Пример #1
/// attempts to implement tab complete by matching the provided string
/// with an entry at the given parent path
std::string tabCompleteTeaSafeEntry(teasafe::TeaSafe &theBfs, std::string const &path)
    // make sure path begins with a slash
    std::string thePath(*path.begin() != '/' ? "/" : "");

    // find out the parent of the thing we're trying to tab complete
    // the item we're trying to tab-complete should be a child of this parent
    boost::filesystem::path bp(path);
    auto parentPath(bp.parent_path().string());

    // get the parent folder
    auto folder = theBfs.getFolder(parentPath);

    // iterate over entries in folder
    auto & entries = folder.listAllEntries();
    for (auto const &it : entries) {

        // try to match the entry with the thing that we want to tab-complete
        auto extracted(it.second->filename().substr(0, bp.filename().string().length()));
        if(extracted == bp.filename()) {
            return it.second->filename(); // match, return name of entry
    return bp.filename().string(); // no match, return non tab-completed token
Пример #2
        // list the directory contents
        teasafe_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler,
                        off_t, struct fuse_file_info *)
            try {
                auto folder(TeaSafe_DATA->getFolder(path));

                auto & infos(folder.listAllEntries());

                filler(buf, ".", NULL, 0);           /* Current directory (.)  */
                filler(buf, "..", NULL, 0);

                for(auto const &it : infos) {
                    struct stat stbuf;
                    if (it.second->type() == teasafe::EntryType::FileType) {
                        stbuf.st_mode = S_IFREG | 0755;
                        stbuf.st_nlink = 1;
                        stbuf.st_size = it.second->size();
                    } else {
                        stbuf.st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0744;
                        stbuf.st_nlink = 3;

                    filler(buf, it.second->filename().c_str(), &stbuf, 0);

            } catch (teasafe::TeaSafeException const &e) {
                return detail::exceptionDispatch(e);

            return 0;
Пример #3
    CoreFS::removeFolder(std::string const &path, FolderRemovalType const &removalType)
        StateLock lock(m_stateMutex);
        auto thePath(path);
        char ch = *path.rbegin();
        // ignore trailing slash, but only if folder type
        // an entry of file type should never have a trailing
        // slash and is allowed to fail in this case
        if (ch == '/') {
            std::string(path.begin(), path.end() - 1).swap(thePath);

        auto parentEntry(doGetParentCompoundFolder(thePath));
        if (!parentEntry) {
            throw KnoxCryptException(KnoxCryptError::NotFound);

        auto childInfo(parentEntry->getEntryInfo(boost::filesystem::path(thePath).filename().string()));
        if (!childInfo) {
            throw KnoxCryptException(KnoxCryptError::NotFound);
        if (childInfo->type() == EntryType::FileType) {
            throw KnoxCryptException(KnoxCryptError::NotFound);

        auto boostPath = ::boost::filesystem::path(thePath);
        if (removalType == FolderRemovalType::MustBeEmpty) {

            auto childEntry(parentEntry->getFolder(boostPath.filename().string()));
            if (!childEntry->listAllEntries().empty()) {
                throw KnoxCryptException(KnoxCryptError::FolderNotEmpty);

        try {
        } catch (...) {
            throw KnoxCryptException(KnoxCryptError::NotFound);

        // also remove entry and its parent from parent cache

        // need to also check if this now f***s up the cached file
Пример #4
/// the 'ls' command for listing dir contents
void com_ls(teasafe::TeaSafe &theBfs, std::string const &path)
    // make sure path begins with a slash
    std::string thePath(*path.begin() != '/' ? "/" : "");

    // iterate over entries in folder and print filenames of each
    auto folder = theBfs.getFolder(thePath);
    auto & entries = folder.listAllEntries();
    for (auto const &it : entries) {
        if (it.second->type() == teasafe::EntryType::FileType) {
            std::cout<<boost::format("%1% %|30t|%2%\n") % it.second->filename() % "<F>";
        } else {
            std::cout<<boost::format("%1% %|30t|%2%\n") % it.second->filename() % "<D>";