CoaxSimpleControl::CoaxSimpleControl(ros::NodeHandle &node) :reach_nav_state(node.serviceClient<coax_msgs::CoaxReachNavState>("reach_nav_state")) ,configure_comm(node.serviceClient<coax_msgs::CoaxConfigureComm>("configure_comm")) ,configure_control(node.serviceClient<coax_msgs::CoaxConfigureControl>("configure_control")) ,set_timeout(node.serviceClient<coax_msgs::CoaxSetTimeout>("set_timeout")) ,coax_state_sub(node.subscribe("state",1, &CoaxSimpleControl::coaxStateCallback, this)) ,coax_tf_sub(node.subscribe("tf",1, &CoaxSimpleControl::coaxTfCallback, this)) ,raw_control_pub(node.advertise<coax_msgs::CoaxRawControl>("rawcontrol",1)) ,simple_control_pub(node.advertise<coax_msgs::CoaxControl>("simplecontrol",1)) ,LOW_POWER_DETECTED(false) ,CONTROL_MODE(CONTROL_LANDED) ,FIRST_START(false) ,FIRST_LANDING(false) ,FIRST_HOVER(false) ,INIT_DESIRE(false) ,coax_nav_mode(0) ,coax_control_mode(0) ,coax_state_age(0) ,raw_control_age(0) ,init_count(0) ,mil_count(0) ,rotor_ready_count(-1) ,battery_voltage(12.22) ,imu_y(0.0),imu_r(0.0),imu_p(0.0) ,range_al(0.0) ,rc_th(0.0),rc_y(0.0),rc_r(0.0),rc_p(0.0) ,rc_trim_th(0.0),rc_trim_y(0.104),rc_trim_r(0.054),rc_trim_p(0.036) ,img_th(0.0),img_y(0.0),img_r(0.0),img_p(0.0) ,gyro_ch1(0.0),gyro_ch2(0.0),gyro_ch3(0.0) ,accel_x(0.0),accel_y(0.0),accel_z(0.0) ,mag_1(0.0), mag_2(0.0), mag_3(0.0) ,motor_up(0),motor_lo(0) ,servo_roll(0),servo_pitch(0) ,roll_trim(0),pitch_trim(0) ,motor1_des(0.0),motor2_des(0.0),servo1_des(0.0),servo2_des(0.0) ,yaw_des(0.0),yaw_rate_des(0.0) ,roll_des(0.0),roll_rate_des(0.0) ,pitch_des(0.0),pitch_rate_des(0.0) ,altitude_des(1.5), coax_global_x(0.0), coax_global_y(0.0), coax_global_z(0.0) ,qnd0(0.0), qnd1(0.0), qnd2(0.0), qnd3(0.0) ,Gx_des(0.0), Gy_des(0.0) ,PI(3.14159265), r2d(57.2958), d2r(0.0175) ,ang_err_lim(0.14) ,x_vel_hist_1(0.0), x_vel_hist_2(0.0), x_vel_hist_3(0.0) , x_vel_hist_4(0.0) ,y_vel_hist_1(0.0), y_vel_hist_2(0.0), y_vel_hist_3(0.0) , y_vel_hist_4(0.0) ,x_gyro_1(0.0), x_gyro_2(0.0) ,y_gyro_1(0.0), y_gyro_2(0.0) ,Gz_old1(0.0), Gz_old2(0.0), Gz_old3(0.0) ,way_changed(0) ,way_old{0.0, 0.0, 0.0} { set_nav_mode.push_back(node.advertiseService("set_nav_mode", &CoaxSimpleControl::setNavMode, this)); set_control_mode.push_back(node.advertiseService("set_control_mode", &CoaxSimpleControl::setControlMode, this)); set_waypoint.push_back(node.advertiseService("set_waypoint", &CoaxSimpleControl::setWaypoint, this)); loadParams(node); }
void Stage0::loadValuesFromStage() { loadParams(); for(int i = 0; i < ui.listWidget_ECTypes->count(); i++) { ui.listWidget_ECTypes->item(i)->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } int ecTypesCount = controller->stage0.initialECTypes.size(); allECTypes = controller->stage0.initialECTypes; std::vector<AxiomLib::ElemCondPlus> &ecs = allECTypes; ui.listWidget_ECTypes->clear(); for(int i = 0; i < ecTypesCount; i++) { QString name = QString(ecs[i].elemCondition->name().c_str()); if(ecs[i].sign == false) { name.prepend("not "); } QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(name, ui.listWidget_ECTypes); item->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); item->setCheckState( controller->stage0.checkedECTypes[i] ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked ); } }
LaneDetector::LaneDetector(ros::NodeHandle& node_handle) { loadParams(node_handle); // Grass Removal kernel_size = 8; svm = new SVM(); svm->init(kernel_size * kernel_size * 3); std::string model_path = ros::package::getPath("lane_detector")+"/data/"+training_data_file + ".model"; svm->loadModel(model_path.c_str()); setupComms(); if (debug_mode > 0) { original_image_window = ros::this_node::getName() + std::string("/original_image"); cv::namedWindow(original_image_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); result_window = ros::this_node::getName() + std::string("/result"); cv::namedWindow(result_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); grass_removal_output_window = ros::this_node::getName() + std::string("/grass_removal_output"); cv::namedWindow(grass_removal_output_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); ipt_output_window = ros::this_node::getName() + std::string("/ipt_output"); cv::namedWindow(ipt_output_window, 0); obstacle_removal_output_window = ros::this_node::getName() + std::string("/obstacle_removal_output"); cv::namedWindow(obstacle_removal_output_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); lane_binary_output = ros::this_node::getName() + std::string("/lane_binary_output"); cv::namedWindow(lane_binary_output, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "image_publisher"); ros::NodeHandle nh, pnh("~"); FakeCameraParams params = loadParams(pnh); image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh); image_transport::Publisher pub = it.advertise(params.topic+"/image", 1); ros::Publisher info_pub = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>(params.topic+"/camera_info", 1); sensor_msgs::CameraInfo info = loadCameraInfo(params); cv::Mat image = cv::Mat(params.width, params.height, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(50,50,50)); sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), "bgr8", image).toImageMsg(); msg->header.frame_id = params.frame; msg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); ros::Rate loop_rate(params.rate); while (nh.ok()) { msg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); info.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pub.publish(msg); info_pub.publish(info); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } }
LauncherApp::LauncherApp() : wxApp() { completed = false; SetAppName(_("IzPack launcher")); loadParams(); }
//copypaste de LR void SVMachine::run(){ // std::cout << "I'm running the mode "; if(C_executionMode == 0){ // std::cout << "Test" << std::endl; loadTrainingSet(C_trainingFile); loadTestingSet(C_testingFile); // //Comprobamos que se han cargado bien los dos archivos // // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < C_trainingSet.size(); i++){ // for(unsigned int j = 0; j < C_trainingSet[i].getInput().size(); j++){ // std::cout << C_trainingSet[i].getInput()[j] << ' '; // } // std::cout << std::endl << C_trainingSet[i].getResult()[0] << std::endl; // } // // std::cout << std::endl; // // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < C_testingSet.size(); i++){ // for(unsigned int j = 0; j < C_testingSet[i].getInput().size(); j++){ // std::cout << C_testingSet[i].getInput()[j] << ' '; // } // std::cout << std::endl << C_testingSet[i].getResult()[0] << std::endl; // } // // //Fin de la comprobacion train(); test(); } else if(C_executionMode == 1){ // std::cout << "Predict" << std::endl; loadInput(C_inputFile); loadParams(); // //Comprobamos que se leen bien los archivos // // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < C_theta.size(); i++){ // std::cout << C_theta[i] << ' '; // } // std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; // // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < C_input.getInput().size(); i++){ // std::cout << C_input.getInput()[i] << ' '; // } // std::cout << std::endl << C_input.getResult() << std::endl; // // //Fin de la comprobacion predict(C_input); showParams(); //Escribir lo que devuelve input en algun lado? } }
/** * main is the entry point of the programm. Since this programm accepts params, * this function has the two default params. * * @param aArgc : number of params given to the programm * @param aArgv : params given to the params * * @return int : this function will return 0 and exit the program is no error happened */ int main(int aArgc, char** aArgv){ srand ( time(NULL) ); Params* wParams = loadParams(aArgc, aArgv); makePassword(*wParams); unloadParams(wParams); return 0; }
bool DiffController::init(hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface* hw, ros::NodeHandle &n) { sub_twist_ = n.subscribe("/roundbot/cmd_vel", 1, &DiffController::recvTwist, this); loadParams(n); left_target_speed_ = 0.0; right_target_speed_ = 0.0; left_joint_ = hw->getHandle(left_joint_name_); right_joint_ = hw->getHandle(right_joint_name_); return true; }
LogitechCamera::LogitechCamera(int argc, char** argv) : Sensor(argc, argv) { camera_id = std::atoi(argv[1]); node_name = argv[2]; std::cout<<"camera_id:"<<camera_id<<std::endl; std::cout<<"node_name:"<<node_name<<std::endl; ros::init(argc, argv, node_name.c_str()); ros::NodeHandle node_handle; loadParams(node_handle); setupComms(node_handle); }
void exec_loadParams() { cc_loadParams(); ser_loadParams(); cam_loadParams(); rcs_loadParams(); ptLoadParams(); loadParams(); // local }
bool WheelSpeedController::init(hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface* hw, ros::NodeHandle &n) { sub_left_command_ = n.subscribe("left_command", 1, &WheelSpeedController::recvLeftCommand, this); sub_right_command_ = n.subscribe("right_command", 1, &WheelSpeedController::recvRightCommand, this); loadParams(n); left_target_speed_ = 0.0; right_target_speed_ = 0.0; left_joint_ = hw->getHandle(left_joint_name_); right_joint_ = hw->getHandle(right_joint_name_); return true; }
void exec_loadParams() { cc_loadParams(); ser_loadParams(); cam_loadParams(); #ifndef LEGO rcs_loadParams(); ptLoadParams(); //chaseLoadParams(); #endif loadParams(); // local }
ObstacleDetector::ObstacleDetector(std::string node_name, ros::NodeHandle& node_handle) { loadParams(node_handle); this->node_name = node_name; if (debug_mode > 0) { cv::namedWindow(std::string("/") + node_name + std::string("/raw_scan"), CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::namedWindow(std::string("/") + node_name + std::string("/dilate_filter"), CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); } obstacle_map = cv::Mat(map_size, map_size, CV_8UC1, cvScalarAll(0)); image_transport = new image_transport::ImageTransport(node_handle); obstacle_publisher = image_transport->advertise(obstacles_topic_name, 10); scan_subscriber = node_handle.subscribe(scan_topic_name, 2, &ObstacleDetector::scanCallback, this); }
int exec_init(Chirp *chirp) { g_bMachine = new ButtonMachine; chirp->registerModule(g_module); g_runM0 = g_chirpM0->getProc("run", NULL); g_runningM0 = g_chirpM0->getProc("running", NULL); g_stopM0 = g_chirpM0->getProc("stop", NULL); loadParams(); return 0; }
bool Parameters::loadParams(int argc, char ** argv) { // load params from commandline args //if( argc < 3 ) { // fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No parameters. Use \"-config\" or \"-f\" to specify configuration file.\n"); // return false; //} bool load_from_file = false; std::set<std::string> setParams; int jumpBy = 0; for( int i = 1; i < argc; i += jumpBy ) { std::string param = argv[i]; if(param[0] != '-') { std::cerr << "Unknown parameter: " << param << std::endl; return false; } Utils::ltrim(param, "- "); // normalise parameter to long name param = normaliseParamName(param); // check if valid param name if(!isValidParamName(param)) { std::cerr << "Unknown param option \"" << param << "\"\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } setParams.insert(param); // needed to not overwrite param value if file is specified //if the parameter is of type booL no corresponding value if( getValueType(param) == kBoolValue ) { jumpBy = 1; assert(setParamValue(param, kTrueValue)); } else { //not of type bool so must have corresponding value assert(i+1 < argc); jumpBy = 2; std::string val = argv[i+1]; Utils::trim(val); if( param == "config" ) load_from_file = true; if(!setParamValue(param, val)) { std::cerr << "Invalid Param name->value " << param << "->" << val << std::endl; return false; } } } bool success = true; // load from file if specified if (load_from_file) success = loadParams(getParamValue("config"), setParams); return success; }
double SVMachine::predict(Sample input){ // std::cout << "I'm predicting with the SVMachine" << std::endl; if(C_executionMode == 1) loadParams(); ET aux(0.0); // Hago esto provisional para escalar std::vector<double> entradaScalada; std::vector<Sample> sInput; sInput.push_back(input); // Utils::scalation(sInput); arma::Col<double> Input(input.getNFeatures()); for(int i=0; i<input.getNFeatures(); i++) Input(i)=sInput[0].getInput()[i]; for(int i=0; i<C_trainingSet.size(); i++){ if( > 0.0){ aux += ET(*ET(*C_kernel->K(C_X.row(i).t(), Input); // std::cout << "La suma auxiliar vale: " << aux+b << std::endl; } } double p = CGAL::to_double(aux + C_b); std::cout << "Predigo p=" << p << std::endl; double treshold = 0.0; if(p > treshold){ return 1.0; } else if(p <= treshold){ return -1.0; } }
bool AlchemyCreateProfile::processApplication() { // process parameters passed in by user if (!loadParams()) { getContext() << Context::PRIORITY_error << "Application failed while loading parameters" << Context::endl; return false; } printParams(); if (!readData(m_trainFile, m_trainData, "training data")) { getContext() << Context::PRIORITY_error << "Application failed while reading training data" << Context::endl; return false; } else if (!m_trainData.size()) { getContext() << Context::PRIORITY_error << "No training data was read; aborting execution" << Context::endl; return false; } if (!createProfile()) { getContext() << Context::PRIORITY_error << "Application failed while creating prediction profile" << Context::endl; return false; } return true; }
void Advanced::prepareUi() { Selection *s = new Selection(this); connect(ui->actionOpen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openRaster())); connect(ui->actionSave_Reprojection, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveReprojection())); connect(ui->actionSelection_Screen, SIGNAL(triggered()), s, SLOT(showSelection())); connect(ui->actionSelection_Screen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(ui->actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(ui->actionLoad_Projection_Info, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadParams())); connect(ui->actionSave_Projection_Info, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveParams())); connect(ui->actionToggle_Preview, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(togglePreview())); connect(ui->actionAbout_dRasterBlaster, SIGNAL(triggered()), s, SLOT(about())); connect(ui->actionAbout_Qt, SIGNAL(triggered()), s, SLOT(aboutQt())); connect(ui->actionEdit_Author, SIGNAL(triggered()), s, SLOT(showEditAuthor())); connect(ui->actionUser_Guide, SIGNAL(triggered()), s, SLOT(showUserGuide())); connect(ui->fillEnable, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(fillEnable(int))); connect(ui->noDataValueEnable, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(noDataEnable(int))); //Validators QIntValidator *intValid = new QIntValidator(this); intValid->setBottom(0); QDoubleValidator *doubleValid = new QDoubleValidator(this); doubleValid->setNotation(QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation); doubleValid->setBottom(0.0); ui->Rows->setValidator(intValid); ui->Cols->setValidator(intValid); ui->FillValue->setValidator(intValid); ui->noDataValue->setValidator(intValid); ui->pixelSize->setValidator(doubleValid); //projections p; //p.callGenerate(_UTM); //ui->tabProjectionInfo->setLayout(p.projVLayout); }
CHOMPInterfaceROS::CHOMPInterfaceROS(const planning_models::RobotModelConstPtr& kmodel) : ChompPlanner(kmodel), nh_("~") { loadParams(); }
void Interpreter::handleData(const void *args[]) { int i; uint8_t type; QColor color = CW_DEFAULT_COLOR; if (args[0]) { type = Chirp::getType(args[0]); if (type==CRP_TYPE_HINT) { if (g_debug) m_print += printType(*(uint32_t *)args[0]) + " data\n"; if (*(uint32_t *)args[0]==FOURCC('E','V','T','1')) { uint32_t event = *(uint32_t *)args[1]; if (event==EVT_PARAM_CHANGE) loadParams(); } else { // check modules, see if they handle the fourcc for (i=0; i<m_modules.size(); i++) { if (m_modules[i]->render(*(uint32_t *)args[0], args+1)) break; } } } else if (type==CRP_HSTRING) { m_print += (char *)args[0]; color = Qt::blue; } else DBG("unknown type: %d", type); } if (m_print.size()>0 && !m_print.endsWith('\n')) m_print += '\n'; // wait queue business keeps worker thread from getting too far ahead of gui thread // (when this happens, things can get sluggish.) // update: this causes the worker thread to block. For example, bringing up a file // dialog will cause the gui to block and a block in the gui causes ths console to block // the console blocks and the xdata console print blocks, blocking the worker thread. // Removing this fixes the issue. But it's now possible for the console prints to queue // up if they are coming in too fast, causing gui sluggishness. Limit size of queue? // Need some kind of throttling mechanism -- putting sleeps in the worker thread? Or // a call somewhere to processevents? #if 0 if (m_localProgramRunning || m_running) m_console->m_mutexPrint.lock(); #endif if (m_print.size()>0) { emit textOut(m_print, color); m_print = ""; } #if 0 if (m_localProgramRunning || m_running) { m_console->m_waitPrint.wait(&m_console->m_mutexPrint); m_console->m_mutexPrint.unlock(); } #endif }
void GodrayTool::onReset(){ wt::Scene::GodRayParams params; WTE_CTX.getScene()->setGodRayParams(params); loadParams(); }
void GodrayTool::onSceneLoaded(){ loadParams(); }
void FrameGrabber<Camera>:: initialise() { loadParams(); frame_data.disp.create(frame_data.cam_vec[0].image_size(), CV_32F); #ifdef SCAVISLAM_CUDA_SUPPORT frame_data.gpu_disp_32f.create(frame_data.cam_vec[0].image_size(), CV_32F); for (int l=0; l<NUM_PYR_LEVELS; ++l) { frame_data.cur_left().gpu_pyr_float32[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.gpu_pyr_float32_dx[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.gpu_pyr_float32_dy[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.prev_left().gpu_pyr_float32[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.gpu_pyr_float32_dx[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.gpu_pyr_float32_dy[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); } frame_data.right.gpu_pyr_float32[0] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[0].image_size(), CV_32FC1); #else frame_data.pyr_float32.resize(NUM_PYR_LEVELS); frame_data.pyr_float32_dx.resize(NUM_PYR_LEVELS); frame_data.pyr_float32_dy.resize(NUM_PYR_LEVELS); for (int l=0; l<NUM_PYR_LEVELS; ++l) { frame_data.pyr_float32[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.pyr_float32_dx[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); frame_data.pyr_float32_dy[l] .create(frame_data.cam_vec[l].image_size(), CV_32FC1); } #endif if (params_.livestream) { #ifdef SCAVISLAM_PCL_SUPPORT grabber.initialize(); boost::thread(boost::ref(grabber)); #else assert(false); #endif } else { //preprocessFiles(params_.path_str,true); file_grabber_.initialize(params_.path_str, params_.base_str, params_.format_str, frame_data.frame_id, params_.color_img, !params_.color_img, params_.right_img, params_.disp_img, params_.right_img, &file_grabber_mon_); if (params_.rectify_frame) { intializeRectifier(); } } #ifdef SCAVISLAM_CUDA_SUPPORT dx_filter_ = cv::gpu::createDerivFilter_GPU(frame_data.cur_left() .gpu_pyr_float32[0].type(), frame_data.gpu_pyr_float32_dx[0] .type(), 1, 0, 1, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE); dy_filter_ = cv::gpu::createDerivFilter_GPU(frame_data.cur_left() .gpu_pyr_float32[0].type(), frame_data.gpu_pyr_float32_dy[0] .type(), 0, 1, 1, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE); #endif processNextFrame(); }
std::shared_ptr<storage::AbstractTable> Loader::shortcuts::load(const std::string& filepath, Loader::params& params) { return Loader::load(loadParams(filepath, params)); };
bool loadParams(int argc, char ** argv, std::string& worldFilename, std::string& robotFilename, std::string& objectFilename, std::string& outputDirectory, bool& saveSeparate, Eigen::Vector3d& objPos, int& maxIterations) { saveSeparate = false; worldFilename.clear(); robotFilename.clear(); objectFilename.clear(); outputDirectory.clear(); boost::program_options::variables_map vm; try { vm = loadParams(argc, argv); } catch (std::exception const& e) { PRINTERROR("Exception caught: " << e.what()); return false; } catch (...) { PRINTERROR("Exception caught"); return false; } boost::program_options::options_description desc = getOptions(); // desc=getOptions(); if (vm.count("help")) { PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("dir") < 1) { PRINTERROR("Must specify an output directory"); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("wld") && (vm.count("rob") || vm.count("obj"))) { PRINTERROR("Cannot specify a world and a robot and/or object at the same time."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (!vm.count("wld") && !vm.count("rob")) { PRINTERROR("Have to specify either a robot or a world."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("rob") != vm.count("obj")) { PRINTERROR("If you specify a robot, you also have to specify an object, and vice versa."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("rob") > 1) { PRINTERROR("You can only specify one robot at this stage."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("obj") > 1) { PRINTERROR("You can only specify one object at this stage."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("obj") != vm.count("rob")) { PRINTERROR("If you specify a robot, you should also specify an object."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("wld")) { worldFilename = vm["wld"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("World file is " << worldFilename); } if (vm.count("rob")) { robotFilename = vm["rob"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("Robot file is " << robotFilename); } if (vm.count("obj")) { objectFilename = vm["obj"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("Object file is " << objectFilename); } if (vm.count("dir")) { outputDirectory = vm["dir"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("Output dir is " << outputDirectory); } if (vm.count("iter")) { maxIterations = vm["iter"].as<int>(); PRINTMSG("Number of iterations: " << maxIterations); if (maxIterations < 35000) { PRINTWARN("Planning is not working well with max iterations < 35000"); } } if (vm.count("obj-pos")) { std::vector<float> vals=vm["obj-pos"].as<std::vector<float> >(); if (vals.size()!=3) { PRINTERROR("Must specify 3 values for --obj-pos: x, y and z (specified "<<vals.size()<<")"); PRINTMSG(desc); } PRINTMSG("Using initial object pose "<<vals[0]<<", "<<vals[1]<<", "<<vals[2]); objPos=Eigen::Vector3d(vals[0],vals[1],vals[2]); } if (vm.count("save-separate")) { saveSeparate=true; } return true; }
Parameters::Parameters(int argc, char ** argv, const ParamDefs * paramdefs, const count_t paramNum) { initialize(paramdefs, paramNum); loadParams(argc, argv); }
int wrap_loadParams(cgiRequestObj *request, char* (*getenv2)(const char*, void* thread_context), char *raw_post_data, ms_uint32 raw_post_data_length, void* thread_context) { return loadParams(request, getenv2, raw_post_data, raw_post_data_length, thread_context); }
bool loadParams(int argc, char ** argv, std::string& worldFilename, std::string& robotFilename, std::string& objectFilename, std::string& outputDirectory) { worldFilename.clear(); robotFilename.clear(); objectFilename.clear(); outputDirectory.clear(); boost::program_options::variables_map vm; try { vm = loadParams(argc, argv); } catch (std::exception const& e) { PRINTERROR("Exception caught: " << e.what()); return false; } catch (...) { PRINTERROR("Exception caught"); return false; } boost::program_options::options_description desc = getOptions(); // desc=getOptions(); if (vm.count("help")) { PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("dir") < 1) { PRINTERROR("Must specify an output directory"); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("wld") && (vm.count("rob") || vm.count("obj"))) { PRINTERROR("Cannot specify a world and a robot and/or object at the same time."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (!vm.count("wld") && !vm.count("rob")) { PRINTERROR("Have to specify either a robot or a world."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("rob") != vm.count("obj")) { PRINTERROR("If you specify a robot, you also have to specify an object, and vice versa."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("rob") > 1) { PRINTERROR("You can only specify one robot at this stage."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("obj") > 1) { PRINTERROR("You can only specify one object at this stage."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("obj") != vm.count("rob")) { PRINTERROR("If you specify a robot, you should also specify an object."); PRINTMSG(desc); return false; } if (vm.count("wld")) { worldFilename = vm["wld"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("World file is " << worldFilename); } if (vm.count("rob")) { robotFilename = vm["rob"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("Robot file is " << robotFilename); } if (vm.count("obj")) { objectFilename = vm["obj"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("Object file is " << objectFilename); } if (vm.count("dir")) { outputDirectory = vm["dir"].as<std::string>(); PRINTMSG("Output dir is " << outputDirectory); } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { signal(SIGSEGV, handler); signal(SIGABRT, handler); PRINT_INIT_STD(); std::string worldFilename; std::string robotFilename; std::string objectFilename; std::string outputDirectory; bool saveSeparate; Eigen::Vector3d objPos; int maxPlanningSteps = 50000; if (!loadParams(argc, argv, worldFilename, robotFilename, objectFilename, outputDirectory, saveSeparate, objPos, maxPlanningSteps)) { PRINTERROR("Could not read arguments"); return 1; } PRINTMSG("Creating planner"); std::string name = "EigenGraspPlanner1"; // TODO make parameter SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::GraspItSceneManager> graspitMgr(new GraspIt::GraspItSceneManagerHeadless()); #ifdef USE_EIGENGRASP_NOQT SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::EigenGraspPlannerNoQt> p(new GraspIt::EigenGraspPlannerNoQt(name, graspitMgr)); #else SHARED_PTR<GraspIt::EigenGraspPlanner> p(new GraspIt::EigenGraspPlanner(name, graspitMgr)); #endif // TODO parameterize: // Names for robot and object if not loaded from a world file. // If loaded from a world file, will be overwritten. std::string useRobotName="Robot1"; std::string useObjectName="Object1"; if (!worldFilename.empty()) { PRINTMSG("Loading world"); graspitMgr->loadWorld(worldFilename); std::vector<std::string> robs = graspitMgr->getRobotNames(); std::vector<std::string> objs = graspitMgr->getObjectNames(true); if (robs.empty()) { PRINTERROR("No robots loaded"); return 1; } if (objs.empty()) { PRINTERROR("No graspable objects loaded"); return 1; } if (robs.size()!=1) { PRINTERROR("Exactly 1 robot should have been loaded"); return 1; } if (objs.size()!=1) { PRINTERROR("Exactly 1 graspable object should have been loaded"); return 1; } useRobotName=robs.front(); useObjectName=objs.front(); PRINTMSG("Using robot "<<useRobotName<<" and object "<<useObjectName); } else { // TODO add an option to set the transforms. // For now, they're put in the origin. For the planning, this should not really matter... GraspIt::EigenTransform robotTransform; GraspIt::EigenTransform objectTransform; robotTransform.setIdentity(); objectTransform.setIdentity(); objectTransform.translate(objPos); // objectTransform.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(100,0,0)); std::string robotName(useRobotName); std::string objectName(useObjectName); if ((graspitMgr->loadRobot(robotFilename, robotName, robotTransform) != 0) || (graspitMgr->loadObject(objectFilename, objectName, true, objectTransform))) { PRINTERROR("Could not load robot or object"); return 1; } } bool createDir = true; bool saveIV = true; bool forceWrite = createDir; // only enforce if creating dir is also allowed // in case one wants to view the initial world before planning, save it: graspitMgr->saveGraspItWorld(outputDirectory + "/startWorld.xml", createDir); graspitMgr->saveInventorWorld(outputDirectory + "/startWorld.iv", createDir); if (saveSeparate) { graspitMgr->saveRobotAsInventor(outputDirectory + "/robotStartpose.iv", useRobotName, createDir, forceWrite); graspitMgr->saveObjectAsInventor(outputDirectory + "/object.iv", useObjectName, createDir, forceWrite); } int repeatPlanning = 1; int keepMaxPlanningResults = 3; bool finishWithAutograsp = false; p->plan(maxPlanningSteps, repeatPlanning, keepMaxPlanningResults, finishWithAutograsp); PRINTMSG("Saving results as world files"); bool saveWorld = true; std::string resultsWorldDirectory = outputDirectory; std::string filenamePrefix = "world"; p->saveResultsAsWorldFiles(resultsWorldDirectory, filenamePrefix, saveWorld, saveIV, createDir, saveSeparate); std::vector<GraspIt::EigenGraspResult> allGrasps; p->getResults(allGrasps); PRINTMSG("Grasp results:"); std::vector<GraspIt::EigenGraspResult>::iterator it; for (it = allGrasps.begin(); it != allGrasps.end(); ++it) { PRINTMSG(*it); } PRINTMSG("Quitting program."); return 1; }
ompl_interface_ros::OMPLInterfaceROS::OMPLInterfaceROS(const robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr &kmodel) : ompl_interface::OMPLInterface(kmodel), nh_("~") { loadParams(); }