Пример #1
 * @brief Gets jump path from current system, or to another.
 * Does different things depending on the parameter type:
 *    - nil : Gets path from current system.
 *    - string : Gets path from system matching name.
 *    - system : Gets path from system
 * @usage jumps = sys:jumpPath() -- Path to current system.
 * @usage jumps = sys:jumpPath( "Draygar" ) -- Path from current sys to Draygar.
 * @usage jumps = system.jumpPath( "Draygar", another_sys ) -- Path from Draygar to another_sys.
 *    @luatparam System s System to get path from.
 *    @luatparam nil|string|System param See description.
 *    @luatparam[opt=false] boolean hidden Whether or not to consider hidden jumps.
 *    @luatreturn {Jump,...} Table of jumps.
 * @luafunc jumpPath( s, param, hidden )
static int systemL_jumpPath( lua_State *L )
   LuaJump lj;
   StarSystem *sys, *sysp;
   StarSystem **s;
   int i, sid, jumps, pushed, h;
   const char *start, *goal;

   h   = lua_toboolean(L,3);

   /* Foo to Bar */
   if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) {
      sys   = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
      start = sys->name;
      sid   = sys->id;

      if (lua_isstring(L,2))
         goal = lua_tostring(L,2);
      else if (lua_issystem(L,2)) {
         sysp = luaL_validsystem(L,2);
         goal = sysp->name;
   /* Current to Foo */
   else {
      start = cur_system->name;
      sid   = cur_system->id;
      sys   = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
      goal  = sys->name;

   s = map_getJumpPath( &jumps, start, goal, 1, h, NULL );
   if (s == NULL)
      return 0;

   /* Create the jump table. */
   pushed = 0;

   /* Map path doesn't contain the start system, push it manually. */
   lj.srcid  = sid;
   lj.destid = s[0]->id;

   lua_pushnumber(L, ++pushed); /* key. */
   lua_pushjump(L, lj);         /* value. */
   lua_rawset(L, -3);

   for (i=0; i<(jumps - 1); i++) {
      lj.srcid  = s[i]->id;
      lj.destid = s[i+1]->id;

      lua_pushnumber(L, ++pushed); /* key. */
      lua_pushjump(L, lj);         /* value. */
      lua_rawset(L, -3);

   return 1;
Пример #2
 * @brief Adds a jump.
 * @usage system.createJump( "sys", "target", bothway) -- Creates a regular jump.
 *    @luaparam name Name of the system in which to create the jump.
 *    @luaparam target Name of the targeted system.
 *    @luaparam bothway If true, create the return jump in the target system.
 *    @luaparam known Whether the player should known the jump
 * @luafunc createJump( "sys", "target", bothway)
static int systemL_createJump( lua_State *L )
    StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
    StarSystem *target = luaL_validsystem(L, 2);
    int bothway = lua_toboolean(L, 3);
    int known = lua_toboolean(L, 4);
    int alreadyExists=0;
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<sys->njumps;i++) {
    	if (sys->jumps[i].target==target)

    if (!alreadyExists)

    if (bothway==1) {

    	for (i=0;i<target->njumps;i++) {
			if (target->jumps[i].target==sys)

    	if (!alreadyExists)
    return 0;
Пример #3
 * @brief Gets jump distance from current system, or to another.
 * Does different things depending on the parameter type:
 *    - nil : Gets distance from current system.
 *    - string : Gets distance from system matching name.
 *    - system : Gets distance from system
 * @usage d = sys:jumpDist() -- Distance from current system.
 * @usage d = sys:jumpDist( "Draygar" ) -- Distance from system Draygar.
 * @usage d = sys:jumpDist( another_sys ) -- Distance from system another_sys.
 *    @luaparam s System to get distance from.
 *    @luaparam param See description.
 *    @luaparam hidden Whether or not to consider hidden jumps.
 *    @luareturn Number of jumps to system.
 * @luafunc jumpDist( s, param, hidden )
static int systemL_jumpdistance( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys, *sysp;
   StarSystem **s;
   int jumps;
   const char *start, *goal;
   int h;

   sys = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
   start = sys->name;
   h   = lua_toboolean(L,3);

   if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) {
      if (lua_isstring(L,2))
         goal = lua_tostring(L,2);
      else if (lua_issystem(L,2)) {
         sysp = luaL_validsystem(L,2);
         goal = sysp->name;
      goal = cur_system->name;

   s = map_getJumpPath( &jumps, start, goal, 1, h, NULL );

   return 1;
Пример #4
 * @brief Gets all the jumps in a system.
 * @usage for _,s in ipairs( sys:jumps() ) do -- Iterate over jumps.
 *    @luaparam s System to get the jumps of.
 *    @luaparam exitonly Whether to exclude exit-only jumps (default false).
 *    @luareturn An ordered table with all the jumps.
 * @luafunc jumps( s )
static int systemL_jumps( lua_State *L )
   int i, exitonly, pushed;
   LuaJump lj;
   StarSystem *s;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
   exitonly = lua_toboolean(L,2);
   pushed = 0;

   /* Push all jumps. */
   for (i=0; i<s->njumps; i++) {
      /* Skip exit-only jumps if requested. */
      if ((exitonly) && (jp_isFlag( jump_getTarget( s->jumps[i].target, s ),

      lj.srcid  = s->id;
      lj.destid = s->jumps[i].targetid;
      lua_pushnumber(L,++pushed); /* key. */
      lua_pushjump(L,lj); /* value. */

   return 1;
Пример #5
 * @brief Sets a system's known state.
 * @usage s:setKnown( false ) -- Makes system unknown.
 *    @luaparam s System to set known.
 *    @luaparam b Whether or not to set as known (defaults to false).
 *    @luaparam r Whether or not to iterate over the system's assets and jump points (defaults to false).
 * @luafunc setKnown( s, b )
static int systemL_setknown( lua_State *L )
   int b, r, i;
   StarSystem *sys;

   r = 0;
   sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   b   = lua_toboolean(L, 2);
   if (lua_gettop(L) > 2)
      r   = lua_toboolean(L, 3);

   if (b)
      sys_setFlag( sys, SYSTEM_KNOWN );
      sys_rmFlag( sys, SYSTEM_KNOWN );

   if (r) {
      if (b) {
         for (i=0; i < sys->nplanets; i++)
            planet_setKnown( sys->planets[i] );
         for (i=0; i < sys->njumps; i++)
            jp_setFlag( &sys->jumps[i], JP_KNOWN );
     else {
         for (i=0; i < sys->nplanets; i++)
            planet_rmFlag( sys->planets[i], PLANET_KNOWN );
         for (i=0; i < sys->njumps; i++)
            jp_rmFlag( &sys->jumps[i], JP_KNOWN );
   return 0;
Пример #6
 * @brief Checks to see if a faction has presence in a system.
 * This checks to see if the faction has a possibility of having any ships at all
 *  be randomly generated in the system.
 *  @usage if sys:hasPresence( "Empire" ) then -- Checks to see if Empire has ships in the system
 *  @usage if sys:hasPresence( faction.get("Pirate") ) then -- Checks to see if the Pirate has ships in the system
 *    @luaparam s System to check to see if has presence of a certain faction.
 *    @luaparam f Faction or name of faction to check to see if has presence in the system.
 *    @luareturn true If faction has presence in the system, false otherwise.
 * @luafunc hasPresence( s, f )
static int systemL_hasPresence( lua_State *L )
    LuaFaction *lf;
    StarSystem *s;
    int fct;
    int i, found;

    s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

    /* Get the second parameter. */
    if (lua_isstring(L,2)) {
        fct = faction_get( lua_tostring(L,2) );
    else if (lua_isfaction(L,2)) {
        lf = lua_tofaction(L,2);
        fct = lf->f;

    /* Try to find a fleet of the faction. */
    found = 0;
    for (i=0; i<s->npresence; i++) {
        if (s->presence[i].faction == fct) {
            found = 1;

    lua_pushboolean(L, found);
    return 1;
Пример #7
 * @brief Returns the system's name.
 * @usage name = sys:name()
 *    @luaparam s System to get name of.
 *    @luareturn The name of the system.
 * @luafunc name( s )
static int systemL_name( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys;
   sys = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
   lua_pushstring(L, sys->name);
   return 1;
Пример #8
 * @brief Sets a system's background star number.
 * @usage p:setStars( number ) sets star number
 *    @luaparam p System to set star number for.
 *    @luaparam n star number
 * @luafunc setStars( s, n )
static int systemL_setStars( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   sys->stars=(int)luaL_checknumber(L, 2);

   return 0;
Пример #9
 * @brief Gets all the adjacent systems to a system.
 * @usage for _,s in ipairs( sys:adjacentSystems() ) do -- Iterate over adjacent systems.
 *    @luatparam System s System to get adjacent systems of.
 *    @luatparam[opt=false] boolean hidden Whether or not to show hidden jumps also.
 *    @luatreturn {System,...} An ordered table with all the adjacent systems.
 * @luafunc adjacentSystems( s, hidden )
static int systemL_adjacent( lua_State *L )
   int i, id, h;
   LuaSystem sysp;
   StarSystem *s;

   id = 1;
   s  = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
   h  = lua_toboolean(L,2);

   /* Push all adjacent systems. */
   for (i=0; i<s->njumps; i++) {
      if (jp_isFlag(&s->jumps[i], JP_EXITONLY ))
      if (!h && jp_isFlag(&s->jumps[i], JP_HIDDEN))
      sysp = system_index( s->jumps[i].target );
      lua_pushnumber(L, id);   /* key. */
      lua_pushsystem(L, sysp); /* value. */


   return 1;
Пример #10
 * @brief Sets a system's background script.
 * @usage p:setBackground( zone ) sets zone
 *    @luaparam p System to set background for.
 *    @luaparam b background
 * @luafunc setZone( s, b )
static int systemL_setBackground( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   sys->background=strdup(lua_tostring(L, 2));

   return 0;
Пример #11
 * @brief Sets a system's zone.
 * @usage p:setZone( zone ) sets zone
 *    @luaparam p System to set zone for.
 *    @luaparam b zone
 * @luafunc setZone( s, b )
static int systemL_setZone( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   sys->zone=strdup(lua_tostring(L, 2));

   return 0;
Пример #12
 * @brief Sets a system's lua data.
 * @usage p:setLuaData( luaData ) sets lua data
 *    @luaparam p System to set lua data for.
 *    @luaparam b lua data
 * @luafunc setLuaData( s, b )
static int systemL_setLuaData( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   sys->luaData=strdup(lua_tostring(L, 2));

   return 0;
Пример #13
 * @brief Gets the presence in the system.
 * Possible parameters are besides a faction:<br/>
 *  - "all": Gets the sum of all the presences.<br />
 *  - "friendly": Gets the sum of all the friendly presences.<br />
 *  - "hostile": Gets the sum of all the hostile presences.<br />
 *  - "neutral": Gets the sum of all the neutral presences.<br />
 * @usage p = sys:presence( f ) -- Gets the presence of a faction f
 * @usage p = sys:presence( "all" ) -- Gets the sum of all the presences
 * @usage if sys:presence("friendly") > sys:presence("hostile") then -- Checks to see if the system is dominantly friendly
 *    @luatparam System s System to get presence level of.
 *    @luatreturn number The presence level in sys (absolute value).
 * @luafunc presence( s )
static int systemL_presence( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys;
   int *fct;
   int nfct;
   double presence, v;
   int i, f, used;
   const char *cmd;

   /* Get parameters. */
   sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);

   /* Allow fall-through. */
   used = 0;

   /* Get the second parameter. */
   if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
      /* A string command has been given. */
      cmd  = lua_tostring(L, 2);
      nfct = 0;
      used = 1;

      /* Check the command string and get the appropriate faction group.*/
      if(strcmp(cmd, "all") == 0)
         fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 0);
      else if(strcmp(cmd, "friendly") == 0)
         fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 1);
      else if(strcmp(cmd, "hostile") == 0)
         fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 3);
      else if(strcmp(cmd, "neutral") == 0)
         fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 2);
      else /* Invalid command string. */
         used = 0;

   if (!used) {
      /* A faction id was given. */
      f      = luaL_validfaction(L, 2);
      nfct   = 1;
      fct    = malloc(sizeof(int));
      fct[0] = f;

   /* Add up the presence values. */
   presence = 0;
   for(i=0; i<nfct; i++) {
      /* Only count positive presences. */
      v = system_getPresence( sys, fct[i] );
      if (v > 0)
         presence += v;

   /* Clean up after ourselves. */

   /* Push it back to Lua. */
   lua_pushnumber(L, presence);
   return 1;
Пример #14
 * @brief Returns the system's coordinates.
 * @usage x,y = sys:coords()
 *    @luaparam s System to get coords of.
 *    @luareturn The coords of the system.
 * @luafunc name( s )
static int systemL_coords( lua_State *L )
    StarSystem *sys;
    sys = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
    return 2;
Пример #15
 * @brief Adds a star graphic to the system.
 * @usage system.addStar( "sys", "star") -- Adds a star graphic to the system.
 *    @luaparam name Name of the system in which to create the star.
 *    @luaparam target Name of the star graphic (the PNG file).
 * @luafunc addStar( "sys", "star")
static int systemL_addStar( lua_State *L )
    StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
    const char* name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);

    return 0;
Пример #16
 * @brief Gets the lua data
 * @uasge gfx = sys:getLuaData()
 *    @luaparam sys System to get lua data of.
 *    @luareturn The lua data of the system.
 * @luafunc getLuaData( p )
static int systemL_getLuaData( lua_State *L )
	StarSystem *sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   if (sys->luaData == NULL)
   return 1;
Пример #17
 * @brief Gets the background seed
 * This is the seed for generating the background.
 * 0 if not specified.
 * @usage r = s:backgroundSeed()
 *    @luatparam System s System to get the background seed of.
 *    @luatreturn number The background seed of the system.
 * @luafunc radius( s )
static int systemL_backgroundSeed( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys;

   /* Get parameters. */
   sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);

   lua_pushnumber( L, sys->backgroundSeed );
   return 1;
Пример #18
 * @brief Gets the radius of the system.
 * This is the radius of the circle which all the default jumps will be on.
 * @usage r = s:radius()
 *    @luaparam s System to get the radius of.
 *    @luareturn The radius of the system.
 * @luafunc radius( s )
static int systemL_radius( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *sys;

   /* Get parameters. */
   sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);

   lua_pushnumber( L, sys->radius );
   return 1;
Пример #19
 * @brief Gets the system's nebula parameters.
 * @usage density, volatility = sys:nebula()
 *    @luaparam s System to get nebula parameters from.
 *    @luareturn The density and volatility of the system.
 * @luafunc nebula( s )
static int systemL_nebula( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *s;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

   /* Push the density and volatility. */
   lua_pushnumber(L, s->nebu_density);
   lua_pushnumber(L, s->nebu_volatility);

   return 2;
Пример #20
 * @brief Gets the presence in the system.
 * Possible parameters are besides a faction:<br/>
 *  - "all": Gets the sum of all the presences.<br />
 *  - "friendly": Gets the sum of all the friendly presences.<br />
 *  - "hostile": Gets the sum of all the hostile presences.<br />
 *  - "neutral": Gets the sum of all the neutral presences.<br />
 * @usage p = sys:presence( f ) -- Gets the presence of a faction f
 * @usage p = sys:presence( "all" ) -- Gets the sum of all the presences
 * @usage if sys:presence("friendly") > sys:presence("hostile") then -- Checks to see if the system is dominantly friendly
 *    @luaparam s System to get presence level of.
 *    @luareturn The presence level in sys (absolute value).
 * @luafunc presence( s )
static int systemL_presence( lua_State *L )
    StarSystem *sys;
    LuaFaction *lf;
    int *fct;
    int nfct;
    double presence;
    int i;
    const char *cmd;

    /* Get parameters. */
    sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);

    /* Get the second parameter. */
    if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
        /* A string command has been given. */
        cmd  = lua_tostring(L, 2);
        nfct = 0;

        /* Check the command string and get the appropriate faction group.*/
        if(strcmp(cmd, "all") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 0);
        else if(strcmp(cmd, "friendly") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 1);
        else if(strcmp(cmd, "hostile") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 3);
        else if(strcmp(cmd, "neutral") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 2);
        else /* Invalid command string. */
    else if (lua_isfaction(L, 2)) {
        /* A faction id was given. */
        lf     = lua_tofaction(L, 2);
        nfct   = 1;
        fct    = malloc(sizeof(int) * nfct);
        fct[0] = lf->f;

    /* Add up the presence values. */
    presence = 0;
    for(i=0; i<nfct; i++)
        presence += system_getPresence( sys, fct[i] );

    /* Clean up after ourselves. */

    /* Push it back to Lua. */
    lua_pushnumber(L, presence);
    return 1;
Пример #21
 * @brief Gets the position of a jump point from one system to another.
 * @usage v = system.cur():jumpPos( neighbour_system ) -- Gets the position of the jump point to neighbour_system
 *    @luaparam from System jumping from.
 *    @luaparam to System jumping to.
 *    @luareturn A Vector2D containing the jump position or nil if not connected.
 * @luafunc jumpPos( from, to )
static int systemL_jumpPos( lua_State *L )
    LuaVector lv;
    StarSystem *from, *to;
    int i;

    from  = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
    to    = luaL_validsystem(L,2);

    for (i=0; i<from->njumps; i++) {
        /* Wait until found. */
        if (from->jumps[i].target != to)

        vectcpy( &lv.vec, &from->jumps[i].pos );
        return 1;

    return 1;
Пример #22
 * @brief Gets system faction.
 *    @luatparam System s System to get the faction of.
 *    @luatreturn Faction The dominant faction in the system.
 * @luafunc faction( s )
static int systemL_faction( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *s;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

   if (s->faction == -1)
      return 0;

   return 1;

Пример #23
 * @brief Sets a system's known state.
 * @usage s:setKnown( false ) -- Makes system unknown.
 *    @luaparam s System to set known.
 *    @luaparam b Whether or not to set as known (defaults to false).
 * @luafunc setKnown( s, b )
static int systemL_setknown( lua_State *L )
    int b;
    StarSystem *sys;

    sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
    b   = lua_toboolean(L, 2);

    if (b)
        sys_setFlag( sys, SYSTEM_KNOWN );
        sys_rmFlag( sys, SYSTEM_KNOWN );
    return 0;
Пример #24
 * @brief Gets system faction.
 *    @luaparam s System to get the faction of.
 *    @luareturn The dominant faction in the system.
 * @luafunc faction( s )
static int systemL_faction( lua_State *L )
   LuaFaction lf;
   StarSystem *s;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

   if (s->faction == -1)
      return 0;
      lf.f = s->faction;

   return 1;

Пример #25
 * @brief Returns the system's gfx_SunSpaceName.
 * @usage name = sys:sunSpaceNames()
 *    @luaparam s System to get gfx_SunSpaceName of.
 *    @luareturn The name of the system.
 * @luafunc name( s )
static int systemL_sunSpaceNames( lua_State *L )
    StarSystem *s;
    int i;

    s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
    /* Push all stars. */
    for (i=0; i<s->ngfx_SunSpaceNames; i++) {
        lua_pushnumber(L,i+1); /* key, 1-based as normal in lua */
        lua_pushstring(L,s->gfx_SunSpaceNames[i]); /* value */
    return 1;
Пример #26
 * @brief Returns the factions that have presence in a system and their respective presence values.
 *  @usage if sys:presences()["Empire"] then -- Checks to see if Empire has ships in the system
 *  @usage if sys:presences()[faction.get("Pirate")] then -- Checks to see if the Pirates have ships in the system
 *    @luaparam s System to get the factional presences of.
 *    @luareturn A table with the factions that have presence in the system.
 * @luafunc presences( s )
static int systemL_presences( lua_State *L )
   StarSystem *s;
   int i;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

   /* Return result in table */
   for (i=0; i<s->npresence; i++) {
      lua_pushstring( L, faction_name(s->presence[i].faction) ); /* t, k */
      lua_pushnumber(L,s->presence[i].value); /* t, k, v */
      lua_settable(L,-3);  /* t */
      /* allows syntax foo = system.presences(); if foo["bar"] then ... end */
   return 1;
Пример #27
 * @brief Gets all the adjacent systems to a system.
 * @usage for _,s in ipairs( sys:adjacentSystems() ) do -- Iterate over adjacent systems.
 *    @luaparam s System to get adjacent systems of.
 *    @luareturn An ordered table with all the adjacent systems.
 * @luafunc adjacentSystems( s )
static int systemL_adjacent( lua_State *L )
    int i;
    LuaSystem sysp;
    StarSystem *s;

    s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

    /* Push all adjacent systems. */
    for (i=0; i<s->njumps; i++) {
        sysp.id = system_index( s->jumps[i].target );
        lua_pushnumber(L,i+1); /* key. */
        lua_pushsystem(L,sysp); /* value. */

    return 1;
Пример #28
 * @brief Gets the planets in a system.
 * @usage for key, planet in ipairs( sys:planets() ) do -- Iterate over planets in system
 * @usage if #sys:planets() > 0 then -- System has planets
 *    @luatparam System s System to get planets of
 *    @luatreturn {Planet,...} A table with all the planets
 * @luafunc planets( s )
static int systemL_planets( lua_State *L )
   int i, key;
   StarSystem *s;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

   /* Push all planets. */
   key = 0;
   for (i=0; i<s->nplanets; i++) {
      if(s->planets[i]->real == ASSET_REAL) {
         lua_pushnumber(L,key); /* key */
         lua_pushplanet(L,planet_index( s->planets[i] )); /* value */

   return 1;
Пример #29
 * @brief Sets a system's known state.
 * @usage s:setKnown( false ) -- Makes system unknown.
 *    @luatparam System  s System to set known.
 *    @luatparam[opt=false] boolean b Whether or not to set as known.
 *    @luatparam[opt=false] boolean r Whether or not to iterate over the system's assets and jump points.
 * @luafunc setKnown( s, b, r )
static int systemL_setknown( lua_State *L )
   int b, r, i;
   StarSystem *sys;


   r = 0;
   sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);
   b   = lua_toboolean(L, 2);
   if (lua_gettop(L) > 2)
      r   = lua_toboolean(L, 3);

   if (b)
      sys_setFlag( sys, SYSTEM_KNOWN );
      sys_rmFlag( sys, SYSTEM_KNOWN );

   if (r) {
      if (b) {
         for (i=0; i < sys->nplanets; i++)
            planet_setKnown( sys->planets[i] );
         for (i=0; i < sys->njumps; i++)
            jp_setFlag( &sys->jumps[i], JP_KNOWN );
     else {
         for (i=0; i < sys->nplanets; i++)
            planet_rmFlag( sys->planets[i], PLANET_KNOWN );
         for (i=0; i < sys->njumps; i++)
            jp_rmFlag( &sys->jumps[i], JP_KNOWN );

   /* Update outfits image array. */

   return 0;
Пример #30
 * @brief Teleports the player to a new planet or system (only if not landed).
 * If the destination is a system, the coordinates of the player will not change.
 * If the destination is a planet, the player will be placed over that planet.
 * @usage player.teleport( system.get("Arcanis") ) -- Teleports the player to Arcanis.
 * @usage player.teleport( "Arcanis" ) -- Teleports the player to Arcanis.
 * @usage player.teleport( "Dvaer Prime" ) -- Teleports the player to Dvaer, and relocates him to Dvaer Prime.
 *    @luaparam dest System or name of a system or planet or name of a planet to teleport the player to.
 * @luafunc teleport( dest )
static int playerL_teleport( lua_State *L )
    Planet *pnt;
    StarSystem *sys;
    const char *name, *pntname;

    /* Must not be landed. */
    if (landed)
        NLUA_ERROR(L,"Can not teleport the player while landed!");
    if (comm_isOpen())
        NLUA_ERROR(L,"Can not teleport the player while the comm is open!");
    if (player_isBoarded())
        NLUA_ERROR(L,"Can not teleport the player while he is boarded!");

    pnt = NULL;

    /* Get a system. */
    if (lua_issystem(L,1)) {
        sys   = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
        name  = system_getIndex(sys->id)->name;
    /* Get a planet. */
    else if (lua_isplanet(L,1)) {
        pnt   = luaL_validplanet(L,1);
        name  = planet_getSystem( pnt->name );
        if (name == NULL) {
            NLUA_ERROR( L, "Planet '%s' does not belong to a system..", pnt->name );
            return 0;
    /* Get destination from string. */
    else if (lua_isstring(L,1)) {
        name = lua_tostring(L,1);
        if (!system_exists( name )) {
            if (!planet_exists( name )) {
                NLUA_ERROR( L, "'%s' is not a valid teleportation target.", name );
                return 0;

            /* No system found, assume destination string is the name of a planet. */
            pntname = name;
            name = planet_getSystem( name );
            pnt  = planet_get( pntname );
            if (name == NULL) {
                NLUA_ERROR( L, "Planet '%s' does not belong to a system..", pntname );
                return 0;

    /* Check if system exists. */
    if (!system_exists( name )) {
        NLUA_ERROR( L, "System '%s' does not exist.", name );
        return 0;

    /* Jump out hook is run first. */
    hooks_run( "jumpout" );

    /* Just in case remove hyperspace flags. */
    pilot_rmFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYPERSPACE );
    pilot_rmFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYP_BEGIN );
    pilot_rmFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYP_BRAKE );
    pilot_rmFlag( player.p, PILOT_HYP_PREP );

    /* Free graphics. */
    space_gfxUnload( cur_system );

    /* Go to the new system. */
    space_init( name );

    /* Map gets deformed when jumping this way. */

    /* Add the escorts. */

    /* Run hooks - order is important. */
    hooks_run( "jumpin" );
    hooks_run( "enter" );
    events_trigger( EVENT_TRIGGER_ENTER );
    missions_run( MIS_AVAIL_SPACE, -1, NULL, NULL );

    /* Reset targets when teleporting */
    player_targetPlanetSet( -1 );
    player_targetHyperspaceSet( -1 );

    /* Move to planet. */
    if (pnt != NULL)
        vectcpy( &player.p->solid->pos, &pnt->pos );

    return 0;