Пример #1
 * Inform client that auth has failed.
 * @param sd: player session
 * @param result: nb (msg define in conf)
    0 = Unregistered ID
    1 = Incorrect Password
    2 = This ID is expired
    3 = Rejected from Server
    4 = You have been blocked by the GM Team
    5 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
    6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
    7 = Server is jammed due to over populated
    8 = No more accounts may be connected from this company
    99 = This ID has been totally erased
    100 = Login information remains at %s
    101 = Account has been locked for a hacking investigation. Please contact the GM Team for more information
    102 = This account has been temporarily prohibited from login due to a bug-related investigation
    103 = This character is being deleted. Login is temporarily unavailable for the time being
    104 = This character is being deleted. Login is temporarily unavailable for the time being
     default = Unknown Error.
static void logclif_auth_failed(struct login_session_data* sd, int result) {
	int fd = sd->fd;
	uint32 ip = session[fd]->client_addr;

	if (login_config.log_login)
		if(result >= 0 && result <= 15)
		    login_log(ip, sd->userid, result, msg_txt(result));
		else if(result >= 99 && result <= 104)
		    login_log(ip, sd->userid, result, msg_txt(result-83)); //-83 offset
		    login_log(ip, sd->userid, result, msg_txt(22)); //unknow error

	if( (result == 0 || result == 1) && login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban )
		ipban_log(ip); // log failed password attempt

//#if PACKETVER >= 20120000 /* not sure when this started */
	if( sd->version >= date2version(20120000) ){ /* not sure when this started */
		WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x83e;
		WFIFOL(fd,2) = result;
		if( result != 6 )
			memset(WFIFOP(fd,6), '\0', 20);
		else { // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
			struct mmo_account acc;
			AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
			time_t unban_time = ( accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) ? acc.unban_time : 0;
			timestamp2string(WFIFOCP(fd,6), 20, unban_time, login_config.date_format);
	else {
		WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x6a;
		WFIFOB(fd,2) = (uint8)result;
		if( result != 6 )
			memset(WFIFOP(fd,3), '\0', 20);
		else { // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
			struct mmo_account acc;
			AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
			time_t unban_time = ( accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) ? acc.unban_time : 0;
			timestamp2string(WFIFOCP(fd,3), 20, unban_time, login_config.date_format);
Пример #2
 * PIN Code was incorrectly entered too many times.
 * @param fd: fd to parse from (char-serv)
 * @return 0 fail (packet does not have enough data), 1 success (continue parsing)
int logchrif_parse_pincode_authfail(int fd){
	if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 6 )
		return 0;
		struct mmo_account acc;
		AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
		if( accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, RFIFOL(fd,2) ) ){
			struct online_login_data* ld;

			ld = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db,acc.account_id);

			if( ld == NULL )
				return 0;

			login_log( host2ip(acc.last_ip), acc.userid, 100, "PIN Code check failed" );
	return 1;
Пример #3
 * Auth successful, inform client and create a temp auth_node.
 * @param sd: player session
static void logclif_auth_ok(struct login_session_data* sd) {
	int fd = sd->fd;
	uint32 ip = session[fd]->client_addr;

	uint8 server_num, n;
	uint32 subnet_char_ip;
	struct auth_node* node;
	int i;

#if PACKETVER < 20170315
	int cmd = 0x69; // AC_ACCEPT_LOGIN
	int header = 47;
	int size = 32;
	int cmd = 0xac4; // AC_ACCEPT_LOGIN3
	int header = 64;
	int size = 160;

	if( runflag != LOGINSERVER_ST_RUNNING ){
		// players can only login while running
		logclif_sent_auth_result(fd,1); // server closed

	if( login_config.group_id_to_connect >= 0 && sd->group_id != login_config.group_id_to_connect ) {
		ShowStatus("Connection refused: the required group id for connection is %d (account: %s, group: %d).\n", login_config.group_id_to_connect, sd->userid, sd->group_id);
		logclif_sent_auth_result(fd,1); // server closed
	} else if( login_config.min_group_id_to_connect >= 0 && login_config.group_id_to_connect == -1 && sd->group_id < login_config.min_group_id_to_connect ) {
		ShowStatus("Connection refused: the minimum group id required for connection is %d (account: %s, group: %d).\n", login_config.min_group_id_to_connect, sd->userid, sd->group_id);
		logclif_sent_auth_result(fd,1); // server closed

	server_num = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(ch_server); ++i )
		if( session_isActive(ch_server[i].fd) )

	if( server_num == 0 )
	{// if no char-server, don't send void list of servers, just disconnect the player with proper message
		ShowStatus("Connection refused: there is no char-server online (account: %s).\n", sd->userid);
		logclif_sent_auth_result(fd,1); // server closed

		struct online_login_data* data = (struct online_login_data*)idb_get(online_db, sd->account_id);
		if( data )
		{// account is already marked as online!
			if( data->char_server > -1 )
			{// Request char servers to kick this account out. [Skotlex]
				uint8 buf[6];
				ShowNotice("User '%s' is already online - Rejected.\n", sd->userid);
				WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2734;
				WBUFL(buf,2) = sd->account_id;
				logchrif_sendallwos(-1, buf, 6);
				if( data->waiting_disconnect == INVALID_TIMER )
					data->waiting_disconnect = add_timer(gettick()+AUTH_TIMEOUT, login_waiting_disconnect_timer, sd->account_id, 0);
				logclif_sent_auth_result(fd,8); // 08 = Server still recognizes your last login
			if( data->char_server == -1 )
			{// client has authed but did not access char-server yet
				// wipe previous session
				idb_remove(auth_db, sd->account_id);
				data = NULL;

	login_log(ip, sd->userid, 100, "login ok");
	ShowStatus("Connection of the account '%s' accepted.\n", sd->userid);

	WFIFOW(fd,0) = cmd;
	WFIFOW(fd,2) = header+size*server_num;
	WFIFOL(fd,4) = sd->login_id1;
	WFIFOL(fd,8) = sd->account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd,12) = sd->login_id2;
	WFIFOL(fd,16) = 0; // in old version, that was for ip (not more used)
	//memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,20), sd->lastlogin, 24); // in old version, that was for name (not more used)
	memset(WFIFOP(fd,20), 0, 24);
	WFIFOW(fd,44) = 0; // unknown
	WFIFOB(fd,46) = sex_str2num(sd->sex);
#if PACKETVER >= 20170315
	memset(WFIFOP(fd,47),0,17); // Unknown
	for( i = 0, n = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(ch_server); ++i ) {
		if( !session_isValid(ch_server[i].fd) )
		subnet_char_ip = lan_subnetcheck(ip); // Advanced subnet check [LuzZza]
		WFIFOL(fd,header+n*size) = htonl((subnet_char_ip) ? subnet_char_ip : ch_server[i].ip);
		WFIFOW(fd,header+n*size+4) = ntows(htons(ch_server[i].port)); // [!] LE byte order here [!]
		memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,header+n*size+6), ch_server[i].name, 20);
		WFIFOW(fd,header+n*size+26) = ch_server[i].users;
		WFIFOW(fd,header+n*size+28) = ch_server[i].type;
		WFIFOW(fd,header+n*size+30) = ch_server[i].new_;
#if PACKETVER >= 20170315
		memset(WFIFOP(fd, header+n*size+32), 0, 128); // Unknown

	// create temporary auth entry
	CREATE(node, struct auth_node, 1);
	node->account_id = sd->account_id;
	node->login_id1 = sd->login_id1;
	node->login_id2 = sd->login_id2;
	node->sex = sd->sex;
	node->ip = ip;
	node->clienttype = sd->clienttype;
	idb_put(auth_db, sd->account_id, node);
		struct online_login_data* data;
		// mark client as 'online'
		data = login_add_online_user(-1, sd->account_id);
		// schedule deletion of this node
		data->waiting_disconnect = add_timer(gettick()+AUTH_TIMEOUT, login_waiting_disconnect_timer, sd->account_id, 0);
Пример #4
 * Entry point from client to log-server.
 * Function that checks incoming command, then splits it to the correct handler.
 * @param fd: file descriptor to parse, (link to client)
 * @return 0=invalid session,marked for disconnection,unknow packet, banned..; 1=success
int logclif_parse(int fd) {
	struct login_session_data* sd = (struct login_session_data*)session[fd]->session_data;

	char ip[16];
	uint32 ipl = session[fd]->client_addr;
	ip2str(ipl, ip);

	if( session[fd]->flag.eof )
		ShowInfo("Closed connection from '" CL_WHITE "%s" CL_RESET "'.\n", ip);
		return 0;

	if( sd == NULL )
		// Perform ip-ban check
		if( login_config.ipban && ipban_check(ipl) )
			ShowStatus("Connection refused: IP isn't authorised (deny/allow, ip: %s).\n", ip);
			login_log(ipl, "unknown", -3, "ip banned");
			WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x6a;
			WFIFOB(fd,2) = 3; // 3 = Rejected from Server
			return 0;
		// create a session for this new connection
		CREATE(session[fd]->session_data, struct login_session_data, 1);
		sd = (struct login_session_data*)session[fd]->session_data;
		sd->fd = fd;

	while( RFIFOREST(fd) >= 2 )
		uint16 command = RFIFOW(fd,0);
		int next=1;

		switch( command )
		// New alive packet: used to verify if client is always alive.
		case 0x0200: next = logclif_parse_keepalive(fd); break;
		// client md5 hash (binary)
		case 0x0204: next = logclif_parse_updclhash(fd,sd); break;
		// request client login (raw password)
		case 0x0064: // S 0064 <version>.L <username>.24B <password>.24B <clienttype>.B
		case 0x0277: // S 0277 <version>.L <username>.24B <password>.24B <clienttype>.B <ip address>.16B <adapter address>.13B
		case 0x02b0: // S 02b0 <version>.L <username>.24B <password>.24B <clienttype>.B <ip address>.16B <adapter address>.13B <g_isGravityID>.B
		// request client login (md5-hashed password)
		case 0x01dd: // S 01dd <version>.L <username>.24B <password hash>.16B <clienttype>.B
		case 0x01fa: // S 01fa <version>.L <username>.24B <password hash>.16B <clienttype>.B <?>.B(index of the connection in the clientinfo file (+10 if the command-line contains "pc"))
		case 0x027c: // S 027c <version>.L <username>.24B <password hash>.16B <clienttype>.B <?>.13B(junk)
		case 0x0825: // S 0825 <packetsize>.W <version>.L <clienttype>.B <userid>.24B <password>.27B <mac>.17B <ip>.15B <token>.(packetsize - 0x5C)B
			next = logclif_parse_reqauth(fd,  sd, command, ip); 
		// Sending request of the coding key
		case 0x01db: next = logclif_parse_reqkey(fd, sd); break;
		// Connection request of a char-server
		case 0x2710: logclif_parse_reqcharconnec(fd,sd, ip); return 0; // processing will continue elsewhere
			ShowNotice("Abnormal end of connection (ip: %s): Unknown packet 0x%x\n", ip, command);
			return 0;
		if(next==0) return 0; // avoid processing of followup packets (prev was probably incomplete)

	return 0;
Пример #5
 * Char-server request to connect to the login-server.
 * This is needed to exchange packets.
 * @param fd: file descriptor to parse from (client)
 * @param sd: client session
 * @param ip: ipv4 address (client)
 * @return 0 packet received too shirt, 1 success
static int logclif_parse_reqcharconnec(int fd, struct login_session_data *sd, char* ip){
	if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 86)
		return 0;
	else {
		int result;
		char server_name[20];
		char message[256];
		uint32 server_ip;
		uint16 server_port;
		uint16 type;
		uint16 new_;

		safestrncpy(sd->userid, RFIFOCP(fd,2), NAME_LENGTH);
		safestrncpy(sd->passwd, RFIFOCP(fd,26), NAME_LENGTH);
		if( login_config.use_md5_passwds )
			MD5_String(sd->passwd, sd->passwd);
		sd->passwdenc = 0;
		server_ip = ntohl(RFIFOL(fd,54));
		server_port = ntohs(RFIFOW(fd,58));
		safestrncpy(server_name, RFIFOCP(fd,60), 20);
		type = RFIFOW(fd,82);
		new_ = RFIFOW(fd,84);

		ShowInfo("Connection request of the char-server '%s' @ %u.%u.%u.%u:%u (account: '%s', ip: '%s')\n", server_name, CONVIP(server_ip), server_port, sd->userid, ip);
		sprintf(message, "charserver - %s@%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", server_name, CONVIP(server_ip), server_port);
		login_log(session[fd]->client_addr, sd->userid, 100, message);

		result = login_mmo_auth(sd, true);
		if( runflag == LOGINSERVER_ST_RUNNING &&
			result == -1 &&
			sd->sex == 'S' &&
			sd->account_id < ARRAYLENGTH(ch_server) &&
			!session_isValid(ch_server[sd->account_id].fd) )
			ShowStatus("Connection of the char-server '%s' accepted.\n", server_name);
			safestrncpy(ch_server[sd->account_id].name, server_name, sizeof(ch_server[sd->account_id].name));
			ch_server[sd->account_id].fd = fd;
			ch_server[sd->account_id].ip = server_ip;
			ch_server[sd->account_id].port = server_port;
			ch_server[sd->account_id].users = 0;
			ch_server[sd->account_id].type = type;
			ch_server[sd->account_id].new_ = new_;

			session[fd]->func_parse = logchrif_parse;
			session[fd]->flag.server = 1;

			// send connection success
			WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x2711;
			WFIFOB(fd,2) = 0;
			ShowNotice("Connection of the char-server '%s' REFUSED.\n", server_name);
			WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x2711;
			WFIFOB(fd,2) = 3;
	return 1;