// Goto the managed frame immediately prior to m2nfl
static void si_unwind_from_m2n(StackIterator * si) {
#ifdef VM_STATS

    M2nFrame * current_m2n_frame = si->m2n_frame;

    si->m2n_frame = m2n_get_previous_frame(current_m2n_frame);

    TRACE2("si", "si_unwind_from_m2n, ip = " 
        << (void*)current_m2n_frame->rip);

    // Is it a normal M2nFrame or one for suspended managed code?
    if (m2n_is_suspended_frame(current_m2n_frame)) {
        // Suspended managed code, rip is at instruction,
        // rsp & registers are in regs structure
        TRACE2("si", "si_unwind_from_m2n from suspended managed code, ip = " 
            << (void*)current_m2n_frame->regs->rip);
        init_context_from_registers(si->jit_frame_context, *current_m2n_frame->regs, false);
    } else {
        // Normal M2nFrame, rip is past instruction,
        // rsp is implicitly address just beyond the frame,
        // callee saves registers in M2nFrame
        si->jit_frame_context.rsp = (uint64)((uint64*) m2n_get_frame_base(current_m2n_frame) + 1);
        si->jit_frame_context.p_rbp = &current_m2n_frame->rbp;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_rip = &current_m2n_frame->rip;

#ifdef _WIN64
        si->jit_frame_context.p_rdi = &current_m2n_frame->rdi;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_rsi = &current_m2n_frame->rsi;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_rbx = &current_m2n_frame->rbx;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_r12 = &current_m2n_frame->r12;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_r13 = &current_m2n_frame->r13;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_r14 = &current_m2n_frame->r14;
        si->jit_frame_context.p_r15 = &current_m2n_frame->r15;
        si->jit_frame_context.is_ip_past = true;
Пример #2
Vector_Handle rth_multianewarrayhelper()
    M2nFrame* m2nf = m2n_get_last_frame();
    const unsigned max_dim = 255;
    int lens[max_dim];

#ifdef VM_STATS
    // +1(skip rip)
    uint64 * args = (uint64 *)m2n_get_frame_base(m2nf) + 1;
    Class * c = (Class *)args[0];
    unsigned dims = (unsigned)(args[1] & 0xFFFFffff);
    assert(dims <= max_dim);
    // compute the base address of an array
    uint64* lens_base = (uint64*)(args+2);
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
        lens[i] = (int)lens_base[dims-i-1];
    return vm_rt_multianewarray_recursive(c, lens, dims);