void BtAboutDialog::init_lic_tab()
	setTabText(tr("License Agreement"));

	QByteArray text;
	text += tr("BibleTime is released under the GPL licence.");
	text += tr("You can download and use (but not distribute) the program for personal, private, public or commercial purposes without restrictions.");
	text += tr("You can give away or distribute the program if you also distribute the corresponding source code.");
	text += "<br><br>";
	text += tr("The complete legally binding license is below.");

	QFile licFile(util::filesystem::DirectoryUtil::getLicenseDir().path() + "/license.html");
	if (licFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
		QByteArray html;
		while (!licFile.atEnd())
			QByteArray line = licFile.readLine();
			html = html + line;
		html.replace("TRANSLATED TEXT", text);
Пример #2
    Reimplement this function to return true if \a licenseKey is a valid
    license for the class \a key, or if the current machine is licensed.

    The default implementation returns true if the class \a key is
    not licensed (ie. no \c Q_CLASSINFO() attribute "LicenseKey"), or
    if  \a licenseKey matches the value of the "LicenseKey"
    attribute, or if the machine is licensed through a .LIC file with
    the same filename as this COM server.
bool QAxFactory::validateLicenseKey(const QString &key, const QString &licenseKey) const
    const QMetaObject *mo = metaObject(key);
    if (!mo)
        return true;

    QString classKey = QString::fromLatin1(mo->classInfo(mo->indexOfClassInfo("LicenseKey")).value());
    if (classKey.isEmpty())
        return true;

    if (licenseKey.isEmpty()) {
        QString licFile(QString::fromWCharArray(qAxModuleFilename));
        int lastDot = licFile.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
        licFile = licFile.left(lastDot) + QLatin1String(".lic");
        if (QFile::exists(licFile))
            return true;
        return false;
    return licenseKey == classKey;
void BtAboutDialog::retranslateLicenceTab() {
    m_tabWidget->setTabText(4, tr("&License"));

    QFile licFile(util::directory::getLicenseDir().path() + "/license.html");
    if (licFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {

        QString text("<p>");
        text += tr("BibleTime is released under the GPL license. You can download and use "
                   "the program for personal, private, public or "
                   "commercial purposes without restrictions, but can give away or "
                   "distribute the program only if you also distribute the corresponding source "
        text += "</p><p>";
        text += tr("The complete legally binding license is below.");
        text += "</p><hr/>";

        QString content(QTextStream(&licFile).readAll().replace("<!-- TR TEXT -->", text));
        content.replace("<!-- HEADER -->", MAKE_STYLE(m_licenceTab), Qt::CaseInsensitive);