Пример #1
void MemoryCache::pruneLiveResources(bool shouldDestroyDecodedDataForAllLiveResources)
    unsigned capacity = shouldDestroyDecodedDataForAllLiveResources ? 0 : liveCapacity();
    if (capacity && m_liveSize <= capacity)

    unsigned targetSize = static_cast<unsigned>(capacity * cTargetPrunePercentage); // Cut by a percentage to avoid immediately pruning again.

    pruneLiveResourcesToSize(targetSize, shouldDestroyDecodedDataForAllLiveResources);
Пример #2
void MemoryCache::pruneLiveResources()
    if (!m_pruneEnabled)

    unsigned capacity = liveCapacity();
    if (capacity && m_liveSize <= capacity)

    unsigned targetSize = static_cast<unsigned>(capacity * cTargetPrunePercentage); // Cut by a percentage to avoid immediately pruning again.

void MemoryCache::pruneLiveResources()
    unsigned capacity = liveCapacity();
    if (!m_liveSize || (capacity && m_liveSize <= capacity))

    unsigned targetSize = static_cast<unsigned>(capacity * cTargetPrunePercentage); // Cut by a percentage to avoid immediately pruning again.

    double currentTime = FrameView::currentPaintTimeStamp();
    if (!currentTime) // In case prune is called directly, outside of a Frame paint.
        currentTime = WTF::currentTime();

    // Destroy any decoded data in live objects that we can.
    // Start from the tail, since this is the lowest priority
    // and least recently accessed of the objects.

    // The list might not be sorted by the m_lastDecodedAccessTime. The impact
    // of this weaker invariant is minor as the below if statement to check the
    // elapsedTime will evaluate to false as the currentTime will be a lot
    // greater than the current->m_lastDecodedAccessTime.
    // For more details see: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30209

    // Start pruning from the lowest priority list.
    for (int priority = Resource::CacheLiveResourcePriorityLow; priority <= Resource::CacheLiveResourcePriorityHigh; ++priority) {
        Resource* current = m_liveDecodedResources[priority].m_tail;
        while (current) {
            Resource* prev = current->m_prevInLiveResourcesList;
            if (current->isLoaded() && current->decodedSize()) {
                // Check to see if the remaining resources are too new to prune.
                double elapsedTime = currentTime - current->m_lastDecodedAccessTime;
                if (elapsedTime < m_delayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune)

                // Destroy our decoded data. This will remove us from
                // m_liveDecodedResources, and possibly move us to a different LRU
                // list in m_allResources.

                if (targetSize && m_liveSize <= targetSize)
            current = prev;
Пример #4
void MemoryCache::pruneLiveResources(PruneStrategy strategy)
    size_t capacity = liveCapacity();
    if (strategy == MaximalPrune)
        capacity = 0;
    if (!m_liveSize || (capacity && m_liveSize <= capacity))

    size_t targetSize = static_cast<size_t>(capacity * cTargetPrunePercentage); // Cut by a percentage to avoid immediately pruning again.

    // Destroy any decoded data in live objects that we can.
    // Start from the tail, since this is the lowest priority
    // and least recently accessed of the objects.

    // The list might not be sorted by the m_lastDecodedFrameTimeStamp. The impact
    // of this weaker invariant is minor as the below if statement to check the
    // elapsedTime will evaluate to false as the current time will be a lot
    // greater than the current->m_lastDecodedFrameTimeStamp.
    // For more details see: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30209

    // Start pruning from the lowest priority list.
    for (int priority = MemoryCacheLiveResourcePriorityLow; priority <= MemoryCacheLiveResourcePriorityHigh; ++priority) {
        MemoryCacheEntry* current = m_liveDecodedResources[priority].m_tail;
        while (current) {
            MemoryCacheEntry* previous = current->m_previousInLiveResourcesList;
            if (current->m_resource->isLoaded() && current->m_resource->decodedSize()) {
                // Check to see if the remaining resources are too new to prune.
                double elapsedTime = m_pruneFrameTimeStamp - current->m_lastDecodedAccessTime;
                if (strategy == AutomaticPrune && elapsedTime < m_delayBeforeLiveDecodedPrune)

                // Destroy our decoded data if possible. This will remove us
                // from m_liveDecodedResources, and possibly move us to a
                // different LRU list in m_allResources.

                if (targetSize && m_liveSize <= targetSize)
            current = previous;