Пример #1
/* Allocate arbitrary C data object. */
GCcdata *lj_cdata_newx(CTState *cts, CTypeID id, CTSize sz, CTInfo info)
  if (!(info & CTF_VLA) && ctype_align(info) <= CT_MEMALIGN)
    return lj_cdata_new(cts, id, sz);
    return lj_cdata_newv(cts->L, id, sz, ctype_align(info));
Пример #2
/* Allocate a new C data object holding a reference to another object. */
GCcdata *lj_cdata_newref(CTState *cts, const void *p, CTypeID id)
  CTypeID refid = lj_ctype_intern(cts, CTINFO_REF(id), CTSIZE_PTR);
  GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, refid, CTSIZE_PTR);
  *(const void **)cdataptr(cd) = p;
  return cd;
Пример #3
/* Index a C library by name. */
TValue *lj_clib_index(lua_State *L, CLibrary *cl, GCstr *name)
  TValue *tv = lj_tab_setstr(L, cl->cache, name);
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(tvisnil(tv))) {
    CTState *cts = ctype_cts(L);
    CType *ct;
    CTypeID id = lj_ctype_getname(cts, &ct, name, CLNS_INDEX);
    if (!id)
      lj_err_callerv(L, LJ_ERR_FFI_NODECL, strdata(name));
    if (ctype_isconstval(ct->info)) {
      CType *ctt = ctype_child(cts, ct);
      lua_assert(ctype_isinteger(ctt->info) && ctt->size <= 4);
      if ((ctt->info & CTF_UNSIGNED) && (int32_t)ct->size < 0)
	setnumV(tv, (lua_Number)(uint32_t)ct->size);
	setintV(tv, (int32_t)ct->size);
    } else {
      const char *sym = clib_extsym(cts, ct, name);
      DWORD oldwerr = GetLastError();
      void *p = clib_getsym(cl, sym);
      GCcdata *cd;
      lua_assert(ctype_isfunc(ct->info) || ctype_isextern(ct->info));
      /* Retry with decorated name for fastcall/stdcall functions. */
      if (!p && ctype_isfunc(ct->info)) {
	CTInfo cconv = ctype_cconv(ct->info);
	if (cconv == CTCC_FASTCALL || cconv == CTCC_STDCALL) {
	  CTSize sz = clib_func_argsize(cts, ct);
	  const char *symd = lj_str_pushf(L,
			       cconv == CTCC_FASTCALL ? "@%s@%d" : "_%s@%d",
			       sym, sz);
	  p = clib_getsym(cl, symd);
      if (!p)
	clib_error(L, "cannot resolve symbol " LUA_QS ": %s", sym);
      cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, id, CTSIZE_PTR);
      *(void **)cdataptr(cd) = p;
      setcdataV(L, tv, cd);
  return tv;
Пример #4
/* Convert C type to TValue. Caveat: expects to get the raw CType! */
int lj_cconv_tv_ct(CTState *cts, CType *s, CTypeID sid,
		   TValue *o, uint8_t *sp)
  CTInfo sinfo = s->info;
  if (ctype_isnum(sinfo)) {
    if (!ctype_isbool(sinfo)) {
      if (ctype_isinteger(sinfo) && s->size > 4) goto copyval;
      if (LJ_DUALNUM && ctype_isinteger(sinfo)) {
	int32_t i;
	lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_INT32), s,
		       (uint8_t *)&i, sp, 0);
	if ((sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED) && i < 0)
	  setnumV(o, (lua_Number)(uint32_t)i);
	  setintV(o, i);
      } else {
	lj_cconv_ct_ct(cts, ctype_get(cts, CTID_DOUBLE), s,
		       (uint8_t *)&o->n, sp, 0);
	/* Numbers are NOT canonicalized here! Beware of uninitialized data. */
    } else {
      uint32_t b = ((*sp) & 1);
      setboolV(o, b);
      setboolV(&cts->g->tmptv2, b);  /* Remember for trace recorder. */
    return 0;
  } else if (ctype_isrefarray(sinfo) || ctype_isstruct(sinfo)) {
    /* Create reference. */
    setcdataV(cts->L, o, lj_cdata_newref(cts, sp, sid));
    return 1;  /* Need GC step. */
  } else {
    GCcdata *cd;
    CTSize sz;
  copyval:  /* Copy value. */
    sz = s->size;
    lua_assert(sz != CTSIZE_INVALID);
    /* Attributes are stripped, qualifiers are kept (but mostly ignored). */
    cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, ctype_typeid(cts, s), sz);
    setcdataV(cts->L, o, cd);
    memcpy(cdataptr(cd), sp, sz);
    return 1;  /* Need GC step. */
Пример #5
void *
luaL_pushcdata(struct lua_State *L, uint32_t ctypeid)
	 * ctypeid is actually has CTypeID type.
	 * CTypeId is defined somewhere inside luajit's internal
	 * headers.
	assert(sizeof(ctypeid) == sizeof(CTypeID));

	/* Code below is based on ffi_new() from luajit/src/lib_ffi.c */

	/* Get information about ctype */
	CTSize size;
	CTState *cts = ctype_cts(L);
	CTInfo info = lj_ctype_info(cts, ctypeid, &size);

	/* Only numbers and pointers are implemented */
	assert(ctype_isnum(info) || ctype_isptr(info));
	(void) info;
	assert(size != CTSIZE_INVALID);

	/* Allocate a new cdata */
	GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, ctypeid, size);

	/* Anchor the uninitialized cdata with the stack. */
	TValue *o = L->top;
	setcdataV(L, o, cd);

	 * lj_cconv_ct_init is omitted because it actually does memset()
	 * Caveats: cdata memory is returned uninitialized

	 * __gc is omitted because it is only needed for structs.
	 * Caveats: struct are not supported by this function.
	 * Please set finalizer using luaL_setcdatagc() if you need.

	return cdataptr(cd);
Пример #6
/* Unsink allocation from the trace exit state. Unsink sunk stores. */
static void snap_unsink(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T, ExitState *ex,
			SnapNo snapno, BloomFilter rfilt,
			IRIns *ir, TValue *o)
  lua_assert(ir->o == IR_TNEW || ir->o == IR_TDUP ||
	     ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI);
  if (ir->o == IR_CNEW || ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
    CTState *cts = ctype_ctsG(J2G(J));
    CTypeID id = (CTypeID)T->ir[ir->op1].i;
    CTSize sz = lj_ctype_size(cts, id);
    GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_new(cts, id, sz);
    setcdataV(J->L, o, cd);
    if (ir->o == IR_CNEWI) {
      uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd);
      lua_assert(sz == 4 || sz == 8);
      if (LJ_32 && sz == 8 && ir+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (ir+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (ir+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p, 4);
	if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	sz = 4;
      snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir->op2, p, sz);
    } else {
      IRIns *irs, *irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
      for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
	if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(J, ir, irs)) {
	  IRIns *iro = &T->ir[T->ir[irs->op1].op2];
	  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)cd;
	  CTSize szs;
	  lua_assert(irs->o == IR_XSTORE && T->ir[irs->op1].o == IR_ADD);
	  lua_assert(iro->o == IR_KINT || iro->o == IR_KINT64);
	  if (irt_is64(irs->t)) szs = 8;
	  else if (irt_isi8(irs->t) || irt_isu8(irs->t)) szs = 1;
	  else if (irt_isi16(irs->t) || irt_isu16(irs->t)) szs = 2;
	  else szs = 4;
	  if (LJ_64 && iro->o == IR_KINT64)
	    p += (int64_t)ir_k64(iro)->u64;
	    p += iro->i;
	  lua_assert(p >= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) &&
		     p + szs <= (uint8_t *)cdataptr(cd) + sz);
	  if (LJ_32 && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    lua_assert(szs == 4);
	    snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, LJ_LE?p+4:p,4);
	    if (LJ_BE) p += 4;
	  snap_restoredata(T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, p, szs);
  } else
    IRIns *irs, *irlast;
    GCtab *t = ir->o == IR_TNEW ? lj_tab_new(J->L, ir->op1, ir->op2) :
				  lj_tab_dup(J->L, ir_ktab(&T->ir[ir->op1]));
    settabV(J->L, o, t);
    irlast = &T->ir[T->snap[snapno].ref];
    for (irs = ir+1; irs < irlast; irs++)
      if (irs->r == RID_SINK && snap_sunk_store(J, ir, irs)) {
	IRIns *irk = &T->ir[irs->op1];
	TValue tmp, *val;
	lua_assert(irs->o == IR_ASTORE || irs->o == IR_HSTORE ||
		   irs->o == IR_FSTORE);
	if (irk->o == IR_FREF) {
	  lua_assert(irk->op2 == IRFL_TAB_META);
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  setgcref(t->metatable, obj2gco(tabV(&tmp)));
	} else {
	  irk = &T->ir[irk->op2];
	  if (irk->o == IR_KSLOT) irk = &T->ir[irk->op1];
	  lj_ir_kvalue(J->L, &tmp, irk);
	  val = lj_tab_set(J->L, t, &tmp);
	  /* NOBARRIER: The table is new (marked white). */
	  snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, irs->op2, val);
	  if (LJ_SOFTFP && irs+1 < T->ir + T->nins && (irs+1)->o == IR_HIOP) {
	    snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, (irs+1)->op2, &tmp);
	    val->u32.hi = tmp.u32.lo;