Пример #1
// determinant computed using LU-decomposition
// runtime: O(n^3)
static matrix_entry eff_det(matrix a) {
	// make a copy of a so that the entries are not affected by lu_decomp
	matrix *a_cpy = copy_matrix(a);
	int row_exchanges = 0;
	lu_decomp(a_cpy, &row_exchanges);
	// a is now upper triangular with same determinant up to sign
	matrix_entry result = alt(row_exchanges);	// takes care of sign
	for (int i=0; i<a_cpy->m; i++) {
		result *= a_cpy->entries[i][i];
	return result;
Пример #2
bool qbd_compute_pi0(const MatrixXd & R,
		     const MatrixXd & B0,
		     const MatrixXd & A0,
		     RowVectorXd & pi0,
		     const qbd_parms & parms) throw (Exc) {
    EXC_PRINT("R had to be square");

  if (!check_sizes(A0,R) || !check_sizes(A0,B0)) 
    EXC_PRINT("A0, A1, A2 matrixes have to be square and equal size");

  if ((R.minCoeff()<0)&&parms.verbose)
    cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: Warning: R has negative coeeficients"<<endl;
  SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> eigensolver(R);
  if (eigensolver.info() != Success) {
    if (parms.verbose)
      cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: cannot compute eigenvalues of R"<<endl;
    return false;
  if ((ArrayXd(eigensolver.eigenvalues()).abs().maxCoeff()>1)&&parms.verbose)
    cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: Warning: R has spectral radius greater than 1"<<endl;
  int n = R.rows();
  MatrixXd Id = MatrixXd::Identity(n,n);
  VectorXd u(n);
  MatrixXd M(n,n+1);
  M.block(0,0,n,n)= B0+R*A0-Id;
  M.block(0,n,n,1)= (Id-R).inverse()*u;

  FullPivLU<MatrixXd> lu_decomp(M);
  if(lu_decomp.rank()<n) {
    if (parms.verbose)
      cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: No unique solution"<<endl;
    return false;

  RowVectorXd work(n+1);
  MatrixXd W1;
  pi0 = work*W1;
  if ((pi0.minCoeff()<0)&&parms.verbose)
    cerr<<"QBD_COMPUTE_PI0: Warning: x0 has negative elements"<<endl;
  return true;
LocalMatrix chemReductionGIA::orthcomp( LocalMatrix & inMat )
	// initialize it so that they have the same dimension
    LocalMatrix outMat;

	Eigen::FullPivLU<LocalMatrix> lu_decomp(inMat.transpose());

	outMat = lu_decomp.kernel();

	// notice that if the kernel returns a matrix with dimension zero,
	// then the returned matrix will be a column-vector filled with zeros
	// therefore we do a safety check here, and set the number of columns to zero
	if ( outMat.cols() == 1 && outMat.col(0).norm() == 0.0 )
		outMat = LocalMatrix::Zero(inMat.rows(), 0);

	return outMat;
Пример #4
// runtime: O(n^3)
matrix *invert_matrix(matrix a) {
	assert(a.m == a.n);	// only defined for square matrices
	// make a copy of a so as not to modify it
	matrix *u = copy_matrix(a);
	// perform lu decomposition
	matrix **pl = lu_decomp(u, NULL);
	matrix *u_inv = invert_upper_tri_matrix(*u);
	matrix *l_inv = invert_lower_tri_matrix(*pl[1]);
	matrix *lu_inv = matrix_mult(*u_inv, *l_inv);
	matrix *result = matrix_mult(*lu_inv, *pl[0]);
	return result;
Пример #5
 * @function testPPP
void Tensor3D::testPPP() {

  Eigen::MatrixXd stacked = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero( 9*mPPP.size(), 27);

  for( int i = 0; i < mPPP.size(); ++i ) {
    Eigen::MatrixXd block;
    block =  getEq_PPP( mPPP[i] );
    // Check rank
    Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXd> lu_decomp(block);
    int rank = lu_decomp.rank();
    printf("Rank of block %d is %d \n", i, rank);

    stacked.block( 9*i,0, 9,27 ) = block;
    // Stack
    Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXd> lu_decomp2(stacked);
    int rank2 = lu_decomp2.rank();
    printf("Rank of blocks stacked so far (until %d) is %d \n", i, rank2 );
Пример #6
bool Line::GeometryLineInter(Vector3f x1, Vector3f x2, Vector3f y1, Vector3f y2)
	int i = 0;
	Matrix3f k;

	if ((x1 - y1).norm() < MINFLOATDIF)
		return false;
	if ((x1 - y2).norm() < MINFLOATDIF)
		return false;
	if ((x2 - y1).norm() < MINFLOATDIF)
		return false;
	if ((x2 - y2).norm() < MINFLOATDIF)
		return false;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		k(i, 0) = x1(i) - x2(i);
		k(i, 1) = -(y1(i) - y2(i));
		k(i, 2) = x2(i) - y2(i);
	FullPivLU<Matrix3f> lu_decomp(k);
	auto rank = lu_decomp.rank();
	if (rank == 3)
		return false;
		return true;
Пример #7
void DIIS::update_diis_coefficients(){
  General case - holds true for both N_diis<N_diis_max and for N_diis==N_diis_max (after preliminary corrections )
  Starting at this point we compute the extrapolation coefficients:
  Solving Ax = b, where b - are the errors, x - are the changes of the parameter space, A contain the extrapolation coefficients

  int N_diis_curr;
  int rank;
  int i,j;
  int debug_flag = 0;
  double diis_damp = 0.0; // see [Hamilton,Pulay, JCP 84, 5728 (1986) ] - scale diagonal element of B matrix by (1+diis_damp) to
                          // avoid numerical problems associated with large diis coefficents

  MatrixXd* A;  // will be of size N_diis+2
  VectorXd* b; //(N_diis+2);        
  VectorXd* x; //(N_diis+2);

  if(debug_flag){    cout<<"*diis_err[N_diis]= "<<*diis_err[N_diis]<<endl; }

  // Actual size of DIIS matrices at given call
  // We save this number, because N_diis can reduce in the following run, to give full-rank matrices
  N_diis_curr = N_diis;
  // Initial guess 
  A = new MatrixXd(N_diis+2,N_diis+2);

      (*A)(i,j) = ((*diis_err[i]).T() * (*diis_err[j])).tr();

      if(i==j){ (*A)(i,j) *= (1.0+diis_damp); }
    (*A)(i,N_diis+1) = -1.0;
    (*A)(N_diis+1,i) = -1.0;
  (*A)(N_diis+1,N_diis+1) = 0.0;

  // Determine the rank of the DIIS matrix A
  FullPivLU<MatrixXd> lu_decomp(*A);
  rank = lu_decomp.rank();

  if(rank==(N_diis+2)){  if(debug_flag){    cout<<"Matrix is well-conditioned\n"<<*A<<endl;  }  }
  else{     if(debug_flag){    cout<<"Matrix is ill-conditioned\n"<<*A<<endl;   }

    int min_indx = 0;

    // Reduce DIIS matrix by removing older iterates untill it is well-conditioned

      min_indx++; // this will hide first min_indx diis_err matrices from consideration 

      MatrixXd tempA(N_diis+2,N_diis+2);  

          tempA(i,j) = ((*diis_err[min_indx+i]).T() * (*diis_err[min_indx+j])).tr();

          if(i==j){ tempA(i,j) *= (1.0+diis_damp); }

        tempA(i,N_diis+1) = -1.0;
        tempA(N_diis+1,i) = -1.0;
      tempA(N_diis+1,N_diis+1) = 0.0;

      FullPivLU<MatrixXd> tmp_lu_decomp(tempA);
      rank = tmp_lu_decomp.rank();

        cout<<"Reduction iteration "<<min_indx<<endl;
        cout<<"Reduced matrix = \n"<<tempA<<endl;
        cout<<"Reduced matrix rank = "<<rank<<endl;

      if(rank==N_diis+2){ A = new MatrixXd(N_diis+2,N_diis+2);  *A = tempA; }

    }// while

  }// else rank!=Ndiis+2

  b = new VectorXd(N_diis+2);  for(i=0;i<=N_diis;i++){  (*b)(i) = 0.0;  }  (*b)(N_diis+1) = -1.0;
  x = new VectorXd(N_diis+2);

  // Solve linear algebra to get coefficients
  *x = A->lu().solve(*b); for(i=0;i<=N_diis;i++){  diis_c[i] = (*x)[i];  }

    cout<<"A*x = "<<(*A)*(*x)<<endl;
    cout<<"b = "<<*b<<endl;
    cout<<"x = "<<*x<<endl;

  // Free memory
  delete A;
  delete b;
  delete x;

  // Compute effective size of the DIIS matrix
  N_diis_eff = (N_diis_curr - N_diis); // keep in mind that N_diis is a current one (updated)   
  N_diis = N_diis_curr;

}//void DIIS::update_diis_coefficients()
Пример #8
/* Return 1 if the matrix is singular, 0 if OK */
double **a,	/* A[][] input matrix, returns LU decomposition of A */
double  *b,	/* B[]   input array, returns solution X[] */
int      n	/* Dimensionality */
) {
	double rip;		/* Row interchange parity */
	int *pivx, PIVX[10];
#if defined(DO_POLISH) || defined(DO_CHECK)
	double **sa;	/* save input matrix values */
	double *sb;		/* save input vector values */

	if (n <= 10)
		pivx = PIVX;
		pivx = ivector(0, n-1);

#if defined(DO_POLISH) || defined(DO_CHECK)
	sa = dmatrix(0, n-1, 0, n-1);
	sb = dvector(0, n-1);

	/* Copy input matrix and vector values */
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		sb[i] = b[i];
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
			sa[i][j] = a[i][j];

	if (lu_decomp(a, n, pivx, &rip)) {
#if defined(DO_POLISH) || defined(DO_CHECK)
		free_dvector(sb, 0, n-1);
		free_dmatrix(sa, 0, n-1, 0, n-1);
		if (pivx != PIVX)
			free_ivector(pivx, 0, n-1);
		return 1;

	lu_backsub(a, n, pivx, b);

#ifdef DO_POLISH
	lu_polish(n, sa, a, pivx, sb, b);	/* Improve the solution */

#ifdef DO_CHECK
	/* Check that the solution is correct */
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		double sum, temp;
		sum = 0.0;
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
			sum += sa[i][j] * b[j];
		temp = fabs(sum - sb[i]);
		if (temp > 1e-6) {
			free_dvector(sb, 0, n-1);
			free_dmatrix(sa, 0, n-1, 0, n-1);
			if (pivx != PIVX)
				free_ivector(pivx, 0, n-1);
			return 2;
#if defined(DO_POLISH) || defined(DO_CHECK)
	free_dvector(sb, 0, n-1);
	free_dmatrix(sa, 0, n-1, 0, n-1);
	if (pivx != PIVX)
		free_ivector(pivx, 0, n-1);
	return 0;
Пример #9
void marginalize(
			std::vector<aslam::backend::DesignVariable*>& inDesignVariables,
			std::vector<aslam::backend::ErrorTerm*>& inErrorTerms,
			int numberOfInputDesignVariablesToRemove,
			bool useMEstimator,
			boost::shared_ptr<aslam::backend::MarginalizationPriorErrorTerm>& outPriorErrorTermPtr,
			Eigen::MatrixXd& outCov,
			std::vector<aslam::backend::DesignVariable*>& outDesignVariablesInRTop,
			size_t numTopRowsInCov,
			size_t /* numThreads */)
		  SM_WARN_STREAM_COND(inDesignVariables.size() == 0, "Zero input design variables in the marginalizer!");

		  // check for duplicates!
		  std::unordered_set<aslam::backend::DesignVariable*> inDvSetHT;
		  for(auto it = inDesignVariables.begin(); it != inDesignVariables.end(); ++it)
			  auto ret = inDvSetHT.insert(*it);
			  SM_ASSERT_TRUE(aslam::Exception, ret.second, "Error! Duplicate design variables in input list!");
		  std::unordered_set<aslam::backend::ErrorTerm*> inEtSetHT;
		  for(auto it = inErrorTerms.begin(); it != inErrorTerms.end(); ++it)
			  auto ret = inEtSetHT.insert(*it);
			  SM_ASSERT_TRUE(aslam::Exception, ret.second, "Error! Duplicate error term in input list!");
		  SM_DEBUG_STREAM("NO duplicates in input design variables or input error terms found.");

          // Partition the design varibles into removed/remaining.
		  int dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove = 0;
		  std::vector<aslam::backend::DesignVariable*> remainingDesignVariables;
		  int k = 0;
		  size_t dimOfDvsInTopBlock = 0;
		  for(std::vector<aslam::backend::DesignVariable*>::const_iterator it = inDesignVariables.begin(); it != inDesignVariables.end(); ++it)
			  if (k < numberOfInputDesignVariablesToRemove)
				  dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove += (*it)->minimalDimensions();
			  } else

			  if(dimOfDvsInTopBlock < numTopRowsInCov)
			  dimOfDvsInTopBlock += (*it)->minimalDimensions();

		  // store original block indices to prevent side effects
		  std::vector<int> originalBlockIndices;
		  std::vector<int> originalColumnBase;
			// assign block indices
			int columnBase = 0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < inDesignVariables.size(); ++i) {

			  columnBase += inDesignVariables[i]->minimalDimensions();

			int dim = 0;
			std::vector<size_t> originalRowBase;
			for(std::vector<aslam::backend::ErrorTerm*>::iterator it = inErrorTerms.begin(); it != inErrorTerms.end(); ++it)
				dim += (*it)->dimension();

		  aslam::backend::DenseQrLinearSystemSolver qrSolver;
          qrSolver.initMatrixStructure(inDesignVariables, inErrorTerms, false);

		  SM_INFO_STREAM("Marginalization optimization problem initialized with " << inDesignVariables.size() << " design variables and " << inErrorTerms.size() << " error terrms");
		  SM_INFO_STREAM("The Jacobian matrix is " << dim << " x " << columnBase);

		  qrSolver.evaluateError(1, useMEstimator);
		  qrSolver.buildSystem(1, useMEstimator);

		  const Eigen::MatrixXd& jacobian = qrSolver.getJacobian();
		  const Eigen::VectorXd& b = qrSolver.e();

		  // check dimension of jacobian
		  int jrows = jacobian.rows();
		  int jcols = jacobian.cols();

		  int dimOfRemainingDesignVariables = jcols - dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove;
		  //int dimOfPriorErrorTerm = jrows;

		  // check the rank
		  Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXd> lu_decomp(jacobian);
		  double threshold = lu_decomp.threshold();
		  int rank = lu_decomp.rank();
		  int fullRank = std::min(jacobian.rows(), jacobian.cols());
		  SM_DEBUG_STREAM("Rank of jacobian: " << rank << " (full rank: " << fullRank << ", threshold: " << threshold << ")");
		  bool rankDeficient = rank < fullRank;
			  SM_WARN("Marginalization jacobian is rank deficient!");
		  //SM_ASSERT_FALSE(aslam::Exception, rankDeficient, "Right now, we don't want the jacobian to be rank deficient - ever...");

		  Eigen::MatrixXd R_reduced;
		  Eigen::VectorXd d_reduced;
		  if (jrows < jcols)
			  SM_THROW(aslam::Exception, "underdetermined LSE!");
			  // underdetermined LSE, don't do QR
			  R_reduced = jacobian.block(0, dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, jrows, jcols - dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove);
			  d_reduced = b;

		  } else {
			  // PTF: Do we know what will happen when the jacobian matrix is rank deficient?
			  // MB: yes, bad things!

              // do QR decomposition
			  sm::timing::Timer myTimer("QR Decomposition");
              Eigen::HouseholderQR<Eigen::MatrixXd> qr(jacobian);
			  Eigen::MatrixXd Q = qr.householderQ();
			  Eigen::MatrixXd R = qr.matrixQR().triangularView<Eigen::Upper>();
			  Eigen::VectorXd d = Q.transpose()*b;

			  if(numTopRowsInCov > 0)
				sm::timing::Timer myTimer("Covariance computation");
				Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXd> lu_decomp(R);
				Eigen::MatrixXd Rinv = lu_decomp.inverse();
				Eigen::MatrixXd covariance = Rinv * Rinv.transpose();
				outCov = covariance.block(0, 0, numTopRowsInCov, numTopRowsInCov);

//			  size_t numRowsToKeep = rank - dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove;
//			  SM_ASSERT_TRUE_DBG(aslam::Exception, rankDeficient || (numRowsToKeep == dimOfRemainingDesignVariables), "must be the same if full rank!");

			  // get the top left block
			  SM_ASSERT_GE(aslam::Exception, R.rows(), numTopRowsInCov, "Cannot extract " << numTopRowsInCov << " rows of R because it only has " << R.rows() << " rows.");
			  SM_ASSERT_GE(aslam::Exception, R.cols(), numTopRowsInCov, "Cannot extract " << numTopRowsInCov << " cols of R because it only has " << R.cols() << " cols.");
			  //outRtop = R.block(0, 0, numTopRowsInRtop, numTopRowsInRtop);

              // cut off the zero rows at the bottom
              R_reduced = R.block(dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, dimOfRemainingDesignVariables, dimOfRemainingDesignVariables);
			  //R_reduced = R.block(dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, numRowsToKeep, dimOfRemainingDesignVariables);

              d_reduced = d.segment(dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, dimOfRemainingDesignVariables);
              //d_reduced = d.segment(dimOfDesignVariablesToRemove, numRowsToKeep);
              //dimOfPriorErrorTerm = dimOfRemainingDesignVariables;

		  // now create the new error term
		  boost::shared_ptr<aslam::backend::MarginalizationPriorErrorTerm> err(new aslam::backend::MarginalizationPriorErrorTerm(remainingDesignVariables, d_reduced, R_reduced));


		  // restore initial block indices to prevent side effects
          for (size_t i = 0; i < inDesignVariables.size(); ++i) {
          int index = 0;
          for(std::vector<aslam::backend::ErrorTerm*>::iterator it = inErrorTerms.begin(); it != inErrorTerms.end(); ++it)