// Test case: TestLookUp:2 // This test calls lookUp() for the condition where // the query has an AND operator. // Tests that summed page frequencies returned are correct int TestLookUp2() { START_TEST_CASE; INVERTED_INDEX* testIndex = NULL; int wordHash; int wordHash2; testIndex = initStructure(testIndex); wordHash = hash1("dog") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS; DocumentNode* docNode = NULL; docNode = newDocNode(docNode, 15, 1); WordNode* wordNode = NULL; wordNode = newWordNode(wordNode, docNode, "dog"); testIndex->hash[wordHash] = wordNode; wordHash2 = hash1("cat") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS; DocumentNode* docNode2 = NULL; docNode2 = newDocNode(docNode2, 15, 2); WordNode* wordNode2 = NULL; wordNode2 = newWordNode(wordNode2, docNode2, "cat"); testIndex->hash[wordHash2] = wordNode2; char query[1000] = "dog AND cat"; sanitize(query); char* temp[1000]; BZERO(temp, 1000); char* queryList[2]; BZERO(queryList, 2); curateWords(queryList, query); SHOULD_BE(strcmp(queryList[0],"dog") == 0); SHOULD_BE(strcmp(queryList[1],"AND") == 0); SHOULD_BE(strcmp(queryList[2],"cat") == 0); DocumentNode* saved[1000]; BZERO(saved, 1000); lookUp(saved, queryList, testIndex); SHOULD_BE(saved[0]->document_id == docNode->document_id); SHOULD_BE(saved[0]->page_word_frequency == 3); cleanUpList(saved); cleanUpQueryList(queryList); BZERO(saved, 1000); cleanUpIndex(testIndex); END_TEST_CASE; }
void SearchWidget::querySet(){ emit lookUp( keyword_1->text(), this->index.at(columnSelect_1->currentIndex()), keyword_2->text(), this->index.at(columnSelect_2->currentIndex()), keyword_3->text(), this->index.at(columnSelect_3->currentIndex()), keyword_4->text(), this->index.at(columnSelect_4->currentIndex()), this->orfList->text(), this->contigList->text(), (this->andOR->isChecked() ? AND : OR), this->caseSensitive->isChecked() ); this->hide(); }
void BLI_argsPrintArgDoc(struct bArgs *ba, const char *arg) { bArgument *a = lookUp(ba, arg, -1, -1); if (a) { bArgDoc *d = a->doc; internalDocPrint(d); d->done = TRUE; } }
void FPcamera::Pitch(const double dt) { if (Application::camera_pitch > 0.0) { lookUp(dt); } else if (Application::camera_pitch < 0.0) { lookDown(dt); } }
bool CharMapping::doConversion( const wstring_t& asciiText, wstring_t& unicodeText, const string_t& fontName ) { bool spacingOnly = true; unicodeText.resize(asciiText.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < asciiText.size(); ++i) { unicodeText[i] = lookUp(asciiText[i], fontName); spacingOnly = (spacingOnly && (iswspace(unicodeText[i]) || unicodeText[i] == 1)); } return spacingOnly; }
void operator () ( GameObject & obj1, GameObject & obj2 ) { CollisionFunctionPtr pHitFunction = lookUp( typeid( obj1 ).name(), typeid( obj2 ).name() ); if ( pHitFunction ) { pHitFunction( obj1, obj2 ); } else { throw UnknownCollisionException( obj1, obj2 ); } }
void BLI_argsParse(struct bArgs *ba, int pass, BA_ArgCallback default_cb, void *default_data) { int i = 0; for (i = 1; i < ba->argc; i++) { /* skip argv[0] */ if (ba->passes[i] == 0) { /* -1 signal what side of the comparison it is */ bArgument *a = lookUp(ba, ba->argv[i], pass, -1); BA_ArgCallback func = NULL; void *data = NULL; if (a) { func = a->func; data = a->data; } else { func = default_cb; data = default_data; } if (func) { int retval = func(ba->argc - i, ba->argv + i, data); if (retval >= 0) { int j; /* use extra arguments */ for (j = 0; j <= retval; j++) { ba->passes[i + j] = pass; } i += retval; } else if (retval == -1) { if (a) { if (a->key->pass != -1) ba->passes[i] = pass; } break; } } } } }
void CpuStat::statistic(double &user, double &system) { double values[NValues]; lookUp(values); double userDelta = values[User] + values[Nice] - procValues[User] - procValues[Nice]; double systemDelta = values[System] - procValues[System]; double totalDelta = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < NValues; i++ ) totalDelta += values[i] - procValues[i]; user = userDelta / totalDelta * 100.0; system = systemDelta / totalDelta * 100.0; for ( int j = 0; j < NValues; j++ ) procValues[j] = values[j]; }
static void action_A(void) { int pos; char new_yytext[256]; extern int inPrefix; /* which mode of VA are we in: SUN_A or A_SUN... */ if ((pos = search_constant(yytext)) != -1) { yylval.i = constants[pos].val; yyparse(constants[pos].token); } else if ((pos = search_token(yytext)) != -1) { yyparse(tokens[pos].token); } else { /* it is a variable */ /* printf("yytext= %s %s %i %i %i\n", yytext, agentName, appAgentName, append_NoAgentName, ScoutAppAgentName); */ if (*agentName != 0 && appAgentName > 0 && append_NoAgentName > 0 && ScoutAppAgentName > 0) { /* for distributed tkEden -- sun */ new_yytext[0] = '\0'; if (yytext[0] == '_' && inPrefix) { strcat(new_yytext, "_"); yytext++; } if (inPrefix) strcat(new_yytext, agentName); else strcat(new_yytext, yytext); strcat(new_yytext, "_"); if (inPrefix) strcat(new_yytext, yytext); else strcat(new_yytext, agentName); strcpy(yytext, new_yytext); } yylval.v = lookUp(yytext); yyparse((yylval.v)->type); } }
void init_scout(void) { char *name = "/scout.eden"; char fullname[255]; FILE *initFile; extern char *progname; extern int run(short, void *, char *); char *envcontents; if (yytext == 0) yytext = (char *) emalloc(bufsize * sizeof(int)); strcpy(fullname, libLocation); strcat(fullname, name); if ((initFile = fopen(fullname, "r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", progname, fullname); exit(1); } lookUp("screen")->type = DISPVAR; /* screen is of type display */ run(FILE_DEV, initFile, name); /* pre-define these: if you change these, change also the corresponding values in the Eden namespace in scout.init.e [Ash] */ /* These need to be in the constants table if VA is not to mess them up, so removed again. [Ash] */ /* installIntVar("OFF", 0); installIntVar("ON", 1); installIntVar("MOTION", 2); installIntVar("ENTER", 4); installIntVar("LEAVE", 8); */ }
CpuStat::CpuStat() { lookUp(procValues); }
// Test case: TestLookUp:5 // This test calls lookUp() for the condition where // the query has both AND and OR int TestLookUp5() { START_TEST_CASE; INVERTED_INDEX* testIndex = NULL; int wordHash; int wordHash2; int wordHash3; int wordHash4; testIndex = initStructure(testIndex); wordHash = hash1("dog") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS; DocumentNode* docNode = NULL; docNode = newDocNode(docNode, 15, 1); WordNode* wordNode = NULL; wordNode = newWordNode(wordNode, docNode, "dog"); testIndex->hash[wordHash] = wordNode; wordHash2 = hash1("cat") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS; DocumentNode* docNode2 = NULL; docNode2 = newDocNode(docNode2, 15, 2); WordNode* wordNode2 = NULL; wordNode2 = newWordNode(wordNode2, docNode2, "cat"); testIndex->hash[wordHash2] = wordNode2; wordHash3 = hash1("mouse") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS; DocumentNode* docNode3 = NULL; docNode3 = newDocNode(docNode3, 23, 2); WordNode* wordNode3 = NULL; wordNode3 = newWordNode(wordNode3, docNode3, "mouse"); testIndex->hash[wordHash3] = wordNode3; wordHash4 = hash1("lion") % MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLOTS; DocumentNode* docNode4 = NULL; docNode4 = newDocNode(docNode4, 23, 2); WordNode* wordNode4 = NULL; wordNode4 = newWordNode(wordNode4, docNode4, "lion"); testIndex->hash[wordHash4] = wordNode4; char query[1000] = "dog cat OR mouse lion"; sanitize(query); char* temp[1000]; BZERO(temp, 1000); char* queryList[1000]; BZERO(queryList, 1000); curateWords(queryList, query); DocumentNode* saved[1000]; BZERO(saved, 1000); lookUp(saved, queryList, testIndex); SHOULD_BE(saved[0]->document_id == docNode->document_id); SHOULD_BE(saved[0]->page_word_frequency == 3); SHOULD_BE(saved[1]->document_id == docNode3->document_id); SHOULD_BE(saved[1]->page_word_frequency == 4); cleanUpList(saved); cleanUpQueryList(queryList); BZERO(saved, 1000); cleanUpIndex(testIndex); END_TEST_CASE; }
/** Look-up fascade */ void Movement::lookUp() { lookUp(STEP_SIZE); }
void FPcamera::Update(double dt, float heightOffset) { if(myKeys['w']) { if(myKeys['z']) { if (!m_bJumping) { Run(dt, heightOffset); } else { Walk(dt, heightOffset); } myKeys['z'] = false; } else { Walk(dt, heightOffset); } myKeys['w'] = false; } if(myKeys['s']) { if(myKeys['z']) { Run(-dt, heightOffset); myKeys['z'] = false; } else { Walk(-dt, heightOffset); } myKeys['s'] = false; } if(myKeys['a']) { Strafe(-dt, heightOffset); myKeys['a'] = false; } if(myKeys['d']) { Strafe(dt, heightOffset); myKeys['d'] = false; } if(myKeys['q']) { moveUp(dt, 5.f); myKeys['q'] = false; } if(myKeys['e']) { moveDown(dt, 5.f); myKeys['e'] = false; } if(myKeys[32]) { Jump(dt); myKeys[32] = false; } if(myKeys['c']) { m_bCrouching = true; Crouch(dt, heightOffset); myKeys['c'] = false; } else { m_bCrouching = false; Crouch(-dt, heightOffset); } if(m_bRecoil) { static float timer = 0.f; lookUp(dt, 20.f); timer += (float)dt; if (timer >= 0.1f) { m_bRecoil = false; timer = 0.f; } } else if (!m_bRecoil && recoil > 0.f) { lookDown(dt, 20.f); } UpdateJump(dt, heightOffset); if(Application::camera_pitch != 0) { Pitch(dt); } if(Application::camera_yaw != 0) { Yaw(dt); } if(myKeys['r']) { Reset(); myKeys['r'] = false; } }