Пример #1
int logfile_check_rotate(LogFile *log, time_t timenow, int iserr)
    int ret;
    struct stat fs;
    int fd = iserr ? log->errfd : log->logfd;

    if (fd > 2) {
        switch (log->rotype) {
            case LOG_ROTATE_SIZE:
                ret = fstat(fd, &fs);
                if (ret == -1) {
                    LOGFILE_ERROR("fstat logfd error: %s\n");
                    if (fs.st_size >= log->maxsize) {
                        logfile_rotate(log, iserr);
            case LOG_ROTATE_TIME:
                if (timenow - log->last_rotate_time >= log->maxtime) {
                    logfile_rotate(log, iserr);
                    log->last_rotate_time = timenow;
            case LOG_ROTATE_DAY: {
                char filepath[PATH_MAX];  
                struct tm   timestru;
                char *path;

                if (iserr) {
                    path = log->errpath;
                    path = log->filepath;
                localtime_r(&timenow, &timestru);

                if (timestru.tm_hour == 0 && timenow - log->last_rotate_time > 3600) {
                    snprintf(filepath, PATH_MAX, "%s.%d%02d%02d", path, 
                            timestru.tm_year+1900, timestru.tm_mon+1, timestru.tm_mday); 
                    if (!isfile(filepath)) {
                        logfile_rotate(log, iserr);
                    log->last_rotate_time = timenow;
    return 0;
Пример #2
 * Main entry point for syslogger process
 * argc/argv parameters are valid only in EXEC_BACKEND case.
SysLoggerMain(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifndef WIN32
	char		logbuffer[READ_BUF_SIZE];
	int			bytes_in_logbuffer = 0;
	char	   *currentLogDir;
	char	   *currentLogFilename;
	int			currentLogRotationAge;
	pg_time_t	now;

	IsUnderPostmaster = true;	/* we are a postmaster subprocess now */

	MyProcPid = getpid();		/* reset MyProcPid */

	MyStartTime = time(NULL);	/* set our start time in case we call elog */
	now = MyStartTime;

	syslogger_parseArgs(argc, argv);
#endif   /* EXEC_BACKEND */

	am_syslogger = true;

	init_ps_display("logger process", "", "", "");

	 * If we restarted, our stderr is already redirected into our own input
	 * pipe.  This is of course pretty useless, not to mention that it
	 * interferes with detecting pipe EOF.	Point stderr to /dev/null. This
	 * assumes that all interesting messages generated in the syslogger will
	 * come through elog.c and will be sent to write_syslogger_file.
	if (redirection_done)
		int			fd = open(DEVNULL, O_WRONLY, 0);

		 * The closes might look redundant, but they are not: we want to be
		 * darn sure the pipe gets closed even if the open failed.	We can
		 * survive running with stderr pointing nowhere, but we can't afford
		 * to have extra pipe input descriptors hanging around.
		if (fd != -1)
			dup2(fd, fileno(stdout));
			dup2(fd, fileno(stderr));

	 * Syslogger's own stderr can't be the syslogPipe, so set it back to text
	 * mode if we didn't just close it. (It was set to binary in
	 * SubPostmasterMain).
#ifdef WIN32
		_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_TEXT);

	 * Also close our copy of the write end of the pipe.  This is needed to
	 * ensure we can detect pipe EOF correctly.  (But note that in the restart
	 * case, the postmaster already did this.)
#ifndef WIN32
	if (syslogPipe[1] >= 0)
	syslogPipe[1] = -1;
	if (syslogPipe[1])
	syslogPipe[1] = 0;

	 * If possible, make this process a group leader, so that the postmaster
	 * can signal any child processes too.	(syslogger probably never has any
	 * child processes, but for consistency we make all postmaster child
	 * processes do this.)
	if (setsid() < 0)
		elog(FATAL, "setsid() failed: %m");

	InitializeLatchSupport();	/* needed for latch waits */

	/* Initialize private latch for use by signal handlers */

	 * Properly accept or ignore signals the postmaster might send us
	 * Note: we ignore all termination signals, and instead exit only when all
	 * upstream processes are gone, to ensure we don't miss any dying gasps of
	 * broken backends...

	pqsignal(SIGHUP, sigHupHandler);	/* set flag to read config file */
	pqsignal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGUSR1, sigUsr1Handler);	/* request log rotation */
	pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);

	 * Reset some signals that are accepted by postmaster but not here
	pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL);


#ifdef WIN32
	/* Fire up separate data transfer thread */

	threadHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, pipeThread, NULL, 0, NULL);
	if (threadHandle == 0)
		elog(FATAL, "could not create syslogger data transfer thread: %m");
#endif   /* WIN32 */

	 * Remember active logfile's name.  We recompute this from the reference
	 * time because passing down just the pg_time_t is a lot cheaper than
	 * passing a whole file path in the EXEC_BACKEND case.
	last_file_name = logfile_getname(first_syslogger_file_time, NULL);

	/* remember active logfile parameters */
	currentLogDir = pstrdup(Log_directory);
	currentLogFilename = pstrdup(Log_filename);
	currentLogRotationAge = Log_RotationAge;
	/* set next planned rotation time */

	/* main worker loop */
	for (;;)
		bool		time_based_rotation = false;
		int			size_rotation_for = 0;
		long		cur_timeout;
		int			cur_flags;

#ifndef WIN32
		int			rc;

		/* Clear any already-pending wakeups */

		 * Process any requests or signals received recently.
		if (got_SIGHUP)
			got_SIGHUP = false;

			 * Check if the log directory or filename pattern changed in
			 * postgresql.conf. If so, force rotation to make sure we're
			 * writing the logfiles in the right place.
			if (strcmp(Log_directory, currentLogDir) != 0)
				currentLogDir = pstrdup(Log_directory);
				rotation_requested = true;

				 * Also, create new directory if not present; ignore errors
				mkdir(Log_directory, S_IRWXU);
			if (strcmp(Log_filename, currentLogFilename) != 0)
				currentLogFilename = pstrdup(Log_filename);
				rotation_requested = true;

			 * If rotation time parameter changed, reset next rotation time,
			 * but don't immediately force a rotation.
			if (currentLogRotationAge != Log_RotationAge)
				currentLogRotationAge = Log_RotationAge;

			 * If we had a rotation-disabling failure, re-enable rotation
			 * attempts after SIGHUP, and force one immediately.
			if (rotation_disabled)
				rotation_disabled = false;
				rotation_requested = true;

		if (Log_RotationAge > 0 && !rotation_disabled)
			/* Do a logfile rotation if it's time */
			now = (pg_time_t) time(NULL);
			if (now >= next_rotation_time)
				rotation_requested = time_based_rotation = true;

		if (!rotation_requested && Log_RotationSize > 0 && !rotation_disabled)
			/* Do a rotation if file is too big */
			if (ftell(syslogFile) >= Log_RotationSize * 1024L)
				rotation_requested = true;
				size_rotation_for |= LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR;
			if (csvlogFile != NULL &&
				ftell(csvlogFile) >= Log_RotationSize * 1024L)
				rotation_requested = true;
				size_rotation_for |= LOG_DESTINATION_CSVLOG;

		if (rotation_requested)
			 * Force rotation when both values are zero. It means the request
			 * was sent by pg_rotate_logfile.
			if (!time_based_rotation && size_rotation_for == 0)
			logfile_rotate(time_based_rotation, size_rotation_for);

		 * Calculate time till next time-based rotation, so that we don't
		 * sleep longer than that.	We assume the value of "now" obtained
		 * above is still close enough.  Note we can't make this calculation
		 * until after calling logfile_rotate(), since it will advance
		 * next_rotation_time.
		 * Also note that we need to beware of overflow in calculation of the
		 * timeout: with large settings of Log_RotationAge, next_rotation_time
		 * could be more than INT_MAX msec in the future.  In that case we'll
		 * wait no more than INT_MAX msec, and try again.
		if (Log_RotationAge > 0 && !rotation_disabled)
			pg_time_t	delay;

			delay = next_rotation_time - now;
			if (delay > 0)
				if (delay > INT_MAX / 1000)
					delay = INT_MAX / 1000;
				cur_timeout = delay * 1000L;	/* msec */
				cur_timeout = 0;
			cur_flags = WL_TIMEOUT;
			cur_timeout = -1L;
			cur_flags = 0;

		 * Sleep until there's something to do
#ifndef WIN32
		rc = WaitLatchOrSocket(&sysLoggerLatch,
							   WL_LATCH_SET | WL_SOCKET_READABLE | cur_flags,

			int			bytesRead;

			bytesRead = read(syslogPipe[0],
							 logbuffer + bytes_in_logbuffer,
							 sizeof(logbuffer) - bytes_in_logbuffer);
			if (bytesRead < 0)
				if (errno != EINTR)
							 errmsg("could not read from logger pipe: %m")));
			else if (bytesRead > 0)
				bytes_in_logbuffer += bytesRead;
				process_pipe_input(logbuffer, &bytes_in_logbuffer);
				 * Zero bytes read when select() is saying read-ready means
				 * EOF on the pipe: that is, there are no longer any processes
				 * with the pipe write end open.  Therefore, the postmaster
				 * and all backends are shut down, and we are done.
				pipe_eof_seen = true;

				/* if there's any data left then force it out now */
				flush_pipe_input(logbuffer, &bytes_in_logbuffer);
#else							/* WIN32 */

		 * On Windows we leave it to a separate thread to transfer data and
		 * detect pipe EOF.  The main thread just wakes up to handle SIGHUP
		 * and rotation conditions.
		 * Server code isn't generally thread-safe, so we ensure that only one
		 * of the threads is active at a time by entering the critical section
		 * whenever we're not sleeping.

		(void) WaitLatch(&sysLoggerLatch,
						 WL_LATCH_SET | cur_flags,

#endif   /* WIN32 */

		if (pipe_eof_seen)
			 * seeing this message on the real stderr is annoying - so we make
			 * it DEBUG1 to suppress in normal use.
					(errmsg("logger shutting down")));

			 * Normal exit from the syslogger is here.	Note that we
			 * deliberately do not close syslogFile before exiting; this is to
			 * allow for the possibility of elog messages being generated
			 * inside proc_exit.  Regular exit() will take care of flushing
			 * and closing stdio channels.
Пример #3
 * Main entry point for syslogger process
 * argc/argv parameters are valid only in EXEC_BACKEND case.
__noexec_static__ void syslog_main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifndef WIN32
	char logbuffer[READ_BUF_SIZE];
	int bytes_in_logbuffer = 0;

	char *current_log_dir;
	char *current_log_fname;
	int current_log_rotation_age;

	child = true;/* we are a postmaster subprocess now */
	current_pid = getpid();	/* reset current_pid */
	proc_start_time = time(NULL);/* set our start time in case we call elog */

	syslogger_parse_args(argc, argv);
#endif   /* EXEC_BACKEND */

	am_syslogger = true;
	init_ps_display("logger process", "", "", "");

	 * If we restarted, our stderr is already redirected into our own input
	 * pipe.  This is of course pretty useless, not to mention that it
	 * interferes with detecting pipe EOF.	Point stderr to /dev/null. This
	 * assumes that all interesting messages generated in the syslogger will
	 * come through elog.c and will be sent to write_syslogger.
	if (redirection_done) {
		int fd = open(DEVNULL, O_WRONLY, 0);

		 * The closes might look redundant, but they are not. We want 
		 * to be sure the pipe gets closed even if the open failed.
		 * We can survive running with stderr pointing nowhere, but we 
		 * can't afford to have extra pipe input descriptors hanging i
		 * around.
		if (fd != -1) {
			dup2(fd, fileno(stdout));
			dup2(fd, fileno(stderr));

	 * Syslogger's own stderr can't be the syslog_pipe, so set it back to i
	 * text mode if we didn't just close it. It was set to binary in
	 * submaster_main.
#ifdef WIN32
	else {
		_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_TEXT);

	 * Also close our copy of the write end of the pipe.  This is needed to
	 * ensure we can detect pipe EOF correctly. But note that in the restart
	 * case, the postmaster already did this.
#ifndef WIN32
	if (syslog_pipe[1] >= 0)

	syslog_pipe[1] = -1;
	if (syslog_pipe[1])

	syslog_pipe[1] = 0;

	 * If possible, make this process a group leader, so that the postmaster
	 * can signal any child processes too. Syslogger probably never has any
	 * child processes, but for consistency we make all postmaster child
	 * processes do this.
	if (setsid() < 0)
		elog(FATAL, "setsid() failed: %m");

	 * Properly accept or ignore signals the postmaster might send us
	 * We ignore all termination signals, and instead exit only when all
	 * upstream processes are gone, to ensure we don't miss any dying gaspsi
	 * of broken backends...
	pqsignal(SIGHUP, syslog_sighup_handler); 	/* set flag to read conf file */
	pqsignal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGUSR1, syslog_sigusr1_handler);	/* request log rotation */
	pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);

	 * Reset some signals that are accepted by postmaster but not here
	pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL);


#ifdef WIN32
	/* Fire up separate data transfer thread */

	threadHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, pipeThread, NULL, 0, NULL);
	if (threadHandle == 0)
		elog(FATAL, "could not create syslogger thread: %m");
#endif   /* WIN32 */

	 * Remember active logfile parameters
	current_log_dir = pstrdup(log_directory);
	current_log_fname = pstrdup(log_filename);
	current_log_rotation_age = log_rotation_age;

	 * Set next planned rotation time

	 * Main worker loop
	for (;;) {
		bool time_based_rotation = false;
		int size_rotation_for = 0;
#ifndef WIN32
		int bytesRead;
		int rc;
		fd_set rfds;
		struct timeval timeout;

		if (got_sighup) {
			got_sighup = false;

			 * Check if the log directory or filename pattern 
			 * changed in postgresql.conf. If so, force rotation to
			 * make sure we're writing the logfiles in the right
			 * place.
			if (strcmp(log_directory, current_log_dir) != 0) {
				current_log_dir = pstrdup(log_directory);
				rotation_requested = true;

			if (strcmp(log_filename, current_log_fname) != 0) {
				current_log_fname = pstrdup(log_filename);
				rotation_requested = true;

			 * If rotation time parameter changed, reset next 
			 * rotation time, but don't immediately force aa 
			 * rotation.
			if (current_log_rotation_age != log_rotation_age) {
				current_log_rotation_age = log_rotation_age;

		if (!rotation_requested && log_rotation_age > 0) {
			/* Do a logfile rotation if it's time */
			pg_time_t now = (pg_time_t) time(NULL);
			if (now >= next_rotation_time)
				rotation_requested = time_based_rotation = true;

		if (!rotation_requested && log_rotation_size > 0) {
			 * Do a rotation if file is too big
			if (ftell(syslog_file) >= log_rotation_size * 1024L) {
				rotation_requested = true;
				size_rotation_for |= DEST_STDERR;

			if (cvs_logfile != NULL
				&& ftell(cvs_logfile) >= log_rotation_size * 1024L) {
				rotation_requested = true;
				size_rotation_for |= DEST_CSVLOG;

		if (rotation_requested) {
			 * Force rotation when both values are zero. It means 
			 * the request was sent by pg_rotate_logfile.
			if (!time_based_rotation && size_rotation_for == 0)
				size_rotation_for = DEST_STDERR | DEST_CSVLOG;

			logfile_rotate(time_based_rotation, size_rotation_for);

#ifndef WIN32

		 * Wait for some data, timing out after 1 second
		FD_SET(syslog_pipe[0], &rfds);
		timeout.tv_sec = 1;
		timeout.tv_usec = 0;
		rc = select(syslog_pipe[0] + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

		if (rc < 0) {
			if (errno != EINTR) {
				ereport(LOG, (
				errmsg("select() failed in logger process: %m")));
		} else if (rc > 0 && FD_ISSET(syslog_pipe[0], &rfds)) {
			bytesRead = piperead(
				logbuffer + bytes_in_logbuffer,
				sizeof(logbuffer) - bytes_in_logbuffer);
			if (bytesRead < 0) {
				if (errno != EINTR)
					ereport(LOG, (errcode_sock_access(),
					errmsg("could not read from logger pipe: %m")));
			} else if (bytesRead > 0) {
				bytes_in_logbuffer += bytesRead;
				process_pipe_input(logbuffer, &bytes_in_logbuffer);
			} else {
				 * Zero bytes read when select() is saying 
				 * read-ready means EOF on the pipe. That is,
				 * there are no longer any processes with the
				 * pipe write end open. Therefore, the PM and
				 * all backends are shut down, and we are done.
				pipe_eof_seen = true;

				 * If there's any data left then force it out 
				 * now
				flush_pipe_input(logbuffer, &bytes_in_logbuffer);
#else					/* WIN32 */

		 * On Windows we leave it to a separate thread to transfer data
		 * and detect pipe EOF. The main thread just wakes up once a
		 * second to check for SIGHUP and rotation conditions.
		 * Server code isn't generally thread-safe, so we ensure that 
		 * only one of the threads is active at a time by entering the
		 * critical section whenever we're not sleeping.
#endif   /* WIN32 */

		if (pipe_eof_seen) {
			 * Seeing this message on the real stderr is annoying.
			 * So we make it DEBUG1 to suppress in normal use.
			ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("logger shutting down")));

			 * Normal exit from the syslogger is here. Note that we
			 * deliberately do not close syslog_file before exiting.
			 * This is to allow for the possibility of elog 
			 * messages being generated inside proc_exit. Regular
			 * exit() will take care of flushing and closing stdio
			 * channels.
Пример #4
 * Main entry point for syslogger process
 * argc/argv parameters are valid only in EXEC_BACKEND case.
SysLoggerMain(int argc, char *argv[])
	char	   *currentLogDir;
	char	   *currentLogFilename;
	int			currentLogRotationAge;

	IsUnderPostmaster = true;	/* we are a postmaster subprocess now */

	MyProcPid = getpid();		/* reset MyProcPid */

	/* Lose the postmaster's on-exit routines */

	syslogger_parseArgs(argc, argv);
#endif   /* EXEC_BACKEND */

	am_syslogger = true;

	init_ps_display("logger process", "", "");

	 * If we restarted, our stderr is already redirected into our own
	 * input pipe.	This is of course pretty useless, not to mention that
	 * it interferes with detecting pipe EOF.  Point stderr to /dev/null.
	 * This assumes that all interesting messages generated in the
	 * syslogger will come through elog.c and will be sent to
	 * write_syslogger_file.
	if (redirection_done)
		int			fd = open(NULL_DEV, O_WRONLY);

		 * The closes might look redundant, but they are not: we want to
		 * be darn sure the pipe gets closed even if the open failed.  We
		 * can survive running with stderr pointing nowhere, but we can't
		 * afford to have extra pipe input descriptors hanging around.
		dup2(fd, fileno(stdout));
		dup2(fd, fileno(stderr));

	 * Also close our copy of the write end of the pipe.  This is needed
	 * to ensure we can detect pipe EOF correctly.	(But note that in the
	 * restart case, the postmaster already did this.)
#ifndef WIN32
	if (syslogPipe[1] >= 0)
	syslogPipe[1] = -1;
	if (syslogPipe[1])
	syslogPipe[1] = 0;

	 * Properly accept or ignore signals the postmaster might send us
	 * Note: we ignore all termination signals, and instead exit only when
	 * all upstream processes are gone, to ensure we don't miss any dying
	 * gasps of broken backends...

	pqsignal(SIGHUP, sigHupHandler);	/* set flag to read config file */
	pqsignal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN);
	pqsignal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN);

	 * Reset some signals that are accepted by postmaster but not here
	pqsignal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL);
	pqsignal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL);


#ifdef WIN32
	/* Fire up separate data transfer thread */

		unsigned int tid;

		threadHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(0, 0, pipeThread, 0, 0, &tid);
#endif   /* WIN32 */

	/* remember active logfile parameters */
	currentLogDir = pstrdup(Log_directory);
	currentLogFilename = pstrdup(Log_filename);
	currentLogRotationAge = Log_RotationAge;
	/* set next planned rotation time */

	/* main worker loop */
	for (;;)
		bool		rotation_requested = false;
		bool		time_based_rotation = false;

#ifndef WIN32
		char		logbuffer[1024];
		int			bytesRead;
		int			rc;
		fd_set		rfds;
		struct timeval timeout;

		if (got_SIGHUP)
			got_SIGHUP = false;

			 * Check if the log directory or filename pattern changed in 
			 * postgresql.conf. If so, force rotation to make sure we're 
			 * writing the logfiles in the right place.
			if (strcmp(Log_directory, currentLogDir) != 0)
				currentLogDir = pstrdup(Log_directory);
				rotation_requested = true;
			if (strcmp(Log_filename, currentLogFilename) != 0)
				currentLogFilename = pstrdup(Log_filename);
				rotation_requested = true;
			 * If rotation time parameter changed, reset next rotation time,
			 * but don't immediately force a rotation.
			if (currentLogRotationAge != Log_RotationAge)
				currentLogRotationAge = Log_RotationAge;

		if (!rotation_requested && Log_RotationAge > 0)
			/* Do a logfile rotation if it's time */
			pg_time_t	now = time(NULL);

			if (now >= next_rotation_time)
				rotation_requested = time_based_rotation = true;

		if (!rotation_requested && Log_RotationSize > 0)
			/* Do a rotation if file is too big */
			if (ftell(syslogFile) >= Log_RotationSize * 1024L)
				rotation_requested = true;

		if (rotation_requested)

#ifndef WIN32

		 * Wait for some data, timing out after 1 second
		FD_SET(syslogPipe[0], &rfds);
		timeout.tv_sec = 1;
		timeout.tv_usec = 0;

		rc = select(syslogPipe[0] + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);

		if (rc < 0)
			if (errno != EINTR)
					   errmsg("select() failed in logger process: %m")));
		else if (rc > 0 && FD_ISSET(syslogPipe[0], &rfds))
			bytesRead = piperead(syslogPipe[0],
								 logbuffer, sizeof(logbuffer));

			if (bytesRead < 0)
				if (errno != EINTR)
						 errmsg("could not read from logger pipe: %m")));
			else if (bytesRead > 0)
				write_syslogger_file_binary(logbuffer, bytesRead);
				 * Zero bytes read when select() is saying read-ready
				 * means EOF on the pipe: that is, there are no longer any
				 * processes with the pipe write end open.	Therefore, the
				 * postmaster and all backends are shut down, and we are
				 * done.
				pipe_eof_seen = true;
#else							/* WIN32 */

		 * On Windows we leave it to a separate thread to transfer data
		 * and detect pipe EOF.  The main thread just wakes up once a
		 * second to check for SIGHUP and rotation conditions.
#endif   /* WIN32 */

		if (pipe_eof_seen)
					(errmsg("logger shutting down")));

			 * Normal exit from the syslogger is here.	Note that we
			 * deliberately do not close syslogFile before exiting; this
			 * is to allow for the possibility of elog messages being
			 * generated inside proc_exit.	Regular exit() will take care
			 * of flushing and closing stdio channels.