Пример #1
/** Retrieve a list of widget geometries using a Lua layout function.
 * a table which contains the geometries is then pushed onto the stack
 * \param wibox The wibox.
 * \return True is everything is ok, false otherwise.
static bool
widget_geometries(wibox_t *wibox)
    /* get the layout field of the widget table */
        /* push wibox */
        luaA_object_push(globalconf.L, wibox);
        /* push widgets table */
        luaA_object_push_item(globalconf.L, -1, wibox->widgets_table);
        /* remove wibox */
        lua_remove(globalconf.L, -2);
        /* get layout field from the table */
        lua_getfield(globalconf.L, -1, "layout");
        /* remove the widget table */
        lua_remove(globalconf.L, -2);

    /* if the layout field is a function */
    if(lua_isfunction(globalconf.L, -1))
        /* Push 1st argument: wibox geometry */
        area_t geometry = wibox->geometry;
        geometry.x = 0;
        geometry.y = 0;
        /* we need to exchange the width and height of the wibox window if it
         * it is rotated, so the layout function doesn't need to care about that
        if(wibox->orientation != East)
            int i = geometry.height;
            geometry.height = geometry.width;
            geometry.width = i;
        luaA_pusharea(globalconf.L, geometry);
        /* Push 2nd argument: widget table */
        luaA_object_push(globalconf.L, wibox);
        luaA_object_push_item(globalconf.L, -1, wibox->widgets_table);
        lua_remove(globalconf.L, -2);
        /* Push 3rd argument: wibox screen */
        lua_pushnumber(globalconf.L, screen_array_indexof(&globalconf.screens, wibox->screen));
        /* Re-push the layout function */
        lua_pushvalue(globalconf.L, -4);
        /* call the layout function with 3 arguments (wibox geometry, widget
         * table, screen) and wait for one result */
        if(!luaA_dofunction(globalconf.L, 3, 1))
            return false;

        /* Remove the left over layout function */
        lua_remove(globalconf.L, -2);
        /* Remove the "nil function" */
        lua_pop(globalconf.L, 1);

        /* If no layout function has been specified, we just push a table with
         * geometries onto the stack. These geometries are nothing fancy, they
         * have x = y = 0 and their height and width set to the widgets demands
         * or the wibox size, depending on which is less.

        widget_node_array_t *widgets = &wibox->widgets;

        /* push wibox */
        luaA_object_push(globalconf.L, wibox);
        /* push widgets table */
        luaA_object_push_item(globalconf.L, -1, wibox->widgets_table);
        /* remove wibox */
        lua_remove(globalconf.L, -2);
        luaA_table2widgets(globalconf.L, widgets);

        for(int i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
            lua_pushnumber(globalconf.L, i + 1);
            widget_t *widget = widgets->tab[i].widget;
            lua_pushnumber(globalconf.L, screen_array_indexof(&globalconf.screens, wibox->screen));
            area_t geometry = widget->extents(globalconf.L, widget);
            lua_pop(globalconf.L, 1);
            geometry.x = geometry.y = 0;
            geometry.width = MIN(wibox->geometry.width, geometry.width);
            geometry.height = MIN(wibox->geometry.height, geometry.height);

            luaA_pusharea(globalconf.L, geometry);

            lua_settable(globalconf.L, -3);
    return true;
Пример #2
/** Get drawable geometry. The geometry consists of x, y, width and height.
 * @return A table with drawable coordinates and geometry.
 * @function geometry
static int
luaA_drawable_geometry(lua_State *L)
    drawable_t *d = luaA_checkudata(L, 1, &drawable_class);
    return luaA_pusharea(L, d->geometry);