int LuaArchive::GetArchiveInfo(lua_State* L) { const std::string archiveName = luaL_checksstring(L, 1); CArchiveScanner::ArchiveData archiveData = archiveScanner->GetArchiveData(archiveName); if (archiveData.IsEmpty()) { return 0; } lua_createtable(L, 0, archiveData.GetInfo().size()); for (const auto& pair: archiveData.GetInfo()) { const std::string& itemName = pair.first; const InfoItem& itemData = pair.second; lua_pushsstring(L, itemName); switch (itemData.valueType) { case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_STRING: { lua_pushsstring(L, itemData.valueTypeString); } break; case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER: { lua_pushinteger(L, itemData.value.typeInteger); } break; case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: { lua_pushnumber(L, itemData.value.typeFloat); } break; case INFO_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL: { lua_pushboolean(L, itemData.value.typeBool); } break; default: assert(false); } lua_rawset(L, -3); } return 1; }
int LuaFonts::meta_index(lua_State* L) { //! first check if there is a function luaL_getmetatable(L, "Font"); lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_rawget(L, -2); if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) { return 1; } lua_pop(L, 1); //! couldn't find a function, so check properties CglFont* font = tofont(L, 1); if (lua_israwstring(L, 2)) { const string key = lua_tostring(L, 2); if (key == "size") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetSize()); return 1; //} else if (key == "outlinecolor") { //} else if (key == "textcolor") { } else if (key == "path") { const std::string& filepath = font->GetFilePath(); lua_pushsstring(L, filepath); return 1; } else if (key == "height" || key == "lineheight") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetLineHeight()); return 1; } else if (key == "descender") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetDescender()); return 1; } else if (key == "outlinewidth") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetOutlineWidth()); return 1; } else if (key == "outlineweight") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetOutlineWeight()); return 1; } else if (key == "family") { const std::string& family = font->GetFamily(); lua_pushsstring(L, family); return 1; } else if (key == "style") { const std::string& style = font->GetStyle(); lua_pushsstring(L, style); return 1; } else if (key == "texturewidth") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetTexWidth()); return 1; } else if (key == "textureheight") { lua_pushnumber(L, font->GetTexHeight()); return 1; } } return 0; }
int LuaArchive::GetArchiveChecksum(lua_State* L) { const std::string archiveName = luaL_checksstring(L, 1); const unsigned int checksumSingl = archiveScanner->GetSingleArchiveChecksum(archiveName); const unsigned int checksumAccum = archiveScanner->GetArchiveCompleteChecksum(archiveName); lua_pushsstring(L, IntToString(checksumSingl, "%X")); lua_pushsstring(L, IntToString(checksumAccum, "%X")); return 2; }
void LuaLobby::JoinFailed(const std::string& channame, const std::string& reason) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 4); lua_pushsstring(L, channame); lua_pushsstring(L, reason); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 2, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ServerMessageBox(const std::string& text, const std::string& url) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 4); lua_pushsstring(L, text); lua_pushsstring(L, url); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 2, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ChannelMessage(const std::string& channel, const std::string& text) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 4); lua_pushsstring(L, channel); lua_pushsstring(L, text); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 2, 0); }
void LuaLobby::SaidPrivate(const std::string& user, const std::string& text) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 4); lua_pushsstring(L, user); lua_pushsstring(L, text); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 2, 0); }
void LuaLobby::AddUser(const std::string& name, const std::string& country, int cpu) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 5); lua_pushsstring(L, name); lua_pushsstring(L, country); lua_pushnumber(L, cpu); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 3, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ChannelMember(const std::string& channame, const std::string& name, bool joined) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 5); lua_pushsstring(L, channame); lua_pushsstring(L, name); lua_pushboolean(L, joined); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 3, 0); }
void LuaLobby::SaidEx(const std::string& channel, const std::string& user, const std::string& text) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 5); lua_pushsstring(L, channel); lua_pushsstring(L, user); lua_pushsstring(L, text); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 3, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ChannelMemberKicked(const std::string& channame, const std::string& user, const std::string& reason) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 5); lua_pushsstring(L, channame); lua_pushsstring(L, user); lua_pushsstring(L, reason); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 3, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ServerGreeting(const std::string& serverVer, const std::string& springVer, int udpport, int mode) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 6); lua_pushsstring(L, serverVer); lua_pushsstring(L, springVer); lua_pushnumber(L, udpport); lua_pushnumber(L, mode); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 4, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ChannelTopic(const std::string& channame, const std::string& author, long unsigned time, const std::string& topic) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 6); lua_pushsstring(L, channame); lua_pushsstring(L, author); lua_pushnumber(L, time/1000); lua_pushsstring(L, topic); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 4, 0); }
static int CustomParamsTable(lua_State* L, const void* data) { const map<string, string>& params = *((const map<string, string>*)data); lua_newtable(L); map<string, string>::const_iterator it; for (it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it) { lua_pushsstring(L, it->first); lua_pushsstring(L, it->second); lua_rawset(L, -3); } return 1; }
static bool LowerKeysReal(lua_State* L, int depth) { lua_checkstack(L, lowerKeysTable + 8 + (depth * 3)); const int table = lua_gettop(L); if (LowerKeysCheck(L, table)) { return true; } // a new table for changed values const int changed = table + 1; lua_newtable(L); for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, table) != 0; lua_pop(L, 1)) { if (lua_istable(L, -1)) { LowerKeysReal(L, depth + 1); } if (lua_israwstring(L, -2)) { const string rawKey = lua_tostring(L, -2); const string lowerKey = StringToLower(rawKey); if (rawKey != lowerKey) { // removed the mixed case entry lua_pushvalue(L, -2); // the key lua_pushnil(L); lua_rawset(L, table); // does the lower case key alread exist in the table? lua_pushsstring(L, lowerKey); lua_rawget(L, table); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { // lower case does not exist, add it to the changed table lua_pushsstring(L, lowerKey); lua_pushvalue(L, -3); // the value lua_rawset(L, changed); } lua_pop(L, 1); } } } // copy the changed values into the table for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, changed) != 0; lua_pop(L, 1)) { lua_pushvalue(L, -2); // copy the key to the top lua_pushvalue(L, -2); // copy the value to the top lua_rawset(L, table); } lua_pop(L, 1); // pop the changed table return true; }
int LuaUtils::Next(const ParamMap& paramMap, lua_State* L) { luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE); lua_settop(L, 2); // create a 2nd argument if there isn't one // internal parameters first if (lua_isnil(L, 2)) { const string& nextKey = paramMap.begin()->first; lua_pushsstring(L, nextKey); // push the key lua_pushvalue(L, 3); // copy the key lua_gettable(L, 1); // get the value return 2; } // all internal parameters use strings as keys if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) { const char* key = lua_tostring(L, 2); ParamMap::const_iterator it = paramMap.find(key); if ((it != paramMap.end()) && (it->second.type != READONLY_TYPE)) { // last key was an internal parameter ++it; while ((it != paramMap.end()) && (it->second.type == READONLY_TYPE)) { ++it; // skip read-only parameters } if ((it != paramMap.end()) && (it->second.type != READONLY_TYPE)) { // next key is an internal parameter const string& nextKey = it->first; lua_pushsstring(L, nextKey); // push the key lua_pushvalue(L, 3); // copy the key lua_gettable(L, 1); // get the value (proxied) return 2; } // start the user parameters, // remove the internal key and push a nil lua_settop(L, 1); lua_pushnil(L); } } // user parameter if (lua_next(L, 1)) { return 2; } // end of the line lua_pushnil(L); return 1; }
bool CLuaRules::AllowResourceTransfer(int oldTeam, int newTeam, const string& type, float amount) { if (!haveAllowResourceTransfer) return true; // the call is not defined LUA_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, true); lua_checkstack(L, 6); static const LuaHashString cmdStr("AllowResourceTransfer"); if (!cmdStr.GetGlobalFunc(L)) return true; // the call is not defined lua_pushnumber(L, oldTeam); lua_pushnumber(L, newTeam); lua_pushsstring(L, type); lua_pushnumber(L, amount); // call the function if (!RunCallIn(cmdStr, 4, 1)) return true; // get the results if (!lua_isboolean(L, -1)) { LOG_L(L_WARNING, "%s() bad return value", cmdStr.GetString().c_str()); lua_pop(L, 1); return true; } const bool retval = !!lua_toboolean(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return retval; }
bool CLuaRules::AllowResourceLevel(int teamID, const string& type, float level) { if (!haveAllowResourceLevel) return true; // the call is not defined LUA_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, true); lua_checkstack(L, 5); static const LuaHashString cmdStr("AllowResourceLevel"); if (!cmdStr.GetGlobalFunc(L)) return true; // the call is not defined lua_pushnumber(L, teamID); lua_pushsstring(L, type); lua_pushnumber(L, level); // call the function if (!RunCallIn(cmdStr, 3, 1)) return true; // get the results if (!lua_isboolean(L, -1)) { LOG_L(L_WARNING, "%s() bad return value", cmdStr.GetString().c_str()); lua_pop(L, 1); return true; } const bool retval = !!lua_toboolean(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return retval; }
void LuaLobby::Mutelist(const std::string& channel, std::list<std::string> list) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 4); lua_pushsstring(L, channel); lua_newtable(L); int i = 1; for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { lua_pushsstring(L, *it); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i++); } // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 2, 0); }
void LuaUtils::PushCommandDesc(lua_State* L, const CommandDescription& cd) { const int numParams = cd.params.size(); const int numTblKeys = 12; lua_checkstack(L, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1); lua_createtable(L, 0, numTblKeys); HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "id",; HSTR_PUSH_NUMBER(L, "type", cd.type); HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "name",; HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "action", cd.action); HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "tooltip", cd.tooltip); HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "texture", cd.iconname); HSTR_PUSH_STRING(L, "cursor", cd.mouseicon); HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "hidden", cd.hidden); HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "disabled", cd.disabled); HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "showUnique", cd.showUnique); HSTR_PUSH_BOOL(L, "onlyTexture", cd.onlyTexture); HSTR_PUSH(L, "params"); lua_createtable(L, 0, numParams); for (int p = 0; p < numParams; p++) { lua_pushsstring(L, cd.params[p]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, p + 1); } // CmdDesc["params"] = {[1] = "string1", [2] = "string2", ...} lua_settable(L, -3); }
bool CLuaHandleSynced::Initialize(const string& syncData) { LUA_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, true); lua_checkstack(L, 3); static const LuaHashString cmdStr("Initialize"); if (!cmdStr.GetGlobalFunc(L)) { return true; } int errfunc = SetupTraceback(L) ? -2 : 0; LOG("Initialize errfunc=%d", errfunc); lua_pushsstring(L, syncData); // call the routine if (!RunCallInTraceback(cmdStr, 1, 1, errfunc)) { return false; } // get the results if (!lua_isboolean(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); return true; } const bool retval = !!lua_toboolean(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return retval; }
void LuaLobby::LoginDenied(const std::string& reason) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 3); lua_pushsstring(L, reason); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 1, 0); }
void LuaUtils::PushStringVector(lua_State* L, const vector<string>& vec) { lua_createtable(L, vec.size(), 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { lua_pushnumber(L, (int) (i + 1)); lua_pushsstring(L, vec[i]); lua_rawset(L, -3); } }
static int WeaponDefToName(lua_State* L, const void* data) { const WeaponDef* wd = *((const WeaponDef**)data); if (wd == NULL) { return 0; } lua_pushsstring(L, wd->name); return 1; }
void LuaLobby::Motd(const std::string& text) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 3); lua_pushsstring(L, text); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 1, 0); }
void LuaLobby::Joined(const std::string& channame) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 3); lua_pushsstring(L, channame); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 1, 0); }
void LuaLobby::NetworkError(const std::string& msg) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 3); lua_pushsstring(L, msg); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 1, 0); }
void LuaLobby::ChannelInfo(const std::string& channel, unsigned users) { LUA_LOBBY_CALL_IN_CHECK(L, 4); lua_pushsstring(L, channel); lua_pushnumber(L, users); // call the routine luaUI->RunCallInUnsynced(cmdStr, 2, 0); }
static int SafeIconType(lua_State* L, const void* data) { // the iconType is unsynced because LuaUI has SetUnitDefIcon() if (!CLuaHandle::GetHandleSynced(L)) { const icon::CIcon& iconType = *((const icon::CIcon*)data); lua_pushsstring(L, iconType->GetName()); return 1; } return 0; }
static void LuaPushNamedColor(lua_State* L, const string& name, const float3& color) { lua_pushsstring(L, name); lua_newtable(L); lua_pushnumber(L, color.x); lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1); lua_pushnumber(L, color.y); lua_rawseti(L, -2, 2); lua_pushnumber(L, color.z); lua_rawseti(L, -2, 3); lua_rawset(L, -3); }