Пример #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	listelem_alloc_t *le;
	struct bogus *bogus1, *bogus2;
	int i;

	TEST_ASSERT(le = listelem_alloc_init(sizeof(struct bogus)));
	bogus1 = listelem_malloc(le);
	bogus1->str = "hello";
	bogus1->foobie = 42;
	bogus2 = listelem_malloc(le);
	bogus2->str = "goodbye";
	bogus2->foobie = 69;
	TEST_EQUAL(bogus1->foobie, 42);
	TEST_EQUAL(0, strcmp(bogus1->str, "hello"));
	listelem_free(le, bogus1);
	listelem_free(le, bogus2);

	TEST_ASSERT(le = listelem_alloc_init(sizeof(struct bogus)));
	for (i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
		bogus1 = listelem_malloc(le);

		struct bogus *bogus[600];
		int32 bogus_id[600];

		le = listelem_alloc_init(sizeof(struct bogus));
		for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
			bogus[i] = listelem_malloc_id(le, bogus_id + i);
		for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i) {
			TEST_EQUAL(bogus[i], listelem_get_item(le, bogus_id[i]));
		for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
			listelem_free(le, bogus[i]);
		for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
			bogus[i] = listelem_malloc_id(le, bogus_id + i);
		for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
			TEST_EQUAL(bogus[i], listelem_get_item(le, bogus_id[i]));

	return 0;
Пример #2
fsg_model_trans_add(fsg_model_t * fsg,
                    int32 from, int32 to, int32 logp, int32 wid)
    fsg_link_t *link;
    glist_t gl;
    gnode_t *gn;

    if (fsg->trans[from].trans == NULL)
        fsg->trans[from].trans = hash_table_new(5, HASH_CASE_YES);

    /* Check for duplicate link (i.e., link already exists with label=wid) */
    for (gn = gl = fsg_model_trans(fsg, from, to); gn; gn = gnode_next(gn)) {
        link = (fsg_link_t *) gnode_ptr(gn);
        if (link->wid == wid) {
            if (link->logs2prob < logp)
                link->logs2prob = logp;

    /* Create transition object */
    link = listelem_malloc(fsg->link_alloc);
    link->from_state = from;
    link->to_state = to;
    link->logs2prob = logp;
    link->wid = wid;

    /* Add it to the list of transitions and update the hash table */
    gl = glist_add_ptr(gl, (void *) link);
                            (char const *) &link->to_state,
                            sizeof(link->to_state), gl);
Пример #3
fsg_model_add_alt(fsg_model_t * fsg, char const *baseword,
                  char const *altword)
    int i, basewid, altwid;
    int ntrans;

    /* FIXME: This will get slow, eventually... */
    for (basewid = 0; basewid < fsg->n_word; ++basewid)
        if (0 == strcmp(fsg->vocab[basewid], baseword))
    if (basewid == fsg->n_word) {
        E_ERROR("Base word %s not present in FSG vocabulary!\n", baseword);
        return -1;
    altwid = fsg_model_word_add(fsg, altword);
    if (fsg->altwords == NULL)
        fsg->altwords = bitvec_alloc(fsg->n_word_alloc);
    bitvec_set(fsg->altwords, altwid);

    E_DEBUG(2,("Adding alternate word transitions (%s,%s) to FSG\n",
               baseword, altword));

    /* Look for all transitions involving baseword and duplicate them. */
    /* FIXME: This will also get slow, eventually... */
    ntrans = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < fsg->n_state; ++i) {
        hash_iter_t *itor;
        if (fsg->trans[i].trans == NULL)
        for (itor = hash_table_iter(fsg->trans[i].trans); itor;
             itor = hash_table_iter_next(itor)) {
            glist_t trans;
            gnode_t *gn;

            trans = hash_entry_val(itor->ent);
            for (gn = trans; gn; gn = gnode_next(gn)) {
                fsg_link_t *fl = gnode_ptr(gn);
                if (fl->wid == basewid) {
                    fsg_link_t *link;

                    /* Create transition object */
                    link = listelem_malloc(fsg->link_alloc);
                    link->from_state = fl->from_state;
                    link->to_state = fl->to_state;
                    link->logs2prob = fl->logs2prob; /* FIXME!!!??? */
                    link->wid = altwid;

                    trans =
                        glist_add_ptr(trans, (void *) link);
            hash_entry_val(itor->ent) = trans;

    E_DEBUG(2,("Added %d alternate word transitions\n", ntrans));
    return ntrans;
Пример #4
fsg_model_tag_trans_add(fsg_model_t * fsg, int32 from, int32 to,
                        int32 logp, int32 wid)
    fsg_link_t *link, *link2;

    /* Check for transition probability */
    if (logp > 0) {
        E_FATAL("Null transition prob must be <= 1.0 (state %d -> %d)\n",
                from, to);

    /* Self-loop null transitions (with prob <= 1.0) are redundant */
    if (from == to)
        return -1;

    if (fsg->trans[from].null_trans == NULL)
        fsg->trans[from].null_trans = hash_table_new(5, HASH_CASE_YES);

    /* Check for a duplicate link; if found, keep the higher prob */
    link = fsg_model_null_trans(fsg, from, to);
    if (link) {
        if (link->logs2prob < logp) {
            link->logs2prob = logp;
            return 0;
            return -1;

    /* Create null transition object */
    link = listelem_malloc(fsg->link_alloc);
    link->from_state = from;
    link->to_state = to;
    link->logs2prob = logp;
    link->wid = -1;

    link2 = (fsg_link_t *)
                              (char const *) &link->to_state,
                              sizeof(link->to_state), link);
    assert(link == link2);

    return 1;
static void
load_tginfo(NGRAM_MODEL_TYPE *model, int32 lw1, int32 lw2)
    int32 i, n, b, t;
    bigram_t *bg;
    tginfo_t *tginfo;

    /* First allocate space for tg information for bg lw1,lw2 */
    tginfo = (tginfo_t *) listelem_malloc(model->lm3g.le);
    tginfo->w1 = lw1;
    tginfo->tg = NULL;
    tginfo->next = model->lm3g.tginfo[lw2];
    model->lm3g.tginfo[lw2] = tginfo;

    /* Locate bigram lw1,lw2 */
    b = model->lm3g.unigrams[lw1].bigrams;
    n = model->lm3g.unigrams[lw1 + 1].bigrams - b;
    bg = model->lm3g.bigrams + b;

    if ((n > 0) && ((i = find_bg(bg, n, lw2)) >= 0)) {
        tginfo->bowt = model->lm3g.bo_wt2[bg[i].bo_wt2].l;

        /* Find t = Absolute first trigram index for bigram lw1,lw2 */
        b += i;                 /* b = Absolute index of bigram lw1,lw2 on disk */
        t = FIRST_TG(model, b);

        tginfo->tg = model->lm3g.trigrams + t;

        /* Find #tg for bigram w1,w2 */
        tginfo->n_tg = FIRST_TG(model, b + 1) - t;
    else {                      /* No bigram w1,w2 */
        tginfo->bowt = 0;
        tginfo->n_tg = 0;
 * Build HMM network for one utterance of fwdflat search.
static void
build_fwdflat_chan(ngram_search_t *ngs)
    int32 i, wid, p;
    root_chan_t *rhmm;
    chan_t *hmm, *prevhmm;
    dict_t *dict;
    dict2pid_t *d2p;

    dict = ps_search_dict(ngs);
    d2p = ps_search_dict2pid(ngs);

    /* Build word HMMs for each word in the lattice. */
    for (i = 0; ngs->fwdflat_wordlist[i] >= 0; i++) {
        wid = ngs->fwdflat_wordlist[i];

        /* Single-phone words are permanently allocated */
        if (dict_is_single_phone(dict, wid))

        assert(ngs->word_chan[wid] == NULL);

        /* Multiplex root HMM for first phone (one root per word, flat
         * lexicon).  diphone is irrelevant here, for the time being,
         * at least. */
        rhmm = listelem_malloc(ngs->root_chan_alloc);
        rhmm->ci2phone = dict_second_phone(dict, wid);
        rhmm->ciphone = dict_first_phone(dict, wid);
        rhmm->next = NULL;
        hmm_init(ngs->hmmctx, &rhmm->hmm, TRUE,
                 bin_mdef_pid2ssid(ps_search_acmod(ngs)->mdef, rhmm->ciphone),
                 bin_mdef_pid2tmatid(ps_search_acmod(ngs)->mdef, rhmm->ciphone));

        /* HMMs for word-internal phones */
        prevhmm = NULL;
        for (p = 1; p < dict_pronlen(dict, wid) - 1; p++) {
            hmm = listelem_malloc(ngs->chan_alloc);
            hmm->ciphone = dict_pron(dict, wid, p);
            hmm->info.rc_id = (p == dict_pronlen(dict, wid) - 1) ? 0 : -1;
            hmm->next = NULL;
            hmm_init(ngs->hmmctx, &hmm->hmm, FALSE,
		     bin_mdef_pid2tmatid(ps_search_acmod(ngs)->mdef, hmm->ciphone));

            if (prevhmm)
                prevhmm->next = hmm;
                rhmm->next = hmm;

            prevhmm = hmm;

        /* Right-context phones */
        ngram_search_alloc_all_rc(ngs, wid);

        /* Link in just allocated right-context phones */
        if (prevhmm)
            prevhmm->next = ngs->word_chan[wid];
            rhmm->next = ngs->word_chan[wid];
        ngs->word_chan[wid] = (chan_t *) rhmm;

 * Find all active words in backpointer table and sort by frame.
static void
build_fwdflat_wordlist(ngram_search_t *ngs)
    int32 i, f, sf, ef, wid, nwd;
    bptbl_t *bp;
    ps_latnode_t *node, *prevnode, *nextnode;

    /* No tree-search, use statically allocated wordlist. */
    if (!ngs->fwdtree)

    memset(ngs->frm_wordlist, 0, ngs->n_frame_alloc * sizeof(*ngs->frm_wordlist));

    /* Scan the backpointer table for all active words and record
     * their exit frames. */
    for (i = 0, bp = ngs->bp_table; i < ngs->bpidx; i++, bp++) {
        sf = (bp->bp < 0) ? 0 : ngs->bp_table[bp->bp].frame + 1;
        ef = bp->frame;
        wid = bp->wid;

        /* Anything that can be transitioned to in the LM can go in
         * the word list. */
        if (!ngram_model_set_known_wid(ngs->lmset,
                                       dict_basewid(ps_search_dict(ngs), wid)))

        /* Look for it in the wordlist. */
        for (node = ngs->frm_wordlist[sf]; node && (node->wid != wid);
             node = node->next);

        /* Update last end frame. */
        if (node)
            node->lef = ef;
        else {
            /* New node; link to head of list */
            node = listelem_malloc(ngs->latnode_alloc);
            node->wid = wid;
            node->fef = node->lef = ef;

            node->next = ngs->frm_wordlist[sf];
            ngs->frm_wordlist[sf] = node;

    /* Eliminate "unlikely" words, for which there are too few end points */
    for (f = 0; f < ngs->n_frame; f++) {
        prevnode = NULL;
        for (node = ngs->frm_wordlist[f]; node; node = nextnode) {
            nextnode = node->next;
            /* Word has too few endpoints */
            if ((node->lef - node->fef < ngs->min_ef_width) ||
                /* Word is </s> and doesn't actually end in last frame */
                ((node->wid == ps_search_finish_wid(ngs)) && (node->lef < ngs->n_frame - 1))) {
                if (!prevnode)
                    ngs->frm_wordlist[f] = nextnode;
                    prevnode->next = nextnode;
                listelem_free(ngs->latnode_alloc, node);
                prevnode = node;

    /* Form overall wordlist for 2nd pass */
    nwd = 0;
    bitvec_clear_all(ngs->word_active, ps_search_n_words(ngs));
    for (f = 0; f < ngs->n_frame; f++) {
        for (node = ngs->frm_wordlist[f]; node; node = node->next) {
            if (!bitvec_is_set(ngs->word_active, node->wid)) {
                bitvec_set(ngs->word_active, node->wid);
                ngs->fwdflat_wordlist[nwd++] = node->wid;
    ngs->fwdflat_wordlist[nwd] = -1;
    E_INFO("Utterance vocabulary contains %d words\n", nwd);