Пример #1
/* Create an empty and closed upvalue. */
static GCupval *func_emptyuv(lua_State *L)
  GCupval *uv = (GCupval *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeof(GCupval));
  uv->gct = ~LJ_TUPVAL;
  uv->closed = 1;
  setmref(uv->v, &uv->tv);
  return uv;
Пример #2
GCfunc *lj_func_newC(lua_State *L, MSize nelems, GCtab *env)
  GCfunc *fn = (GCfunc *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeCfunc(nelems));
  fn->c.gct = ~LJ_TFUNC;
  fn->c.ffid = FF_C;
  fn->c.nupvalues = (uint8_t)nelems;
  /* NOBARRIER: The GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_ext);
  setgcref(fn->c.env, obj2gco(env));
  return fn;
Пример #3
static GCfunc *func_newL(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, GCtab *env)
  GCfunc *fn = (GCfunc *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeLfunc((MSize)pt->sizeuv));
  fn->l.gct = ~LJ_TFUNC;
  fn->l.ffid = FF_LUA;
  fn->l.nupvalues = 0;  /* Set to zero until upvalues are initialized. */
  /* NOBARRIER: Really a setgcref. But the GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  setmref(fn->l.pc, proto_bc(pt));
  setgcref(fn->l.env, obj2gco(env));
  return fn;
Пример #4
static GCfunc *func_newL(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, GCtab *env)
  uint32_t count;
  GCfunc *fn = (GCfunc *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizeLfunc((MSize)pt->sizeuv));
  fn->l.gct = ~LJ_TFUNC;
  fn->l.ffid = FF_LUA;
  fn->l.nupvalues = 0;  /* Set to zero until upvalues are initialized. */
  /* NOBARRIER: Really a setgcref. But the GCfunc is new (marked white). */
  setmref(fn->l.pc, proto_bc(pt));
  setgcref(fn->l.env, obj2gco(env));
  /* Saturating 3 bit counter (0..7) for created closures. */
  count = (uint32_t)pt->flags + PROTO_CLCOUNT;
  pt->flags = (uint8_t)(count - ((count >> PROTO_CLC_BITS) & PROTO_CLCOUNT));
  return fn;
Пример #5
/* Create a new table. Note: the slots are not initialized (yet). */
static GCtab *newtab(lua_State *L, uint32_t asize, uint32_t hbits)
  GCtab *t;
  /* First try to colocate the array part. */
  if (LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE != 0 && asize > 0 && asize <= LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE) {
    Node *nilnode;
    lua_assert((sizeof(GCtab) & 7) == 0);
    t = (GCtab *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizetabcolo(asize));
    t->gct = ~LJ_TTAB;
    t->nomm = (uint8_t)~0;
    t->colo = (int8_t)asize;
    setmref(t->array, (TValue *)((char *)t + sizeof(GCtab)));
    t->asize = asize;
    t->hmask = 0;
    nilnode = &G(L)->nilnode;
    setmref(t->node, nilnode);
#if LJ_GC64
    setmref(t->freetop, nilnode);
  } else {  /* Otherwise separately allocate the array part. */
    Node *nilnode;
    t = lj_mem_newobj(L, GCtab);
    t->gct = ~LJ_TTAB;
    t->nomm = (uint8_t)~0;
    t->colo = 0;
    setmref(t->array, NULL);
    t->asize = 0;  /* In case the array allocation fails. */
    t->hmask = 0;
    nilnode = &G(L)->nilnode;
    setmref(t->node, nilnode);
#if LJ_GC64
    setmref(t->freetop, nilnode);
    if (asize > 0) {
      if (asize > LJ_MAX_ASIZE)
	lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_TABOV);
      setmref(t->array, lj_mem_newvec(L, asize, TValue));
      t->asize = asize;
  if (hbits)
    newhpart(L, t, hbits);
  return t;