)) == NULL) {
		goto err;

	if (pw_wizardry(h, temp, &name) < 0) {
		goto err2;
	/* Module loading */

	if ((f = hio_open_file(temp)) == NULL) {
		goto err2;

	if (hio_seek(f, 0, start) < 0) {
		goto err3;

	hio_read(&mh.name, 20, 1, f);
	for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
		hio_read(&mh.ins[i].name, 22, 1, f);
		mh.ins[i].size = hio_read16b(f);
		mh.ins[i].finetune = hio_read8(f);
		mh.ins[i].volume = hio_read8(f);
		mh.ins[i].loop_start = hio_read16b(f);
		mh.ins[i].loop_size = hio_read16b(f);
	mh.len = hio_read8(f);
	mh.restart = hio_read8(f);
	hio_read(&mh.order, 128, 1, f);
	hio_read(&mh.magic, 4, 1, f);

	if (memcmp(mh.magic, "M.K.", 4)) {
		goto err3;
	mod->ins = 31;
	mod->smp = mod->ins;
	mod->chn = 4;
	mod->len = mh.len;
	mod->rst = mh.restart;
	memcpy(mod->xxo, mh.order, 128);

	for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		if (mod->xxo[i] > mod->pat)
			mod->pat = mod->xxo[i];


	mod->trk = mod->chn * mod->pat;

	snprintf(mod->name, XMP_NAME_SIZE, "%s", (char *)mh.name);
	snprintf(mod->type, XMP_NAME_SIZE, "%s", name);

	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0) {
		goto err3;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, 1) < 0)
			goto err3;

		mod->xxs[i].len = 2 * mh.ins[i].size;
		mod->xxs[i].lps = 2 * mh.ins[i].loop_start;
		mod->xxs[i].lpe = mod->xxs[i].lps + 2 * mh.ins[i].loop_size;
		mod->xxs[i].flg = mh.ins[i].loop_size > 1 ? XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP : 0;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin = (int8) (mh.ins[i].finetune << 4);
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].vol = mh.ins[i].volume;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = 0x80;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].sid = i;
		mod->xxi[i].rls = 0xfff;

		if (mod->xxs[i].len > 0)
			mod->xxi[i].nsm = 1;

		libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, mh.ins[i].name, 22);

		D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-22.22s %04x %04x %04x %c V%02x %+d",
			     i, mod->xxi[i].name, mod->xxs[i].len,
			     mod->xxs[i].lps, mod->xxs[i].lpe,
			     mh.ins[i].loop_size > 1 ? 'L' : ' ',
			     mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin >> 4);

	if (libxmp_init_pattern(mod) < 0) {
		goto err3;

	/* Load and convert patterns */
	D_(D_INFO "Stored patterns: %d", mod->pat);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_pattern_tracks(mod, i, 64) < 0)
			goto err3;

		for (j = 0; j < (64 * 4); j++) {
			event = &EVENT(i, j % 4, j / 4);
			hio_read(mod_event, 1, 4, f);
			libxmp_decode_protracker_event(event, mod_event);

	m->period_type = PERIOD_MODRNG;

	/* Load samples */

	D_(D_INFO "Stored samples: %d", mod->smp);
	for (i = 0; i < mod->smp; i++) {
		if (libxmp_load_sample(m, f, 0, &mod->xxs[i], NULL) < 0)
			goto err3;

	return 0;

	return -1;
Пример #5
static int ptdt_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *f, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	int i, j;
	struct xmp_event *event;
	struct mod_header mh;
	uint8 mod_event[4];

	hio_read(&mh.name, 20, 1, f);
	for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
		hio_read(&mh.ins[i].name, 22, 1, f);
		mh.ins[i].size = hio_read16b(f);
		mh.ins[i].finetune = hio_read8(f);
		mh.ins[i].volume = hio_read8(f);
		mh.ins[i].loop_start = hio_read16b(f);
		mh.ins[i].loop_size = hio_read16b(f);
	mh.len = hio_read8(f);
	mh.restart = hio_read8(f);
	hio_read(&mh.order, 128, 1, f);
	hio_read(&mh.magic, 4, 1, f);

	mod->ins = 31;
	mod->smp = mod->ins;
	mod->chn = 4;
	mod->len = mh.len;
	mod->rst = mh.restart;
	memcpy(mod->xxo, mh.order, 128);

	for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
		if (mod->xxo[i] > mod->pat)
			mod->pat = mod->xxo[i];

	mod->trk = mod->chn * mod->pat;

	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0)
		return -1;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, 1) < 0)
			return -1;

		mod->xxs[i].len = 2 * mh.ins[i].size;
		mod->xxs[i].lps = 2 * mh.ins[i].loop_start;
		mod->xxs[i].lpe = mod->xxs[i].lps + 2 * mh.ins[i].loop_size;
		mod->xxs[i].flg = mh.ins[i].loop_size > 1 ? XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP : 0;

		if (mod->xxs[i].len > 0)
			mod->xxi[i].nsm = 1;

		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin = (int8)(mh.ins[i].finetune << 4);
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].vol = mh.ins[i].volume;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = 0x80;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].sid = i;
		mod->xxi[i].rls = 0xfff;

		libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, mh.ins[i].name, 22);

		D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-22.22s %04x %04x %04x %c V%02x %+d",
				i, mod->xxi[i].name,
				mod->xxs[i].len, mod->xxs[i].lps,
				mh.ins[i].loop_size > 1 ? 'L' : ' ',
				mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin >> 4);

	if (libxmp_init_pattern(mod) < 0)
		return -1;

	/* Load and convert patterns */
	D_(D_INFO "Stored patterns: %d", mod->pat);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_pattern_tracks(mod, i, 64) < 0)
			return -1;

		for (j = 0; j < (64 * 4); j++) {
			event = &EVENT(i, j % 4, j / 4);
			hio_read(mod_event, 1, 4, f);
			libxmp_decode_protracker_event(event, mod_event);

	m->period_type = PERIOD_MODRNG;

	/* Load samples */
	D_(D_INFO "Stored samples: %d", mod->smp);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->smp; i++) {
		if (!mod->xxs[i].len)

		if (libxmp_load_sample(m, f, 0, &mod->xxs[i], NULL) < 0)
			return -1;

	return 0;
Пример #6
static int chip_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *f, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	struct mod_header mh;
	uint8 *tidx;
	int i, j, tnum;


	if ((tidx = calloc(1, 1024)) == NULL) {
		goto err;

	hio_read(&mh.name, 20, 1, f);

	for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
		hio_read(&mh.ins[i].name, 22, 1, f);
		mh.ins[i].size = hio_read16b(f);
		mh.ins[i].finetune = hio_read8(f);
		mh.ins[i].volume = hio_read8(f);
		mh.ins[i].loop_start = hio_read16b(f);
		mh.ins[i].loop_size = hio_read16b(f);

	hio_read(&mh.magic, 4, 1, f);
	mh.len = hio_read8(f);

	/* Sanity check */
	if (mh.len > 128) {
		goto err2;

	mh.restart = hio_read8(f);
	hio_read(tidx, 1024, 1, f);

	mod->chn = 4;
	mod->ins = 31;
	mod->smp = mod->ins;
	mod->len = mh.len;
	mod->pat = mh.len;
	mod->rst = mh.restart;

	tnum = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < mod->len; i++) {
		mod->xxo[i] = i;

		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			int t = tidx[2 * (4 * i + j)];
			if (t > tnum)
				tnum = t;

	mod->trk = tnum + 1;

	strncpy(mod->name, (char *)mh.name, 20);
	libxmp_set_type(m, "Chiptracker");

	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0)
		goto err2;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		struct xmp_instrument *xxi = &mod->xxi[i];
		struct xmp_sample *xxs = &mod->xxs[i];
		struct xmp_subinstrument *sub;

		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, 1) < 0)
			goto err2;

		sub = &xxi->sub[0];

		xxs->len = 2 * mh.ins[i].size;
		xxs->lps = mh.ins[i].loop_start;
		xxs->lpe = xxs->lps + 2 * mh.ins[i].loop_size;
		xxs->flg = mh.ins[i].loop_size > 1 ? XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP : 0;
		sub->fin = (int8) (mh.ins[i].finetune << 4);
		sub->vol = mh.ins[i].volume;
		sub->pan = 0x80;
		sub->sid = i;

		if (xxs->len > 0)
			xxi->nsm = 1;

		libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, mh.ins[i].name, 22);

	if (libxmp_init_pattern(mod) < 0)
		goto err2;

	for (i = 0; i < mod->len; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_pattern(mod, i) < 0)
			goto err2;
		mod->xxp[i]->rows = 64;

		for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
			int t = tidx[2 * (4 * i + j)];
			mod->xxp[i]->index[j] = t;

	/* Load and convert tracks */
	D_(D_INFO "Stored tracks: %d", mod->trk);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->trk; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_track(mod, i, 64) < 0)
			goto err2;

		for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
			struct xmp_event *event = &mod->xxt[i]->event[j];
			uint8 e[4];

			hio_read(e, 1, 4, f);
			if (e[0] && e[0] != 0xa8)
				event->note = 13 + e[0] / 2;
			event->ins = e[1];
			event->fxt = e[2] & 0x0f;
			event->fxp = e[3];

	m->period_type = PERIOD_MODRNG;

	/* Load samples */

	D_(D_INFO "Stored samples: %d", mod->smp);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->smp; i++) {
		if (mod->xxs[i].len == 0)

		if (libxmp_load_sample(m, f, SAMPLE_FLAG_FULLREP, &mod->xxs[i], NULL) < 0)
			goto err2;


	return 0;

	return -1;
Пример #7
static int tcb_load(struct module_data *m, HIO_HANDLE *f, const int start)
	struct xmp_module *mod = &m->mod;
	struct xmp_event *event;
	int i, j, k;
	uint8 buffer[10];
	int base_offs, soffs[16];
	uint8 unk1[16], unk2[16], unk3[16];


	hio_read(buffer, 8, 1, f);

	libxmp_set_type(m, "TCB Tracker", buffer);

	hio_read16b(f);	/* ? */
	mod->pat = hio_read16b(f);
	mod->ins = 16;
	mod->smp = mod->ins;
	mod->chn = 4;
	mod->trk = mod->pat * mod->chn;

	m->quirk |= QUIRK_MODRNG;

	hio_read16b(f);	/* ? */

	for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
		mod->xxo[i] = hio_read8(f);

	mod->len = hio_read8(f);
	hio_read8(f);	/* ? */
	hio_read16b(f);	/* ? */


	if (libxmp_init_instrument(m) < 0)
		return -1;

	/* Read instrument names */
	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_subinstrument(mod, i, 1) < 0)
			return -1;
		hio_read(buffer, 8, 1, f);
		libxmp_instrument_name(mod, i, buffer, 8);

	hio_read16b(f);	/* ? */
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)

	if (libxmp_init_pattern(mod) < 0)
		return -1;

	/* Read and convert patterns */
	D_(D_INFO "Stored patterns: %d ", mod->pat);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->pat; i++) {
		if (libxmp_alloc_pattern_tracks(mod, i, 64) < 0)
			return -1;

		for (j = 0; j < mod->xxp[i]->rows; j++) {
			for (k = 0; k < mod->chn; k++) {
				int b;
				event = &EVENT (i, k, j);

				b = hio_read8(f);
				if (b) {
					event->note = 12 * (b >> 4);
					event->note += (b & 0xf) + 36;
				b = hio_read8(f);
				event->ins = b >> 4;
				if (event->ins)
					event->ins += 1;
				if (b &= 0x0f) {
					switch (b) {
					case 0xd:
						event->fxt = FX_BREAK;
						event->fxp = 0;
						printf("---> %02x\n", b);

	base_offs = hio_tell(f);
	hio_read32b(f);	/* remaining size */

	/* Read instrument data */

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].vol = hio_read8(f) / 2;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = 0x80;
		unk1[i] = hio_read8(f);
		unk2[i] = hio_read8(f);
		unk3[i] = hio_read8(f);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		soffs[i] = hio_read32b(f);
		mod->xxs[i].len = hio_read32b(f);


	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		mod->xxi[i].nsm = !!(mod->xxs[i].len);
		mod->xxs[i].lps = 0;
		mod->xxs[i].lpe = 0;
		mod->xxs[i].flg = mod->xxs[i].lpe > 0 ? XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP : 0;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].fin = 0;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].pan = 0x80;
		mod->xxi[i].sub[0].sid = i;

		D_(D_INFO "[%2X] %-8.8s  %04x %04x %04x %c "
						"V%02x  %02x %02x %02x\n",
				i, mod->xxi[i].name,
				mod->xxs[i].len, mod->xxs[i].lps, mod->xxs[i].lpe,
				mod->xxs[i].flg & XMP_SAMPLE_LOOP ? 'L' : ' ',
				mod->xxi[i].sub[0].vol, unk1[i], unk2[i], unk3[i]);

	/* Read samples */

	D_(D_INFO "Stored samples: %d", mod->smp);

	for (i = 0; i < mod->ins; i++) {
		hio_seek(f, start + base_offs + soffs[i], SEEK_SET);
		if (libxmp_load_sample(m, f, SAMPLE_FLAG_UNS, &mod->xxs[i], NULL) < 0)
			return -1;

	return 0;