Пример #1
bool AceParser::parse(fnLytSeq* seqfn) {
    //read all seqs and their positions from the file
    //also checks for duplicate seqnames (just in case)
    if (f!=stdin)  seek(0);
    //GHash<int> ctgIDs; //contig IDs, to make them unique!
    off_t ctgpos;
    while ((ctgpos=fskipTo("CO "))>=0) {
        LytCtgData* ctgdata=new LytCtgData(ctgpos);
        char* p=ctgdata->readName(linebuf->chars()+3, ctgIDs);
        if (p==NULL) {
            GMessage("AceParser: error parsing contig name!\n");
            return false;
        int ctglen, numseqs;
        //p must be after contig name within linebuf!
        if (sscanf(p, "%d %d", &ctglen, &numseqs)!=2) {
            GMessage("Error parsing contig len and seq count at:\n%s\n",
        ctgdata->numseqs = numseqs;
        ctgdata->offs = 1;
        int ctgidx=contigs.Add(ctgdata);
        loadContig(ctgidx, seqfn, false);
    } //while contigs
    if (ctgpos==-2) return false; //parsing failed: line too long ?!?
    return true;
Пример #2
bool LayoutParser::parse(fnLytSeq* seqfn) {
  //read all seqs and their positions from the file
  //also checks for duplicate seqnames (just in case)
  if (f!=stdin) seek(0);
  //GHash<int> ctgIDs; //contig IDs, to make them unique!
  int ctgpos;
  while ((ctgpos=fskipTo(">"))>=0) { //locate the contig line
    LytCtgData* ctgdata=new LytCtgData(ctgpos);
    char* p=ctgdata->readName(linebuf->chars()+1, ctgIDs);
    if (p==NULL) {
       GMessage("LayoutParser: error parsing contig name:\n%s\n", linebuf->chars());
       return false;
    int ctg_lpos, ctg_rpos, numseqs;
    //p must be after contig name within linebuf!
    if (sscanf(p, "%d %d %d", &numseqs, &ctg_lpos, &ctg_rpos)<1) {
      GMessage("Error parsing contig len and seq count at:\n%s\n",
      return false;
    int ctgidx=contigs.Add(ctgdata);
    //now look and load all the component sequences
    loadContig(ctgidx, seqfn, false);
    } //while lines
  return true;
Пример #3
    Loads contig information and masks some contigs according to setting.
    1. graphfile:       prefix of graph file
void loadUpdatedEdges ( char * graphfile )
	char c, name[256], line[1024];
	int bal_ed, cvg;
	FILE * fp, *out_fp;
	Kmer from_kmer, to_kmer;
	unsigned int num_ctgge, length, index = 0, num_kmer;
	unsigned int i = 0, j;
	int newIndex;
	unsigned int * length_array, *flag_array, diff_len;
	char * outfile = graphfile;
	long long cvgSum = 0;
	long long counter = 0;
	unsigned int avg_arc_wt;
	int ctg_short_cutoff;
	float high_cvg_cutoff1, high_cvg_cutoff2, low_cvg_cutoff;
	int cut_len;
	//get overlaplen from *.preGraphBasic
	sprintf ( name, "%s.preGraphBasic", graphfile );
	fp = ckopen ( name, "r" );

	while ( fgets ( line, sizeof ( line ), fp ) != NULL )
		if ( line[0] == 'V' )
			sscanf ( line + 6, "%d %c %d", &num_kmer, &c, &overlaplen );
			fprintf ( stderr, "Kmer size: %d\n", overlaplen );

	cut_len = COMPATIBLE_MODE == 0 ? overlaplen : 0;

	if ( ctg_short == 0 )
		ctg_short = overlaplen + 2;

	ctg_short_cutoff = 2 * overlaplen + 2 < 100 ? 100 : 0;
	fclose ( fp );
	sprintf ( name, "%s.updated.edge", graphfile );
	fp = ckopen ( name, "r" );
	sprintf ( name, "%s.newContigIndex", outfile );
	out_fp = ckopen ( name, "w" );

	while ( fgets ( line, sizeof ( line ), fp ) != NULL )
		if ( line[0] == 'E' )
			sscanf ( line + 5, "%d", &num_ctgge );
			fprintf ( stderr, "There are %d edge(s) in edge file.\n", num_ctgge );

	index_array = ( unsigned int * ) ckalloc ( ( num_ctgge + 1 ) * sizeof ( unsigned int ) );
	length_array = ( unsigned int * ) ckalloc ( ( num_ctgge + 1 ) * sizeof ( unsigned int ) );
	flag_array = ( unsigned int * ) ckalloc ( ( num_ctgge + 1 ) * sizeof ( unsigned int ) );

	while ( fgets ( line, sizeof ( line ), fp ) != NULL )
		if ( line[0] == '>' )
			sscanf ( line + 7, "%d", &length );
			index_array[++index] = length;
			length_array[++i] = length;

	num_ctg = index;
	orig2new = 1;
	qsort ( & ( length_array[1] ), num_ctg, sizeof ( length_array[0] ), cmp_int );
	//extract unique length
	diff_len = 0;

	for ( i = 1; i <= num_ctg; i++ )
		for ( j = i + 1; j <= num_ctg; j++ )
			if ( length_array[j] != length_array[i] )

		length_array[++diff_len] = length_array[i];
		flag_array[diff_len] = i;
		i = j - 1;

	contig_array = ( CONTIG * ) ckalloc ( ( num_ctg + 1 ) * sizeof ( CONTIG ) );
	//load edges
	index = 0;
	rewind ( fp );

	while ( fgets ( line, sizeof ( line ), fp ) != NULL )
		if ( line[0] == '>' )
			sscanf ( line, ">length %u,%d,%d", &length, &bal_ed, &cvg );
			newIndex = uniqueLenSearch ( length_array, flag_array, diff_len, length );
			index_array[++index] = newIndex;

			if ( length != 0 ) { contig_array[newIndex].length = length - cut_len; }
			else  { contig_array[newIndex].length = 0; }

			contig_array[newIndex].bal_edge = bal_ed + 1;
			contig_array[newIndex].downwardConnect = NULL;
			contig_array[newIndex].mask = 0;
			contig_array[newIndex].flag = 0;
			contig_array[newIndex].arcs = NULL;
			contig_array[newIndex].seq = NULL;
			contig_array[newIndex].multi = 0;
			contig_array[newIndex].inSubGraph = 0;
			contig_array[newIndex].bubbleInScaff = 0;
			contig_array[newIndex].cvg = cvg / 10;

			if ( cvg && length > 100 )
				counter += length - cut_len;
				cvgSum += cvg * ( length - cut_len );

			fprintf ( out_fp, "%d %d %d\n", index, newIndex, contig_array[newIndex].bal_edge );

	if ( counter )
		cvgAvg = cvgSum / counter / 10 > 2 ? cvgSum / counter / 10 : 3;

	//mark repeats
	int bal_i;

	if ( maskRep )
		high_cvg_cutoff1 = cvg_high * cvgAvg;
		high_cvg_cutoff2 = cvg_high * cvgAvg * 0.8;
		low_cvg_cutoff = cvg_low * cvgAvg;
		counter = 0;
		fprintf ( stderr, "Mask contigs with coverage lower than %.1f or higher than %.1f, and strict length %d.\n", low_cvg_cutoff, high_cvg_cutoff1, ctg_short_cutoff );

		for ( i = 1; i <= num_ctg; i++ )
			bal_i = getTwinCtg ( i );

			if ( ( contig_array[i].cvg + contig_array[bal_i].cvg ) > 2 * high_cvg_cutoff1 )
				contig_array[i].mask = 1;
				contig_array[bal_i].mask = 1;

				if ( i == bal_i ) { counter += 1; }
				else { counter += 2; }
			else if ( contig_array[i].length < ctg_short_cutoff && ( contig_array[i].cvg > high_cvg_cutoff2 || contig_array[bal_i].cvg > high_cvg_cutoff2 || ( contig_array[i].cvg < low_cvg_cutoff && contig_array[bal_i].cvg < low_cvg_cutoff ) ) )
				contig_array[i].mask = 1;
				contig_array[bal_i].mask = 1;

				if ( i == bal_i ) { counter += 1; }
				else { counter += 2; }
			else if ( cvgAvg < 50 && ( contig_array[i].cvg >= 63 || contig_array[bal_i].cvg >= 63 ) )
				contig_array[i].mask = 1;
				contig_array[bal_i].mask = 1;

				if ( i == bal_i ) { counter += 1; }
				else { counter += 2; }

			if ( isSmallerThanTwin ( i ) )

		fprintf ( stderr, "Average contig coverage is %d, %lld contig(s) masked.\n", cvgAvg, counter );

	counter = 0;

	for ( i = 1; i <= num_ctg; i++ )
		if ( contig_array[i].mask )

		bal_i = getTwinCtg ( i );

		if ( contig_array[i].length < ctg_short )
			contig_array[i].mask = 1;
			contig_array[bal_i].mask = 1;

			if ( i == bal_i ) { counter += 1; }
			else { counter += 2; }

		if ( isSmallerThanTwin ( i ) )

	fprintf ( stderr, "Mask contigs shorter than %d, %lld contig(s) masked.\n", ctg_short, counter );
	avg_arc_wt = loadArcs ( graphfile );
	counter = 0;
	//counter = maskRepeatByArc(avg_arc_wt);
	//printf ("Mask contigs with multi arcs, %d contig masked\n", counter);
	loadContig ( graphfile );
	fprintf ( stderr, "Done loading updated edges.\n" );
	free ( ( void * ) length_array );
	free ( ( void * ) flag_array );
	fclose ( fp );
	fclose ( out_fp );