static int listpath(const char *name, int flags) { struct stat s; int err; /* * If the name ends in a '/', use stat() so we treat it like a * directory even if it's a symlink. */ if (name[strlen(name)-1] == '/') err = stat(name, &s); else err = lstat(name, &s); if (err < 0) { perror(name); return -1; } if ((flags & LIST_DIRECTORIES) == 0 && S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { if (flags & LIST_RECURSIVE) printf("\n%s:\n", name); return listdir(name, flags); } else { /* yeah this calls stat() again*/ return listfile(NULL, name, flags); } }
void deleteDB() { system("cls"); listfile(".\\db\\"); char dbn[200] = ".\\db\\"; printf("\n\n\tWhich database do you want to delete : "); scanf("%s",input); strcat(dbn,input); remove(strcat(dbn,".txt")); printf("\n\tDelete Complete"); }
void get_list(const char* filename, vector<string>& listset) { ifstream listfile(filename); if(! listfile){ cerr<<"No such file "<< filename<<'\n'; exit(0); } string line; while(getline(listfile, line)) { if(line != "") { listset.push_back(line); } } }
/* * Read the method list file and return it is a vector of strings. */ std::vector<std::string> ConfigFiles::load_coldstart_methods() { std::ifstream listfile(m_coldstart_method_filename); if (!listfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open coldstart method list: `%s'\n", m_coldstart_method_filename.c_str()); return std::vector<std::string>(); } std::vector<std::string> coldstart_methods; std::string method; while (std::getline(listfile, method)) { if (method.length() > 0) { coldstart_methods.push_back(m_proguard_map.translate_method(method)); } } return coldstart_methods; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { DIR *d; struct dirent * info; // a directory entry if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: listdir dirname\n"); exit(1); } chdir(argv[1]); d = opendir("."); while((info = readdir(d)) != NULL) { listfile(info->d_name); } }
void processcommand( char *command, char *P1, char *P2, char *P3 ) { if( strcmp(command, "createvfs") == 0 ) { int size = atoi(P2); if( (0 == strcmp(P1,"")) || 0 == P2 ) { printf("createvfs_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_CREATE_00); } else { createvfs (P1,size); } } else if( strcmp(command, "mountvfs") == 0 ) { if( (0 == strcmp(P1,"")) ) { printf("mountvfs_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_MOUNT_05); } else { if( 1 == ui_mountFlag ) { printf("mountvfs_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_MOUNT_04); } else { mountvfs (P1); } } } else if( strcmp(command, "unmountvfs") == 0 ) { if( (0 == strcmp(P1,"")) ) { printf("unmountvfs_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_UNMOUNT_00); } else { if( 0 == ui_mountFlag ) { printf("unmountvfs_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_UNMOUNT_04); } else { unmountvfs (P1); } } } else if( strcmp(command, "makedir") == 0 ) { if( (0 == strcmp(P1,"")) || (0 == strcmp(P2,"")) ) { printf("makedir_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_MAKEDIR_00); } else { if( 0 == ui_mountFlag ) { printf("makedir_FAILURE %s \n",ERR_VFS_MAKEDIR_05); } else { makedir (P1,P2); } } } else if( strcmp(command, "deletedir") == 0 ) deletedir (P1); else if( strcmp(command, "movedir") == 0 ) movedir (P1,P2); else if( strcmp(command, "listdir") == 0 ) { int flag = atoi(P2); listdir (P1,flag,P3); } else if( strcmp(command, "addfile") == 0 ) addfile (P1,P2,P3); else if( strcmp(command, "listfile") == 0 ) listfile (P1,P2); else if( strcmp(command, "updatefile") == 0 ) updatefile (P1,P2); else if( strcmp(command, "removefile") == 0 ) removefile (P1); else if( strcmp(command, "movefile") == 0 ) movefile (P1,P2); else if( strcmp(command, "copyfile") == 0 ) copyfile (P1,P2); else if( strcmp(command, "exportfile") == 0 ) exportfile (P1,P2); else if( strcmp(command, "searchfile") == 0 ) searchfile (P1,P2); else printf("Ignoring invalid command %s\n", command); }
int main(int argc , char* argv[]) { if (88 == initial_arg(argc , argv)) return 88; char AppPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetAppDir(AppPath); string date_txt = string(AppPath) + "\\date.txt"; string listfile_txt = string(AppPath) + "\\listfile.txt"; if (_chdir(Path_Argv.c_str())) { printf("无法找到的目录: %s\n\a\n\n", Path_Argv.c_str()); print_help(); if (argc == 1) getchar(); return -1; } else if (!Direct_Datelog_Flag) { printf("正在扫描目录: %s\n", Path_Argv.c_str()); // 获得文件名和路径数据输入文件 ,和差不多DIR . /S /AA /TW >\date.txt int file_sum = find_path_save_file(Path_Argv.c_str(), date_txt.c_str()); printf("扫描文件总数量: %d 个文件\t" , file_sum); } ifstream datefile(date_txt.c_str()); ofstream listfile(listfile_txt.c_str()); string readline; // 读取每行,然后使用正则搜索匹配 smatch m; regex e(Reg_Argv); F_STRUCT d_file ; // 简单的文件属性结构 map<string, string> mss_date; size_t file_size_sum = 0 ; while (getline(datefile , readline)) { char buf[MAX_PATH * 2]; char* pch = NULL; if (regex_search(readline, m, e)) { // 符合条件的的文件列表存如容器 // sscanf(readline.c_str() + 32 , "%s | %s" ,, d_file.path); // 不能处理路径和文件名中有空格 sscanf(readline.c_str() + 20 , "%d" , &d_file.size); file_size_sum += d_file.size; sprintf(buf, "%s", readline.c_str() + 32); pch = strchr(buf, '|'); // 查找分割标记 if (pch != NULL) { *pch = '\0'; strcpy( , buf); strcpy(d_file.path , pch + 1); csTrim(; csTrim(d_file.path); // 删除前后空格 mss_date.insert(make_pair(string(d_file.path) + "\\" + , string(; } } } printf("符合条件文件数量: %d 个文件 大小: %d字节\n" , mss_date.size() , file_size_sum); for (auto it = mss_date.begin() ; it != mss_date.end(); ++it) listfile << it->first.substr(it->first.find(":\\") + 2) << "\n"; // 输出结果 datefile.close(); listfile.close(); // 调用7z命令行打包文件, string pkcmd = string("7z.exe a -scsWIN ") + Packfile_Argv + " @" + listfile_txt; if (IsFileExist((string(AppPath) + "\\res\\7z.exe").c_str())) pkcmd = string(AppPath) + "\\res\\" + pkcmd; if (Test_List_Flag) pkcmd = string("TYPE ") + listfile_txt; // 只是显示 listfiel.txt, 不打包文件 _chdir("\\"); system("COLOR F9"); if (system(pkcmd.c_str()) != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\t%s %s\n" , "调用打包命令:" , pkcmd.c_str(), "失败!请检查软件目录下是否有 7z.exe"); } print_help(); if (Delete_Datelog_Flag) { remove(date_txt.c_str()); remove(listfile_txt.c_str()); } if (argc == 1) getchar(); return 0; }
static int listdir(const char *name, int flags) { char tmp[4096]; DIR *d; struct dirent *de; d = opendir(name); if(d == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "opendir failed, %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){ if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) continue; if(de->d_name[0] == '.' && (flags & LIST_ALL) == 0) continue; listfile(name, de->d_name, flags); } if (flags & LIST_RECURSIVE) { rewinddir(d); while ((de = readdir(d)) != 0) { struct stat s; int err; if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) continue; if (de->d_name[0] == '.' && (flags & LIST_ALL) == 0) continue; if (!strcmp(name, "/")) snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/%s", de->d_name); else snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s", name, de->d_name); /* * If the name ends in a '/', use stat() so we treat it like a * directory even if it's a symlink. */ if (tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] == '/') err = stat(tmp, &s); else err = lstat(tmp, &s); if (err < 0) { perror(tmp); closedir(d); return -1; } if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { printf("\n%s:\n", tmp); listdir(tmp, flags); } } } closedir(d); return 0; }
void createTable(char mode[], char path[]) { system("cls"); int i, j, k, n, qNum, tableNum, attribute[100], row[100], letterCount=0; char table[100][100], attName[100][100][100], field[100][100][100], x[50000]; char y[100]; char DBName[100]; char dbn[200] = ".\\db\\"; if(strcmp(mode,"CREATED")) { listfile(".\\db\\"); printf("\n\tDatabase Name : "); //gets(DBName); gets(y); } else if(!strcmp(mode,"CREATED") && strcmp(path," ")) { //gets(DBName); strcpy(y,path); } strcat(dbn,y); if((fpt = fopen(strcat(dbn,".txt"),"a")) == NULL) { perror("\n\tError reading database, please try again or read the manual.\n\n"); system("PAUSE"); exit(1); } i = j = k = qNum = 0; do { qNum++; printf("\n\tTable name : "); gets(table[i]); attribute[i] = 0; do { attribute[i]++; printf("\n\tAttribute %d : ", j+1); gets(attName[i][j]); printf("\n\tAdd more Attribute? [y/n]: "); j++; } while(getche() == 'y'); row[i] = j = n = 0; do { row[i]++; for(k = 0; k < attribute[i]; k++) { printf("\n\tRow %d's %s : ", j+1, attName[i][k]); gets(field[i][n]); n++; } printf("\n\tAdd another Row? [y/n]: "); j++; } while(getche() == 'y'); printf("\n\tPress any key to continue . . . "); i++; } while(getche() == 'Y'); //printf("sssss\n"); for(i = 0; i < qNum; i++) { fprintf(fpt,"TABLE%s\n",table[i]); fprintf(fpt,"ATTRIBUTE %d\n",attribute[i]); for(j = 0; j < attribute[i]; j++) { fprintf(fpt,"%s\n",attName[i][j]); } fprintf(fpt,"ROW %d\n",row[i]); n = 0; for(j = 0; j < row[i]; j++) { for(k = 0; k < attribute[i]; k++) { fprintf(fpt,"%s ",field[i][n]); n++; } fprintf(fpt,"\n"); } } fclose(fpt); }
void readDB(char mode[]) { int i, j, k, n, AttNum, RowNum, TableNum, qNum; char DBName[100], table[100][100], db[100][100][100], Attribute[50][100], x[100]; char b[100]; listfile(".\\db\\"); printf("\n\tSelect a Database: "); gets(DBName); i = k = qNum = 0; if(!strcmp(mode,"SELECT")) { do { qNum++; printf("\n\tWhich table? : "); gets(table[i]); printf("\n\tJoin another table? [y/n]: "); i++; } while(getche() == 'y'); } char dbn[200] = ".\\db\\"; strcat(dbn,DBName); if((fpt = fopen(strcat(dbn,".txt"),"r")) == NULL) { //printf("\n%s",path); perror("\n\tError reading database, please try again or read the manual.\n\n"); system("PAUSE"); exit(1); } else { if(!strcmp(mode,"SELECT")) { for(k = 0; k < qNum; k++) { rewind(fpt); //printf("\nseeked"); //find the desired table char t[100] = "TABLE"; strcat(t,table[k]); while(strcmp(x,t)) { fscanf(fpt,"%s",x); } //printf("\nFound Table"); //Get number of Attribute fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&AttNum); //printf("\nGot AttNum"); printf("\n"); //Get Attributes's names for(i = 0; i < AttNum; i++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s\n",Attribute[i]); } //Get Number of Row(s) fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&RowNum); //Get Fields for(i = 0; i < RowNum; i++) { for(j = 0; j < AttNum; j++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s ",db[i][j]); } fscanf(fpt,"\n"); } int l; /*l = strlen(table[k]); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { table[k][i] = table[k][i+5]; } table[k][l] = ('\0');*/ printf("\t+++%s+++\n\n",table[k]); //Print Attributes for(i = 0; i < AttNum; i++) { printf("\t"); //Extra from NeunG printf("%-16s", Attribute[i]); } printf("\n\t----------------------------------------------------\n"); //Prints Rows of Data for(i = 0; i < RowNum; i++) { for(j = 0; j < AttNum; j++) { printf("\t"); //Extra from NeunG printf("%-16s",db[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } } fclose(fpt); } else if(!strcmp(mode,"ALL")) { //Get number of table(s) fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&TableNum); qNum = TableNum; //printf("%d\n",TableNum); for(k = 0; k < qNum; k++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s\n",table[k]); int l; l = strlen(table[k]); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { table[k][i] = table[k][i+5]; } table[k][l] = ('\0'); //Get number of Attribute fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&AttNum); //printf("\nGot AttNum=%d\n",AttNum); printf("\n"); //Get Attributes's names for(i = 0; i < AttNum; i++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s\n",Attribute[i]); } //printf("GotAttName\n"); //Get Number of Row(s) fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&RowNum); //printf("GotRowNum=%d\n",RowNum); //getch(); //Get Fields for(i = 0; i < RowNum; i++) { for(j = 0; j < AttNum; j++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s ",db[i][j]); //printf("gotAField\n"); } fscanf(fpt,"\n"); } printf("\t+++%s+++\n\n",table[k]); //Print Attributes for(i = 0; i < AttNum; i++) { printf("\t"); //Extra from NeunG printf("%-16s", Attribute[i]); } printf("\n\t----------------------------------------------------\n"); //Prints Rows of Data for(i = 0; i < RowNum; i++) { for(j = 0; j < AttNum; j++) { printf("\t"); //Extra from NeunG printf("%-16s",db[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } } fclose(fpt); } } }
void deleteTable() { system("cls"); struct delTable { char nameTable[30]; char Attribute[30][200]; int numAt; char row[30][200]; int numRow; } info[10],temp; int numTable,i,j; char Delwant[30]; char Tnum[100],x[30]; char Table[30] = "TABLE"; char DBName[30]; char dbn[200] = ".\\db\\"; listfile(".\\db\\"); printf("\n\n\tDatabase name to delete : "); gets(DBName); strcat(dbn,DBName); if((fpt = fopen(strcat(dbn,".txt"),"r")) == NULL) { printf("Error creating new file, please try again or read the manual."); system("PAUSE"); exit(1); } else { fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",Tnum,&numTable); for(i=0; i<numTable; i++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s\n",info[i].nameTable); fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&info[i].numAt); for(j=0; j<info[i].numAt; j++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s\n",info[i].Attribute[j]); } fscanf(fpt,"%s %d\n",x,&info[i].numRow); for(j=0; j<info[i].numRow*info[i].numAt; j++) { fscanf(fpt,"%s",info[i].row[j]); } } fclose(fpt); printf("\n\tWhich table do you want to delete : "); gets(Delwant); strcat(Table,Delwant); for(i=0; i<numTable-1; i++) { if(strcmp(Table,info[i].nameTable)==0) { temp=info[i]; info[i]=info[i+1]; info[i+1]=temp; } } fpt = fopen(dbn,"w"); fprintf(fpt,"TNUM %d\n",numTable-1); for(i=0; i<numTable-1; i++) { fprintf(fpt,"%s\n",info[i].nameTable); fprintf(fpt,"ATTRIBUTE %d\n",info[i].numAt); for(j=0; j<info[i].numAt; j++) { fprintf(fpt,"%s\n",info[i].Attribute[j]); } fprintf(fpt,"ROW %d\n",info[i].numRow); for(j=0; j<info[i].numAt*info[i].numRow; j++) { fprintf(fpt,"%s ",info[i].row[j]); if((j+1)%info[i].numAt==0) { fprintf(fpt,"\n"); } } } fclose(fpt); } printf("\n\tComplete"); Sleep(200); }
void CIFTREE_extract(std::ifstream & inFile, std::vector<Her::CIFTREE_idxEntry> jumpList, std::string outdir) { //// DECOMPRESS std::vector<uint8_t> outData; std::ostringstream outName; std::string outSuffix; std::ofstream outFile; std::map<std::string, std::string> extlist; int nWidth = (int)std::log10(jumpList.size())+1; // for zero-padding // we want the CIFLIST first, regardless of position in the tree, and // get the proper file extensions for (auto & i : jumpList) { if (i.fileName != "CIFLIST") { continue; } outData = ctext(i, inFile); std::string listfile((char*), outData.size()); extlist = getexts(listfile); break; // we've gone through CIFLIST, nothing more to do here. } // now to actually process these files for (auto &i : jumpList) { outData = ctext(i, inFile); // handle TGA files if necessary if (i.fileType == 2) { // PLAIN (image) // XXX DECAL type probably doesn't hit this; should it? outData = Her::make_TGA(outData, i.xorigin, i.yorigin, i.imgWidth, i.imgHeight); } // figure out the extension try { outSuffix =; } catch(std::exception & err) { std::cerr << "C++ ERROR: \n" << err.what() << "\n"; std::cerr << "(Additional info:)\nTried \"" << i.fileName << "\" (" << i.fileName.size() << ")\n"; throw 42; } // create path to save to outName << std::setw(nWidth) << std::setfill('0') << i.fileNo; outName << "_" << std::string(i.fileName.c_str()); // kill the null padding outName << outSuffix; // not using outSuffix to makeoutfile 'cos it currently segfaults, seemingly on path.stem, or something it does? // create filehandle and save, outdir), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); outFile.write((char*)(, outData.size()); outFile.close(); // empty other variables outName.clear(); outName.str(""); outData.clear(); } }
void * listfile(SINT cmd,LONG info,CHAR *str) { #define MAX_X 20 #define MAX_Y 30 static struct WINSCR buf[MAX_Y]; static struct WS_INFO ws; LONG a; LONG pt; static SINT IptMirror; static SINT scrhdl=-1; //struct ffblk file; FFBLK Fblk; SINT fine; static CHAR *p,*pmem=NULL; static CHAR extcur[4]; //WORD sgm; CHAR serv[255]; CHAR Bsys.szMouseCursorName[NOMEICONE_SIZE+1]; // Icone corrente del mouse SINT BMS_ax,BMS_ay; //------------------------------------------------- if (cmd==WS_INF) return &ws; switch (cmd) { case WS_BUF : // Richiesta buffer if (scrhdl==-1) break; for (a=0;a<ws.numcam;a++) { pt=a+ws.offset; if (pt>=ws.maxcam) break; buf[(SINT) a].keypt=(CHAR *) (pmem+((SINT) pt*MAX_X)); } break; case WS_OFF : // Settaggio offset ws.offset=info; break; case WS_KEYPRESS : if (key_press(9)||key_press2(_FDX)) strcpy(str,"ESC:->"); if (key_press2(15)||key_press2(_FSX)) strcpy(str,"ESC:<-"); //if (key_press(9)) strcpy(str,"ESC:->"); //if (key_press2(15)) strcpy(str,"ESC:<-"); break; case WS_FINDKEY : case WS_FIND : // Ricerca la Chiave selezionata if (scrhdl==-1) break; strupr(str); a=ws.selez+1; if (memcmp(str,pmem+((SINT) a*MAX_X),strlen(str))==0) {listfile(WS_OFF,a,""); if (ws.offset>(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam)) ws.offset=(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam); if (ws.offset<0) ws.offset=0; listfile(WS_SEL,a,""); break;} { for(a=0;a<ws.maxcam;a++) { if (memcmp(str,pmem+((SINT) a*MAX_X),strlen(str))<=0) {listfile(WS_OFF,a,""); if (ws.offset>(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam)) {ws.offset=(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam);} if (ws.offset<0) ws.offset=0; listfile(WS_SEL,a,""); break;} } } break; case WS_SEL : // Settaggio selez ws.selez=info; if ((info>-1)&&IptMirror) {ipt_write(1,(CHAR *) (pmem+((SINT) info*MAX_X)),0); ipt_vedisolo(1); } //sonic(2000,1,1,1,1,6); //ehSleep(30); break; case WS_PTREC : // Restituisce pt alla chiave selezionata buf[0].record=ws.selez; buf[0].keypt=(CHAR *) (pmem+((SINT) ws.selez*MAX_X)); break; case WS_REFON : // Richiesta di refresh schermo ws.refre=ON; break; case WS_REFOFF : // Schermo rifreshato ws.refre=OFF; break; case WS_OPEN : // PREPARA I DATI if ((info<4)||(info>MAX_Y)) { ehExit("Errore di assegnazione campi in listfile"); } ws.sizecam=MAX_X; ws.numcam=info;// Assegna il numero di campi da visualizzare case WS_LOAD : if (scrhdl>-1) memoFree(scrhdl,"Cr2");// Libera la memoria scrhdl=-1; ws.maxcam=0; ws.offset=0; ws.selez=-1; ws.koffset=-1; ws.kselez=-1; ws.dispext=ON; ws.refre=ON; // Conta i file strcpy(serv,PathNow); strcat(serv,"*."); strcat(serv,extcur); //strcat(serv,extcur); // Cambia il mouse strcpy(Bsys.szMouseCursorName,sys.szMouseCursorName); BMS_ax=MS_ax; BMS_ay=MS_ay; mouse_graph(0,0,"CLEX"); /* typedef struct { LONG Handle; struct _finddata_t ffile; CHAR *ff_name; SINT ff_attrib; CHAR ff_date[9]; } FFBLK; #endif SINT f_findfirst(CHAR *fname,FFBLK *,SINT attrib); */ os_errset(OFF); fine=f_findFirst(serv,&Fblk,FA_ARCH); while (!fine) {ws.maxcam++; fine=f_findNext(&Fblk);} f_findClose(&Fblk); // Non ci sono pi— files if ((fine)&&(DE_coden==0x12)) {fine=0;} os_errset(POP); if (fine) os_errvedi("ListFile()\n"); if (ws.maxcam==0) goto FINEC;// No file scrhdl=memoAlloc(M_HEAP, (LONG) ws.maxcam*MAX_X, "listfile()"); if (scrhdl<0) ehExit("Memoria insufficiente in line"); pmem=memoPtr(scrhdl); // Copia i nomi dei file in memoria os_errset(OFF); fine=f_findFirst(serv,&Fblk,FA_ARCH); if (fine) {os_errset(POP);goto FINEC;} p=pmem; a=0; while (!fine) { a++; if (a>ws.maxcam) ehExit("Errore in listafile"); strcpy((CHAR *) p,Fblk.ff_name); p+=MAX_X; fine=f_findNext(&Fblk); } f_findClose(&Fblk); // Non ci sono pi— files if ((fine)&&(DE_coden==0x12)) {fine=0;} os_errset(POP); if (fine) os_errvedi("ListFile2()\n"); // ORDINA I FILE IN MODO ALFABETICO sort(pmem,(SINT) ws.maxcam,MAX_X); FINEC: mouse_graph(BMS_ax,BMS_ay,Bsys.szMouseCursorName); return (SINT *) fine; //break; case WS_CLOSE : // LIBERA LA MEMORIA if (scrhdl>-1) memoFree(scrhdl,"Cr3");// Libera la memoria scrhdl=-1; break; case FBEXT: if (strlen(str)>3) break; strcpy(extcur,str); IptMirror=(SINT) info; // Per la copia nell'input break; case WS_REALSET : PathNow=str; break; } return &buf; #undef MAX_X #undef MAX_Y }
// versione Windows void * listfile(struct OBJ *objCalled,EN_MESSAGE cmd,LONG info,CHAR *str) { #define MAX_X 20 #define MAX_Y 30 static struct WINSCR buf[MAX_Y]; static struct WS_INFO ws; CHAR *ptr; LONG a; LONG pt; struct WS_DISPEXT *DExt; static SINT IptMirror; static SINT scrhdl=-1; //struct ffblk file; // FFBLK Fblk; EH_DIR sDir; SINT fine=0; static CHAR *p,*pmem=NULL; static CHAR extcur[4]; //WORD sgm; CHAR serv[255]; //CHAR Bsys.szMouseCursorName[NOMEICONE_SIZE+1]; // Icone corrente del mouse //SINT BMS_ax,BMS_ay; //------------------------------------------------- if (cmd==WS_INF) return &ws; switch (cmd) { case WS_BUF : // Richiesta buffer if (scrhdl==-1) break; for (a=0;a<ws.numcam;a++) { pt=a+ws.offset; if (pt>=ws.maxcam) break; buf[(SINT) a].keypt=(CHAR *) (pmem+((SINT) pt*MAX_X)); } break; case WS_DISPLAY : // Richiesta buffer DExt=(struct WS_DISPEXT *) str; ptr=pmem+((SINT) info*MAX_X); dispfm_h(DExt->px+2,DExt->py,DExt->col1,DExt->col2,DExt->hdl,ptr); break; case WS_OFF : // Settaggio offset ws.offset=info; break; case WS_KEYPRESS : if (key_press(9)||key_press2(_FDX)) strcpy(str,"ESC:->"); if (key_press2(15)||key_press2(_FSX)) strcpy(str,"ESC:<-"); //if (key_press(9)) strcpy(str,"ESC:->"); //if (key_press2(15)) strcpy(str,"ESC:<-"); break; case WS_FINDKEY : case WS_FIND : // Ricerca la Chiave selezionata if (scrhdl==-1) break; strupr(str); a=ws.selez+1; if (memcmp(str,pmem+((SINT) a*MAX_X),strlen(str))==0) {listfile(NULL,WS_OFF,a,""); if (ws.offset>(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam)) ws.offset=(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam); if (ws.offset<0) ws.offset=0; listfile(NULL,WS_SEL,a,""); break;} { for(a=0;a<ws.maxcam;a++) { if (memcmp(str,pmem+((SINT) a*MAX_X),strlen(str))<=0) {listfile(NULL,WS_OFF,a,""); if (ws.offset>(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam)) {ws.offset=(ws.maxcam-ws.numcam);} if (ws.offset<0) ws.offset=0; listfile(NULL,WS_SEL,a,""); break;} } } break; case WS_SEL : // Settaggio selez ws.selez=info; if ((info>-1)&&IptMirror) {ipt_write(1,(CHAR *) (pmem+((SINT) info*MAX_X)),0); ipt_vedisolo(1); } //sonic(2000,1,1,1,1,6); //ehSleep(30); break; case WS_PTREC : // Restituisce pt alla chiave selezionata buf[0].record=ws.selez; buf[0].keypt=(CHAR *) (pmem+((SINT) ws.selez*MAX_X)); break; case WS_REFON : // Richiesta di refresh schermo ws.refre=ON; break; case WS_REFOFF : // Schermo rifreshato ws.refre=OFF; break; case WS_OPEN : // PREPARA I DATI if ((info<4)||(info>MAX_Y)) { ehExit("Errore di assegnazione campi in listfile"); } ws.sizecam=MAX_X; ws.numcam=info;// Assegna il numero di campi da visualizzare case WS_LOAD : if (scrhdl>-1) memoFree(scrhdl,"Cr2");// Libera la memoria scrhdl=-1; ws.maxcam=0; ws.offset=0; ws.selez=-1; ws.koffset=-1; ws.kselez=-1; ws.dispext=ON; ws.refre=ON; // Conta i file strcpy(serv,szFolder); AddBs(serv); strcat(serv,"*."); strcat(serv,extcur); //strcat(serv,extcur); // Cambia il mouse // strcpy(Bsys.szMouseCursorName,sys.szMouseCursorName); // BMS_ax=MS_ax; BMS_ay=MS_ay; mouse_graph(0,0,"CLEX"); /* fine=f_findFirst(serv,&Fblk,FA_ARCH); while (!fine) {ws.maxcam++; fine=f_findNext(&Fblk);} f_findClose(&Fblk); */ fileDirOpen(serv,&sDir); while (fileDirGet(&sDir)) {ws.maxcam++;} fileDirClose(&sDir); /* // Non ci sono pi— files if (ws.maxcam) { if ((DE_coden==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)||(DE_coden==ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)) fine=0; } if (fine) win_infoarg("ListFile() %d\n",DE_coden); */ if (ws.maxcam==0) goto FINEC;// No file scrhdl=memoAlloc(M_HEAP,(LONG) ws.maxcam*(MAX_X),"listfile()"); if (scrhdl<0) ehExit("Memoria insufficiente in line"); pmem=memoPtr(scrhdl,NULL); // Copia i nomi dei file in memoria fileDirOpen(serv,&sDir); p=pmem; a=0; while (fileDirGet(&sDir)) { // BYTE *psz; a++; // if (a>ws.maxcam) ehExit("Errore in listafile"); // psz=wcsToStr(sDir.sFileInfoW.wcsFileName); strcpy((CHAR *) p,sDir.sFileInfo.szFileName); // ehFree(psz); *p=(BYTE) toupper((SINT) *p); p+=MAX_X; } fileDirClose(&sDir); /* // Non ci sono pi— files if (fine) {if ((DE_coden==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)|| (DE_coden==ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)) fine=0; } if (fine) win_infoarg("ListFile() %d\n",DE_coden); */ // ORDINA I FILE IN MODO ALFABETICO sort(pmem,(SINT) ws.maxcam,MAX_X); FINEC: // mouse_graph(BMS_ax,BMS_ay,Bsys.szMouseCursorName); return (SINT *) fine; //break; case WS_CLOSE : // LIBERA LA MEMORIA if (scrhdl>-1) memoFree(scrhdl,"Cr3");// Libera la memoria scrhdl=-1; break; case FBEXT: if (strlen(str)>3) break; strcpy(extcur,str); IptMirror=(SINT) info; // Per la copia nell'input break; case WS_REALSET : strcpy(szFolder,str); break; } return &buf; #undef MAX_X #undef MAX_Y }