void MovingLeastSquareReconstructionOperator<Scalar,Basis,DIM>::setup(
    const Teuchos::RCP<const typename Base::TpetraMap>& domain_map,
    const Teuchos::RCP<FunctionSpace>& domain_space,
    const Teuchos::RCP<const typename Base::TpetraMap>& range_map,
    const Teuchos::RCP<FunctionSpace>& range_space,
    const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& parameters )
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(domain_map) );
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(domain_space) );
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(range_map) );
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(range_space) );
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(parameters) );

    // Get the parallel communicator.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = domain_map->getComm();

    // Determine if we have range and domain data on this process.
    bool nonnull_domain = Teuchos::nonnull( domain_space->entitySet() );
    bool nonnull_range = Teuchos::nonnull( range_space->entitySet() );

    // Make sure we are applying the map to nodes.
    DTK_REQUIRE( domain_space->entitySelector()->entityType() ==
    DTK_REQUIRE( range_space->entitySelector()->entityType() ==

    // Extract the DOF maps.
    this->b_domain_map = domain_map;
    this->b_range_map = range_map;

    // Extract the source centers and their ids.
    EntityIterator domain_iterator;
    if ( nonnull_domain )
	domain_iterator = domain_space->entitySet()->entityIterator( 
	    domain_space->entitySelector()->selectFunction() );
    int local_num_src = domain_iterator.size();
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<double> source_centers( DIM*local_num_src);
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<GO> source_gids( local_num_src );
    EntityIterator domain_begin = domain_iterator.begin();
    EntityIterator domain_end = domain_iterator.end();
    int entity_counter = 0;
    for ( EntityIterator domain_entity = domain_begin;
	  domain_entity != domain_end;
	  ++domain_entity, ++entity_counter )
	source_gids[entity_counter] = domain_entity->id();
	    *domain_entity, source_centers(DIM*entity_counter,DIM) );

    // Extract the target centers and their ids.
    EntityIterator range_iterator;
    if ( nonnull_range )
	range_iterator = range_space->entitySet()->entityIterator( 
	    range_space->entitySelector()->selectFunction() );
    int local_num_tgt = range_iterator.size();
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<double> target_centers( DIM*local_num_tgt );
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<GO> target_gids( local_num_tgt );
    EntityIterator range_begin = range_iterator.begin();
    EntityIterator range_end = range_iterator.end();
    entity_counter = 0;
    for ( EntityIterator range_entity = range_begin;
	  range_entity != range_end;
	  ++range_entity, ++entity_counter )
	target_gids[entity_counter] = range_entity->id();
	    *range_entity, target_centers(DIM*entity_counter,DIM) );

    // Build the basis.
    Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = BP::create( d_radius );

    // Gather the source centers that are within a radius of the target
    // centers on this proc.
    Teuchos::Array<double> dist_sources;
    CenterDistributor<DIM> distributor( 
	comm, source_centers(), target_centers(), d_radius, dist_sources );

    // Gather the global ids of the source centers that are within a radius of
    // the target centers on this proc.
    Teuchos::Array<GO> dist_source_gids( distributor.getNumImports() );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const GO> source_gids_view = source_gids();
    distributor.distribute( source_gids_view, dist_source_gids() );

    // Build the source/target pairings.
    SplineInterpolationPairing<DIM> pairings( 
	dist_sources, target_centers(), d_radius );

    // Build the interpolation matrix.
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<std::size_t> children_per_parent =
    std::size_t max_entries_per_row = *std::max_element( 
	children_per_parent.begin(), children_per_parent.end() );
    Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar,int,GO> > H = 
	Teuchos::rcp( new Tpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar,int,GO>( 
			  max_entries_per_row) );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> target_view;
    Teuchos::Array<GO> indices( max_entries_per_row );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const Scalar> values;
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const unsigned> pair_gids;
    int nn = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < local_num_tgt; ++i )
	// If there is no support for this target center then do not build a
	// local basis.
	if ( 0 < pairings.childCenterIds(i).size() )
	    // Get a view of this target center.
	    target_view = target_centers(i*DIM,DIM);

	    // Build the local interpolation problem. 
	    LocalMLSProblem<Basis,DIM> local_problem(
		target_view, pairings.childCenterIds(i),
		dist_sources, *basis );

	    // Get MLS shape function values for this target point.
	    values = local_problem.shapeFunction();
	    nn = values.size();

	    // Populate the interpolation matrix row.
	    pair_gids = pairings.childCenterIds(i);
	    for ( int j = 0; j < nn; ++j )
		indices[j] = dist_source_gids[ pair_gids[j] ];
	    H->insertGlobalValues( target_gids[i], indices(0,nn), values );
    H->fillComplete( this->b_domain_map, this->b_range_map );
    DTK_ENSURE( H->isFillComplete() );
    // Wrap the interpolation matrix in a Thyra wrapper.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> > thyra_range_vector_space =
    	Thyra::createVectorSpace<Scalar>( H->getRangeMap() );
    Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> > thyra_domain_vector_space =
    	Thyra::createVectorSpace<Scalar>( H->getDomainMap() );
    Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::TpetraLinearOp<Scalar,LO,GO> > thyra_H =
    	Teuchos::rcp( new Thyra::TpetraLinearOp<Scalar,LO,GO>() );
    thyra_H->initialize( thyra_range_vector_space, thyra_domain_vector_space, H );

    // Set the coupling matrix with the base class.
    this->b_coupling_matrix = thyra_H;
    DTK_ENSURE( Teuchos::nonnull(this->b_coupling_matrix) );
void MovingLeastSquareReconstructionOperator<Basis,DIM>::setupImpl(
    const Teuchos::RCP<FunctionSpace>& domain_space,
    const Teuchos::RCP<FunctionSpace>& range_space )
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(domain_space) );
    DTK_REQUIRE( Teuchos::nonnull(range_space) );

    // Extract the Support maps.
    const Teuchos::RCP<const typename Base::TpetraMap> domain_map
	= this->getDomainMap();
    const Teuchos::RCP<const typename Base::TpetraMap> range_map
	= this->getRangeMap();

    // Get the parallel communicator.
    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = domain_map->getComm();

    // Determine if we have range and domain data on this process.
    bool nonnull_domain = Teuchos::nonnull( domain_space->entitySet() );
    bool nonnull_range = Teuchos::nonnull( range_space->entitySet() );

    // We will only operate on entities that are locally-owned.
    LocalEntityPredicate local_predicate( comm->getRank() );

    // Extract the source centers from the nodes and their ids.
    EntityIterator domain_iterator;
    if ( nonnull_domain )
	PredicateFunction domain_predicate =
		domain_space->selectFunction(),	local_predicate.getFunction() );
	domain_iterator =
	    domain_space->entitySet()->entityIterator( d_domain_entity_dim, domain_predicate );
    int local_num_src = domain_iterator.size();
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<double> source_centers( DIM*local_num_src);
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<GO> source_support_ids( local_num_src );
    Teuchos::Array<SupportId> source_node_supports;
    EntityIterator domain_begin = domain_iterator.begin();
    EntityIterator domain_end = domain_iterator.end();
    int entity_counter = 0;
    for ( EntityIterator domain_entity = domain_begin;
	  domain_entity != domain_end;
	  ++domain_entity, ++entity_counter )
	    *domain_entity, source_node_supports );
	DTK_CHECK( 1 == source_node_supports.size() );
	source_support_ids[entity_counter] = source_node_supports[0];
	    *domain_entity, source_centers(DIM*entity_counter,DIM) );

    // Extract the target centers and their ids.
    EntityIterator range_iterator;
    if ( nonnull_range )
	PredicateFunction range_predicate =
		range_space->selectFunction(), local_predicate.getFunction() );
	range_iterator =
	    range_space->entitySet()->entityIterator( d_range_entity_dim, range_predicate );
    int local_num_tgt = range_iterator.size();
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<double> target_centers( DIM*local_num_tgt );
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<GO> target_support_ids( local_num_tgt );
    Teuchos::Array<SupportId> target_node_supports;
    EntityIterator range_begin = range_iterator.begin();
    EntityIterator range_end = range_iterator.end();
    entity_counter = 0;
    for ( EntityIterator range_entity = range_begin;
	  range_entity != range_end;
	  ++range_entity, ++entity_counter )
	    *range_entity, target_node_supports );
	DTK_CHECK( 1 == target_node_supports.size() );
	target_support_ids[entity_counter] = target_node_supports[0];
	    *range_entity, target_centers(DIM*entity_counter,DIM) );

    // Build the basis.
    Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = BP::create( d_radius );

    // Gather the source centers that are within a d_radius of the target
    // centers on this proc.
    Teuchos::Array<double> dist_sources;
    CenterDistributor<DIM> distributor( 
	comm, source_centers(), target_centers(), d_radius, dist_sources );

    // Gather the global ids of the source centers that are within a d_radius of
    // the target centers on this proc.
    Teuchos::Array<GO> dist_source_support_ids( distributor.getNumImports() );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const GO> source_support_ids_view = source_support_ids();
    distributor.distribute( source_support_ids_view, dist_source_support_ids() );

    // Build the source/target pairings.
    SplineInterpolationPairing<DIM> pairings( 
	dist_sources, target_centers(), d_radius );

    // Build the interpolation matrix.
    Teuchos::ArrayRCP<SupportId> children_per_parent =
    SupportId max_entries_per_row = *std::max_element( 
	children_per_parent.begin(), children_per_parent.end() );
    d_coupling_matrix = Teuchos::rcp( new Tpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar,LO,GO>( 
					  max_entries_per_row) );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const double> target_view;
    Teuchos::Array<GO> indices( max_entries_per_row );
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const double> values;
    Teuchos::ArrayView<const unsigned> pair_gids;
    int nn = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < local_num_tgt; ++i )
	// If there is no support for this target center then do not build a
	// local basis.
	if ( 0 < pairings.childCenterIds(i).size() )
	    // Get a view of this target center.
	    target_view = target_centers(i*DIM,DIM);

	    // Build the local interpolation problem. 
	    LocalMLSProblem<Basis,DIM> local_problem(
		target_view, pairings.childCenterIds(i),
		dist_sources, *basis );

	    // Get MLS shape function values for this target point.
	    values = local_problem.shapeFunction();
	    nn = values.size();

	    // Populate the interpolation matrix row.
	    pair_gids = pairings.childCenterIds(i);
	    for ( int j = 0; j < nn; ++j )
		indices[j] = dist_source_support_ids[ pair_gids[j] ];
		target_support_ids[i], indices(0,nn), values );
    d_coupling_matrix->fillComplete( domain_map, range_map );
    DTK_ENSURE( d_coupling_matrix->isFillComplete() );