Пример #1
void Tri::genFile (Curve *cur, double *x, double *y){
  register int i;
  Geometry *g;
  Point    p1, p2, a;
  double   *z, *w, *eta, xoff, yoff;
  int      fac;

  fac = cur->face;

  p1.x = vert[vnum(fac,0)].x;  p1.y = vert[vnum(fac,0)].y;
  p2.x = vert[vnum(fac,1)].x;  p2.y = vert[vnum(fac,1)].y;


  eta    = dvector (0, qa);
  if ((g = lookupGeom (cur->info.file.name)) == (Geometry *) NULL)
       g = loadGeom   (cur->info.file.name);

  /* If the current edge has an offset, apply it now */
  xoff = cur->info.file.xoffset;
  yoff = cur->info.file.yoffset;
  if (xoff != 0.0 || yoff != 0.0) {
    dsadd (g->npts, xoff, g->x, 1, g->x, 1);
    dsadd (g->npts, yoff, g->y, 1, g->y, 1);
    if (option("verbose") > 1)
      printf ("shifting current geometry by (%g,%g)\n", xoff, yoff);

  /* get the end points which are assumed to lie on the curve */
  /* set up search direction in normal to element point -- This
     assumes that vertices already lie on spline */

  a.x      = p1.x  - (p2.y - p1.y);
  a.y      = p1.y  + (p2.x - p1.x);
  eta[0]   = searchGeom (a, p1, g);
  a.x      = p2.x  - (p2.y - p1.y);
  a.y      = p2.y  + (p2.x - p1.x);
  eta[qa-1] = searchGeom (a, p2, g);

  /* Now generate the points where we'll evaluate the geometry */

  for (i = 1; i < qa-1; i++)
    eta [i] = eta[0] + 0.5 * (eta[qa-1] - eta[0]) * (z[i] + 1.);

  for (i = 0; i < qa; i++) {
    x[i] = splint (g->npts, eta[i], g->arclen, g->x, g->sx);
    y[i] = splint (g->npts, eta[i], g->arclen, g->y, g->sy);

  g->pos = 0;     /* reset the geometry */
  if (xoff != 0.)
    dvsub (g->npts, g->x, 1, &xoff, 0, g->x, 1);
  if (yoff != 0.)
    dvsub (g->npts, g->y, 1, &yoff, 0, g->y, 1);

  free (eta);    /* free the workspace */

Пример #2
Scene::Scene(string filename) {
    cout << "Reading scene from " << filename << " ..." << endl;
    cout << " " << endl;
    char* fname = (char*)filename.c_str();
    if (!fp_in.is_open()) {
        cout << "Error reading from file - aborting!" << endl;
    while (fp_in.good()) {
        string line;
        utilityCore::safeGetline(fp_in, line);
        if (!line.empty()) {
            vector<string> tokens = utilityCore::tokenizeString(line);
            if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "MATERIAL") == 0) {
                cout << " " << endl;
            } else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "OBJECT") == 0) {
                cout << " " << endl;
            } else if (strcmp(tokens[0].c_str(), "CAMERA") == 0) {
                cout << " " << endl;