Пример #1
void call_bind_rule( OBJECT * target_, OBJECT * boundname_ )
    LIST * const bind_rule = var_get( root_module(), constant_BINDRULE );
    if ( !list_empty( bind_rule ) )
        OBJECT * target = object_copy( target_ );
        OBJECT * boundname = object_copy( boundname_ );
        if ( boundname && target )
            /* Prepare the argument list. */
            FRAME frame[ 1 ];
            frame_init( frame );

            /* First argument is the target name. */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( target ) );

            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( boundname ) );
            if ( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
                OBJECT * rulename = list_front( bind_rule );
                list_free( evaluate_rule( bindrule( rulename, root_module() ), rulename, frame ) );

            /* Clean up */
            frame_free( frame );
            if ( boundname )
                object_free( boundname );
            if ( target )
                object_free( target );
Пример #2
CMD * cmd_new( RULE * rule, LIST * targets, LIST * sources, LIST * shell )
    CMD * cmd = (CMD *)BJAM_MALLOC( sizeof( CMD ) );
    FRAME frame[ 1 ];

    assert( cmd );
    cmd->rule = rule;
    cmd->shell = shell;
    cmd->next = 0;
    cmd->noop = 0;

    lol_init( &cmd->args );
    lol_add( &cmd->args, targets );
    lol_add( &cmd->args, sources );
    string_new( cmd->buf );

    frame_init( frame );
    frame->module = rule->module;
    lol_init( frame->args );
    lol_add( frame->args, list_copy( targets ) );
    lol_add( frame->args, list_copy( sources ) );
    function_run_actions( rule->actions->command, frame, stack_global(),
        cmd->buf );
    frame_free( frame );

    return cmd;
Пример #3
headers( TARGET *t )
	LIST	*hdrscan;
	LIST	*hdrrule;
	LIST	*hdrcache;
	LOL	lol;

	if( !( hdrscan = var_get( "HDRSCAN" ) ) || 
	    !( hdrrule = var_get( "HDRRULE" ) ) )

	/* Doctor up call to HDRRULE rule */
	/* Call headers1() to get LIST of included files. */

	    printf( "header scan %s\n", t->name );

	lol_init( &lol );

	lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->name, 1 ) );
	lol_add( &lol, headers1( t->boundname, hdrscan ) );

	if( lol_get( &lol, 1 ) )
	    list_free( evaluate_rule( 0, hdrrule->string, &lol, L0 ) );

	/* Clean up */

	lol_free( &lol );
Пример #4
static void call_action_rule
    TARGET * target,
    int status,
    timing_info const * time,
    char const * executed_command,
    char const * command_output
    LIST * action_rule;

    pushsettings( root_module(), target->settings );
    action_rule = var_get( root_module(), constant_ACTION_RULE );
    popsettings( root_module(), target->settings );

    if ( !list_empty( action_rule ) )
        /* rule action-rule (
            args * :
            target :
            command status start end user system :
            output ? ) */

        /* Prepare the argument list. */
        FRAME frame[ 1 ];
        OBJECT * rulename = list_front( action_rule );
        frame_init( frame );

        /* args * :: $(__ACTION_RULE__[2-]) */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_copy_range( action_rule, list_next(
            list_begin( action_rule ) ), list_end( action_rule ) ) );

        /* target :: the name of the target */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( object_copy( target->name ) ) );

        /* command status start end user system :: info about the action command
        lol_add( frame->args,
            list_push_back( list_push_back( list_push_back( list_push_back( list_push_back( list_new(
                object_new( executed_command ) ),
                outf_int( status ) ),
                outf_time( &time->start ) ),
                outf_time( &time->end ) ),
                outf_double( time->user ) ),
                outf_double( time->system ) ) );

        /* output ? :: the output of the action command */
        if ( command_output )
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( object_new( command_output ) ) );
            lol_add( frame->args, L0 );

        /* Call the rule. */
        evaluate_rule( bindrule( rulename, root_module() ), rulename, frame );

        /* Clean up. */
        frame_free( frame );
Пример #5
headers( TARGET * t )
    LIST   * hdrscan;
    LIST   * hdrrule;
    LIST   * headlist = L0;
    regexp * re[ MAXINC ];
    int rec = 0;
    LISTITER iter, end;

    hdrscan = var_get( root_module(), constant_HDRSCAN );
    if ( list_empty( hdrscan ) )

    hdrrule = var_get( root_module(), constant_HDRRULE );
    if ( list_empty( hdrrule ) )

    if ( DEBUG_HEADER )
        printf( "header scan %s\n", object_str( t->name ) );

    /* Compile all regular expressions in HDRSCAN */
    iter = list_begin( hdrscan ), end = list_end( hdrscan );
    for ( ; ( rec < MAXINC ) && iter != end; iter = list_next( iter ) )
        re[ rec++ ] = regex_compile( list_item( iter ) );

    /* Doctor up call to HDRRULE rule */
    /* Call headers1() to get LIST of included files. */
        FRAME   frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( object_copy( t->name ) ) );
        lol_add( frame->args, hcache( t, rec, re, hdrscan ) );
        lol_add( frame->args, headers1( headlist, t->boundname, rec, re ) );

        if ( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
            /* The third argument to HDRRULE is the bound name of
             * $(<) */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( object_copy( t->boundname ) ) );

            list_free( evaluate_rule( list_front( hdrrule ), frame ) );

        /* Clean up. */
        frame_free( frame );
Пример #6
/* Look up the __ACTION_RULE__ variable on the given target, and if
 * non-empty, invoke the rule it names, passing the given info, 
 * timing_info, executed command and command output
static void call_action_rule(TARGET* target, int status, timing_info* time,
    char *executed_command, char *command_output)
    LIST* action_rule;

    action_rule = var_get( "__ACTION_RULE__" );

    if (action_rule)
        /* rule action-rule (
            args * :
            target :
            command status start end user system :
            output ? ) */

        /* Prepare the argument list */
        FRAME frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );

        /* args * :: $(__ACTION_RULE__[2-]) */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_copy( L0, action_rule->next ) );

        /* target :: the name of the target */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, target->name ) );

        /* command status start end user system :: info about the action command */
        lol_add( frame->args,
            list_new( list_new( list_new( list_new( list_new( list_new( L0,
                newstr(executed_command) ),
                outf_int(status) ),
                outf_time(time->start) ),
                outf_time(time->end) ),
                outf_double(time->user) ),
                outf_double(time->system) ) );

        /* output ? :: the output of the action command */
        if (command_output)
            lol_add(frame->args, list_new(L0, newstr(command_output)));
            lol_add(frame->args, L0);

        /* Call the rule. */
        evaluate_rule( action_rule->string, frame );

        /* Clean up */
        frame_free( frame );
Пример #7
headers( TARGET *t )
    LIST	*hdrscan;
    LIST	*hdrrule;
    LIST	*headlist = 0;
    regexp	*re[ MAXINC ];
    int	rec = 0;
    if( !( hdrscan = var_get( "HDRSCAN" ) ) || 
        !( hdrrule = var_get( "HDRRULE" ) ) )

    if( DEBUG_HEADER )
        printf( "header scan %s\n", t->name );

    /* Compile all regular expressions in HDRSCAN */

    while( rec < MAXINC && hdrscan )
        re[rec++] = regex_compile( hdrscan->string );
        hdrscan = list_next( hdrscan );

    /* Doctor up call to HDRRULE rule */
    /* Call headers1() to get LIST of included files. */
        FRAME	frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, t->name ) );
        lol_add( frame->args, hcache( t, rec, re, hdrscan ) );
        lol_add( frame->args, headers1( headlist, t->boundname, rec, re ) );

        if( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
            /* The third argument to HDRRULE is the bound name of
             * $(<) */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, t->boundname ) );

            list_free( evaluate_rule( hdrrule->string, frame ) );

        /* Clean up */

        frame_free( frame );
Пример #8
int LS_jam_evaluaterule(ls_lua_State *L)
    LOL lol;
    int i;
    LIST *list;
    int index;

    int numParams = ls_lua_gettop(L);
    if (numParams < 1)
	return 0;

    if (!ls_lua_isstring(L, 1))
	return 0;


    for (i = 0; i < numParams - 1; ++i)
	lol_add(&lol, luahelper_addtolist(L, L0, 2 + i));
    list = evaluate_rule(ls_lua_tostring(L, 1), &lol, L0);

    index = 1;
    for (; list; list = list_next(list), ++index)
	ls_lua_pushnumber(L, index);
	ls_lua_pushstring(L, list->string);
	ls_lua_settable(L, -3);

    return 1;
Пример #9
LIST * call_rule( char * rulename, FRAME * caller_frame, ... )
    va_list va;
    LIST * result;

    FRAME       inner[1];
    frame_init( inner );
    inner->prev = caller_frame;
    inner->prev_user = caller_frame->module->user_module ?
        caller_frame : caller_frame->prev_user;
    inner->module = caller_frame->module;
    inner->procedure = 0;

    va_start( va, caller_frame );
    for ( ; ; )
        LIST * l = va_arg( va, LIST* );
        if ( !l )
        lol_add( inner->args, l );
    va_end( va );

    result = evaluate_rule( rulename, inner );

    frame_free( inner );

    return result;
Пример #10
LIST * compile_rule( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame )
    FRAME   inner[ 1 ];
    LIST  * result;
    PARSE * p;

    /* Build up the list of arg lists. */
    frame_init( inner );
    inner->prev = frame;
    inner->prev_user = frame->module->user_module ? frame : frame->prev_user;
    inner->module = frame->module;  /* This gets fixed up in evaluate_rule(), below. */
    inner->procedure = parse;
    /* Special-case LOL of length 1 where the first list is totally empty.
       This is created when calling functions with no parameters, due to
       the way jam grammar is written. This is OK when one jam function
       calls another, but really not good when Jam function calls Python.  */
    if ( parse->left->left == NULL && parse->left->right->func == compile_null)
        for ( p = parse->left; p; p = p->left )
            lol_add( inner->args, parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ) );

    /* And invoke the rule. */
    result = evaluate_rule( parse->string, inner );
    frame_free( inner );
    return result;
Пример #11
    PARSE   *parse,
    FRAME *frame )
    FRAME       inner[1];
    LIST    *result;
    PARSE   *p;

    /* Build up the list of arg lists */

    frame_init( inner );
    inner->prev = frame;
    inner->prev_user = frame->module->user_module ? frame : frame->prev_user;
    inner->module = frame->module; /* This gets fixed up in evaluate_rule(), below */
    inner->procedure = parse;

    for( p = parse->left; p; p = p->left )
        lol_add( inner->args, parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ) );

    /* And invoke rule */

    result = evaluate_rule( parse->string, inner );

    frame_free( inner );

    return result;
Пример #12
/* Look up the __TIMING_RULE__ variable on the given target, and if
 * non-empty, invoke the rule it names, passing the given
 * timing_info
static void call_timing_rule(TARGET* target, timing_info* time)
    LIST* timing_rule;
    timing_rule = var_get( "__TIMING_RULE__" );

    if (timing_rule)
        /* We'll prepend $(__TIMING_RULE__[2-]) to the first argument */
        LIST* initial_args = list_copy( L0, timing_rule->next );
        /* Prepare the argument list */
        FRAME frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );

        /* First argument is the name of the timed target */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( initial_args, target->name ) );
        append_double_string(frame->args, time->user);
        append_double_string(frame->args, time->system);

        if( lol_get( frame->args, 2 ) )
            evaluate_rule( timing_rule->string, frame );
        /* Clean up */
        frame_free( frame );
Пример #13
	PARSE	*parse,
	LOL	*args,
	int	*jmp )
	LOL	nargs[1];
	LIST	*result = 0;
	LIST	*ll;
	PARSE	*p;

	/* list of rules to run -- normally 1! */

	ll = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args, jmp );

	/* Build up the list of arg lists */

	lol_init( nargs );

	for( p = parse->right; p; p = p->left )
	    lol_add( nargs, (*p->right->func)( p->right, args, jmp ) );

	/* Run rules, appending results from each */

	for( l = list_first(ll); l; l = list_next( l ) ) {
	    list_free(result); /* Keep only last result */
	    result = evaluate_rule( list_value(l), nargs, result );

	list_free( ll );
	lol_free( nargs );

	return result;
Пример #14
static void type_check
    char  * type_name,
    LIST  * values,
    FRAME * caller,
    RULE  * called,
    LIST  * arg_name
    static module_t * typecheck = 0;

    /* If nothing to check, bail now. */
    if ( !values || !type_name )

    if ( !typecheck )
        typecheck = bindmodule( ".typecheck" );

    /* If the checking rule can not be found, also bail. */
        RULE checker_, *checker = &checker_;

        checker->name = type_name;
        if ( !typecheck->rules || !hashcheck( typecheck->rules, (HASHDATA * *)&checker ) )

    exit_module( caller->module );

    while ( values != 0 )
        LIST *error;
        FRAME frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );
        frame->module = typecheck;
        frame->prev = caller;
        frame->prev_user = caller->module->user_module ? caller : caller->prev_user;

        enter_module( typecheck );
        /* Prepare the argument list */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, values->string ) );
        error = evaluate_rule( type_name, frame );

        exit_module( typecheck );

        if ( error )
            argument_error( error->string, called, caller, arg_name );

        frame_free( frame );
        values = values->next;

    enter_module( caller->module );
Пример #15
/* Look up the __TIMING_RULE__ variable on the given target, and if
 * non-empty, invoke the rule it names, passing the given
 * timing_info
static void call_timing_rule(TARGET* target, timing_info* time)
    LIST* timing_rule;
    timing_rule = var_get( "__TIMING_RULE__" );

    if (timing_rule)
        /* rule timing-rule (
            args * :
            target :
            start end user system ) */

        /* Prepare the argument list */
        FRAME frame[1];
        frame_init( frame );

        /* args * :: $(__TIMING_RULE__[2-]) */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_copy( L0, timing_rule->next ) );

        /* target :: the name of the target */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, target->name ) );

        /* start end user system :: info about the action command */
        lol_add( frame->args,
            list_new( list_new( list_new( list_new( L0,
                outf_time(time->start) ),
                outf_time(time->end) ),
                outf_double(time->user) ),
                outf_double(time->system) ) );

        /* Call the rule. */
        evaluate_rule( timing_rule->string, frame );

        /* Clean up */
        frame_free( frame );
Пример #16
headers( TARGET *t )
	LIST	*hdrscan;
	LIST	*hdrrule;
	LOL	lol;

	if( !list_first( hdrscan = var_get( "HDRSCAN" ) ) ||
	    !list_first( hdrrule = var_get( "HDRRULE" ) ) )

	/* Doctor up call to HDRRULE rule */
	/* Call headers1() to get LIST of included files. */

	    printf( "header scan %s\n", t->name );

	lol_init( &lol );

	lol_add( &lol, list_append( L0, t->name, 1 ) );
	lol_add( &lol, hcache( t, hdrscan ) );
	lol_add( &lol, headers1( t->boundname, hdrscan ) );

	if( list_first(lol_get( &lol, 1 )) )
	    /* The third argument to HDRRULE is the bound name of
	     * $(<) */
	    lol_add( &lol, list_append( L0, t->boundname, 0 ) );
	    list_free( evaluate_rule( list_value(list_first(hdrrule)), &lol, L0 ) );

	/* Clean up */

	lol_free( &lol );
Пример #17
	const char *file,
	LIST *hdrscan )
	FILE	*f;
	LIST	*result = 0;
	LIST    *hdrpipe;
	LIST	*hdrpipefile;

	if ( list_first(hdrpipe = var_get( "HDRPIPE" )) )
		LOL args;
		BUFFER buff;
		lol_init( &args );
		lol_add( &args, list_append( L0, file, 0 ) );
		buffer_init( &buff );
		if ( var_string( list_value(list_first(hdrpipe)), &buff, 0, &args, ' ') < 0 )  {
		    printf( "Cannot expand HDRPIPE '%s' !\n", list_value(list_first(hdrpipe)) );
		    exit( EXITBAD );
		buffer_addchar( &buff, 0 );
		if ( !( f = file_popen( (const char*)buffer_ptr( &buff ), "r" ) ) ) {
		    buffer_free( &buff );
		    return result;
		buffer_free( &buff );
		lol_free( &args );
		if( !( f = fopen( file, "r" ) ) )
		    return result;

	result = headers1helper( f, hdrscan );

	if ( list_first(hdrpipe) )
		file_pclose( f );
		fclose( f );

	if ( list_first(hdrpipefile = var_get( "HDRPIPEFILE" )) )
		if( !( f = fopen( list_value(list_first(hdrpipefile)), "r" ) ) )
		    return result;
		result = headers1helper( f, hdrscan );
		fclose( f );

	return result;
Пример #18
void call_bind_rule(
    char* target_,
    char* boundname_ )
    LIST* bind_rule = var_get( "BINDRULE" );
    if( bind_rule )
        /* No guarantee that target is an allocated string, so be on the
         * safe side */
        char* target = copystr( target_ );
        /* Likewise, don't rely on implementation details of newstr.c: allocate
         * a copy of boundname */
        char* boundname = copystr( boundname_ );
        if( boundname && target )
            /* Prepare the argument list */
            FRAME frame[1];
            frame_init( frame );
            /* First argument is the target name */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, target ) );
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, boundname ) );
            if( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
                evaluate_rule( bind_rule->string, frame );
            /* Clean up */
            frame_free( frame );
            if( boundname )
                freestr( boundname );
            if( target )
                freestr( target );
Пример #19
static void call_timing_rule( TARGET * target, timing_info const * const time )
    LIST * timing_rule;

    pushsettings( root_module(), target->settings );
    timing_rule = var_get( root_module(), constant_TIMING_RULE );
    popsettings( root_module(), target->settings );

    if ( !list_empty( timing_rule ) )
        /* rule timing-rule ( args * : target : start end user system ) */

        /* Prepare the argument list. */
        FRAME frame[ 1 ];
        OBJECT * rulename = list_front( timing_rule );
        frame_init( frame );

        /* args * :: $(__TIMING_RULE__[2-]) */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_copy_range( timing_rule, list_next(
            list_begin( timing_rule ) ), list_end( timing_rule ) ) );

        /* target :: the name of the target */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_new( object_copy( target->name ) ) );

        /* start end user system :: info about the action command */
        lol_add( frame->args, list_push_back( list_push_back( list_push_back( list_new(
            outf_time( &time->start ) ),
            outf_time( &time->end ) ),
            outf_double( time->user ) ),
            outf_double( time->system ) ) );

        /* Call the rule. */
        evaluate_rule( bindrule( rulename , root_module() ), rulename, frame );

        /* Clean up. */
        frame_free( frame );
Пример #20
void call_bind_rule
    OBJECT * target_,
    OBJECT * boundname_
    OBJECT * varname = object_new( "BINDRULE" );
    LIST * bind_rule = var_get( varname );
    object_free( varname );
    if ( bind_rule )
        OBJECT * target = object_copy( target_ );
        OBJECT * boundname = object_copy( boundname_ );
        if ( boundname && target )
            /* Prepare the argument list. */
            FRAME frame[1];
            frame_init( frame );

            /* First argument is the target name. */
            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, target ) );

            lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, boundname ) );
            if ( lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) )
                list_free( evaluate_rule( bind_rule->value, frame ) );

            /* Clean up */
            frame_free( frame );
            if ( boundname )
                object_free( boundname );
            if ( target )
                object_free( target );
Пример #21
LIST * compile_setcomp( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame )
    argument_list * arg_list = 0;

    /* Create new LOL describing argument requirements if supplied. */
    if ( parse->right )
        PARSE * p;
        arg_list = args_new();
        for ( p = parse->right; p; p = p->left )
            lol_add( arg_list->data, parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ) );

    new_rule_body( frame->module, parse->string, arg_list, parse->left, !parse->num );
    return L0;
Пример #22
	PARSE	*parse,
	LOL	*args,
	int	*jmp )
	LOL	nargs[1];
	LIST	*result = 0;
	LIST	*ll, *l;
	PARSE	*p;

	/* list of rules to run -- normally 1! */

	ll = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args, jmp );

	/* Build up the list of arg lists */

	lol_init( nargs );

	for( p = parse->right; p; p = p->left )
	    lol_add( nargs, (*p->right->func)( p->right, args, jmp ) );

	/* Run rules, appending results from each */

	for( l = ll; l; l = list_next( l ) )
	    int localJmp = JMP_NONE;
	    result = evaluate_rule( l->string, nargs, result, &localJmp );
	    if (localJmp == JMP_EOF)
			*jmp = JMP_EOF;

	list_free( ll );
	lol_free( nargs );

	return result;
Пример #23
int LS_jam_evaluaterule(ls_lua_State *L)
    LOL lol;
    int i;
    LIST *list;
    LISTITEM* item;
    int index;
    const char* rule;

    int numParams = ls_lua_gettop(L);
    if (numParams < 1)
        return 0;

    if (!ls_lua_isstring(L, 1))
        return 0;


    rule = ls_lua_tostring(L, 1);
    for (i = 0; i < numParams - 1; ++i)
        lol_add(&lol, luahelper_addtolist(L, L0, 2 + i));
    list = evaluate_rule(rule, &lol, L0);

    index = 1;
    for (item = list_first(list); item; item = list_next(item), ++index)
        ls_lua_pushnumber(L, index);
        ls_lua_pushstring(L, list_value(item));
        ls_lua_settable(L, -3);

    return 1;
Пример #24
	RULE	*rule,
	LIST	*targets,
	LIST	*sources,
	LIST	*shell )
    CMD *cmd = (CMD *)malloc( sizeof( CMD ) );
    /* lift line-length limitation entirely when JAMSHELL is just "%" */
    int no_limit = ( shell && !strcmp(shell->string,"%") && !list_next(shell) );
    int max_line = MAXLINE;
    int allocated = -1;

    if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )
        profile_memory( sizeof( CMD ) );

    cmd->rule = rule;
    cmd->shell = shell;
    cmd->next = 0;

    lol_init( &cmd->args );
    lol_add( &cmd->args, targets );
    lol_add( &cmd->args, sources );
    cmd->buf = 0;

        free(cmd->buf); /* free any buffer from previous iteration */
        cmd->buf = (char*)malloc(max_line + 1);

        if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )
            profile_memory( max_line + 1 );
        if (cmd->buf == 0)
        allocated = var_string( rule->actions->command, cmd->buf, max_line, &cmd->args );
        max_line = max_line * 2;
    while( allocated < 0 && max_line < INT_MAX / 2 );

    if ( !no_limit )
        /* Bail if the result won't fit in MAXLINE */
        char *s = cmd->buf;
        while ( *s )
            size_t l = strcspn( s, "\n" );
            if ( l > MAXLINE )
                /* We don't free targets/sources/shell if bailing. */
                cmd_free( cmd );
                return 0;
            s += l;
            if ( *s )

    return cmd;
Пример #25
	const char *rulename,
	LOL	*args, 
	LIST	*result )
	RULE	*rule;
	char	*expanded;
	char	*c;
	int i;
	BUFFER	buff;

	buffer_init( &buff );

	if( (i = var_string( rulename, &buff, 0, args, ' ' )) < 0 )
	    printf( "Failed to expand rule %s -- expansion too long\n", rulename );
	    exit( EXITBAD );
	expanded = buffer_ptr( &buff );
	while ( expanded[0] == ' ' )
	while ( (c = strrchr(expanded, ' ')) )
	    *c = '\0';

	    debug_compile( 1, rulename );
	    if ( strcmp(rulename, expanded) )
		printf( "-> %s  ", expanded );
	    lol_print( args );
	    printf( "\n" );

	rule = bindrule( expanded );
	RULE	*rule = bindrule( rulename );

	    debug_compile( 1, rulename );
	    lol_print( args );
	    printf( "\n" );

	if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
		if( ruleexists( "FindMissingRule" ) )
			LOL lol;
			LIST *args = list_append( L0, expanded, 0 );
			LIST *result;

			lol_init( &lol );
			lol_add( &lol, args );
			result = evaluate_rule( "FindMissingRule", &lol, L0 );
			lol_free( &lol );

			if( list_first( result ) ) {
				rule = bindrule( list_value( list_first( result ) ) );

			list_free( result );

	/* Check traditional targets $(<) and sources $(>) */

	if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure && !globs.silence )
	    printf( "warning: unknown rule %s %s\n", rule->name,
	if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
	    printf( "warning: unknown rule %s\n", rule->name );

	/* If this rule will be executed for updating the targets */
	/* then construct the action for make(). */

	if( rule->actions )
	    TARGETS	*t;
	    ACTION	*action;

	    /* The action is associated with this instance of this rule */

	    action = (ACTION *)malloc( sizeof( ACTION ) );
	    memset( (char *)action, '\0', sizeof( *action ) );

	    action->rule = rule;
	    action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 0 ), 0 );
	    action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 1 ), 0 );
	    action->autosettings = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 2 ), 0 );
	    action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 0 ) );
	    action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 1 ) );
	    action->extratargets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 3 ), 0 );

			TARGETS* targets;
			for ( targets = action->targets; targets; targets = targets->next ) {
				if ( !( targets->target->flags & T_FLAG_NOTFILE ) )
					add_used_target_to_hash( targets->target );
#endif /* OPT_CLEAN_GLOBS_EXT */

	    /* Append this action to the actions of each target */

	    action->pass = actionpass;
	    for( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next ) {
		t->target->progress = T_MAKE_INIT;
		t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );
	    for( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next )
		t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );

	/* Now recursively compile any parse tree associated with this rule */

	if( rule->procedure )
	    PARSE *parse = rule->procedure;
	    SETTINGS *s = 0;
	    int jmp = JMP_NONE;
	    LISTITEM *l;
	    int i;

	    /* build parameters as local vars */
	    for( l = list_first(rule->params), i = 0; l; l = list_next(l), i++ )
		s = addsettings( s, 0, list_value(l), 
		    list_copy( L0, lol_get( args, i ) ) );

	    /* Run rule. */
	    /* Bring in local params. */
	    /* refer/free to ensure rule not freed during use. */

	    parse_refer( parse );

	    pushsettings( s );
	    result = list_appendList( result, (*parse->func)( parse, args, &jmp ) );
	    popsettings( s );
	    freesettings( s );

	    parse_free( parse );

	    debug_compile( -1, 0 );

	buffer_free( &buff );

	return result;
Пример #26
/* To l, append a 1-element list containing the string representation
 * of x
static void append_double_string( LOL *l, double x )
    char buffer[50];
    sprintf(buffer, "%f", x);
    lol_add( l, list_new( L0, newstr( buffer ) ) );
Пример #27
	hcache( TARGET *t, LIST *hdrscan )
	HCACHEDATA	cachedata, *c = &cachedata;
	LIST	*l = 0;
	int		use_cache = 1;
	const char *target;
	char path[ MAXJPATH ];
	char *p;
# endif

	target = t->boundname;

	p = path;

	do *p++ = (char)tolower( *target );
	while( *target++ );

	target = path;
# endif


	c->boundname = target;

	file = hcachefile_get( t );
	//    if ( file )
		if( hashcheck( file->hcachehash, (HASHDATA **) &c ) )
			if( c->time == t->time  &&  md5matchescommandline( t ) )
			if( c->time == t->time )
				LIST *l1 = hdrscan, *l2 = c->hdrscan;
				while( l1 && l2 ) {
					if( l1->string != l2->string ) {
						l1 = 0;
					} else {
						l1 = list_next( l1 );
						l2 = list_next( l2 );
				if( l1 || l2 )
					use_cache = 0;
				use_cache = 0;

			if( use_cache ) {
				if( DEBUG_HEADER )
					printf( "using header cache for %s\n", t->boundname );
				c->age = 0; /* The entry has been used, its young again */
				l = list_copy( 0, c->includes );
					LIST *hdrfilter = var_get( "HDRFILTER" );
					if ( hdrfilter )
						LOL lol;
						lol_init( &lol );
						lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->name, 1 ) );
						lol_add( &lol, l );
						lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->boundname, 0 ) );
						l = evaluate_rule( hdrfilter->string, &lol, L0 );
						lol_free( &lol );
				return l;
			else {
				if( DEBUG_HEADER )
					printf( "header cache out of date for %s\n", t->boundname );
				list_free( c->includes );
				list_free( c->hdrscan );
				c->includes = 0;
				c->hdrscan = 0;
		} else {
			if( hashenter( file->hcachehash, (HASHDATA **)&c ) ) {
				c->boundname = newstr( c->boundname );
				c->next = file->hcachelist;
				file->hcachelist = c;
				c->mtime = 0;
				memset( &c->rulemd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );
				memset( &c->currentrulemd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );
				memset( &c->contentmd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );
				memset( &c->currentcontentmd5sum, 0, MD5_SUMSIZE );

	file->dirty = 1;

	/* 'c' points at the cache entry.  Its out of date. */

	l = headers1( c->boundname, hdrscan );

	l = list_append( list_copy( 0, var_get( "HDREXTRA" ) ), l );

	c->includes = list_copy( 0, l );

		LIST *hdrfilter = var_get( "HDRFILTER" );
		if ( hdrfilter )
			LOL lol;
			lol_init( &lol );
			lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->name, 1 ) );
			lol_add( &lol, l );
			lol_add( &lol, list_new( L0, t->boundname, 0 ) );
			l = evaluate_rule( hdrfilter->string, &lol, L0 );
			lol_free( &lol );

	c->time = t->time;
	c->age = 0;

	c->hdrscan = list_copy( 0, hdrscan );

	return l;