Пример #1
 * Generate color blending and color output.
 * \param rt  the render target index (to index blend, colormask state)
 * \param type  the pixel color type
 * \param context_ptr  pointer to the runtime JIT context
 * \param mask  execution mask (active fragment/pixel mask)
 * \param src  colors from the fragment shader
 * \param dst_ptr  the destination color buffer pointer
static void
generate_blend(const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
               unsigned rt,
               LLVMBuilderRef builder,
               struct lp_type type,
               LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
               LLVMValueRef mask,
               LLVMValueRef *src,
               LLVMValueRef dst_ptr)
   struct lp_build_context bld;
   struct lp_build_flow_context *flow;
   struct lp_build_mask_context mask_ctx;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type;
   LLVMValueRef const_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef con[4];
   LLVMValueRef dst[4];
   LLVMValueRef res[4];
   unsigned chan;

   lp_build_context_init(&bld, builder, type);

   flow = lp_build_flow_create(builder);

   /* we'll use this mask context to skip blending if all pixels are dead */
   lp_build_mask_begin(&mask_ctx, flow, type, mask);

   vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);

   const_ptr = lp_jit_context_blend_color(builder, context_ptr);
   const_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, const_ptr,
                                LLVMPointerType(vec_type, 0), "");

   /* load constant blend color and colors from the dest color buffer */
   for(chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
      LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), chan, 0);
      con[chan] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, const_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");

      dst[chan] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dst_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");

      lp_build_name(con[chan], "con.%c", "rgba"[chan]);
      lp_build_name(dst[chan], "dst.%c", "rgba"[chan]);

   /* do blend */
   lp_build_blend_soa(builder, blend, type, rt, src, dst, con, res);

   /* store results to color buffer */
   for(chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
      if(blend->rt[rt].colormask & (1 << chan)) {
         LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), chan, 0);
         lp_build_name(res[chan], "res.%c", "rgba"[chan]);
         res[chan] = lp_build_select(&bld, mask, res[chan], dst[chan]);
         LLVMBuildStore(builder, res[chan], LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dst_ptr, &index, 1, ""));

Пример #2
 * For PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR, convert float LOD to integer to
 * two (adjacent) mipmap level indexes.  Later, we'll sample from those
 * two mipmap levels and interpolate between them.
lp_build_linear_mip_levels(struct lp_build_sample_context *bld,
                           unsigned unit,
                           LLVMValueRef lod_ipart,
                           LLVMValueRef *lod_fpart_inout,
                           LLVMValueRef *level0_out,
                           LLVMValueRef *level1_out)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = bld->gallivm->builder;
   struct lp_build_context *int_bld = &bld->int_bld;
   struct lp_build_context *float_bld = &bld->float_bld;
   LLVMValueRef last_level;
   LLVMValueRef clamp_min;
   LLVMValueRef clamp_max;

   *level0_out = lod_ipart;
   *level1_out = lp_build_add(int_bld, lod_ipart, int_bld->one);

   last_level = bld->dynamic_state->last_level(bld->dynamic_state,
                                               bld->gallivm, unit);

    * Clamp both lod_ipart and lod_ipart + 1 to [0, last_level], with the
    * minimum number of comparisons, and zeroing lod_fpart in the extreme
    * ends in the process.

   /* lod_ipart < 0 */
   clamp_min = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntSLT,
                             lod_ipart, int_bld->zero,

   *level0_out = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, clamp_min,
                                 int_bld->zero, *level0_out, "");

   *level1_out = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, clamp_min,
                                 int_bld->zero, *level1_out, "");

   *lod_fpart_inout = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, clamp_min,
                                      float_bld->zero, *lod_fpart_inout, "");

   /* lod_ipart >= last_level */
   clamp_max = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntSGE,
                             lod_ipart, last_level,

   *level0_out = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, clamp_max,
                                 last_level, *level0_out, "");

   *level1_out = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, clamp_max,
                                 last_level, *level1_out, "");

   *lod_fpart_inout = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, clamp_max,
                                      float_bld->zero, *lod_fpart_inout, "");

   lp_build_name(*level0_out, "sampler%u_miplevel0", unit);
   lp_build_name(*level1_out, "sampler%u_miplevel1", unit);
   lp_build_name(*lod_fpart_inout, "sampler%u_mipweight", unit);
Пример #3
static void
attrib_name(LLVMValueRef val, unsigned attrib, unsigned chan, const char *suffix)
   if(attrib == 0)
      lp_build_name(val, "pos.%c%s", "xyzw"[chan], suffix);
      lp_build_name(val, "input%u.%c%s", attrib - 1, "xyzw"[chan], suffix);
Пример #4
 * Generate color blending and color output.
static void
generate_blend(const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
               LLVMBuilderRef builder,
               struct lp_type type,
               LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
               LLVMValueRef mask,
               LLVMValueRef *src,
               LLVMValueRef dst_ptr)
   struct lp_build_context bld;
   struct lp_build_flow_context *flow;
   struct lp_build_mask_context mask_ctx;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type;
   LLVMValueRef const_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef con[4];
   LLVMValueRef dst[4];
   LLVMValueRef res[4];
   unsigned chan;

   lp_build_context_init(&bld, builder, type);

   flow = lp_build_flow_create(builder);
   lp_build_mask_begin(&mask_ctx, flow, type, mask);

   vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
   int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(type);

   const_ptr = lp_jit_context_blend_color(builder, context_ptr);
   const_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, const_ptr,
                                LLVMPointerType(vec_type, 0), "");

   for(chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
      LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), chan, 0);
      con[chan] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, const_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");

      dst[chan] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dst_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");

      lp_build_name(con[chan], "con.%c", "rgba"[chan]);
      lp_build_name(dst[chan], "dst.%c", "rgba"[chan]);

   lp_build_blend_soa(builder, blend, type, src, dst, con, res);

   for(chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
      if(blend->colormask & (1 << chan)) {
         LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), chan, 0);
         lp_build_name(res[chan], "res.%c", "rgba"[chan]);
         res[chan] = lp_build_select(&bld, mask, res[chan], dst[chan]);
         LLVMBuildStore(builder, res[chan], LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dst_ptr, &index, 1, ""));

Пример #5
static LLVMValueRef
add_blend_test(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
               const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
               struct lp_type type)
   LLVMModuleRef module = gallivm->module;
   LLVMContextRef context = gallivm->context;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef args[5];
   LLVMValueRef func;
   LLVMValueRef src_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef src1_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dst_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef const_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res_ptr;
   LLVMBasicBlockRef block;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder;
   const enum pipe_format format = PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
   const unsigned rt = 0;
   const unsigned char swizzle[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
   LLVMValueRef src;
   LLVMValueRef src1;
   LLVMValueRef dst;
   LLVMValueRef con;
   LLVMValueRef res;

   vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, type);

   args[4] = args[3] = args[2] = args[1] = args[0] = LLVMPointerType(vec_type, 0);
   func = LLVMAddFunction(module, "test", LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidTypeInContext(context), args, 5, 0));
   LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(func, LLVMCCallConv);
   src_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 0);
   src1_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 1);
   dst_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 2);
   const_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 3);
   res_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 4);

   block = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(context, func, "entry");
   builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, block);

   src = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, src_ptr, "src");
   src1 = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, src1_ptr, "src1");
   dst = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, dst_ptr, "dst");
   con = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, const_ptr, "const");

   res = lp_build_blend_aos(gallivm, blend, format, type, rt, src, NULL,
                            src1, NULL, dst, NULL, con, NULL, swizzle, 4);

   lp_build_name(res, "res");

   LLVMBuildStore(builder, res, res_ptr);


   gallivm_verify_function(gallivm, func);

   return func;
Пример #6
 * Convert float[] to int[] with floor().
lp_build_ifloor(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                LLVMValueRef a)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(type);
   LLVMValueRef res;

   assert(lp_check_value(type, a));

   if(util_cpu_caps.has_sse4_1) {
      res = lp_build_round_sse41(bld, a, LP_BUILD_ROUND_SSE41_FLOOR);
   else {
      /* Take the sign bit and add it to 1 constant */
      LLVMTypeRef vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
      unsigned mantissa = lp_mantissa(type);
      LLVMValueRef mask = lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, (unsigned long long)1 << (type.width - 1));
      LLVMValueRef sign;
      LLVMValueRef offset;

      /* sign = a < 0 ? ~0 : 0 */
      sign = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, a, int_vec_type, "");
      sign = LLVMBuildAnd(bld->builder, sign, mask, "");
      sign = LLVMBuildAShr(bld->builder, sign, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, type.width - 1), "");
      lp_build_name(sign, "floor.sign");

      /* offset = -0.99999(9)f */
      offset = lp_build_const_scalar(type, -(double)(((unsigned long long)1 << mantissa) - 1)/((unsigned long long)1 << mantissa));
      offset = LLVMConstBitCast(offset, int_vec_type);

      /* offset = a < 0 ? -0.99999(9)f : 0.0f */
      offset = LLVMBuildAnd(bld->builder, offset, sign, "");
      offset = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, offset, vec_type, "");
      lp_build_name(offset, "floor.offset");

      res = LLVMBuildAdd(bld->builder, a, offset, "");
      lp_build_name(res, "floor.res");

   res = LLVMBuildFPToSI(bld->builder, res, int_vec_type, "");
   lp_build_name(res, "floor");

   return res;
Пример #7
lp_build_struct_get(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                    LLVMValueRef ptr,
                    unsigned member,
                    const char *name)
   LLVMValueRef member_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res;
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(ptr)) == LLVMPointerTypeKind);
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(ptr))) == LLVMStructTypeKind);
   member_ptr = lp_build_struct_get_ptr(gallivm, ptr, member, name);
   res = LLVMBuildLoad(gallivm->builder, member_ptr, "");
   lp_build_name(res, "%s.%s", LLVMGetValueName(ptr), name);
   return res;
Пример #8
lp_build_pointer_get(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                     LLVMValueRef ptr,
                     LLVMValueRef index)
   LLVMValueRef element_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res;
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(ptr)) == LLVMPointerTypeKind);
   element_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, ptr, &index, 1, "");
   res = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, element_ptr, "");
#ifdef DEBUG
   lp_build_name(res, "%s[%s]", LLVMGetValueName(ptr), LLVMGetValueName(index));
   return res;
Пример #9
lp_build_alpha_test(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                    unsigned func,
                    struct lp_type type,
                    const struct util_format_description *cbuf_format_desc,
                    struct lp_build_mask_context *mask,
                    LLVMValueRef alpha,
                    LLVMValueRef ref,
                    boolean do_branch)
    struct lp_build_context bld;
    LLVMValueRef test;

    lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, type);

     * Alpha testing needs to be done in the color buffer precision.
     * TODO: Ideally, instead of duplicating the color conversion code, we would do
     * alpha testing after converting the output colors, but that's not very
     * convenient, because it needs to be done before depth testing.  Hopefully
     * LLVM will detect and remove the duplicate expression.
     * FIXME: This should be generalized to formats other than rgba8 variants.
    if (type.floating &&
            util_format_is_rgba8_variant(cbuf_format_desc)) {
        const unsigned dst_width = 8;

        alpha = lp_build_clamp(&bld, alpha, bld.zero, bld.one);
        ref   = lp_build_clamp(&bld, ref,   bld.zero, bld.one);

        alpha = lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(gallivm, type, dst_width, alpha);
        ref   = lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(gallivm, type, dst_width, ref);

        type.floating = 0;
        lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, type);

    test = lp_build_cmp(&bld, func, alpha, ref);

    lp_build_name(test, "alpha_mask");

    lp_build_mask_update(mask, test);

    if (do_branch)
Пример #10
lp_build_struct_get_ptr(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                        LLVMValueRef ptr,
                        unsigned member,
                        const char *name)
   LLVMValueRef indices[2];
   LLVMValueRef member_ptr;
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(ptr)) == LLVMPointerTypeKind);
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(ptr))) == LLVMStructTypeKind);
   indices[0] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 0);
   indices[1] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, member);
   member_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(gallivm->builder, ptr, indices, Elements(indices), "");
   lp_build_name(member_ptr, "%s.%s_ptr", LLVMGetValueName(ptr), name);
   return member_ptr;
Пример #11
lp_build_array_get(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                   LLVMValueRef ptr,
                   LLVMValueRef index)
   LLVMValueRef element_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res;
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(ptr)) == LLVMPointerTypeKind);
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(ptr))) == LLVMArrayTypeKind);
   element_ptr = lp_build_array_get_ptr(gallivm, ptr, index);
   res = LLVMBuildLoad(gallivm->builder, element_ptr, "");
#ifdef DEBUG
   lp_build_name(res, "%s[%s]", LLVMGetValueName(ptr), LLVMGetValueName(index));
   return res;
Пример #12
lp_build_array_get_ptr(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                       LLVMValueRef ptr,
                       LLVMValueRef index)
   LLVMValueRef indices[2];
   LLVMValueRef element_ptr;
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(ptr)) == LLVMPointerTypeKind);
   assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(ptr))) == LLVMArrayTypeKind);
   indices[0] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 0);
   indices[1] = index;
   element_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(gallivm->builder, ptr, indices, Elements(indices), "");
#ifdef DEBUG
   lp_build_name(element_ptr, "&%s[%s]",
                 LLVMGetValueName(ptr), LLVMGetValueName(index));
   return element_ptr;
Пример #13
static LLVMValueRef
generate_scissor_test(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                      LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
                      const struct lp_build_interp_soa_context *interp,
                      struct lp_type type)
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
   LLVMValueRef xpos = interp->pos[0], ypos = interp->pos[1];
   LLVMValueRef xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
   LLVMValueRef m0, m1, m2, m3, m;

   /* xpos, ypos contain the window coords for the four pixels in the quad */

   /* get the current scissor bounds, convert to vectors */
   xmin = lp_jit_context_scissor_xmin_value(builder, context_ptr);
   xmin = lp_build_broadcast(builder, vec_type, xmin);

   ymin = lp_jit_context_scissor_ymin_value(builder, context_ptr);
   ymin = lp_build_broadcast(builder, vec_type, ymin);

   xmax = lp_jit_context_scissor_xmax_value(builder, context_ptr);
   xmax = lp_build_broadcast(builder, vec_type, xmax);

   ymax = lp_jit_context_scissor_ymax_value(builder, context_ptr);
   ymax = lp_build_broadcast(builder, vec_type, ymax);

   /* compare the fragment's position coordinates against the scissor bounds */
   m0 = lp_build_compare(builder, type, PIPE_FUNC_GEQUAL, xpos, xmin);
   m1 = lp_build_compare(builder, type, PIPE_FUNC_GEQUAL, ypos, ymin);
   m2 = lp_build_compare(builder, type, PIPE_FUNC_LESS, xpos, xmax);
   m3 = lp_build_compare(builder, type, PIPE_FUNC_LESS, ypos, ymax);

   /* AND all the masks together */
   m = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, m0, m1, "");
   m = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, m, m2, "");
   m = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, m, m3, "");

   lp_build_name(m, "scissormask");

   return m;
Пример #14
 * Fetch the specified member of the lp_jit_texture structure.
 * \param emit_load  if TRUE, emit the LLVM load instruction to actually
 *                   fetch the field's value.  Otherwise, just emit the
 *                   GEP code to address the field.
 * @sa http://llvm.org/docs/GetElementPtr.html
static LLVMValueRef
lp_llvm_texture_member(const struct lp_sampler_dynamic_state *base,
                       struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                       unsigned unit,
                       unsigned member_index,
                       const char *member_name,
                       boolean emit_load)
   struct llvmpipe_sampler_dynamic_state *state =
      (struct llvmpipe_sampler_dynamic_state *)base;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef indices[4];
   LLVMValueRef ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res;

   assert(unit < PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS);

   /* context[0] */
   indices[0] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 0);
   /* context[0].textures */
   indices[1] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_JIT_CTX_TEXTURES);
   /* context[0].textures[unit] */
   indices[2] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, unit);
   /* context[0].textures[unit].member */
   indices[3] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, member_index);

   ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, state->context_ptr, indices, Elements(indices), "");

   if (emit_load)
      res = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, ptr, "");
      res = ptr;

   lp_build_name(res, "context.texture%u.%s", unit, member_name);

   return res;
Пример #15
lp_build_alpha_to_coverage(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                           struct lp_type type,
                           struct lp_build_mask_context *mask,
                           LLVMValueRef alpha,
                           boolean do_branch)
   struct lp_build_context bld;
   LLVMValueRef test;
   LLVMValueRef alpha_ref_value;

   lp_build_context_init(&bld, gallivm, type);

   alpha_ref_value = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, type, 0.5);

   test = lp_build_cmp(&bld, PIPE_FUNC_GREATER, alpha, alpha_ref_value);

   lp_build_name(test, "alpha_to_coverage");

   lp_build_mask_update(mask, test);

   if (do_branch)
Пример #16
 * Initialize the bld->a, dadq fields.  This involves fetching
 * those values from the arrays which are passed into the JIT function.
static void
coeffs_init(struct lp_build_interp_soa_context *bld,
            LLVMValueRef a0_ptr,
            LLVMValueRef dadx_ptr,
            LLVMValueRef dady_ptr)
   struct lp_build_context *coeff_bld = &bld->coeff_bld;
   struct lp_build_context *setup_bld = &bld->setup_bld;
   struct gallivm_state *gallivm = coeff_bld->gallivm;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef pixoffx, pixoffy;
   unsigned attrib;
   unsigned chan;
   unsigned i;

   pixoffx = coeff_bld->undef;
   pixoffy = coeff_bld->undef;
   for (i = 0; i < coeff_bld->type.length; i++) {
      LLVMValueRef nr = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, i);
      LLVMValueRef pixxf = lp_build_const_float(gallivm, quad_offset_x[i]);
      LLVMValueRef pixyf = lp_build_const_float(gallivm, quad_offset_y[i]);
      pixoffx = LLVMBuildInsertElement(builder, pixoffx, pixxf, nr, "");
      pixoffy = LLVMBuildInsertElement(builder, pixoffy, pixyf, nr, "");

   for (attrib = 0; attrib < bld->num_attribs; ++attrib) {
      const unsigned mask = bld->mask[attrib];
      const unsigned interp = bld->interp[attrib];
      LLVMValueRef index = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm,
                                attrib * TGSI_NUM_CHANNELS);
      LLVMValueRef ptr;
      LLVMValueRef dadxaos = setup_bld->zero;
      LLVMValueRef dadyaos = setup_bld->zero;
      LLVMValueRef a0aos = setup_bld->zero;

      /* always fetch all 4 values for performance/simplicity */
      switch (interp) {
         /* fall-through */

      case LP_INTERP_LINEAR:
         ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dadx_ptr, &index, 1, "");
         ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, ptr,
               LLVMPointerType(setup_bld->vec_type, 0), "");
         dadxaos = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, ptr, "");

         ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dady_ptr, &index, 1, "");
         ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, ptr,
               LLVMPointerType(setup_bld->vec_type, 0), "");
         dadyaos = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, ptr, "");

         attrib_name(dadxaos, attrib, 0, ".dadxaos");
         attrib_name(dadyaos, attrib, 0, ".dadyaos");
         /* fall-through */

      case LP_INTERP_FACING:
         ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, a0_ptr, &index, 1, "");
         ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, ptr,
               LLVMPointerType(setup_bld->vec_type, 0), "");
         a0aos = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, ptr, "");
         attrib_name(a0aos, attrib, 0, ".a0aos");

         /* Nothing to do as the position coeffs are already setup in slot 0 */


       * a = a0 + (x * dadx + y * dady)
       * a0aos is the attrib value at top left corner of stamp
      if (interp != LP_INTERP_CONSTANT &&
          interp != LP_INTERP_FACING) {
         LLVMValueRef x = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(setup_bld, bld->x);
         LLVMValueRef y = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(setup_bld, bld->y);
         a0aos = lp_build_fmuladd(builder, x, dadxaos, a0aos);
         a0aos = lp_build_fmuladd(builder, y, dadyaos, a0aos);

       * dadq = {0, dadx, dady, dadx + dady}
       * for two quads (side by side) this is:
       * {0, dadx, dady, dadx+dady, 2*dadx, 2*dadx+dady, 3*dadx+dady}
      for (chan = 0; chan < TGSI_NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan) {
         /* this generates a CRAPLOAD of shuffles... */
         if (mask & (1 << chan)) {
            LLVMValueRef dadx, dady;
            LLVMValueRef dadq, dadq2;
            LLVMValueRef a;
            LLVMValueRef chan_index = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, chan);

            if (attrib == 0 && chan == 0) {
               a = bld->x;
               if (bld->pos_offset) {
                  a = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, a, lp_build_const_float(gallivm, bld->pos_offset), "");
               a = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(coeff_bld, a);
               dadx = coeff_bld->one;
               dady = coeff_bld->zero;
            else if (attrib == 0 && chan == 1) {
               a = bld->y;
               if (bld->pos_offset) {
                  a = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, a, lp_build_const_float(gallivm, bld->pos_offset), "");
               a = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(coeff_bld, a);
               dady = coeff_bld->one;
               dadx = coeff_bld->zero;
            else {
               dadx = lp_build_extract_broadcast(gallivm, setup_bld->type,
                                              coeff_bld->type, dadxaos, chan_index);
               dady = lp_build_extract_broadcast(gallivm, setup_bld->type,
                                              coeff_bld->type, dadyaos, chan_index);

                * a = {a, a, a, a}
               a = lp_build_extract_broadcast(gallivm, setup_bld->type,
                                              coeff_bld->type, a0aos, chan_index);

            dadx = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, dadx, pixoffx, "");
            dady = LLVMBuildFMul(builder, dady, pixoffy, "");
            dadq = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, dadx, dady, "");

             * Compute the attrib values on the upper-left corner of each
             * group of quads.
             * Note that if we process 2 quads at once this doesn't
             * really exactly to what we want.
             * We need to access elem 0 and 2 respectively later if we process
             * 2 quads at once.

            if (interp != LP_INTERP_CONSTANT &&
                interp != LP_INTERP_FACING) {
               dadq2 = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, dadq, dadq, "");
               a = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, a, dadq2, "");

             * a *= 1 / w

             * XXX since we're only going to access elements 0,2 out of 8
             * if we have 8-wide vectors we should do the division only 4-wide.
             * a is really a 2-elements in a 4-wide vector disguised as 8-wide
             * in this case.
            if (interp == LP_INTERP_PERSPECTIVE) {
               LLVMValueRef w = bld->a[0][3];
               assert(attrib != 0);
               assert(bld->mask[0] & TGSI_WRITEMASK_W);
               if (!bld->oow) {
                  bld->oow = lp_build_rcp(coeff_bld, w);
                  lp_build_name(bld->oow, "oow");
               a = lp_build_mul(coeff_bld, a, bld->oow);

            attrib_name(a, attrib, chan, ".a");
            attrib_name(dadq, attrib, chan, ".dadq");

            bld->a[attrib][chan] = lp_build_alloca(gallivm,
                                                   LLVMTypeOf(a), "");
            LLVMBuildStore(builder, a, bld->a[attrib][chan]);
            bld->dadq[attrib][chan] = dadq;
Пример #17
 * Generate the runtime callable function for the whole fragment pipeline.
static struct lp_fragment_shader_variant *
generate_fragment(struct llvmpipe_context *lp,
                  struct lp_fragment_shader *shader,
                  const struct lp_fragment_shader_variant_key *key)
   struct llvmpipe_screen *screen = llvmpipe_screen(lp->pipe.screen);
   struct lp_fragment_shader_variant *variant;
   struct lp_type fs_type;
   struct lp_type blend_type;
   LLVMTypeRef fs_elem_type;
   LLVMTypeRef fs_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef fs_int_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef blend_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef blend_int_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef arg_types[9];
   LLVMTypeRef func_type;
   LLVMValueRef context_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef x;
   LLVMValueRef y;
   LLVMValueRef a0_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dadx_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dady_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef mask_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef color_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef depth_ptr;
   LLVMBasicBlockRef block;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder;
   LLVMValueRef x0;
   LLVMValueRef y0;
   struct lp_build_sampler_soa *sampler;
   struct lp_build_interp_soa_context interp;
   LLVMValueRef fs_mask[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH];
   LLVMValueRef blend_mask;
   LLVMValueRef blend_in_color[NUM_CHANNELS];
   unsigned num_fs;
   unsigned i;
   unsigned chan;

#ifdef DEBUG
   tgsi_dump(shader->base.tokens, 0);
   if(key->depth.enabled) {
      debug_printf("depth.format = %s\n", pf_name(key->zsbuf_format));
      debug_printf("depth.func = %s\n", debug_dump_func(key->depth.func, TRUE));
      debug_printf("depth.writemask = %u\n", key->depth.writemask);
   if(key->alpha.enabled) {
      debug_printf("alpha.func = %s\n", debug_dump_func(key->alpha.func, TRUE));
      debug_printf("alpha.ref_value = %f\n", key->alpha.ref_value);
   if(key->blend.logicop_enable) {
      debug_printf("blend.logicop_func = %u\n", key->blend.logicop_func);
   else if(key->blend.blend_enable) {
      debug_printf("blend.rgb_func = %s\n",   debug_dump_blend_func  (key->blend.rgb_func, TRUE));
      debug_printf("rgb_src_factor = %s\n",   debug_dump_blend_factor(key->blend.rgb_src_factor, TRUE));
      debug_printf("rgb_dst_factor = %s\n",   debug_dump_blend_factor(key->blend.rgb_dst_factor, TRUE));
      debug_printf("alpha_func = %s\n",       debug_dump_blend_func  (key->blend.alpha_func, TRUE));
      debug_printf("alpha_src_factor = %s\n", debug_dump_blend_factor(key->blend.alpha_src_factor, TRUE));
      debug_printf("alpha_dst_factor = %s\n", debug_dump_blend_factor(key->blend.alpha_dst_factor, TRUE));
   debug_printf("blend.colormask = 0x%x\n", key->blend.colormask);
   for(i = 0; i < PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS; ++i) {
      if(key->sampler[i].format) {
         debug_printf("sampler[%u] = \n", i);
         debug_printf("  .format = %s\n",
         debug_printf("  .target = %s\n",
                      debug_dump_tex_target(key->sampler[i].target, TRUE));
         debug_printf("  .pot = %u %u %u\n",
         debug_printf("  .wrap = %s %s %s\n",
                      debug_dump_tex_wrap(key->sampler[i].wrap_s, TRUE),
                      debug_dump_tex_wrap(key->sampler[i].wrap_t, TRUE),
                      debug_dump_tex_wrap(key->sampler[i].wrap_r, TRUE));
         debug_printf("  .min_img_filter = %s\n",
                      debug_dump_tex_filter(key->sampler[i].min_img_filter, TRUE));
         debug_printf("  .min_mip_filter = %s\n",
                      debug_dump_tex_mipfilter(key->sampler[i].min_mip_filter, TRUE));
         debug_printf("  .mag_img_filter = %s\n",
                      debug_dump_tex_filter(key->sampler[i].mag_img_filter, TRUE));
            debug_printf("  .compare_mode = %s\n", debug_dump_func(key->sampler[i].compare_func, TRUE));
         debug_printf("  .normalized_coords = %u\n", key->sampler[i].normalized_coords);
         debug_printf("  .prefilter = %u\n", key->sampler[i].prefilter);


   variant = CALLOC_STRUCT(lp_fragment_shader_variant);
      return NULL;

   variant->shader = shader;
   memcpy(&variant->key, key, sizeof *key);

   /* TODO: actually pick these based on the fs and color buffer
    * characteristics. */

   memset(&fs_type, 0, sizeof fs_type);
   fs_type.floating = TRUE; /* floating point values */
   fs_type.sign = TRUE;     /* values are signed */
   fs_type.norm = FALSE;    /* values are not limited to [0,1] or [-1,1] */
   fs_type.width = 32;      /* 32-bit float */
   fs_type.length = 4;      /* 4 element per vector */
   num_fs = 4;

   memset(&blend_type, 0, sizeof blend_type);
   blend_type.floating = FALSE; /* values are integers */
   blend_type.sign = FALSE;     /* values are unsigned */
   blend_type.norm = TRUE;      /* values are in [0,1] or [-1,1] */
   blend_type.width = 8;        /* 8-bit ubyte values */
   blend_type.length = 16;      /* 16 elements per vector */

    * Generate the function prototype. Any change here must be reflected in
    * lp_jit.h's lp_jit_frag_func function pointer type, and vice-versa.

   fs_elem_type = lp_build_elem_type(fs_type);
   fs_vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(fs_type);
   fs_int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(fs_type);

   blend_vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(blend_type);
   blend_int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(blend_type);

   arg_types[0] = screen->context_ptr_type;            /* context */
   arg_types[1] = LLVMInt32Type();                     /* x */
   arg_types[2] = LLVMInt32Type();                     /* y */
   arg_types[3] = LLVMPointerType(fs_elem_type, 0);    /* a0 */
   arg_types[4] = LLVMPointerType(fs_elem_type, 0);    /* dadx */
   arg_types[5] = LLVMPointerType(fs_elem_type, 0);    /* dady */
   arg_types[6] = LLVMPointerType(fs_int_vec_type, 0); /* mask */
   arg_types[7] = LLVMPointerType(blend_vec_type, 0);  /* color */
   arg_types[8] = LLVMPointerType(fs_int_vec_type, 0); /* depth */

   func_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), arg_types, Elements(arg_types), 0);

   variant->function = LLVMAddFunction(screen->module, "shader", func_type);
   LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(variant->function, LLVMCCallConv);
   for(i = 0; i < Elements(arg_types); ++i)
      if(LLVMGetTypeKind(arg_types[i]) == LLVMPointerTypeKind)
         LLVMAddAttribute(LLVMGetParam(variant->function, i), LLVMNoAliasAttribute);

   context_ptr  = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 0);
   x            = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 1);
   y            = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 2);
   a0_ptr       = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 3);
   dadx_ptr     = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 4);
   dady_ptr     = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 5);
   mask_ptr     = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 6);
   color_ptr    = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 7);
   depth_ptr    = LLVMGetParam(variant->function, 8);

   lp_build_name(context_ptr, "context");
   lp_build_name(x, "x");
   lp_build_name(y, "y");
   lp_build_name(a0_ptr, "a0");
   lp_build_name(dadx_ptr, "dadx");
   lp_build_name(dady_ptr, "dady");
   lp_build_name(mask_ptr, "mask");
   lp_build_name(color_ptr, "color");
   lp_build_name(depth_ptr, "depth");

    * Function body

   block = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(variant->function, "entry");
   builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
   LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, block);

   generate_pos0(builder, x, y, &x0, &y0);

   lp_build_interp_soa_init(&interp, shader->base.tokens, builder, fs_type,
                            a0_ptr, dadx_ptr, dady_ptr,
                            x0, y0, 2, 0);

#if 0
   /* C texture sampling */
   sampler = lp_c_sampler_soa_create(context_ptr);
   /* code generated texture sampling */
   sampler = lp_llvm_sampler_soa_create(key->sampler, context_ptr);

   for(i = 0; i < num_fs; ++i) {
      LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), i, 0);
      LLVMValueRef out_color[NUM_CHANNELS];
      LLVMValueRef depth_ptr_i;

      if(i != 0)

      fs_mask[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, mask_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
      depth_ptr_i = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, depth_ptr, &index, 1, "");

      generate_fs(lp, shader, key,

      for(chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan)
         fs_out_color[chan][i] = out_color[chan];


    * Convert the fs's output color and mask to fit to the blending type. 

   for(chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan) {
      lp_build_conv(builder, fs_type, blend_type,
                    fs_out_color[chan], num_fs,
                    &blend_in_color[chan], 1);
      lp_build_name(blend_in_color[chan], "color.%c", "rgba"[chan]);


   lp_build_conv_mask(builder, fs_type, blend_type,
                               fs_mask, num_fs,
                               &blend_mask, 1);

    * Blending.




    * Translate the LLVM IR into machine code.

   if(LLVMVerifyFunction(variant->function, LLVMPrintMessageAction)) {

   LLVMRunFunctionPassManager(screen->pass, variant->function);

#ifdef DEBUG

   variant->jit_function = (lp_jit_frag_func)LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(screen->engine, variant->function);

#ifdef DEBUG

   variant->next = shader->variants;
   shader->variants = variant;

   return variant;
static LLVMValueRef
   struct lp_build_tgsi_context * bld_base,
   const struct tgsi_full_src_register * reg,
   enum tgsi_opcode_type stype,
   unsigned swizzle)
   struct lp_build_tgsi_aos_context * bld = lp_aos_context(bld_base);
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = bld_base->base.gallivm->builder;
   struct lp_type type = bld_base->base.type;
   LLVMValueRef res;
   unsigned chan;


    * Get the constants components

   res = bld->bld_base.base.undef;
   for (chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
      LLVMValueRef index;
      LLVMValueRef scalar_ptr;
      LLVMValueRef scalar;
      LLVMValueRef swizzle;

      index = lp_build_const_int32(bld->bld_base.base.gallivm,
                                   reg->Register.Index * 4 + chan);

      scalar_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, bld->consts_ptr, &index, 1, "");

      scalar = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, scalar_ptr, "");

      lp_build_name(scalar, "const[%u].%c", reg->Register.Index, "xyzw"[chan]);

       * NOTE: constants array is always assumed to be RGBA

      swizzle = lp_build_const_int32(bld->bld_base.base.gallivm,

      res = LLVMBuildInsertElement(builder, res, scalar, swizzle, "");

    * Broadcast the first quaternion to all others.
    * XXX: could be factored into a reusable function.

   if (type.length > 4) {
      LLVMValueRef shuffles[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH];
      unsigned i;

      for (chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
         shuffles[chan] = lp_build_const_int32(bld->bld_base.base.gallivm, chan);

      for (i = 4; i < type.length; ++i) {
         shuffles[i] = shuffles[i % 4];

      res = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(builder,
                                   res, bld->bld_base.base.undef,
                                   LLVMConstVector(shuffles, type.length),
   return res;
Пример #19
static LLVMValueRef
add_blend_test(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
               const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
               enum vector_mode mode,
               struct lp_type type)
   LLVMModuleRef module = gallivm->module;
   LLVMContextRef context = gallivm->context;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef args[4];
   LLVMValueRef func;
   LLVMValueRef src_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dst_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef const_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res_ptr;
   LLVMBasicBlockRef block;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder;
   const enum pipe_format format = PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
   const unsigned rt = 0;
   const unsigned char swizzle[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

   vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, type);

   args[3] = args[2] = args[1] = args[0] = LLVMPointerType(vec_type, 0);
   func = LLVMAddFunction(module, "test", LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidTypeInContext(context), args, 4, 0));
   LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(func, LLVMCCallConv);
   src_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 0);
   dst_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 1);
   const_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 2);
   res_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 3);

   block = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(context, func, "entry");
   builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, block);

   if (mode == AoS) {
      LLVMValueRef src;
      LLVMValueRef dst;
      LLVMValueRef con;
      LLVMValueRef res;

      src = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, src_ptr, "src");
      dst = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, dst_ptr, "dst");
      con = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, const_ptr, "const");

      res = lp_build_blend_aos(gallivm, blend, &format, type, rt, src, dst, NULL, con, swizzle);

      lp_build_name(res, "res");

      LLVMBuildStore(builder, res, res_ptr);

   if (mode == SoA) {
      LLVMValueRef src[4];
      LLVMValueRef dst[4];
      LLVMValueRef con[4];
      LLVMValueRef res[4];
      unsigned i;

      for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(context), i, 0);
         src[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, src_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         dst[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dst_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         con[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, const_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         lp_build_name(src[i], "src.%c", "rgba"[i]);
         lp_build_name(con[i], "con.%c", "rgba"[i]);
         lp_build_name(dst[i], "dst.%c", "rgba"[i]);

      lp_build_blend_soa(gallivm, blend, type, rt, src, dst, con, res);

      for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(context), i, 0);
         lp_build_name(res[i], "res.%c", "rgba"[i]);
         LLVMBuildStore(builder, res[i], LLVMBuildGEP(builder, res_ptr, &index, 1, ""));


   return func;
Пример #20
 * Performs blending of src and dst pixels
 * @param blend         the blend state of the shader variant
 * @param cbuf_format   format of the colour buffer
 * @param type          data type of the pixel vector
 * @param rt            render target index
 * @param src           blend src
 * @param src_alpha     blend src alpha (if not included in src)
 * @param src1          second blend src (for dual source blend)
 * @param src1_alpha    second blend src alpha (if not included in src1)
 * @param dst           blend dst
 * @param mask          optional mask to apply to the blending result
 * @param const_        const blend color
 * @param const_alpha   const blend color alpha (if not included in const_)
 * @param swizzle       swizzle values for RGBA
 * @return the result of blending src and dst
lp_build_blend_aos(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                   const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
                   enum pipe_format cbuf_format,
                   struct lp_type type,
                   unsigned rt,
                   LLVMValueRef src,
                   LLVMValueRef src_alpha,
                   LLVMValueRef src1,
                   LLVMValueRef src1_alpha,
                   LLVMValueRef dst,
                   LLVMValueRef mask,
                   LLVMValueRef const_,
                   LLVMValueRef const_alpha,
                   const unsigned char swizzle[4],
                   int nr_channels)
   const struct pipe_rt_blend_state * state = &blend->rt[rt];
   const struct util_format_description * desc;
   struct lp_build_blend_aos_context bld;
   LLVMValueRef src_factor, dst_factor;
   LLVMValueRef result;
   unsigned alpha_swizzle = UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE;
   unsigned i;

   desc = util_format_description(cbuf_format);

   /* Setup build context */
   memset(&bld, 0, sizeof bld);
   lp_build_context_init(&bld.base, gallivm, type);
   bld.src = src;
   bld.src1 = src1;
   bld.dst = dst;
   bld.const_ = const_;
   bld.src_alpha = src_alpha;
   bld.src1_alpha = src1_alpha;
   bld.const_alpha = const_alpha;

   /* Find the alpha channel if not provided seperately */
   if (!src_alpha) {
      for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         if (swizzle[i] == 3) {
            alpha_swizzle = i;

   if (blend->logicop_enable) {
      if(!type.floating) {
         result = lp_build_logicop(gallivm->builder, blend->logicop_func, src, dst);
      else {
         result = src;
   } else if (!state->blend_enable) {
      result = src;
   } else {
      boolean rgb_alpha_same = (state->rgb_src_factor == state->rgb_dst_factor && state->alpha_src_factor == state->alpha_dst_factor) || nr_channels == 1;

      src_factor = lp_build_blend_factor(&bld, state->rgb_src_factor,

      dst_factor = lp_build_blend_factor(&bld, state->rgb_dst_factor,

      result = lp_build_blend(&bld.base,

      if(state->rgb_func != state->alpha_func && nr_channels > 1 && alpha_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE) {
         LLVMValueRef alpha;

         alpha = lp_build_blend(&bld.base,

         result = lp_build_blend_swizzle(&bld,

   /* Check if color mask is necessary */
   if (!util_format_colormask_full(desc, state->colormask)) {
      LLVMValueRef color_mask;

      color_mask = lp_build_const_mask_aos_swizzled(gallivm, bld.base.type, state->colormask, nr_channels, swizzle);
      lp_build_name(color_mask, "color_mask");

      /* Combine with input mask if necessary */
      if (mask) {
         /* We can be blending floating values but masks are always integer... */
         unsigned floating = bld.base.type.floating;
         bld.base.type.floating = 0;

         mask = lp_build_and(&bld.base, color_mask, mask);

         bld.base.type.floating = floating;
      } else {
         mask = color_mask;

   /* Apply mask, if one exists */
   if (mask) {
      result = lp_build_select(&bld.base, mask, result, dst);

   return result;
Пример #21
static LLVMValueRef
add_blend_test(LLVMModuleRef module,
               const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
               enum vector_mode mode,
               struct lp_type type)
   LLVMTypeRef ret_type;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef args[4];
   LLVMValueRef func;
   LLVMValueRef src_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dst_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef const_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef res_ptr;
   LLVMBasicBlockRef block;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder;

   ret_type = LLVMInt64Type();
   vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);

   args[3] = args[2] = args[1] = args[0] = LLVMPointerType(vec_type, 0);
   func = LLVMAddFunction(module, "test", LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), args, 4, 0));
   LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(func, LLVMCCallConv);
   src_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 0);
   dst_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 1);
   const_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 2);
   res_ptr = LLVMGetParam(func, 3);

   block = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(func, "entry");
   builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
   LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, block);

   if (mode == AoS) {
      LLVMValueRef src;
      LLVMValueRef dst;
      LLVMValueRef con;
      LLVMValueRef res;

      src = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, src_ptr, "src");
      dst = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, dst_ptr, "dst");
      con = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, const_ptr, "const");

      res = lp_build_blend_aos(builder, blend, type, src, dst, con, 3);

      lp_build_name(res, "res");

      LLVMBuildStore(builder, res, res_ptr);

   if (mode == SoA) {
      LLVMValueRef src[4];
      LLVMValueRef dst[4];
      LLVMValueRef con[4];
      LLVMValueRef res[4];
      unsigned i;

      for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), i, 0);
         src[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, src_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         dst[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, dst_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         con[i] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, const_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         lp_build_name(src[i], "src.%c", "rgba"[i]);
         lp_build_name(con[i], "con.%c", "rgba"[i]);
         lp_build_name(dst[i], "dst.%c", "rgba"[i]);

      lp_build_blend_soa(builder, blend, type, src, dst, con, res);

      for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), i, 0);
         lp_build_name(res[i], "res.%c", "rgba"[i]);
         LLVMBuildStore(builder, res[i], LLVMBuildGEP(builder, res_ptr, &index, 1, ""));


   return func;
Пример #22
 * Generate the code to do inside/outside triangle testing for the
 * four pixels in a 2x2 quad.  This will set the four elements of the
 * quad mask vector to 0 or ~0.
 * \param i  which quad of the quad group to test, in [0,3]
static void
generate_tri_edge_mask(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                       unsigned i,
                       LLVMValueRef *mask,      /* ivec4, out */
                       LLVMValueRef c0,         /* int32 */
                       LLVMValueRef c1,         /* int32 */
                       LLVMValueRef c2,         /* int32 */
                       LLVMValueRef step0_ptr,  /* ivec4 */
                       LLVMValueRef step1_ptr,  /* ivec4 */
                       LLVMValueRef step2_ptr)  /* ivec4 */
   struct lp_build_if_state ifctx;
   LLVMValueRef not_draw_all;
   struct lp_build_flow_context *flow;
   struct lp_type i32_type;
   LLVMTypeRef i32vec4_type, mask_type;
   LLVMValueRef c0_vec, c1_vec, c2_vec;
   LLVMValueRef in_out_mask;

   assert(i < 4);
   /* int32 vector type */
   memset(&i32_type, 0, sizeof i32_type);
   i32_type.floating = FALSE; /* values are integers */
   i32_type.sign = TRUE;      /* values are signed */
   i32_type.norm = FALSE;     /* values are not normalized */
   i32_type.width = 32;       /* 32-bit int values */
   i32_type.length = 4;       /* 4 elements per vector */

   i32vec4_type = lp_build_int32_vec4_type();

   mask_type = LLVMIntType(32 * 4);

    * Use a conditional here to do detailed pixel in/out testing.
    * We only have to do this if c0 != INT_MIN.
   flow = lp_build_flow_create(builder);

      /* not_draw_all = (c0 != INT_MIN) */
      not_draw_all = LLVMBuildICmp(builder,
                                   LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), INT_MIN, 0),

      in_out_mask = lp_build_int_const_scalar(i32_type, ~0);

      lp_build_flow_scope_declare(flow, &in_out_mask);

      /* if (not_draw_all) {... */
      lp_build_if(&ifctx, flow, builder, not_draw_all);
         LLVMValueRef step0_vec, step1_vec, step2_vec;
         LLVMValueRef m0_vec, m1_vec, m2_vec;
         LLVMValueRef index, m;

         /* c0_vec = {c0, c0, c0, c0}
          * Note that we emit this code four times but LLVM optimizes away
          * three instances of it.
         c0_vec = lp_build_broadcast(builder, i32vec4_type, c0);
         c1_vec = lp_build_broadcast(builder, i32vec4_type, c1);
         c2_vec = lp_build_broadcast(builder, i32vec4_type, c2);
         lp_build_name(c0_vec, "edgeconst0vec");
         lp_build_name(c1_vec, "edgeconst1vec");
         lp_build_name(c2_vec, "edgeconst2vec");

         /* load step0vec, step1, step2 vec from memory */
         index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), i, 0);
         step0_vec = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, step0_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         step1_vec = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, step1_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         step2_vec = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, LLVMBuildGEP(builder, step2_ptr, &index, 1, ""), "");
         lp_build_name(step0_vec, "step0vec");
         lp_build_name(step1_vec, "step1vec");
         lp_build_name(step2_vec, "step2vec");

         /* m0_vec = step0_ptr[i] > c0_vec */
         m0_vec = lp_build_compare(builder, i32_type, PIPE_FUNC_GREATER, step0_vec, c0_vec);
         m1_vec = lp_build_compare(builder, i32_type, PIPE_FUNC_GREATER, step1_vec, c1_vec);
         m2_vec = lp_build_compare(builder, i32_type, PIPE_FUNC_GREATER, step2_vec, c2_vec);

         /* in_out_mask = m0_vec & m1_vec & m2_vec */
         m = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, m0_vec, m1_vec, "");
         in_out_mask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, m, m2_vec, "");
         lp_build_name(in_out_mask, "inoutmaskvec");


   /* This is the initial alive/dead pixel mask for a quad of four pixels.
    * It's an int[4] vector with each word set to 0 or ~0.
    * Words will get cleared when pixels faile the Z test, etc.
   *mask = in_out_mask;
Пример #23
 * Generate code for performing depth and/or stencil tests.
 * We operate on a vector of values (typically n 2x2 quads).
 * \param depth  the depth test state
 * \param stencil  the front/back stencil state
 * \param type  the data type of the fragment depth/stencil values
 * \param format_desc  description of the depth/stencil surface
 * \param mask  the alive/dead pixel mask for the quad (vector)
 * \param stencil_refs  the front/back stencil ref values (scalar)
 * \param z_src  the incoming depth/stencil values (n 2x2 quad values, float32)
 * \param zs_dst  the depth/stencil values in framebuffer
 * \param face  contains boolean value indicating front/back facing polygon
lp_build_depth_stencil_test(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                            const struct pipe_depth_state *depth,
                            const struct pipe_stencil_state stencil[2],
                            struct lp_type z_src_type,
                            const struct util_format_description *format_desc,
                            struct lp_build_mask_context *mask,
                            LLVMValueRef stencil_refs[2],
                            LLVMValueRef z_src,
                            LLVMValueRef z_fb,
                            LLVMValueRef s_fb,
                            LLVMValueRef face,
                            LLVMValueRef *z_value,
                            LLVMValueRef *s_value,
                            boolean do_branch)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   struct lp_type z_type;
   struct lp_build_context z_bld;
   struct lp_build_context s_bld;
   struct lp_type s_type;
   unsigned z_shift = 0, z_width = 0, z_mask = 0;
   LLVMValueRef z_dst = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef stencil_vals = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef z_bitmask = NULL, stencil_shift = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef z_pass = NULL, s_pass_mask = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef orig_mask = lp_build_mask_value(mask);
   LLVMValueRef front_facing = NULL;
   boolean have_z, have_s;

    * Depths are expected to be between 0 and 1, even if they are stored in
    * floats. Setting these bits here will ensure that the lp_build_conv() call
    * below won't try to unnecessarily clamp the incoming values.
   if(z_src_type.floating) {
      z_src_type.sign = FALSE;
      z_src_type.norm = TRUE;
   else {

   /* Pick the type matching the depth-stencil format. */
   z_type = lp_depth_type(format_desc, z_src_type.length);

   /* Pick the intermediate type for depth operations. */
   z_type.width = z_src_type.width;
   assert(z_type.length == z_src_type.length);

   /* FIXME: for non-float depth/stencil might generate better code
    * if we'd always split it up to use 128bit operations.
    * For stencil we'd almost certainly want to pack to 8xi16 values,
    * for z just run twice.

   /* Sanity checking */
      const unsigned z_swizzle = format_desc->swizzle[0];
      const unsigned s_swizzle = format_desc->swizzle[1];

      assert(z_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE ||
             s_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE);

      assert(depth->enabled || stencil[0].enabled);

      assert(format_desc->colorspace == UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_ZS);
      assert(format_desc->block.width == 1);
      assert(format_desc->block.height == 1);

      if (stencil[0].enabled) {
         assert(s_swizzle < 4);
         assert(format_desc->channel[s_swizzle].type == UTIL_FORMAT_TYPE_UNSIGNED);
         assert(format_desc->channel[s_swizzle].size == 8);

      if (depth->enabled) {
         assert(z_swizzle < 4);
         if (z_type.floating) {
            assert(z_swizzle == 0);
            assert(format_desc->channel[z_swizzle].type ==
            assert(format_desc->channel[z_swizzle].size == 32);
         else {
            assert(format_desc->channel[z_swizzle].type ==

   /* Setup build context for Z vals */
   lp_build_context_init(&z_bld, gallivm, z_type);

   /* Setup build context for stencil vals */
   s_type = lp_int_type(z_type);
   lp_build_context_init(&s_bld, gallivm, s_type);

   /* Compute and apply the Z/stencil bitmasks and shifts.
      unsigned s_shift, s_mask;

      z_dst = z_fb;
      stencil_vals = s_fb;

      have_z = get_z_shift_and_mask(format_desc, &z_shift, &z_width, &z_mask);
      have_s = get_s_shift_and_mask(format_desc, &s_shift, &s_mask);

      if (have_z) {
         if (z_mask != 0xffffffff) {
            z_bitmask = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, z_type, z_mask);

          * Align the framebuffer Z 's LSB to the right.
         if (z_shift) {
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, z_type, z_shift);
            z_dst = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, z_dst, shift, "z_dst");
         } else if (z_bitmask) {
            z_dst = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, z_dst, z_bitmask, "z_dst");
         } else {
            lp_build_name(z_dst, "z_dst");

      if (have_s) {
         if (s_shift) {
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, s_type, s_shift);
            stencil_vals = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, stencil_vals, shift, "");
            stencil_shift = shift;  /* used below */

         if (s_mask != 0xffffffff) {
            LLVMValueRef mask = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, s_type, s_mask);
            stencil_vals = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, stencil_vals, mask, "");

         lp_build_name(stencil_vals, "s_dst");

   if (stencil[0].enabled) {

      if (face) {
         LLVMValueRef zero = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 0);

         /* front_facing = face != 0 ? ~0 : 0 */
         front_facing = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntNE, face, zero, "");
         front_facing = LLVMBuildSExt(builder, front_facing,
         front_facing = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, front_facing,
                                         s_bld.int_vec_type, "");

      /* convert scalar stencil refs into vectors */
      stencil_refs[0] = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(&s_bld, stencil_refs[0]);
      stencil_refs[1] = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(&s_bld, stencil_refs[1]);

      s_pass_mask = lp_build_stencil_test(&s_bld, stencil,
                                          stencil_refs, stencil_vals,

      /* apply stencil-fail operator */
         LLVMValueRef s_fail_mask = lp_build_andnot(&s_bld, orig_mask, s_pass_mask);
         stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&s_bld, stencil, S_FAIL_OP,
                                            stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                            s_fail_mask, front_facing);

   if (depth->enabled) {
       * Convert fragment Z to the desired type, aligning the LSB to the right.

      assert(z_type.width == z_src_type.width);
      assert(z_type.length == z_src_type.length);
      assert(lp_check_value(z_src_type, z_src));
      if (z_src_type.floating) {
          * Convert from floating point values

         if (!z_type.floating) {
            z_src = lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(gallivm,
      } else {
          * Convert from unsigned normalized values.

         if (z_src_type.width > z_width) {
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, z_src_type,
                                                        z_src_type.width - z_width);
            z_src = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, z_src, shift, "");
      assert(lp_check_value(z_type, z_src));

      lp_build_name(z_src, "z_src");

      /* compare src Z to dst Z, returning 'pass' mask */
      z_pass = lp_build_cmp(&z_bld, depth->func, z_src, z_dst);

      if (!stencil[0].enabled) {
         /* We can potentially skip all remaining operations here, but only
          * if stencil is disabled because we still need to update the stencil
          * buffer values.  Don't need to update Z buffer values.
         lp_build_mask_update(mask, z_pass);

         if (do_branch) {
            do_branch = FALSE;

      if (depth->writemask) {
         LLVMValueRef zselectmask;

         /* mask off bits that failed Z test */
         zselectmask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, orig_mask, z_pass, "");

         /* mask off bits that failed stencil test */
         if (s_pass_mask) {
            zselectmask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, zselectmask, s_pass_mask, "");

         /* Mix the old and new Z buffer values.
          * z_dst[i] = zselectmask[i] ? z_src[i] : z_dst[i]
         z_dst = lp_build_select(&z_bld, zselectmask, z_src, z_dst);

      if (stencil[0].enabled) {
         /* update stencil buffer values according to z pass/fail result */
         LLVMValueRef z_fail_mask, z_pass_mask;

         /* apply Z-fail operator */
         z_fail_mask = lp_build_andnot(&s_bld, orig_mask, z_pass);
         stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&s_bld, stencil, Z_FAIL_OP,
                                            stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                            z_fail_mask, front_facing);

         /* apply Z-pass operator */
         z_pass_mask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, orig_mask, z_pass, "");
         stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&s_bld, stencil, Z_PASS_OP,
                                            stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                            z_pass_mask, front_facing);
   else {
      /* No depth test: apply Z-pass operator to stencil buffer values which
       * passed the stencil test.
      s_pass_mask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, orig_mask, s_pass_mask, "");
      stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&s_bld, stencil, Z_PASS_OP,
                                         stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                         s_pass_mask, front_facing);

   /* Put Z and stencil bits in the right place */
   if (have_z && z_shift) {
      LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(gallivm, z_type, z_shift);
      z_dst = LLVMBuildShl(builder, z_dst, shift, "");
   if (stencil_vals && stencil_shift)
      stencil_vals = LLVMBuildShl(builder, stencil_vals,
                                  stencil_shift, "");

   /* Finally, merge the z/stencil values */
   if (format_desc->block.bits <= 32) {
      if (have_z && have_s)
         *z_value = LLVMBuildOr(builder, z_dst, stencil_vals, "");
      else if (have_z)
         *z_value = z_dst;
         *z_value = stencil_vals;
      *s_value = *z_value;
   else {
      *z_value = z_dst;
      *s_value = stencil_vals;

   if (s_pass_mask)
      lp_build_mask_update(mask, s_pass_mask);

   if (depth->enabled && stencil[0].enabled)
      lp_build_mask_update(mask, z_pass);
Пример #24
 * Load depth/stencil values.
 * The stored values are linear, swizzle them.
 * \param type  the data type of the fragment depth/stencil values
 * \param format_desc  description of the depth/stencil surface
 * \param loop_counter  the current loop iteration
 * \param depth_ptr  pointer to the depth/stencil values of this 4x4 block
 * \param depth_stride  stride of the depth/stencil buffer
 * \param z_fb  contains z values loaded from fb (may include padding)
 * \param s_fb  contains s values loaded from fb (may include padding)
lp_build_depth_stencil_load_swizzled(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                                     struct lp_type z_src_type,
                                     const struct util_format_description *format_desc,
                                     LLVMValueRef depth_ptr,
                                     LLVMValueRef depth_stride,
                                     LLVMValueRef *z_fb,
                                     LLVMValueRef *s_fb,
                                     LLVMValueRef loop_counter)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef shuffles[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH / 4];
   LLVMValueRef zs_dst1, zs_dst2;
   LLVMValueRef zs_dst_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef depth_offset1, depth_offset2;
   LLVMTypeRef load_ptr_type;
   unsigned depth_bytes = format_desc->block.bits / 8;
   struct lp_type zs_type = lp_depth_type(format_desc, z_src_type.length);
   struct lp_type zs_load_type = zs_type;

   zs_load_type.length = zs_load_type.length / 2;
   load_ptr_type = LLVMPointerType(lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, zs_load_type), 0);

   if (z_src_type.length == 4) {
      unsigned i;
      LLVMValueRef looplsb = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, loop_counter,
                                          lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 1), "");
      LLVMValueRef loopmsb = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, loop_counter,
                                          lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 2), "");
      LLVMValueRef offset2 = LLVMBuildMul(builder, loopmsb,
                                          depth_stride, "");
      depth_offset1 = LLVMBuildMul(builder, looplsb,
                                   lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, depth_bytes * 2), "");
      depth_offset1 = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, depth_offset1, offset2, "");

      /* just concatenate the loaded 2x2 values into 4-wide vector */
      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
         shuffles[i] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, i);
   else {
      unsigned i;
      LLVMValueRef loopx2 = LLVMBuildShl(builder, loop_counter,
                                         lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 1), "");
      assert(z_src_type.length == 8);
      depth_offset1 = LLVMBuildMul(builder, loopx2, depth_stride, "");
       * We load 2x4 values, and need to swizzle them (order
       * 0,1,4,5,2,3,6,7) - not so hot with avx unfortunately.
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
         shuffles[i] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, (i&1) + (i&2) * 2 + (i&4) / 2);

   depth_offset2 = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, depth_offset1, depth_stride, "");

   /* Load current z/stencil values from z/stencil buffer */
   zs_dst_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, depth_ptr, &depth_offset1, 1, "");
   zs_dst_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, zs_dst_ptr, load_ptr_type, "");
   zs_dst1 = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, zs_dst_ptr, "");
   zs_dst_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, depth_ptr, &depth_offset2, 1, "");
   zs_dst_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, zs_dst_ptr, load_ptr_type, "");
   zs_dst2 = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, zs_dst_ptr, "");

   *z_fb = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(builder, zs_dst1, zs_dst2,
                                  LLVMConstVector(shuffles, zs_type.length), "");
   *s_fb = *z_fb;

   if (format_desc->block.bits < z_src_type.width) {
      /* Extend destination ZS values (e.g., when reading from Z16_UNORM) */
      *z_fb = LLVMBuildZExt(builder, *z_fb,
                            lp_build_int_vec_type(gallivm, z_src_type), "");

   else if (format_desc->block.bits > 32) {
      /* rely on llvm to handle too wide vector we have here nicely */
      unsigned i;
      struct lp_type typex2 = zs_type;
      struct lp_type s_type = zs_type;
      LLVMValueRef shuffles1[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH / 4];
      LLVMValueRef shuffles2[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH / 4];
      LLVMValueRef tmp;

      typex2.width = typex2.width / 2;
      typex2.length = typex2.length * 2;
      s_type.width = s_type.width / 2;
      s_type.floating = 0;

      tmp = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, *z_fb,
                             lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, typex2), "");

      for (i = 0; i < zs_type.length; i++) {
         shuffles1[i] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, i * 2);
         shuffles2[i] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, i * 2 + 1);
      *z_fb = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(builder, tmp, tmp,
                                     LLVMConstVector(shuffles1, zs_type.length), "");
      *s_fb = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(builder, tmp, tmp,
                                     LLVMConstVector(shuffles2, zs_type.length), "");
      *s_fb = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, *s_fb,
                               lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, s_type), "");
      lp_build_name(*s_fb, "s_dst");

   lp_build_name(*z_fb, "z_dst");
   lp_build_name(*s_fb, "s_dst");
   lp_build_name(*z_fb, "z_dst");
Пример #25
 * Generate code for performing depth and/or stencil tests.
 * We operate on a vector of values (typically a 2x2 quad).
 * \param depth  the depth test state
 * \param stencil  the front/back stencil state
 * \param type  the data type of the fragment depth/stencil values
 * \param format_desc  description of the depth/stencil surface
 * \param mask  the alive/dead pixel mask for the quad (vector)
 * \param stencil_refs  the front/back stencil ref values (scalar)
 * \param z_src  the incoming depth/stencil values (a 2x2 quad)
 * \param zs_dst_ptr  pointer to depth/stencil values in framebuffer
 * \param facing  contains float value indicating front/back facing polygon
lp_build_depth_stencil_test(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                            const struct pipe_depth_state *depth,
                            const struct pipe_stencil_state stencil[2],
                            struct lp_type type,
                            const struct util_format_description *format_desc,
                            struct lp_build_mask_context *mask,
                            LLVMValueRef stencil_refs[2],
                            LLVMValueRef z_src,
                            LLVMValueRef zs_dst_ptr,
                            LLVMValueRef face,
                            LLVMValueRef counter)
   struct lp_build_context bld;
   struct lp_build_context sbld;
   struct lp_type s_type;
   LLVMValueRef zs_dst, z_dst = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef stencil_vals = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef z_bitmask = NULL, stencil_shift = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef z_pass = NULL, s_pass_mask = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef orig_mask = mask->value;

   /* Sanity checking */
      const unsigned z_swizzle = format_desc->swizzle[0];
      const unsigned s_swizzle = format_desc->swizzle[1];

      assert(z_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE ||
             s_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE);

      assert(depth->enabled || stencil[0].enabled);

      assert(format_desc->colorspace == UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_ZS);
      assert(format_desc->block.width == 1);
      assert(format_desc->block.height == 1);

      if (stencil[0].enabled) {
         assert(format_desc->format == PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_USCALED ||
                format_desc->format == PIPE_FORMAT_S8_USCALED_Z24_UNORM);

      assert(z_swizzle < 4);
      assert(format_desc->block.bits == type.width);
      if (type.floating) {
         assert(z_swizzle == 0);
         assert(format_desc->channel[z_swizzle].type ==
         assert(format_desc->channel[z_swizzle].size ==
      else {
         assert(format_desc->channel[z_swizzle].type ==

   /* Setup build context for Z vals */
   lp_build_context_init(&bld, builder, type);

   /* Setup build context for stencil vals */
   s_type = lp_type_int_vec(type.width);
   lp_build_context_init(&sbld, builder, s_type);

   /* Load current z/stencil value from z/stencil buffer */
   zs_dst = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, zs_dst_ptr, "");

   lp_build_name(zs_dst, "zsbufval");

   /* Compute and apply the Z/stencil bitmasks and shifts.
      unsigned z_shift, z_mask;
      unsigned s_shift, s_mask;

      if (get_z_shift_and_mask(format_desc, &z_shift, &z_mask)) {
         if (z_shift) {
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(type, z_shift);
            z_src = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, z_src, shift, "");

         if (z_mask != 0xffffffff) {
            LLVMValueRef mask = lp_build_const_int_vec(type, z_mask);
            z_src = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, z_src, mask, "");
            z_dst = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, zs_dst, mask, "");
            z_bitmask = mask;  /* used below */
         else {
            z_dst = zs_dst;

         lp_build_name(z_dst, "zsbuf.z");

      if (get_s_shift_and_mask(format_desc, &s_shift, &s_mask)) {
         if (s_shift) {
            LLVMValueRef shift = lp_build_const_int_vec(type, s_shift);
            stencil_vals = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, zs_dst, shift, "");
            stencil_shift = shift;  /* used below */
         else {
            stencil_vals = zs_dst;

         if (s_mask != 0xffffffff) {
            LLVMValueRef mask = lp_build_const_int_vec(type, s_mask);
            stencil_vals = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, stencil_vals, mask, "");

         lp_build_name(stencil_vals, "stencil");

   if (stencil[0].enabled) {
      /* convert scalar stencil refs into vectors */
      stencil_refs[0] = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(&bld, stencil_refs[0]);
      stencil_refs[1] = lp_build_broadcast_scalar(&bld, stencil_refs[1]);

      s_pass_mask = lp_build_stencil_test(&sbld, stencil,
                                          stencil_refs, stencil_vals, face);

      /* apply stencil-fail operator */
         LLVMValueRef s_fail_mask = lp_build_andc(&bld, orig_mask, s_pass_mask);
         stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&sbld, stencil, S_FAIL_OP,
                                            stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                            s_fail_mask, face);

   if (depth->enabled) {
      /* compare src Z to dst Z, returning 'pass' mask */
      z_pass = lp_build_cmp(&bld, depth->func, z_src, z_dst);

      if (!stencil[0].enabled) {
         /* We can potentially skip all remaining operations here, but only
          * if stencil is disabled because we still need to update the stencil
          * buffer values.  Don't need to update Z buffer values.
         lp_build_mask_update(mask, z_pass);

      if (depth->writemask) {
         LLVMValueRef zselectmask = mask->value;

         /* mask off bits that failed Z test */
         zselectmask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, zselectmask, z_pass, "");

         /* mask off bits that failed stencil test */
         if (s_pass_mask) {
            zselectmask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, zselectmask, s_pass_mask, "");

         /* if combined Z/stencil format, mask off the stencil bits */
         if (z_bitmask) {
            zselectmask = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, zselectmask, z_bitmask, "");

         /* Mix the old and new Z buffer values.
          * z_dst[i] = (zselectmask[i] & z_src[i]) | (~zselectmask[i] & z_dst[i])
         z_dst = lp_build_select_bitwise(&bld, zselectmask, z_src, z_dst);

      if (stencil[0].enabled) {
         /* update stencil buffer values according to z pass/fail result */
         LLVMValueRef z_fail_mask, z_pass_mask;

         /* apply Z-fail operator */
         z_fail_mask = lp_build_andc(&bld, orig_mask, z_pass);
         stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&sbld, stencil, Z_FAIL_OP,
                                            stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                            z_fail_mask, face);

         /* apply Z-pass operator */
         z_pass_mask = LLVMBuildAnd(bld.builder, orig_mask, z_pass, "");
         stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&sbld, stencil, Z_PASS_OP,
                                            stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                            z_pass_mask, face);
   else {
      /* No depth test: apply Z-pass operator to stencil buffer values which
       * passed the stencil test.
      s_pass_mask = LLVMBuildAnd(bld.builder, orig_mask, s_pass_mask, "");
      stencil_vals = lp_build_stencil_op(&sbld, stencil, Z_PASS_OP,
                                         stencil_refs, stencil_vals,
                                         s_pass_mask, face);

   /* The Z bits are already in the right place but we may need to shift the
    * stencil bits before ORing Z with Stencil to make the final pixel value.
   if (stencil_vals && stencil_shift)
      stencil_vals = LLVMBuildShl(bld.builder, stencil_vals,
                                  stencil_shift, "");

   /* Finally, merge/store the z/stencil values */
   if ((depth->enabled && depth->writemask) ||
       (stencil[0].enabled && stencil[0].writemask)) {

      if (z_dst && stencil_vals)
         zs_dst = LLVMBuildOr(bld.builder, z_dst, stencil_vals, "");
      else if (z_dst)
         zs_dst = z_dst;
         zs_dst = stencil_vals;

      LLVMBuildStore(builder, zs_dst, zs_dst_ptr);

   if (s_pass_mask)
      lp_build_mask_update(mask, s_pass_mask);

   if (depth->enabled && stencil[0].enabled)
      lp_build_mask_update(mask, z_pass);

   if (counter)
      lp_build_occlusion_count(builder, type, mask->value, counter);
Пример #26
 * Generate the runtime callable function for the whole fragment pipeline.
 * Note that the function which we generate operates on a block of 16
 * pixels at at time.  The block contains 2x2 quads.  Each quad contains
 * 2x2 pixels.
static void
generate_fragment(struct llvmpipe_context *lp,
                  struct lp_fragment_shader *shader,
                  struct lp_fragment_shader_variant *variant,
                  unsigned do_tri_test)
   struct llvmpipe_screen *screen = llvmpipe_screen(lp->pipe.screen);
   const struct lp_fragment_shader_variant_key *key = &variant->key;
   struct lp_type fs_type;
   struct lp_type blend_type;
   LLVMTypeRef fs_elem_type;
   LLVMTypeRef fs_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef fs_int_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef blend_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef blend_int_vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef arg_types[14];
   LLVMTypeRef func_type;
   LLVMTypeRef int32_vec4_type = lp_build_int32_vec4_type();
   LLVMValueRef context_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef x;
   LLVMValueRef y;
   LLVMValueRef a0_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dadx_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef dady_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef color_ptr_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef depth_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef c0, c1, c2, step0_ptr, step1_ptr, step2_ptr;
   LLVMBasicBlockRef block;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder;
   LLVMValueRef x0;
   LLVMValueRef y0;
   struct lp_build_sampler_soa *sampler;
   struct lp_build_interp_soa_context interp;
   LLVMValueRef fs_mask[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH];
   LLVMValueRef blend_mask;
   LLVMValueRef blend_in_color[NUM_CHANNELS];
   LLVMValueRef function;
   unsigned num_fs;
   unsigned i;
   unsigned chan;
   unsigned cbuf;

   /* TODO: actually pick these based on the fs and color buffer
    * characteristics. */

   memset(&fs_type, 0, sizeof fs_type);
   fs_type.floating = TRUE; /* floating point values */
   fs_type.sign = TRUE;     /* values are signed */
   fs_type.norm = FALSE;    /* values are not limited to [0,1] or [-1,1] */
   fs_type.width = 32;      /* 32-bit float */
   fs_type.length = 4;      /* 4 elements per vector */
   num_fs = 4;              /* number of quads per block */

   memset(&blend_type, 0, sizeof blend_type);
   blend_type.floating = FALSE; /* values are integers */
   blend_type.sign = FALSE;     /* values are unsigned */
   blend_type.norm = TRUE;      /* values are in [0,1] or [-1,1] */
   blend_type.width = 8;        /* 8-bit ubyte values */
   blend_type.length = 16;      /* 16 elements per vector */

    * Generate the function prototype. Any change here must be reflected in
    * lp_jit.h's lp_jit_frag_func function pointer type, and vice-versa.

   fs_elem_type = lp_build_elem_type(fs_type);
   fs_vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(fs_type);
   fs_int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(fs_type);

   blend_vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(blend_type);
   blend_int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(blend_type);

   arg_types[0] = screen->context_ptr_type;            /* context */
   arg_types[1] = LLVMInt32Type();                     /* x */
   arg_types[2] = LLVMInt32Type();                     /* y */
   arg_types[3] = LLVMPointerType(fs_elem_type, 0);    /* a0 */
   arg_types[4] = LLVMPointerType(fs_elem_type, 0);    /* dadx */
   arg_types[5] = LLVMPointerType(fs_elem_type, 0);    /* dady */
   arg_types[6] = LLVMPointerType(LLVMPointerType(blend_vec_type, 0), 0);  /* color */
   arg_types[7] = LLVMPointerType(fs_int_vec_type, 0); /* depth */
   arg_types[8] = LLVMInt32Type();                     /* c0 */
   arg_types[9] = LLVMInt32Type();                     /* c1 */
   arg_types[10] = LLVMInt32Type();                    /* c2 */
   /* Note: the step arrays are built as int32[16] but we interpret
    * them here as int32_vec4[4].
   arg_types[11] = LLVMPointerType(int32_vec4_type, 0);/* step0 */
   arg_types[12] = LLVMPointerType(int32_vec4_type, 0);/* step1 */
   arg_types[13] = LLVMPointerType(int32_vec4_type, 0);/* step2 */

   func_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), arg_types, Elements(arg_types), 0);

   function = LLVMAddFunction(screen->module, "shader", func_type);
   LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(function, LLVMCCallConv);

   variant->function[do_tri_test] = function;

   /* XXX: need to propagate noalias down into color param now we are
    * passing a pointer-to-pointer?
   for(i = 0; i < Elements(arg_types); ++i)
      if(LLVMGetTypeKind(arg_types[i]) == LLVMPointerTypeKind)
         LLVMAddAttribute(LLVMGetParam(function, i), LLVMNoAliasAttribute);

   context_ptr  = LLVMGetParam(function, 0);
   x            = LLVMGetParam(function, 1);
   y            = LLVMGetParam(function, 2);
   a0_ptr       = LLVMGetParam(function, 3);
   dadx_ptr     = LLVMGetParam(function, 4);
   dady_ptr     = LLVMGetParam(function, 5);
   color_ptr_ptr = LLVMGetParam(function, 6);
   depth_ptr    = LLVMGetParam(function, 7);
   c0           = LLVMGetParam(function, 8);
   c1           = LLVMGetParam(function, 9);
   c2           = LLVMGetParam(function, 10);
   step0_ptr    = LLVMGetParam(function, 11);
   step1_ptr    = LLVMGetParam(function, 12);
   step2_ptr    = LLVMGetParam(function, 13);

   lp_build_name(context_ptr, "context");
   lp_build_name(x, "x");
   lp_build_name(y, "y");
   lp_build_name(a0_ptr, "a0");
   lp_build_name(dadx_ptr, "dadx");
   lp_build_name(dady_ptr, "dady");
   lp_build_name(color_ptr_ptr, "color_ptr");
   lp_build_name(depth_ptr, "depth");
   lp_build_name(c0, "c0");
   lp_build_name(c1, "c1");
   lp_build_name(c2, "c2");
   lp_build_name(step0_ptr, "step0");
   lp_build_name(step1_ptr, "step1");
   lp_build_name(step2_ptr, "step2");

    * Function body

   block = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(function, "entry");
   builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
   LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, block);

   generate_pos0(builder, x, y, &x0, &y0);

                            builder, fs_type,
                            a0_ptr, dadx_ptr, dady_ptr,
                            x0, y0);

   /* code generated texture sampling */
   sampler = lp_llvm_sampler_soa_create(key->sampler, context_ptr);

   /* loop over quads in the block */
   for(i = 0; i < num_fs; ++i) {
      LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), i, 0);
      LLVMValueRef depth_ptr_i;
      int cbuf;

      if(i != 0)
         lp_build_interp_soa_update(&interp, i);

      depth_ptr_i = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, depth_ptr, &index, 1, "");

      generate_fs(lp, shader, key,
                  &fs_mask[i], /* output */
                  c0, c1, c2,
                  step0_ptr, step1_ptr, step2_ptr);

      for(cbuf = 0; cbuf < key->nr_cbufs; cbuf++)
	 for(chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan)
	    fs_out_color[cbuf][chan][i] = out_color[cbuf][chan];


   /* Loop over color outputs / color buffers to do blending.
   for(cbuf = 0; cbuf < key->nr_cbufs; cbuf++) {
      LLVMValueRef color_ptr;
      LLVMValueRef index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), cbuf, 0);

       * Convert the fs's output color and mask to fit to the blending type. 
      for(chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan) {
	 lp_build_conv(builder, fs_type, blend_type,
		       fs_out_color[cbuf][chan], num_fs,
		       &blend_in_color[chan], 1);
	 lp_build_name(blend_in_color[chan], "color%d.%c", cbuf, "rgba"[chan]);

      lp_build_conv_mask(builder, fs_type, blend_type,
			 fs_mask, num_fs,
			 &blend_mask, 1);

      color_ptr = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, 
				LLVMBuildGEP(builder, color_ptr_ptr, &index, 1, ""),
      lp_build_name(color_ptr, "color_ptr%d", cbuf);

       * Blending.



   /* Verify the LLVM IR.  If invalid, dump and abort */
#ifdef DEBUG
   if(LLVMVerifyFunction(function, LLVMPrintMessageAction)) {
      if (1)

   /* Apply optimizations to LLVM IR */
   if (1)
      LLVMRunFunctionPassManager(screen->pass, function);

   if (LP_DEBUG & DEBUG_JIT) {
      /* Print the LLVM IR to stderr */

    * Translate the LLVM IR into machine code.
   variant->jit_function[do_tri_test] = (lp_jit_frag_func)LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(screen->engine, function);

Пример #27
 * Generate the fragment shader, depth/stencil test, and alpha tests.
 * \param i  which quad in the tile, in range [0,3]
 * \param do_tri_test  if 1, do triangle edge in/out testing
static void
generate_fs(struct llvmpipe_context *lp,
            struct lp_fragment_shader *shader,
            const struct lp_fragment_shader_variant_key *key,
            LLVMBuilderRef builder,
            struct lp_type type,
            LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
            unsigned i,
            const struct lp_build_interp_soa_context *interp,
            struct lp_build_sampler_soa *sampler,
            LLVMValueRef *pmask,
            LLVMValueRef (*color)[4],
            LLVMValueRef depth_ptr,
            unsigned do_tri_test,
            LLVMValueRef c0,
            LLVMValueRef c1,
            LLVMValueRef c2,
            LLVMValueRef step0_ptr,
            LLVMValueRef step1_ptr,
            LLVMValueRef step2_ptr)
   const struct tgsi_token *tokens = shader->base.tokens;
   LLVMTypeRef elem_type;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type;
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type;
   LLVMValueRef consts_ptr;
   LLVMValueRef z = interp->pos[2];
   struct lp_build_flow_context *flow;
   struct lp_build_mask_context mask;
   boolean early_depth_test;
   unsigned attrib;
   unsigned chan;
   unsigned cbuf;

   assert(i < 4);

   elem_type = lp_build_elem_type(type);
   vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
   int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(type);

   consts_ptr = lp_jit_context_constants(builder, context_ptr);

   flow = lp_build_flow_create(builder);

   memset(outputs, 0, sizeof outputs);


   /* Declare the color and z variables */
   for(cbuf = 0; cbuf < key->nr_cbufs; cbuf++) {
      for(chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan) {
	 color[cbuf][chan] = LLVMGetUndef(vec_type);
	 lp_build_flow_scope_declare(flow, &color[cbuf][chan]);
   lp_build_flow_scope_declare(flow, &z);

   /* do triangle edge testing */
   if (do_tri_test) {
      generate_tri_edge_mask(builder, i, pmask,
                             c0, c1, c2, step0_ptr, step1_ptr, step2_ptr);
   else {
      *pmask = build_int32_vec_const(~0);

   /* 'mask' will control execution based on quad's pixel alive/killed state */
   lp_build_mask_begin(&mask, flow, type, *pmask);

   if (key->scissor) {
      LLVMValueRef smask =
         generate_scissor_test(builder, context_ptr, interp, type);
      lp_build_mask_update(&mask, smask);

   early_depth_test =
      key->depth.enabled &&
      !key->alpha.enabled &&
      !shader->info.uses_kill &&

      generate_depth(builder, key,
                     type, &mask,
                     z, depth_ptr);

   lp_build_tgsi_soa(builder, tokens, type, &mask,
                     consts_ptr, interp->pos, interp->inputs,
                     outputs, sampler);

   for (attrib = 0; attrib < shader->info.num_outputs; ++attrib) {
      for(chan = 0; chan < NUM_CHANNELS; ++chan) {
         if(outputs[attrib][chan]) {
            LLVMValueRef out = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, outputs[attrib][chan], "");
            lp_build_name(out, "output%u.%u.%c", i, attrib, "xyzw"[chan]);

            switch (shader->info.output_semantic_name[attrib]) {
            case TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR:
                  unsigned cbuf = shader->info.output_semantic_index[attrib];

                  lp_build_name(out, "color%u.%u.%c", i, attrib, "rgba"[chan]);

                  /* Alpha test */
                  /* XXX: should the alpha reference value be passed separately? */
		  /* XXX: should only test the final assignment to alpha */
                  if(cbuf == 0 && chan == 3) {
                     LLVMValueRef alpha = out;
                     LLVMValueRef alpha_ref_value;
                     alpha_ref_value = lp_jit_context_alpha_ref_value(builder, context_ptr);
                     alpha_ref_value = lp_build_broadcast(builder, vec_type, alpha_ref_value);
                     lp_build_alpha_test(builder, &key->alpha, type,
                                         &mask, alpha, alpha_ref_value);

		  color[cbuf][chan] = out;

            case TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION:
               if(chan == 2)
                  z = out;

      generate_depth(builder, key,
                     type, &mask,
                     z, depth_ptr);




   *pmask = mask.value;

Пример #28
 * Generate code to compute texture level of detail (lambda).
 * \param ddx  partial derivatives of (s, t, r, q) with respect to X
 * \param ddy  partial derivatives of (s, t, r, q) with respect to Y
 * \param lod_bias  optional float vector with the shader lod bias
 * \param explicit_lod  optional float vector with the explicit lod
 * \param width  scalar int texture width
 * \param height  scalar int texture height
 * \param depth  scalar int texture depth
 * XXX: The resulting lod is scalar, so ignore all but the first element of
 * derivatives, lod_bias, etc that are passed by the shader.
lp_build_lod_selector(struct lp_build_sample_context *bld,
                      unsigned unit,
                      const LLVMValueRef ddx[4],
                      const LLVMValueRef ddy[4],
                      LLVMValueRef lod_bias, /* optional */
                      LLVMValueRef explicit_lod, /* optional */
                      unsigned mip_filter,
                      LLVMValueRef *out_lod_ipart,
                      LLVMValueRef *out_lod_fpart)

   LLVMBuilderRef builder = bld->gallivm->builder;
   struct lp_build_context *float_bld = &bld->float_bld;
   LLVMValueRef lod;

   *out_lod_ipart = bld->int_bld.zero;
   *out_lod_fpart = bld->float_bld.zero;

   if (bld->static_state->min_max_lod_equal) {
      /* User is forcing sampling from a particular mipmap level.
       * This is hit during mipmap generation.
      LLVMValueRef min_lod =
         bld->dynamic_state->min_lod(bld->dynamic_state, bld->gallivm, unit);

      lod = min_lod;
   else {
      LLVMValueRef sampler_lod_bias =
         bld->dynamic_state->lod_bias(bld->dynamic_state, bld->gallivm, unit);
      LLVMValueRef index0 = lp_build_const_int32(bld->gallivm, 0);

      if (explicit_lod) {
         lod = LLVMBuildExtractElement(builder, explicit_lod,
                                       index0, "");
      else {
         LLVMValueRef rho;

         rho = lp_build_rho(bld, unit, ddx, ddy);

          * Compute lod = log2(rho)

         if (!lod_bias &&
             !bld->static_state->lod_bias_non_zero &&
             !bld->static_state->apply_max_lod &&
             !bld->static_state->apply_min_lod) {
             * Special case when there are no post-log2 adjustments, which
             * saves instructions but keeping the integer and fractional lod
             * computations separate from the start.

            if (mip_filter == PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NONE ||
                mip_filter == PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_NEAREST) {
               *out_lod_ipart = lp_build_ilog2(float_bld, rho);
               *out_lod_fpart = bld->float_bld.zero;
            if (mip_filter == PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR &&
                !(gallivm_debug & GALLIVM_DEBUG_NO_BRILINEAR)) {
               lp_build_brilinear_rho(float_bld, rho, BRILINEAR_FACTOR,
                                      out_lod_ipart, out_lod_fpart);

         if (0) {
            lod = lp_build_log2(float_bld, rho);
         else {
            lod = lp_build_fast_log2(float_bld, rho);

         /* add shader lod bias */
         if (lod_bias) {
            lod_bias = LLVMBuildExtractElement(builder, lod_bias,
                                               index0, "");
            lod = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, lod, lod_bias, "shader_lod_bias");

      /* add sampler lod bias */
      if (bld->static_state->lod_bias_non_zero)
         lod = LLVMBuildFAdd(builder, lod, sampler_lod_bias, "sampler_lod_bias");

      /* clamp lod */
      if (bld->static_state->apply_max_lod) {
         LLVMValueRef max_lod =
            bld->dynamic_state->max_lod(bld->dynamic_state, bld->gallivm, unit);

         lod = lp_build_min(float_bld, lod, max_lod);
      if (bld->static_state->apply_min_lod) {
         LLVMValueRef min_lod =
            bld->dynamic_state->min_lod(bld->dynamic_state, bld->gallivm, unit);

         lod = lp_build_max(float_bld, lod, min_lod);

   if (mip_filter == PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR) {
      if (!(gallivm_debug & GALLIVM_DEBUG_NO_BRILINEAR)) {
         lp_build_brilinear_lod(float_bld, lod, BRILINEAR_FACTOR,
                                out_lod_ipart, out_lod_fpart);
      else {
         lp_build_ifloor_fract(float_bld, lod, out_lod_ipart, out_lod_fpart);

      lp_build_name(*out_lod_fpart, "lod_fpart");
   else {
      *out_lod_ipart = lp_build_iround(float_bld, lod);

   lp_build_name(*out_lod_ipart, "lod_ipart");

Пример #29
 * Performs blending of src and dst pixels
 * @param blend         the blend state of the shader variant
 * @param cbuf_format   format of the colour buffer
 * @param type          data type of the pixel vector
 * @param rt            rt number
 * @param src           blend src
 * @param dst           blend dst
 * @param mask          optional mask to apply to the blending result
 * @param const_        const blend color
 * @param swizzle       swizzle values for RGBA
 * @return the result of blending src and dst
lp_build_blend_aos(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                   const struct pipe_blend_state *blend,
                   const enum pipe_format *cbuf_format,
                   struct lp_type type,
                   unsigned rt,
                   LLVMValueRef src,
                   LLVMValueRef dst,
                   LLVMValueRef mask,
                   LLVMValueRef const_,
                   const unsigned char swizzle[4])
   const struct pipe_rt_blend_state * state = &blend->rt[rt];
   struct lp_build_blend_aos_context bld;
   LLVMValueRef src_factor, dst_factor;
   LLVMValueRef result;
   unsigned alpha_swizzle = swizzle[3];
   boolean fullcolormask;

   /* Setup build context */
   memset(&bld, 0, sizeof bld);
   lp_build_context_init(&bld.base, gallivm, type);
   bld.src = src;
   bld.dst = dst;
   bld.const_ = const_;

   if (swizzle[3] > UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_W || swizzle[3] == swizzle[0])
      alpha_swizzle = UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE;

   if (!state->blend_enable) {
      result = src;
   } else {
      boolean rgb_alpha_same = state->rgb_src_factor == state->rgb_dst_factor && state->alpha_src_factor == state->alpha_dst_factor;
      assert(rgb_alpha_same || alpha_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE);

      src_factor = lp_build_blend_factor(&bld, state->rgb_src_factor,
                                         state->alpha_src_factor, alpha_swizzle);
      dst_factor = lp_build_blend_factor(&bld, state->rgb_dst_factor,
                                         state->alpha_dst_factor, alpha_swizzle);

      result = lp_build_blend(&bld.base,

      if(state->rgb_func != state->alpha_func && alpha_swizzle != UTIL_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_NONE) {
         LLVMValueRef alpha;

         alpha = lp_build_blend(&bld.base,

         result = lp_build_blend_swizzle(&bld,

   /* Check if color mask is necessary */
   fullcolormask = util_format_colormask_full(util_format_description(cbuf_format[rt]), state->colormask);

   if (!fullcolormask) {
      LLVMValueRef color_mask;

      color_mask = lp_build_const_mask_aos_swizzled(gallivm, bld.base.type, state->colormask, swizzle);
      lp_build_name(color_mask, "color_mask");

      /* Combine with input mask if necessary */
      if (mask) {
         mask = lp_build_and(&bld.base, color_mask, mask);
      } else {
         mask = color_mask;

   /* Apply mask, if one exists */
   if (mask) {
      result = lp_build_select(&bld.base, mask, result, dst);

   return result;
Пример #30
 * Register fetch.
static LLVMValueRef
   struct lp_build_tgsi_aos_context *bld,
   const struct tgsi_full_instruction *inst,
   unsigned src_op)
   struct lp_type type = bld->base.type;
   const struct tgsi_full_src_register *reg = &inst->Src[src_op];
   LLVMValueRef res;
   unsigned chan;


    * Fetch the from the register file.

   switch (reg->Register.File) {
       * Get the constants components

      res = bld->base.undef;
      for (chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
         LLVMValueRef index;
         LLVMValueRef scalar_ptr;
         LLVMValueRef scalar;
         LLVMValueRef swizzle;

         index = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(),
                              reg->Register.Index*4 + chan,

         scalar_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(bld->base.builder, bld->consts_ptr,
                                   &index, 1, "");

         scalar = LLVMBuildLoad(bld->base.builder, scalar_ptr, "");

         lp_build_name(scalar, "const[%u].%c", reg->Register.Index, "xyzw"[chan]);

          * NOTE: constants array is always assumed to be RGBA

         swizzle = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), chan, 0);

         res = LLVMBuildInsertElement(bld->base.builder, res, scalar, swizzle, "");

       * Broadcast the first quaternion to all others.
       * XXX: could be factored into a reusable function.

      if (type.length > 4) {
         LLVMValueRef shuffles[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH];
         unsigned i;

         for (chan = 0; chan < 4; ++chan) {
            shuffles[chan] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), chan, 0);

         for (i = 4; i < type.length; ++i) {
            shuffles[i] = shuffles[i % 4];

         res = LLVMBuildShuffleVector(bld->base.builder,
                                      res, bld->base.undef,
                                      LLVMConstVector(shuffles, type.length),

      res = bld->immediates[reg->Register.Index];

      res = bld->inputs[reg->Register.Index];

         LLVMValueRef temp_ptr;
         temp_ptr = bld->temps[reg->Register.Index];
         res = LLVMBuildLoad(bld->base.builder, temp_ptr, "");
         if (!res)
            return bld->base.undef;

      assert(0 && "invalid src register in emit_fetch()");
      return bld->base.undef;

    * Apply sign modifier.

   if (reg->Register.Absolute) {
      res = lp_build_abs(&bld->base, res);

   if(reg->Register.Negate) {
      res = lp_build_negate(&bld->base, res);

    * Swizzle the argument

   res = swizzle_aos(bld, res,

   return res;