Пример #1
int main()
    struct list_t *root;
    size_t s;
    int a=43,b=63,c=99,d=70,e=25,f=17,g=57,h=69,i=111,j=120,k=70,l=73,m=75;
    /* char z[100]="test"; */
    /* z = "test"; */

    root = list_init();

	root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_any(root,&k);
    root = list_remove_front(root);

    list_insert_rear(root, &a);
    list_insert_rear(root, &b);
    root = list_insert_after(root,&c,3);
    list_insert_rear(root, &d);
    root = list_insert_front(root, &e);
    root = list_insert_front(root, &f);
    list_insert_rear(root, &g);
    root = list_remove_front(root);
    list_insert_rear(root, &h);
    root = list_insert_after(root,&i,5);
    root = list_insert_after(root,&j,120);
    root = list_remove_any(root,&k);

    root = list_remove_front(root);
    list_insert_rear(root, &l);
    root = list_remove_any(root,&l);

    list_insert_rear(root, &m);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    s = list_size(root);
    printf( "%d\n", (int)s);
    printf( "%d\n", search(root, &g) );


    return 0;
Пример #2
void *cache_enter(cache_t cache, void *data, int bytes, void **removed)
   char *new_element;

   /* Add a new element to the front of our list.  This is easy, because
    * we're using the list(3) package; our intentions exactly.
    * Try and add the new element.  If that succeeds, then check for a
    * full cache.  If full, remove the element at the rear of the list.
    * We return a pointer to the newly inserted element or NULL if the
    * insert failed.  We also return a pointer to the removed element
    * if we did indeed remove one.
   *removed = NULL;
   new_element = list_insert_before(cache->list, data, bytes);
   if (new_element != NULL) {
      if (list_size(cache->list) > cache->max_elements) {
	 *removed = (char *) list_remove_rear(cache->list);

Пример #3
int main()
	struct hash *my_hash, *my_hash2;
	int x;

	/* Testing Hash with Linked List items */

	struct list_t *root, *root2, *root3;
    int a=43,b=63,c=99,d=70,e=25,f=17,g=57,h=69,i=111,j=120,k=70,l=73,m=75;

    root = list_init();
    root2 = list_init();
    root3 = list_init();

	root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_any(root,&k);
    root = list_remove_front(root);

    list_insert_rear(root, &a);
    list_insert_rear(root, &b);
    root = list_insert_after(root,&c,3);
    list_insert_rear(root, &d);
    root = list_insert_front(root, &e);
    root = list_insert_front(root, &f);
    list_insert_rear(root, &g);
    root = list_remove_front(root);
    list_insert_rear(root, &h);
    root = list_insert_after(root,&i,5);
    root = list_insert_after(root,&j,120);
    root = list_remove_any(root,&k);

    root = list_remove_front(root);
    list_insert_rear(root, &l);
    root = list_remove_any(root,&l);

    list_insert_rear(root, &m);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);
    root = list_remove_rear(root);

	my_hash = hash_init("list");

	hash_insert(my_hash, "key1", root);
	hash_insert(my_hash, "key2", root2);
	hash_insert(my_hash, "key3", root3);


	char* s_val = "key2";
	char* r_val = hash_get(my_hash, s_val);
	printf("%s - %s\n", s_val, r_val);

	/* Testing Hash with Binary Tree items */

	struct node *root_node = NULL, *root_node2 = NULL, *root_node3 = NULL;

	root_node = insert(root_node,5,NULL);
    root_node = delete_node(root_node,5);
    root_node = insert(root_node,7,NULL);
    root_node = insert(root_node,3,NULL);
    root_node = insert(root_node,6,NULL);
    root_node = insert(root_node,9,NULL);
    root_node = insert(root_node,12,NULL);
    root_node = insert(root_node,1,NULL);
    root_node = delete_node(root_node,7);

    my_hash2 = hash_init("tree");
	hash_insert(my_hash2, "key1", root_node);
	hash_insert(my_hash2, "key2", root_node2);
	hash_insert(my_hash2, "key3", root_node3);


	return 0;