bool PlannerThread::plan_init() { checkPause(); if (!resetPlanVars()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!updateState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!loadState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!groundRules()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!completePlannerState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!preserveState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!compileGoal()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!loadRules()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!preserveRules()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!goalUpdate()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!loadGoal()) { return false; } checkPause(); return true; }
string PlannerThread::showCurrentGoal() { if (!loadGoal()) { return "failed"; } string temp_str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < goal.size(); ++i) { temp_str = temp_str + goal[i] + " "; } return temp_str; }
/* * Get all the BaseServer Instances from the wbem base server factory. */ cli::framework::ResultBase * cli::nvmcli::NamespaceFeature::run( const int &commandSpecId, const framework::ParsedCommand& parsedCommand) { LogEnterExit logging(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); framework::ResultBase *pResult = NULL; switch (commandSpecId) { case SHOW_CONFIG_GOAL: pResult = showConfigGoal(parsedCommand); break; case DELETE_CONFIG_GOAL: pResult = deleteConfigGoal(parsedCommand); break; case CREATE_GOAL: pResult = createGoal(parsedCommand); break; case SHOW_POOLS: pResult = showPools(parsedCommand); break; case DUMP_CONFIG: pResult = dumpConfig(parsedCommand); break; case LOAD_CONFIG_GOAL: pResult = loadGoal(parsedCommand); break; case SHOW_NAMESPACE: pResult = showNamespaces(parsedCommand); break; case DELETE_NAMESPACE: pResult = deleteNamespaces(parsedCommand); break; case CREATE_NAMESPACE: pResult = createNamespace(parsedCommand); break; case MODIFY_NAMESPACE: pResult = modifyNamespace(parsedCommand); break; default: pResult = new framework::NotImplementedErrorResult(commandSpecId, Name); break; } return pResult; }
bool PlannerThread::planning_cycle() { checkPause(); if (!updateState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!completePlannerState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!loadState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (compareState()) { checkPause(); if (!adaptRules()) { return false; } checkPause(); } checkPause(); if (!goalUpdate()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!loadGoal()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!planCompletion()) { return true; } checkPause(); if (!checkHoldingSymbols()) { checkPause(); jumpBack(); checkPause(); if (!resetConfig()) { return false; } checkPause(); } else { checkPause(); if (checkGoalCompletion()) { checkPause(); if (!resetRules()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!resetConfig()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!loadRules()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!jumpForward()) { return false; } checkPause(); return true; } checkPause(); int flag_prada = PRADA(); checkPause(); if (flag_prada == 0) { return false; } else if (flag_prada == 2) { if (!increaseHorizon()) { return false; } checkPause(); return true; } if (!loadUsedObjs()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!codeAction()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!execAction()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!preserveState()) { return false; } checkPause(); if (!checkFailure()) { return false; } checkPause(); } checkPause(); return true; }
/* * Command Specs the Example Feature supports */ void cli::nvmcli::NamespaceFeature::getPaths(cli::framework::CommandSpecList &list) { cli::framework::CommandSpec deleteConfigGoal(DELETE_CONFIG_GOAL, TR("Delete Memory Allocation Goal"), framework::VERB_DELETE, TR("Delete the memory allocation goal from one or more " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s.")); deleteConfigGoal.addTarget(, false, DIMMIDS_STR, true, TR("Delete the memory allocation goal from specific " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s by supplying one or more " "comma separated " NVM_DIMM_NAME " identifiers. The default is to delete the " "memory allocation goals from all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s.")); deleteConfigGoal.addTarget(TARGET_GOAL_R); deleteConfigGoal.addTarget(, false, SOCKETIDS_STR, true, TR("Delete the memory allocation goal from the " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on specific sockets " "by supplying the socket target and one or more comma-separated socket identifiers. " "The default is to delete the memory allocation goals from all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on all sockets.")); cli::framework::CommandSpec showConfigGoal(SHOW_CONFIG_GOAL, TR("Show Memory Allocation Goal"), framework::VERB_SHOW, TR("Show the memory allocation goal on one or more " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s. Once the goal is successfully applied " "by the BIOS, it is no longer displayed.")); showConfigGoal.addOption(framework::OPTION_ALL); showConfigGoal.addOption(framework::OPTION_DISPLAY); showConfigGoal.addTarget(, false, DIMMIDS_STR, true, TR("Restrict output to specific " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s by supplying one or more comma-separated " NVM_DIMM_NAME " " "identifiers. The default is to display all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s with memory allocation goals.")); showConfigGoal.addTarget(TARGET_GOAL_R).isValueAccepted(false); showConfigGoal.addTarget(, false, SOCKETIDS_STR, true, TR("Restrict output to the " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on specific sockets by supplying the socket target and " "one or more comma-separated socket identifiers. The default is to display all " "manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on all sockets with memory allocation goals.")); framework::CommandSpec createGoal(CREATE_GOAL, TR("Create Memory Allocation Goal"), framework::VERB_CREATE, TR("Create a memory allocation goal on one or more " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s. " "This operation stores the specified goal on the " NVM_DIMM_NAME "(s) for the BIOS to " "read on the next reboot in order to map the " NVM_DIMM_NAME " capacity into the system " "address space.")); createGoal.addOption(framework::OPTION_FORCE).helpText(TR("Reconfiguring " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s is a destructive operation " "which requires confirmation from the user. This option suppresses the confirmation."));; createGoal.addTarget(TARGET_DIMM) .isValueRequired(true) .helpText(TR("Create a memory allocation goal on specific " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s by " "supplying one or more comma-separated " NVM_DIMM_NAME " identifiers. " "This list must include all unconfigured " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on the affected socket(s). " "The default is to configure all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on all sockets.")); createGoal.addTarget(TARGET_SOCKET) .isValueRequired(true) .helpText(TR("Create a memory allocation goal on the " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on specific sockets by supplying the " "socket target and one or more comma-separated socket identifiers. The default is " "to configure all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on all sockets.")); createGoal.addTarget(TARGET_GOAL_R); createGoal.addProperty(MEMORYSIZE_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("GiB") .helpText(TR("Gibibytes of the requested " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s' capacity to use in Memory Mode or \"Remaining\" " "if all remaining unconfigured space is desired. Must be a multiple of the memory alignment " "size defined in Show System Capabilities.")); createGoal.addProperty(APPDIRECTSIZE_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("GiB") .helpText(TR(APPDIRECT1SIZE_PROPERTYDESC.c_str())); createGoal.addProperty(APPDIRECTSETTINGS_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("value") .helpText(TR(APPDIRECT1SETTING_PROPERTYDESC.c_str())); createGoal.addProperty(APPDIRECT1SIZE_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("GiB") .helpText(TR(APPDIRECT1SIZE_PROPERTYDESC.c_str())); createGoal.addProperty(APPDIRECT1SETTINGS_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("value") .helpText(TR(APPDIRECT1SETTING_PROPERTYDESC.c_str())); createGoal.addProperty(APPDIRECT2SIZE_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("GiB") .helpText(TR(APPDIRECT2SIZE_PROPERTYDESC.c_str())); createGoal.addProperty(APPDIRECT2SETTINGS_PROPERTYNAME).isValueRequired(true) .valueText("value") .helpText(TR(APPDIRECT2SETTING_PROPERTYDESC.c_str())); createGoal.addProperty(RESERVEDIMM_PROPERTYNAME) .isValueRequired(true) .valueText("0|1") .helpText(TRS(RESERVEDIMM_PROPERTYDESC)); createGoal.addProperty(STORAGECAPACITY_PROPERTYNAME) .isValueRequired(true) .valueText("Remaining") .helpText(TRS(STORAGECAPACITY_PROPERTYDESC)); cli::framework::CommandSpec showNamespace(SHOW_NAMESPACE, TR("Show Namespace"), framework::VERB_SHOW, TR("Show information about one or more namespaces.")); showNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_ALL); showNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_DISPLAY); showNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_UNITS).helpText(TR(NS_UNITS_OPTION_DESC.c_str())); showNamespace.addTarget(TARGET_NAMESPACE_R) .helpText(TR("Restrict output to specific namespaces by providing a comma separated list " "of one or more namespace identifiers. The default is to display all namespaces.")); showNamespace.addTarget(TARGET_POOL) .isValueRequired(true) .helpText(TR("Restrict output to the namespaces on specific pools by supplying the pool " "target and one or more comma-separated pool identifiers. The default is to " "display namespaces on all pools.")); showNamespace.addProperty(wbem::TYPE_KEY, false, wbem::pmem_config::NS_TYPE_STR_UNKNOWN + "|" + wbem::pmem_config::NS_TYPE_STR_APPDIRECT + "|" + wbem::pmem_config::NS_TYPE_STR_STORAGE, true, TR("Restrict output to namespaces of a specific type by supplying the Type property " "with the desired namespace type. The default is to display every type of namespace.")); showNamespace.addProperty(wbem::HEALTHSTATE_KEY, false, wbem::pmem_config::NS_HEALTH_STR_UNKNOWN + "|" + wbem::pmem_config::NS_HEALTH_STR_NORMAL + "|" + wbem::pmem_config::NS_HEALTH_STR_WARN + "|" + wbem::pmem_config::NS_HEALTH_STR_ERR + "|" + wbem::pmem_config::NS_HEALTH_STR_BROKENMIRROR, true, TR("Restrict output to namespaces with a specific health state by supplying the " "HealthState property with the desired health state. The default is to display " "namespaces in every state.")); cli::framework::CommandSpec createNamespace(CREATE_NAMESPACE, TR("Create Namespace"), framework::VERB_CREATE, TR("Create a new namespace from a persistent memory pool of " NVM_DIMM_NAME " capacity.")); createNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_FORCE); createNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_UNITS).helpText(TR(NS_UNITS_OPTION_DESC.c_str())); createNamespace.addTarget(TARGET_NAMESPACE_R) .valueText("") .isValueAccepted(false) .helpText(TR("Create a new namespace. No filtering is supported on this target.")); createNamespace.addTarget(TARGET_POOL).isValueRequired(false) .helpText(TR("The pool identifier on which to create the namespace.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_TYPE, true, "AppDirect|Storage", true, TR("The type of namespace to be created.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_BLOCKSIZE, false, "size", true, TR("The logical size in bytes for read/write operations. Must be one of the supported " "block sizes retrieved using the Show System Capabilities command.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_BLOCKCOUNT, false, "count", true, TR("The total number of blocks of memory that make up the namespace (BlockCount x BlockSize = Capacity).")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_FRIENDLYNAME, false, "string", true, TR("Optional user specified namespace name to more easily identify the namespace. Up to a maximum of 64 " "characters.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_OPTIMIZE, false, "CopyOnWrite|None", true, TR("If the namespace has CopyOnWrite optimization turned on after creation.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_ENABLED, false, "0|1|False|True", true, TR("Enable or disable the namespace after creation. " "A disabled namespace is hidden from the OS by the driver.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_ENCRYPTION, false, "0|1|False|True", true, TR("If the namespace has Encryption turned on after creation.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_ERASECAPABLE, false, "0|1|False|True", true, TR("If the namespace supports erase capability after creation.")); createNamespace.addProperty(APPDIRECTSETTINGS_PROPERTYNAME, false, "value", true, TR("Create the namespace on persistent memory matching the " "specified quality of service attributes. Only applicable if the " "type is App Direct.")); createNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_CAPACITY, false, "capacity", true, TR("The size of the namespace in GB. Capacity and BlockCount are exclusive " "and therefore cannot be used together. Note: Capacity can only be provided " "as decimal gigabytes and not gibibytes (e.g. 16.7 GB vs 16 GiB).")); cli::framework::CommandSpec modifyNamespace(MODIFY_NAMESPACE, TR("Modify Namespace"), framework::VERB_SET, TR("Modify one or more existing namespaces.")); modifyNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_FORCE); modifyNamespace.addTarget(TARGET_NAMESPACE_R).helpText(TR("Modify the settings on specific namespaces by " "providing comma separated list of one or more namespace identifiers. The default is to modify all namespaces.")); modifyNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_FRIENDLYNAME, false, "string", true, TR("Change the user specified namespace name up to a maximum of 64 characters.")); modifyNamespace.addProperty("BlockCount", false, "count", true, TR("Change the total number of blocks of memory that make up in the namespace " "(BlockCount x BlockSize = Capacity).")); modifyNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_ENABLED, false, "0|1", true, TR("Enable or disable the namespace. A disabled namespace is hidden from the OS by the " "driver.")); modifyNamespace.addProperty(CREATE_NS_PROP_CAPACITY, false, "capacity", true, TR("Change the size of the namespace.")); cli::framework::CommandSpec deleteNamespace(DELETE_NAMESPACE, TR("Delete Namespace"), framework::VERB_DELETE, TR("Delete one or more existing namespaces. All data on the deleted namespace(s) becomes " "inaccessible.")); deleteNamespace.addOption(framework::OPTION_FORCE); deleteNamespace.addTarget(TARGET_NAMESPACE_R).helpText(TR("Delete specific namespaces by providing " "a comma separated list of one or more namespace identifiers. The default is to " "delete all namespaces.")); framework::CommandSpec showPools(SHOW_POOLS, TR("Show Persistent Memory"), framework::VERB_SHOW, TR("Retrieve a list of persistent memory pools of " NVM_DIMM_NAME " capacity.")); showPools.addOption(framework::OPTION_DISPLAY); showPools.addOption(framework::OPTION_ALL); showPools.addOption(framework::OPTION_UNITS).helpText(TR("Change the units the pool capacities are displayed in.")); showPools.addTarget(TARGET_POOL_R).helpText(TR("Restrict output to specific persistent " "memory pools by providing one or more comma-separated pool identifiers. " "The default is to display the persistent memory pools across all " "manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s.")); showPools.addTarget(TARGET_SOCKET).helpText(TR("Restrict output to the persistent memory " "pools on specific sockets by supplying the socket target and one or more " "comma-separated socket identifiers. The default is to display all sockets.")); framework::CommandSpec dumpConfig(DUMP_CONFIG, TR("Dump Memory Allocation Settings"), framework::VERB_DUMP, TR("Store the currently configured memory allocation settings for all " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s in the " "system to a file in order to replicate the configuration elsewhere. Apply the stored " "memory allocation settings using the Load Memory Allocation Goal command.")); dumpConfig.addOption(framework::OPTION_DESTINATION_R).helpText(TR("The file path in which to store " "the memory allocation settings. The resulting file will contain the memory allocation settings " "for all configured " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s in the system.")); dumpConfig.addTarget(TARGET_SYSTEM_R).helpText(TR("The host system.")) .isValueAccepted(false); dumpConfig.addTarget(TARGET_CONFIG_R).helpText(TR("The current " NVM_DIMM_NAME " memory allocation settings.")) .isValueAccepted(false); framework::CommandSpec loadGoal(LOAD_CONFIG_GOAL, TR("Load Memory Allocation Goal"), framework::VERB_LOAD, TR("Load a memory allocation goal from a file onto one or more " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s.")); loadGoal.addOption(framework::OPTION_FORCE).helpText(TR("Reconfiguring " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s is a destructive operation " "which requires confirmation from the user. This option suppresses the confirmation.")); loadGoal.addOption(framework::OPTION_SOURCE_R).helpText(TR("File path of the stored configuration " "settings to load as a memory allocation goal.")); loadGoal.addTarget(TARGET_GOAL_R).isValueAccepted(false); loadGoal.addTarget(TARGET_DIMM) .helpText(TR("Load the memory allocation goal to specific " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s " "by supplying one or more comma-separated " NVM_DIMM_NAME " identifiers. The default is to load the " "memory allocation goal onto all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s.")) .isValueRequired(true); loadGoal.addTarget(TARGET_SOCKET).helpText(TR("Load the memory allocation goal onto all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on " "specific sockets by supplying the socket target and one or more comma-separated socket identifiers. " "The default is to load the memory allocation goal onto all manageable " NVM_DIMM_NAME "s on all sockets.")); list.push_back(showNamespace); list.push_back(createNamespace); list.push_back(modifyNamespace); list.push_back(deleteNamespace); list.push_back(showConfigGoal); list.push_back(deleteConfigGoal); list.push_back(createGoal); list.push_back(showPools); list.push_back(dumpConfig); list.push_back(loadGoal); }