Пример #1
message* merge_message(message* a,message* b)
	if(a==NULL) return b;
	if(b==NULL) return a;
	if(a->commands==NULL)	a->commands = b->commands;
	else	a->commands = link_command(a->commands,b->commands);
	if(a->notifications==NULL)	a->notifications = b->notifications;
	else	a->notifications = link_notification(a->notifications,b->notifications);
	if(a->requests==NULL)	a->requests = b->requests;
	else	a->requests = link_request(a->requests,b->requests);
	return a;
Пример #2
message* message_link_request(message* msg,request* req)
	if(msg==NULL) return msg;
	msg->requests = link_request(msg->requests,req);
	return msg;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   FILE      * f  = stdin;
   FILE      * of = NULL;
#endif /* SQLSTAT_HACK */
   char      * str;
   char      * p;
   char      * p2;
   char      * msg;
   u_int       from;
   u_int       to;
   u_int       count;
   int         fromport;
   int         toport;
   int         proto;
   char        c;
//   int         n;
   int         i;
   int         rc;
   int         flag_from;
   int         flag_to;

   exclitem_t  exclusion;
   accsum_t    statitem;

   time_t      curtime;
   struct tm   stm;

 r  1. Redefine resource name
 a  2. Redefine daemon address
 A  3. Redefine daemon port
 u  4. Send update command to billing switch
 n  5. Exclude dest address
 N  6. Include dest address
 l  7. Lock database (undesirable)

// Prepare timestampt for output file
   curtime = time(NULL) - 300;
   localtime_r(&curtime, &stm);

// Load bee config
   rc = conf_load(NULL);
   if (rc < 0)
   {  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Configuration loading failure\n");
   host = conf_coreaddr;
   port = conf_coreport;

   while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTS)) != -1)
   {  switch (c)
      {  case 'r':            // resorce name
            resname = optarg;

         case 'a':            // core address
            host = optarg;

         case 'A':            // core tcp port
            port = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10);

         case 'u':            // send update command flag
            fUpdate = 1;

         case 'n':
         case 'N':
	    if (cnt_exclist < EXCLUSIONS) 
            {  bzero(&exclusion, sizeof(exclusion));

               rc = make_addrandmask (optarg, &(exclusion.addr), &(exclusion.mask));
               if (rc < 0)
               {  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Exclusion \"-%c %s\" parse error\n", 
                          c, optarg);

               if (c == 'N') exclusion.flag = ITMF_COUNT;

               rc = da_ins(&cnt_exclist, &itm_exclist, sizeof(*itm_exclist), (-1), &exclusion);
               if (rc < 0)
               {  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Exclusion \"-%c %s\" system error\n",
                          c, optarg);
            {  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Overflow, exclusion \"-%c %s\" skipped\n",
                       c, optarg);

         case 'l':
            fLock = 1;

         case 'f':
            filename = optarg;

         case 'o':
            outfile = optarg;

         case 'c':
            fCnupm = !fCnupm;


// Open output file if any given (ignore error)
   if (outfile != NULL) of = fopen(outfile, "a");
#endif /* SQLSTAT_HACK */

// Load gates
   rc = reslinks_load (LOCK_SH);
   if (rc < 0)
   {  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Gates loading failure\n");

// Open input file (if any)
   if (filename != NULL)
   {  f = fopen(filename, "r");
      if (f == NULL)
      {  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Unable to open input \"%s\"\n", filename);

// Insert single stats item
   statitem.addr = 0;
   statitem.in   = 0;
   statitem.out  = 0;

   da_ins(&cnt_statlist, &itm_statlist, sizeof(*itm_statlist), (-1), &statitem);

// Input parse cycle
   while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f))

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
      fprintf(stderr, "STR: %s", buf);

      if (!(p = strchr(buf, '\n')))     // long line
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "\n");         // appending "\n"
         fprintf(stderr, "line too long: %s\n", buf);

      if (*buf > '9' || *buf < '0')     // if first char is not digit
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "SKIPPED - header\n");
         continue;  // skip header lines

      str = buf;

      if (fCnupm != 0)
      {  p = next_token(&str, IPFSTAT_DELIM);  // start date (skip)
         if (p == NULL) continue;
         p = next_token(&str, IPFSTAT_DELIM);  // start time (skip)
         if (p == NULL) continue;

      p = next_token(&str, IPFSTAT_DELIM);     // from addr
      if (p == NULL) continue;
      p2 = next_token(&p, ":");
      if (p2 == NULL) continue;      
      rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, p2, &from); 
      if (rc < 0) continue;

      fromport = (-1);
      if (fCnupm)                         // from port (cnupm only)
      {  p2 = next_token(&p, ":");
         if (p2 != NULL)
         {  fromport = strtol(p2, NULL, 10);

      p = next_token(&str, IPFSTAT_DELIM);     // to addr
      if (p == NULL) continue;
      p2 = next_token(&p, ":");
      if (p2 == NULL) continue;
      rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, p2, &to);
      if (rc < 0) continue;

      toport = (-1);
      if (fCnupm)                         // to port (cnupm only)
      {  p2 = next_token(&p, ":");
         if (p2 != NULL)
         {  toport = strtol(p2, NULL, 10);

      proto = (-1);
      p = next_token(&str, IPFSTAT_DELIM);     // packets/proto
      if (p == NULL) continue;
      if (fCnupm != 0)
      {  proto = strtol(p, NULL, 10);

      p = next_token(&str, IPFSTAT_DELIM);     // bytes
      if (p == NULL) continue;
      count = strtoul(p, NULL, 10);

      if (count == 0) continue;

// Filter excluded traffic (i.e. excluded to excluded)

      flag_to   = 1;   // i.e. global by default
      flag_from = 1;

      for (i=0; i < cnt_exclist; i++)
      {  if ((to   & itm_exclist[i].mask) == itm_exclist[i].addr)
            flag_to   = (itm_exclist[i].flag & ITMF_COUNT) != 0;
         if ((from & itm_exclist[i].mask) == itm_exclist[i].addr)
            flag_from = (itm_exclist[i].flag & ITMF_COUNT) != 0;
      if (flag_to == flag_from)
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "LOCAL -  %s -> %s\n", 
             inet_ntop(AF_INET, &from, addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf)),
             inet_ntop(AF_INET, &to, addrbuf2, sizeof(addrbuf2)));

// Fill stat item
      if (flag_from == 0)
      {  statitem.addr = from;
         statitem.in   = 0;
         statitem.out  = count;
      {  statitem.addr = to;
         statitem.in   = count;
         statitem.out  = 0;

// Write filtered data to output file
      if (of != NULL)
      {  fprintf(of, "SELECT add_traffstat('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:00:00', ", 
                     stm.tm_year + 1900,
                     stm.tm_mon + 1,
         fprintf(of, "'%s', ", inet_ntop(AF_INET, (flag_from ? &from : &to), addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf)));
         fprintf(of, "'%s', ", inet_ntop(AF_INET, (flag_from ? &to : &from), addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf)));
         if (flag_from) 
            fprintf(of, "0, %ld);\n", count);
            fprintf(of, "%ld, 0);\n", count);    
#endif /* SQLSTAT_HACK */

// Append to stats
         itm_statlist[0].in  += statitem.in;
         itm_statlist[0].out += statitem.out;
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "APPENDED\n");
   } // Input parse cycle
// Send counts onto core   

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
   fprintf(stderr, "NEW SESSION\n");

   rc = link_request(&lnk, host, port);
   if (rc == -1)
   {  fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to billing service (%s:%d): %s", host, port,
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
   fprintf(stderr, "CONNECTING BEE\n");

   rc = answait(&lnk, RET_SUCCESS, linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), &msg);

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
   fprintf(stderr, "BEE: %03d\n", rc);

   if (rc != RET_SUCCESS)
   {  if (rc == LINK_DOWN) fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected link down\n");
      if (rc == LINK_ERROR) perror("Link error");
      if (rc >= 400) fprintf(stderr, "Billing error : %s\n", msg);

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
   fprintf(stderr, "machine\n");

   link_puts(&lnk, "machine");
   rc = answait(&lnk, RET_SUCCESS, linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), &msg);

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
   fprintf(stderr, "BEE: %03d\n", rc);

   if (rc != RET_SUCCESS)
   {  if (rc == LINK_DOWN) fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected link down\n");
      if (rc == LINK_ERROR) perror("Link error");
      if (rc >= 400) fprintf(stderr, "Billing error : %s\n", msg);

   if (fLock)
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
      fprintf(stderr, "lock\n");

      link_puts(&lnk, "lock");
      rc = answait(&lnk, RET_SUCCESS, linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), &msg);

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
      fprintf(stderr, "BEE: %03d\n", rc);

      if (rc != RET_SUCCESS)
      {  if (rc == LINK_DOWN) fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected link down\n");
         if (rc == LINK_ERROR) perror("Link error");
         if (rc >= 400) fprintf(stderr, "Billing error : %s\n", msg);

   for (i=0; i < cnt_statlist; i++)
      inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(itm_statlist[i].addr), addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf));

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
      fprintf(stderr, "ITEM: %s in:%d out:%d\n", addrbuf,
              itm_statlist[i].in, itm_statlist[i].out);

      if (itm_statlist[i].in  != 0)
      {  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "res %s %s %u %u %s", resname,
                   addrbuf, itm_statlist[i].in, 0, addrbuf);  
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "CMD: %s\n", buf);
         link_puts(&lnk, "%s", buf);

         rc = answait(&lnk, RET_SUCCESS, linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), &msg);
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "BEE: %03d\n", rc);
         if (rc != RET_SUCCESS)
         {  if (rc == LINK_DOWN)
            {  fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected link down\n");
            if (rc == LINK_ERROR) perror("Link error");
            if (rc >= 400) fprintf(stderr, "Billing error (%d): %s "
                                           rc, msg, addrbuf);

      if (itm_statlist[i].out != 0)
      {  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "res %s %s %u %u %s", resname,
                   addrbuf, itm_statlist[i].out, 0x80000000, addrbuf);  
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "CMD: %s\n", buf);
         link_puts(&lnk, "%s", buf);

         rc = answait(&lnk, RET_SUCCESS, linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), &msg);
#ifdef DUMP_JOB
         fprintf(stderr, "BEE: %03d\n", rc);
         if (rc != RET_SUCCESS)
         {  if (rc == LINK_DOWN)
            {  fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected link down\n");
            if (rc == LINK_ERROR) perror("Link error");
            if (rc >= 400) fprintf(stderr, "Billing error (%d): %s "
                                           rc, msg, addrbuf);

#ifdef DUMP_JOB
fprintf(stderr, "TERMINATING\n");
   if (fUpdate)
   {  link_puts(&lnk, "update");
      rc=answait(&lnk, RET_SUCCESS, linbuf, sizeof(linbuf), &msg);
      if (rc != RET_SUCCESS)
      {  if (rc == LINK_DOWN) fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected link down\n");
         if (rc == LINK_ERROR) perror("Link error");
         if (rc >= 400) fprintf(stderr, "Billing error : %s\n", msg);

   link_puts (&lnk, "exit");

   return 0;