Пример #1
uint32_t LSMASHVideoSource::open_file( const char *source, IScriptEnvironment *env )
    /* L-SMASH */
    vdh.root = lsmash_open_movie( source, LSMASH_FILE_MODE_READ );
    if( !vdh.root )
        env->ThrowError( "LSMASHVideoSource: failed to lsmash_open_movie." );
    lsmash_movie_parameters_t movie_param;
    lsmash_initialize_movie_parameters( &movie_param );
    lsmash_get_movie_parameters( vdh.root, &movie_param );
    if( movie_param.number_of_tracks == 0 )
        env->ThrowError( "LSMASHVideoSource: the number of tracks equals 0." );
    /* libavformat */
    if( avformat_open_input( &format_ctx, source, NULL, NULL ) )
        env->ThrowError( "LSMASHVideoSource: failed to avformat_open_input." );
    if( avformat_find_stream_info( format_ctx, NULL ) < 0 )
        env->ThrowError( "LSMASHVideoSource: failed to avformat_find_stream_info." );
    /* */
    lw_log_handler_t *lhp = &vdh.config.lh;
    lhp->level    = LW_LOG_FATAL;
    lhp->show_log = throw_error;
    return movie_param.number_of_tracks;
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    if ( argc < 2 )
        return -1;
    else if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "-h" ) || !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--help" ) )
        return 0;
    else if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "-v" ) || !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--version" ) )
        return 0;
    int dump_box = 1;
    int chapter = 0;
    char *filename;
    lsmash_get_mainargs( &argc, &argv );
    if( argc > 2 )
        if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--box" ) )
        else if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--chapter" ) )
            chapter = 1;
        else if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--timestamp" ) )
            dump_box = 0;
            return -1;
        filename = argv[2];
        filename = argv[1];
    /* Open the input file. */
    lsmash_root_t *root = lsmash_create_root();
    if( !root )
        fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create a ROOT.\n" );
        return -1;
    lsmash_file_parameters_t file_param = { 0 };
    if( lsmash_open_file( filename, 1, &file_param ) < 0 )
        return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to open an input file.\n" );
    if( dump_box )
        file_param.mode |= LSMASH_FILE_MODE_DUMP;
    lsmash_file_t *file = lsmash_set_file( root, &file_param );
    if( !file )
        return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to add a file into a ROOT.\n" );
    if( lsmash_read_file( file, &file_param ) < 0 )
        return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to read a file\n" );
    /* Dump the input file. */
    if( chapter )
        if( lsmash_print_chapter_list( root ) )
            return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to extract chapter.\n" );
    else if( dump_box )
        if( lsmash_print_movie( root, "-" ) )
            return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to dump box structure.\n" );
        lsmash_movie_parameters_t movie_param;
        lsmash_initialize_movie_parameters( &movie_param );
        lsmash_get_movie_parameters( root, &movie_param );
        uint32_t num_tracks = movie_param.number_of_tracks;
        for( uint32_t track_number = 1; track_number <= num_tracks; track_number++ )
            uint32_t track_ID = lsmash_get_track_ID( root, track_number );
            if( !track_ID )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get track_ID.\n" );
            lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
            lsmash_initialize_media_parameters( &media_param );
            if( lsmash_get_media_parameters( root, track_ID, &media_param ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get media parameters.\n" );
            if( lsmash_construct_timeline( root, track_ID ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to construct timeline.\n" );
            uint32_t timeline_shift;
            if( lsmash_get_composition_to_decode_shift_from_media_timeline( root, track_ID, &timeline_shift ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get timestamps.\n" );
            lsmash_media_ts_list_t ts_list;
            if( lsmash_get_media_timestamps( root, track_ID, &ts_list ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get timestamps.\n" );
            fprintf( stdout, "track_ID: %"PRIu32"\n", track_ID );
            fprintf( stdout, "Media timescale: %"PRIu32"\n", media_param.timescale );
            lsmash_media_ts_t *ts_array = ts_list.timestamp;
            if( !ts_array )
                fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
            for( uint32_t i = 0; i < ts_list.sample_count; i++ )
                fprintf( stdout, "DTS = %"PRIu64", CTS = %"PRIu64"\n", ts_array[i].dts, ts_array[i].cts + timeline_shift );
            lsmash_free( ts_array );
            fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
    lsmash_destroy_root( root );
    return 0;
Пример #3
static int set_param( hnd_t handle, x264_param_t *p_param )
    mp4_hnd_t *p_mp4 = handle;
    uint64_t i_media_timescale;

    p_mp4->i_delay_frames = p_param->i_bframe ? (p_param->i_bframe_pyramid ? 2 : 1) : 0;
    p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier = p_mp4->b_dts_compress * p_mp4->i_delay_frames + 1;

    i_media_timescale = (uint64_t)p_param->i_timebase_den * p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier;
    p_mp4->i_time_inc = (uint64_t)p_param->i_timebase_num * p_mp4->i_dts_compress_multiplier;
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( i_media_timescale > UINT32_MAX, "MP4 media timescale %"PRIu64" exceeds maximum\n", i_media_timescale );

    /* Select brands. */
    lsmash_brand_type brands[6] = { 0 };
    uint32_t brand_count = 0;
    brands[brand_count++] = ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_MP42;
    brands[brand_count++] = ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_MP41;
    brands[brand_count++] = ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_ISOM;
    if( p_mp4->b_use_recovery )
        brands[brand_count++] = ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_AVC1;   /* sdtp, sgpd, sbgp and visual roll recovery grouping */
        if( p_param->b_open_gop )
            brands[brand_count++] = ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_ISO6;   /* cslg and visual random access grouping */

    /* Set file */
    lsmash_file_parameters_t *file_param = &p_mp4->file_param;
    file_param->major_brand   = brands[0];
    file_param->brands        = brands;
    file_param->brand_count   = brand_count;
    file_param->minor_version = 0;
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( !lsmash_set_file( p_mp4->p_root, file_param ), "failed to add an output file into a ROOT.\n" );

    /* Set movie parameters. */
    lsmash_movie_parameters_t movie_param;
    lsmash_initialize_movie_parameters( &movie_param );
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( lsmash_set_movie_parameters( p_mp4->p_root, &movie_param ),
                     "failed to set movie parameters.\n" );
    p_mp4->i_movie_timescale = lsmash_get_movie_timescale( p_mp4->p_root );
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( !p_mp4->i_movie_timescale, "movie timescale is broken.\n" );

    /* Create a video track. */
    p_mp4->i_track = lsmash_create_track( p_mp4->p_root, ISOM_MEDIA_HANDLER_TYPE_VIDEO_TRACK );
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( !p_mp4->i_track, "failed to create a video track.\n" );

    p_mp4->summary->width = p_param->i_width;
    p_mp4->summary->height = p_param->i_height;
    uint32_t i_display_width = p_param->i_width << 16;
    uint32_t i_display_height = p_param->i_height << 16;
    if( p_param->vui.i_sar_width && p_param->vui.i_sar_height )
        double sar = (double)p_param->vui.i_sar_width / p_param->vui.i_sar_height;
        if( sar > 1.0 )
            i_display_width *= sar;
            i_display_height /= sar;
        p_mp4->summary->par_h = p_param->vui.i_sar_width;
        p_mp4->summary->par_v = p_param->vui.i_sar_height;
    p_mp4->summary->color.primaries_index = p_param->vui.i_colorprim;
    p_mp4->summary->color.transfer_index  = p_param->vui.i_transfer;
    p_mp4->summary->color.matrix_index    = p_param->vui.i_colmatrix >= 0 ? p_param->vui.i_colmatrix : ISOM_MATRIX_INDEX_UNSPECIFIED;
    p_mp4->summary->color.full_range      = p_param->vui.b_fullrange >= 0 ? p_param->vui.b_fullrange : 0;

    /* Set video track parameters. */
    lsmash_track_parameters_t track_param;
    lsmash_initialize_track_parameters( &track_param );
    lsmash_track_mode track_mode = ISOM_TRACK_ENABLED | ISOM_TRACK_IN_MOVIE | ISOM_TRACK_IN_PREVIEW;
    track_param.mode = track_mode;
    track_param.display_width = i_display_width;
    track_param.display_height = i_display_height;
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( lsmash_set_track_parameters( p_mp4->p_root, p_mp4->i_track, &track_param ),
                     "failed to set track parameters for video.\n" );

    /* Set video media parameters. */
    lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
    lsmash_initialize_media_parameters( &media_param );
    media_param.timescale = i_media_timescale;
    media_param.media_handler_name = "L-SMASH Video Media Handler";
    if( p_mp4->b_use_recovery )
        media_param.roll_grouping = p_param->b_intra_refresh;
        media_param.rap_grouping = p_param->b_open_gop;
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( lsmash_set_media_parameters( p_mp4->p_root, p_mp4->i_track, &media_param ),
                     "failed to set media parameters for video.\n" );
    p_mp4->i_video_timescale = lsmash_get_media_timescale( p_mp4->p_root, p_mp4->i_track );
    MP4_FAIL_IF_ERR( !p_mp4->i_video_timescale, "media timescale for video is broken.\n" );

    return 0;
Пример #4
bool fcMP4Muxer::mux(const Params &params)
    lsmash_root_t               *root;
    lsmash_file_parameters_t    mp4_stream;
    lsmash_file_parameters_t    h264_stream;
    lsmash_brand_type           major_brand = ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_MP42;
    lsmash_brand_type           compatible_brands[2] = { ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_MP42, ISOM_BRAND_TYPE_ISOM };
    uint32_t                    fps_num = params.frame_rate;
    uint32_t                    fps_den = 1;

    // 出力 mp4
    root = lsmash_create_root();
    if (lsmash_open_file(params.out_mp4_path, 0, &mp4_stream) != 0) {
        return false;
    mp4_stream.major_brand = major_brand;
    mp4_stream.brands = compatible_brands;
    mp4_stream.brand_count = sizeof(compatible_brands) / sizeof(compatible_brands[0]);
    mp4_stream.minor_version = 0;
    lsmash_set_file(root, &mp4_stream);

    lsmash_movie_parameters_t movie_param;
    lsmash_set_movie_parameters(root, &movie_param);

    int track_number = 1;
    MP4TrackData track_data[2];
    int num_track_data = 0;

    if (params.in_h264_path) {
        importer_t *h264_importer = lsmash_importer_open(params.in_h264_path, "H.264");
        if (h264_importer == nullptr) { return false; }

        int h264_track_id = lsmash_create_track(root, ISOM_MEDIA_HANDLER_TYPE_VIDEO_TRACK);

        lsmash_track_parameters_t track_param;
        (int&)track_param.mode = ISOM_TRACK_IN_MOVIE | ISOM_TRACK_IN_PREVIEW;

        int sample_entry = 0;
        lsmash_summary_t *summary = lsmash_duplicate_summary(h264_importer, track_number);
        auto video_summary = (lsmash_video_summary_t*)summary;
        track_param.display_width = video_summary->width << 16;
        track_param.display_height = video_summary->height << 16;
        lsmash_set_track_parameters(root, h264_track_id, &track_param);
        sample_entry = lsmash_add_sample_entry(root, h264_track_id, summary);

        auto& td = track_data[num_track_data++];
        td.importer = h264_importer;
        td.summary = summary;
        td.sample_entry = sample_entry;
        td.track_number = track_number;
        td.track_id = h264_track_id;
        td.timescale = video_summary->timescale;
        td.timebase = video_summary->timebase;

        lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
        media_param.timescale = td.timescale;
        lsmash_set_media_parameters(root, h264_track_id, &media_param);

    if (params.in_aac_path) {
        importer_t *aac_importer = lsmash_importer_open(params.in_aac_path, "adts");
        if (aac_importer == nullptr) { return false; }

        int aac_track_id = lsmash_create_track(root, ISOM_MEDIA_HANDLER_TYPE_AUDIO_TRACK);

        lsmash_track_parameters_t track_param;
        (int&)track_param.mode = ISOM_TRACK_IN_MOVIE | ISOM_TRACK_IN_PREVIEW;

        int sample_entry = 0;
        lsmash_summary_t *summary = lsmash_duplicate_summary(aac_importer, track_number);
        auto audio_summary = (lsmash_audio_summary_t*)summary;
        lsmash_set_track_parameters(root, aac_track_id, &track_param);
        sample_entry = lsmash_add_sample_entry(root, aac_track_id, summary);

        auto& td = track_data[num_track_data++];
        td.importer = aac_importer;
        td.summary = summary;
        td.sample_entry = sample_entry;
        td.track_number = track_number;
        td.track_id = aac_track_id;
        td.timescale = audio_summary->frequency;
        td.timebase = 1;

        lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
        media_param.timescale = td.timescale;
        lsmash_set_media_parameters(root, aac_track_id, &media_param);

    double largest_dts = 0.0;
    uint32_t num_consecutive_sample_skip = 0;
    for (int ti = 0;;) {
        auto &td = track_data[ti];

        if (!td.sample) {
            int ret = lsmash_importer_get_access_unit(td.importer, td.track_number, &td.sample);
            if (ret <= -1) // error
            else if (ret == 1) /* a change of stream's properties */
                td.summary = lsmash_duplicate_summary(td.importer, td.track_number);
                td.sample_entry = lsmash_add_sample_entry(root, td.track_id, td.summary);
                if (!td.sample_entry) { break; }
            else if (ret == 2) /* EOF */

            if (td.sample)
                td.sample->index = td.sample_entry;
                td.sample->dts *= td.timebase;
                td.sample->cts *= td.timebase;
                td.dts = (double)td.sample->dts / td.timescale;

        if (td.sample) {
            if (td.dts <= largest_dts || num_consecutive_sample_skip == num_track_data)
                uint64_t sample_size = td.sample->length;
                uint64_t sample_dts = td.sample->dts;
                uint64_t sample_cts = td.sample->cts;
                if (lsmash_append_sample(root, td.track_id, td.sample)) {
                    return false;
                td.prev_dts = sample_dts;
                td.sample = nullptr;
                largest_dts = std::max<double>(largest_dts, td.dts);
                num_consecutive_sample_skip = 0;
            else {
                // skip

        ti = (ti + 1) % num_track_data;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_track_data; ++i) {
        lsmash_flush_pooled_samples(root, track_data[i].track_id, fps_den);

    lsmash_finish_movie(root, nullptr);

    return true;
Пример #5
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    if( argc < 2 )
        return print_help( -1 );
    int dump_box = 1;
    int chapter = 0;
    char *filename;
    if( argc > 2 )
        if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--box" ) )
        else if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--chapter" ) )
            chapter = 1;
        else if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--timestamp" ) )
            dump_box = 0;
            return print_help( -1 );
        filename = argv[2];
        if( !strcasecmp( argv[1], "-h" ) || !strcasecmp( argv[1], "--help" ) )
            return print_help( 0 );
        filename = argv[1];
#ifdef _WIN32
    _setmode( _fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY );
    lsmash_file_mode mode = LSMASH_FILE_MODE_READ;
    if( dump_box )
        mode |= LSMASH_FILE_MODE_DUMP;
    lsmash_root_t *root = lsmash_open_movie( filename, mode );
    if( !root )
        fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open input file.\n" );
        return -1;
    if( chapter )
        if( lsmash_print_chapter_list( root ) )
            return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to extract chapter.\n" );
    else if( dump_box )
        if( lsmash_print_movie( root, "-" ) )
            return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to dump box structure.\n" );
        lsmash_movie_parameters_t movie_param;
        lsmash_initialize_movie_parameters( &movie_param );
        lsmash_get_movie_parameters( root, &movie_param );
        uint32_t num_tracks = movie_param.number_of_tracks;
        for( uint32_t track_number = 1; track_number <= num_tracks; track_number++ )
            uint32_t track_ID = lsmash_get_track_ID( root, track_number );
            if( !track_ID )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get track_ID.\n" );
            lsmash_media_parameters_t media_param;
            lsmash_initialize_media_parameters( &media_param );
            if( lsmash_get_media_parameters( root, track_ID, &media_param ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get media parameters.\n" );
            if( lsmash_construct_timeline( root, track_ID ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to construct timeline.\n" );
            uint32_t timeline_shift;
            if( lsmash_get_composition_to_decode_shift_from_media_timeline( root, track_ID, &timeline_shift ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get timestamps.\n" );
            lsmash_media_ts_list_t ts_list;
            if( lsmash_get_media_timestamps( root, track_ID, &ts_list ) )
                return BOXDUMPER_ERR( "Failed to get timestamps.\n" );
            fprintf( stdout, "track_ID: %"PRIu32"\n", track_ID );
            fprintf( stdout, "Media timescale: %"PRIu32"\n", media_param.timescale );
            lsmash_media_ts_t *ts_array = ts_list.timestamp;
            if( !ts_array )
                fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
            for( uint32_t i = 0; i < ts_list.sample_count; i++ )
                fprintf( stdout, "DTS = %"PRIu64", CTS = %"PRIu64"\n", ts_array[i].dts, ts_array[i].cts + timeline_shift );
            free( ts_array );
            fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
    lsmash_destroy_root( root );
    return 0;