Пример #1
scope_t *scope_new(scope_kind_t kind, mp_parse_node_t pn, qstr source_file, uint unique_code_id, uint emit_options) {
    scope_t *scope = m_new(scope_t, 1);
    scope->kind = kind;
    scope->parent = NULL;
    scope->next = NULL;
    scope->pn = pn;
    scope->source_file = source_file;
    switch (kind) {
        case SCOPE_MODULE:
            scope->simple_name = MP_QSTR__lt_module_gt_;
        case SCOPE_FUNCTION:
        case SCOPE_CLASS:
            scope->simple_name = MP_PARSE_NODE_LEAF_ARG(((mp_parse_node_struct_t*)pn)->nodes[0]);
        case SCOPE_LAMBDA:
            scope->simple_name = MP_QSTR__lt_lambda_gt_;
        case SCOPE_LIST_COMP:
            scope->simple_name = MP_QSTR__lt_listcomp_gt_;
        case SCOPE_DICT_COMP:
            scope->simple_name = MP_QSTR__lt_dictcomp_gt_;
        case SCOPE_SET_COMP:
            scope->simple_name = MP_QSTR__lt_setcomp_gt_;
        case SCOPE_GEN_EXPR:
            scope->simple_name = MP_QSTR__lt_genexpr_gt_;
    scope->id_info_alloc = 8;
    scope->id_info_len = 0;
    scope->id_info = m_new(id_info_t, scope->id_info_alloc);

    scope->flags = 0;
    scope->num_params = 0;
    /* not needed
    scope->num_default_params = 0;
    scope->num_dict_params = 0;
    scope->num_locals = 0;
    scope->unique_code_id = unique_code_id;
    scope->emit_options = emit_options;

    return scope;
Пример #2
STATIC mp_obj_t esp_flash_read(mp_obj_t offset_in, mp_obj_t len_or_buf_in) {
    mp_int_t offset = mp_obj_get_int(offset_in);

    mp_int_t len;
    byte *buf;
    bool alloc_buf = MP_OBJ_IS_INT(len_or_buf_in);

    if (alloc_buf) {
        len = mp_obj_get_int(len_or_buf_in);
        buf = m_new(byte, len);
    } else {
        mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
        mp_get_buffer_raise(len_or_buf_in, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_WRITE);
        len = bufinfo.len;
        buf = bufinfo.buf;

    // We know that allocation will be 4-byte aligned for sure
    SpiFlashOpResult res = spi_flash_read(offset, (uint32_t*)buf, len);
    if (res == SPI_FLASH_RESULT_OK) {
        if (alloc_buf) {
            return mp_obj_new_bytes(buf, len);
        return mp_const_none;
    if (alloc_buf) {
        m_del(byte, buf, len);
Пример #3
static mp_obj_t translate(mp_obj_t words) {
    mp_uint_t len, outlen;
    const char *txt = mp_obj_str_get_data(words, &len);
    // Reciter truncates *output* at about 120 characters.
    // So to avoid that we must disallow any input that will exceed that.
    if (len > 80) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "text too long."));
    reciter_memory *mem = m_new(reciter_memory, 1);
    MP_STATE_PORT(speech_data) = mem;
    for (mp_uint_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        mem->input[i] = txt[i];
    mem->input[len] = '[';
    if (!TextToPhonemes(mem)) {
        MP_STATE_PORT(speech_data) = NULL;
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "could not parse input."));
    for (outlen = 0; outlen < 255; outlen++) {
        if (mem->input[outlen] == 155) {
    mp_obj_t res = mp_obj_new_str_of_type(&mp_type_str, (byte *)mem->input, outlen);
    // Prevent input becoming invisible to GC due to tail-call optimisation.
    MP_STATE_PORT(speech_data) = NULL;
    return res;
}MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(translate_obj, translate);
Пример #4
STATIC mp_obj_t mod_zlibd_decompress(uint n_args, mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_t data = args[0];
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_get_buffer_raise(data, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);
    tinfl_decompressor *decomp = m_new_obj(tinfl_decompressor);
    DEBUG_printf("sizeof(tinfl_decompressor)=" UINT_FMT "\n", sizeof(tinfl_decompressor));

    byte *out = m_new(byte, bufinfo.len);
    size_t out_len = bufinfo.len;
    size_t in_buf_ofs = 0, dst_buf_ofs = 0;
    size_t dst_buf_sz = bufinfo.len;

    while (1) {
        size_t in_buf_sz = bufinfo.len - in_buf_ofs;
        DEBUG_printf("tinfl in: in_ofs=%d in_sz=%d dst_ofs=%d, dst_sz=%d\n", in_buf_ofs, in_buf_sz, dst_buf_ofs, dst_buf_sz);
        tinfl_status st = tinfl_decompress(decomp,
            (mz_uint8*) bufinfo.buf + in_buf_ofs, &in_buf_sz,
            out, out + dst_buf_ofs, &dst_buf_sz,
        DEBUG_printf("tinfl out: st=%d, in_sz=%d, out_sz=%d\n", st, in_buf_sz, dst_buf_sz);
        in_buf_ofs += in_buf_sz;
        dst_buf_ofs += dst_buf_sz;
        if (st != TINFL_STATUS_HAS_MORE_OUTPUT) {
        out = m_renew(byte, out, out_len, dst_buf_ofs + 256);
        out_len = dst_buf_ofs + 256;
        dst_buf_sz = out_len - dst_buf_ofs;

    m_del_obj(tinfl_decompressor, decomp);
    return mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(dst_buf_ofs, out);
Пример #5
STATIC mp_obj_t socket_recvfrom(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_socket_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(args[0]);
    int sz = MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(args[1]);
    int flags = 0;

    if (n_args > 2) {
        flags = MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(args[2]);

    struct sockaddr_storage addr;
    socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);

    byte *buf = m_new(byte, sz);
    int out_sz = recvfrom(self->fd, buf, sz, flags, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addr_len);
    RAISE_ERRNO(out_sz, errno);

    mp_obj_t buf_o = mp_obj_new_str_of_type(&mp_type_bytes, buf, out_sz);
    m_del(char, buf, sz);

    mp_obj_tuple_t *t = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(mp_obj_new_tuple(2, NULL));
    t->items[0] = buf_o;
    t->items[1] = mp_obj_from_sockaddr((struct sockaddr*)&addr, addr_len);

    return MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(t);
Пример #6
// TODO: Make sure to handle "empty" values, which are signified by None in CPython
mp_obj_t mp_obj_new_slice(mp_obj_t ostart, mp_obj_t ostop, mp_obj_t ostep) {
    assert(ostep == NULL);
    machine_int_t start = 0, stop = 0;
    if (ostart != mp_const_none) {
        start = mp_obj_get_int(ostart);
    if (ostop != mp_const_none) {
        stop = mp_obj_get_int(ostop);
        if (stop == 0) {
            // [x:0] is a special case - in our slice object, stop = 0 means
            // "end of sequence". Fortunately, [x:0] is an empty seqence for
            // any x (including negative). [x:x] is also always empty sequence.
            // but x also can be 0. But note that b""[x:x] is b"" for any x (i.e.
            // no IndexError, at least in Python 3.3.3). So, we just use -1's to
            // signify that. -1 is catchy "special" number in case someone will
            // try to print [x:0] slice ever.
            start = stop = -1;
    mp_obj_slice_t *o = m_new(mp_obj_slice_t, 1);
    o->base.type = &slice_type;
    o->start = start;
    o->stop = stop;
    return (mp_obj_t)o;
Пример #7
mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new(qstr src_name, mp_reader_t reader) {
    mp_lexer_t *lex = m_new_obj(mp_lexer_t);

    lex->source_name = src_name;
    lex->reader = reader;
    lex->line = 1;
    lex->column = (size_t)-2; // account for 3 dummy bytes
    lex->emit_dent = 0;
    lex->nested_bracket_level = 0;
    lex->alloc_indent_level = MICROPY_ALLOC_LEXER_INDENT_INIT;
    lex->num_indent_level = 1;
    lex->indent_level = m_new(uint16_t, lex->alloc_indent_level);
    vstr_init(&lex->vstr, 32);

    // store sentinel for first indentation level
    lex->indent_level[0] = 0;

    // load lexer with start of file, advancing lex->column to 1
    // start with dummy bytes and use next_char() for proper EOL/EOF handling
    lex->chr0 = lex->chr1 = lex->chr2 = 0;

    // preload first token

    // Check that the first token is in the first column.  If it's not then we
    // convert the token kind to INDENT so that the parser gives a syntax error.
    if (lex->tok_column != 1) {
        lex->tok_kind = MP_TOKEN_INDENT;

    return lex;
Пример #8
void mp_obj_list_init(mp_obj_list_t *o, uint n) {
    o->base.type = &mp_type_list;
    o->alloc = n < LIST_MIN_ALLOC ? LIST_MIN_ALLOC : n;
    o->len = n;
    o->items = m_new(mp_obj_t, o->alloc);
    mp_seq_clear(o->items, n, o->alloc, sizeof(*o->items));
Пример #9
STATIC mp_obj_t mod_uzlib_decompress(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_t data = args[0];
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_get_buffer_raise(data, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);

    TINF_DATA *decomp = m_new_obj(TINF_DATA);
    DEBUG_printf("sizeof(TINF_DATA)=" UINT_FMT "\n", sizeof(*decomp));

    decomp->destSize = (bufinfo.len + 15) & ~15;
    decomp->destStart = m_new(byte, decomp->destSize);
    DEBUG_printf("uzlib: Initial out buffer: " UINT_FMT " bytes\n", decomp->destSize);
    decomp->destGrow = mod_uzlib_grow_buf;
    decomp->source = bufinfo.buf;

    int st;
    if (n_args > 1 && MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(args[1]) < 0) {
        st = tinf_uncompress_dyn(decomp);
    } else {
        st = tinf_zlib_uncompress_dyn(decomp, bufinfo.len);
    if (st != 0) {
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_arg1(&mp_type_ValueError, MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(st)));

    mp_uint_t final_sz = decomp->dest - decomp->destStart;
    DEBUG_printf("uzlib: Resizing from " UINT_FMT " to final size: " UINT_FMT " bytes\n", decomp->destSize, final_sz);
    decomp->destStart = (byte*)m_renew(byte, decomp->destStart, decomp->destSize, final_sz);
    mp_obj_t res = mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(final_sz, decomp->destStart);
    m_del_obj(TINF_DATA, decomp);
    return res;
Пример #10
STATIC void esp_socket_recv_callback(void *arg, char *pdata, unsigned short len) {
    struct espconn *conn = arg;
    esp_socket_obj_t *s = conn->reverse;

    if (s->cb_recv != mp_const_none) {
        call_function_2_protected(s->cb_recv, s, mp_obj_new_bytes((byte *)pdata, len));
    } else {
        if (s->recvbuf == NULL) {
            s->recvbuf = m_new(uint8_t, len);
            s->recvbuf_len = len;
            if (s->recvbuf != NULL) {
                memcpy(s->recvbuf, pdata, len);
        } else {
            s->recvbuf = m_renew(uint8_t, s->recvbuf, s->recvbuf_len, s->recvbuf_len + len);
            if (s->recvbuf != NULL) {
                memcpy(&s->recvbuf[s->recvbuf_len], pdata, len);
                s->recvbuf_len += len;
        if (s->recvbuf == NULL) {
Пример #11
STATIC mp_obj_t decompio_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, size_t n_kw, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_arg_check_num(n_args, n_kw, 1, 2, false);
    mp_obj_decompio_t *o = m_new_obj(mp_obj_decompio_t);
    o->base.type = type;
    memset(&o->decomp, 0, sizeof(o->decomp));
    o->decomp.readSource = read_src_stream;
    o->src_stream = args[0];
    o->eof = false;

    mp_int_t dict_opt = 0;
    int dict_sz;
    if (n_args > 1) {
        dict_opt = mp_obj_get_int(args[1]);

    if (dict_opt >= 16) {
        int st = uzlib_gzip_parse_header(&o->decomp);
        if (st != TINF_OK) {
            goto header_error;
        dict_sz = 1 << (dict_opt - 16);
    } else if (dict_opt >= 0) {
        dict_opt = uzlib_zlib_parse_header(&o->decomp);
        if (dict_opt < 0) {
            nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "compression header"));
        dict_sz = 1 << dict_opt;
    } else {
        dict_sz = 1 << -dict_opt;

    uzlib_uncompress_init(&o->decomp, m_new(byte, dict_sz), dict_sz);
    return MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(o);
Пример #12
emit_inline_asm_t *emit_inline_thumb_new(mp_uint_t max_num_labels) {
    emit_inline_asm_t *emit = m_new_obj(emit_inline_asm_t);
    emit->max_num_labels = max_num_labels;
    emit->label_lookup = m_new(qstr, max_num_labels);
    emit->as = asm_thumb_new(max_num_labels);
    return emit;
Пример #13
static mp_obj_list_t *list_new(uint n) {
    mp_obj_list_t *o = m_new_obj(mp_obj_list_t);
    o->base.type = &list_type;
    o->alloc = n < 4 ? 4 : n;
    o->len = n;
    o->items = m_new(mp_obj_t, o->alloc);
    return o;
Пример #14
emit_inline_asm_t *emit_inline_thumb_new(uint max_num_labels) {
    emit_inline_asm_t *emit = m_new_obj(emit_inline_asm_t);
    emit->max_num_labels = max_num_labels;
    emit->label_lookup = m_new(qstr, max_num_labels);
    memset(emit->label_lookup, 0, emit->max_num_labels * sizeof(qstr));
    emit->as = asm_thumb_new(max_num_labels);
    return emit;
Пример #15
mp_obj_t file_obj_read(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t arg) {
    pyb_file_obj_t *self = self_in;
    int n = mp_obj_get_int(arg);
    byte *buf = m_new(byte, n);
    UINT n_out;
    f_read(&self->fp, buf, n, &n_out);
    return mp_obj_new_str(buf, n_out, false);
Пример #16
emit_inline_asm_t *emit_inline_thumb_new(mp_uint_t max_num_labels) {
    emit_inline_asm_t *emit = m_new_obj(emit_inline_asm_t);
    memset(&emit->as, 0, sizeof(emit->as));
    mp_asm_base_init(&emit->as.base, max_num_labels);
    emit->max_num_labels = max_num_labels;
    emit->label_lookup = m_new(qstr, max_num_labels);
    return emit;
Пример #17
static mp_obj_t sd_read(mp_obj_t self, mp_obj_t block_num) {
    uint8_t *dest = m_new(uint8_t, SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE);
    if (!sdcard_read_blocks(dest, mp_obj_get_int(block_num), 1)) {
        m_free(dest, SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE);
        return mp_const_none;
    return mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE, dest);
Пример #18
static void alloc_unique_codes(void) {
    if (unique_codes == NULL) {
        unique_codes = m_new(mp_code_t, next_unique_code_id + 10); // XXX hack until we fix the REPL allocation problem
        for (int i = 0; i < next_unique_code_id; i++) {
            unique_codes[i].kind = MP_CODE_NONE;
Пример #19
STATIC mp_obj_list_t *list_new(uint n) {
    mp_obj_list_t *o = m_new_obj(mp_obj_list_t);
    o->base.type = &mp_type_list;
    o->alloc = n < LIST_MIN_ALLOC ? LIST_MIN_ALLOC : n;
    o->len = n;
    o->items = m_new(mp_obj_t, o->alloc);
    return o;
Пример #20
mp_obj_t py_file_read(py_file_obj_t *file, mp_obj_t n_obj)
    UINT n_out;
    UINT n =  mp_obj_get_int(n_obj);

    byte *buf = m_new(byte, n);
    f_read(py_file_cobj(&file->fp), buf, n, &n_out);
    return mp_obj_new_str(buf, n_out, false);
Пример #21
asm_x86_t *asm_x86_new(mp_uint_t max_num_labels) {
    asm_x86_t *as;

    as = m_new0(asm_x86_t, 1);
    as->max_num_labels = max_num_labels;
    as->label_offsets = m_new(mp_uint_t, max_num_labels);

    return as;
Пример #22
STATIC mp_obj_t mod_uzlib_decompress(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_t data = args[0];
    mp_buffer_info_t bufinfo;
    mp_get_buffer_raise(data, &bufinfo, MP_BUFFER_READ);

    TINF_DATA *decomp = m_new_obj(TINF_DATA);
    memset(decomp, 0, sizeof(*decomp));
    DEBUG_printf("sizeof(TINF_DATA)=" UINT_FMT "\n", sizeof(*decomp));
    uzlib_uncompress_init(decomp, NULL, 0);
    mp_uint_t dest_buf_size = (bufinfo.len + 15) & ~15;
    byte *dest_buf = m_new(byte, dest_buf_size);

    decomp->dest = dest_buf;
    decomp->destSize = dest_buf_size;
    DEBUG_printf("uzlib: Initial out buffer: " UINT_FMT " bytes\n", decomp->destSize);
    decomp->source = bufinfo.buf;

    int st;
    bool is_zlib = true;

    if (n_args > 1 && MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(args[1]) < 0) {
        is_zlib = false;

    if (is_zlib) {
        st = uzlib_zlib_parse_header(decomp);
        if (st < 0) {
            goto error;

    while (1) {
        st = uzlib_uncompress_chksum(decomp);
        if (st < 0) {
            goto error;
        if (st == TINF_DONE) {
        size_t offset = decomp->dest - dest_buf;
        dest_buf = m_renew(byte, dest_buf, dest_buf_size, dest_buf_size + 256);
        dest_buf_size += 256;
        decomp->dest = dest_buf + offset;
        decomp->destSize = 256;

    mp_uint_t final_sz = decomp->dest - dest_buf;
    DEBUG_printf("uzlib: Resizing from " UINT_FMT " to final size: " UINT_FMT " bytes\n", dest_buf_size, final_sz);
    dest_buf = (byte*)m_renew(byte, dest_buf, dest_buf_size, final_sz);
    mp_obj_t res = mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(final_sz, dest_buf);
    m_del_obj(TINF_DATA, decomp);
    return res;

        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_arg1(&mp_type_ValueError, MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(st)));
Пример #23
STATIC mp_obj_t sd_read(mp_obj_t self, mp_obj_t block_num) {
    uint8_t *dest = m_new(uint8_t, SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE);
    mp_uint_t ret = sdcard_read_blocks(dest, mp_obj_get_int(block_num), 1);

    if (ret != 0) {
        m_del(uint8_t, dest, SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE);
        nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_Exception, "sdcard_read_blocks failed [%u]", ret));

    return mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(SDCARD_BLOCK_SIZE, dest);
Пример #24
// args are in reverse order in the array
mp_obj_t fun_native_call_n(mp_obj_t self_in, int n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_fun_native_t *self = self_in;
    if (self->is_kw) {
        return fun_native_call_n_kw(self_in, n_args, 0, args);
    if (self->n_args_min == self->n_args_max) {
        // function requires a fixed number of arguments

        // check number of arguments
        if (n_args != self->n_args_min) {
            nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_2_args(MP_QSTR_TypeError, "function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given", (const char*)(machine_int_t)self->n_args_min, (const char*)(machine_int_t)n_args));

        // dispatch function call
        switch (self->n_args_min) {
            case 0:
                return ((mp_fun_0_t)self->fun)();

            case 1:
                return ((mp_fun_1_t)self->fun)(args[0]);

            case 2:
                return ((mp_fun_2_t)self->fun)(args[1], args[0]);

            case 3:
                return ((mp_fun_3_t)self->fun)(args[2], args[1], args[0]);

                return mp_const_none;

    } else {
        // function takes a variable number of arguments

        if (n_args < self->n_args_min) {
            nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_1_arg(MP_QSTR_TypeError, "<fun name>() missing %d required positional arguments: <list of names of params>", (const char*)(machine_int_t)(self->n_args_min - n_args)));
        } else if (n_args > self->n_args_max) {
            nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_2_args(MP_QSTR_TypeError, "<fun name> expected at most %d arguments, got %d", (void*)(machine_int_t)self->n_args_max, (void*)(machine_int_t)n_args));

        // TODO really the args need to be passed in as a Python tuple, as the form f(*[1,2]) can be used to pass var args
        mp_obj_t *args_ordered = m_new(mp_obj_t, n_args);
        for (int i = 0; i < n_args; i++) {
            args_ordered[i] = args[n_args - i - 1];

        mp_obj_t res = ((mp_fun_var_t)self->fun)(n_args, args_ordered);
        m_del(mp_obj_t, args_ordered, n_args);

        return res;
Пример #25
mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new(const char *src_name, void *stream_data, mp_lexer_stream_next_char_t stream_next_char, mp_lexer_stream_close_t stream_close) {
    mp_lexer_t *lex = m_new(mp_lexer_t, 1);

    lex->name = src_name; // TODO do we need to strdup this?
    lex->stream_data = stream_data;
    lex->stream_next_char = stream_next_char;
    lex->stream_close = stream_close;
    lex->line = 1;
    lex->column = 1;
    lex->emit_dent = 0;
    lex->nested_bracket_level = 0;
    lex->alloc_indent_level = 16;
    lex->num_indent_level = 1;
    lex->indent_level = m_new(uint16_t, lex->alloc_indent_level);
    lex->indent_level[0] = 0;

    // preload characters
    lex->chr0 = stream_next_char(stream_data);
    lex->chr1 = stream_next_char(stream_data);
    lex->chr2 = stream_next_char(stream_data);

    // if input stream is 0, 1 or 2 characters long and doesn't end in a newline, then insert a newline at the end
    if (lex->chr0 == MP_LEXER_CHAR_EOF) {
        lex->chr0 = '\n';
    } else if (lex->chr1 == MP_LEXER_CHAR_EOF) {
        if (lex->chr0 != '\n' && lex->chr0 != '\r') {
            lex->chr1 = '\n';
    } else if (lex->chr2 == MP_LEXER_CHAR_EOF) {
        if (lex->chr1 != '\n' && lex->chr1 != '\r') {
            lex->chr2 = '\n';

    // preload first token
    mp_lexer_next_token_into(lex, &lex->tok_cur, true);

    return lex;
Пример #26
* 	Current parse context
ParseCtx *ParseCtx_new(void)
	ParseCtx *ctx = m_new(ParseCtx);

	utarray_new(ctx->tokens, &ut_Sym_icd);
	utarray_new(ctx->token_strings, &ut_str_icd);
	utarray_new(ctx->exprs, &ut_exprs_icd);
	utarray_new(ctx->open_structs, &ut_OpenStruct_icd);

	ctx->current_sm = SM_MAIN;

	return ctx;
Пример #27
asm_x64_t* asm_x64_new(uint max_num_labels) {
    asm_x64_t* as;

    as = m_new(asm_x64_t, 1);
    as->pass = 0;
    as->code_offset = 0;
    as->code_size = 0;
    as->code_base = NULL;
    as->max_num_labels = max_num_labels;
    as->label_offsets = m_new(int, max_num_labels);

    return as;
Пример #28
void mp_thread_create(void *(*entry)(void*), void *arg, size_t *stack_size) {
    // store thread entry function into a global variable so we can access it
    ext_thread_entry = entry;

    if (*stack_size == 0) {
        *stack_size = 4096; // default stack size
    } else if (*stack_size < 2048) {
        *stack_size = 2048; // minimum stack size

    // allocate TCB, stack and linked-list node (must be outside thread_mutex lock)
    StaticTask_t *tcb = m_new(StaticTask_t, 1);
    StackType_t *stack = m_new(StackType_t, *stack_size / sizeof(StackType_t));
    thread_t *th = m_new_obj(thread_t);

    mp_thread_mutex_lock(&thread_mutex, 1);

    // create thread
    TaskHandle_t id = xTaskCreateStatic(freertos_entry, "Thread", *stack_size / sizeof(void*), arg, 2, stack, tcb);
    if (id == NULL) {
        mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_OSError, "can't create thread");

    // add thread to linked list of all threads
    th->id = id;
    th->ready = 0;
    th->arg = arg;
    th->stack = stack;
    th->stack_len = *stack_size / sizeof(StackType_t);
    th->next = thread;
    thread = th;


    // adjust stack_size to provide room to recover from hitting the limit
    *stack_size -= 512;
Пример #29
mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new(qstr src_name, mp_reader_t reader) {
    mp_lexer_t *lex = m_new_obj(mp_lexer_t);

    lex->source_name = src_name;
    lex->reader = reader;
    lex->line = 1;
    lex->column = 1;
    lex->emit_dent = 0;
    lex->nested_bracket_level = 0;
    lex->alloc_indent_level = MICROPY_ALLOC_LEXER_INDENT_INIT;
    lex->num_indent_level = 1;
    lex->indent_level = m_new(uint16_t, lex->alloc_indent_level);
    vstr_init(&lex->vstr, 32);

    // store sentinel for first indentation level
    lex->indent_level[0] = 0;

    // preload characters
    lex->chr0 = reader.readbyte(reader.data);
    lex->chr1 = reader.readbyte(reader.data);
    lex->chr2 = reader.readbyte(reader.data);

    // if input stream is 0, 1 or 2 characters long and doesn't end in a newline, then insert a newline at the end
    if (lex->chr0 == MP_LEXER_EOF) {
        lex->chr0 = '\n';
    } else if (lex->chr1 == MP_LEXER_EOF) {
        if (lex->chr0 == '\r') {
            lex->chr0 = '\n';
        } else if (lex->chr0 != '\n') {
            lex->chr1 = '\n';
    } else if (lex->chr2 == MP_LEXER_EOF) {
        if (lex->chr1 == '\r') {
            lex->chr1 = '\n';
        } else if (lex->chr1 != '\n') {
            lex->chr2 = '\n';

    // preload first token

    // Check that the first token is in the first column.  If it's not then we
    // convert the token kind to INDENT so that the parser gives a syntax error.
    if (lex->tok_column != 1) {
        lex->tok_kind = MP_TOKEN_INDENT;

    return lex;
Пример #30
// args are in reverse order in the array
mp_obj_t closure_call_n(mp_obj_t self_in, int n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
    mp_obj_closure_t *self = self_in;

    // concatenate args and closed-over-vars, in reverse order
    // TODO perhaps cache this array so we don't need to create it each time we are called
    mp_obj_t *args2 = m_new(mp_obj_t, self->n_closed + n_args);
    memcpy(args2, args, n_args * sizeof(mp_obj_t));
    for (int i = 0; i < self->n_closed; i++) {
        args2[n_args + i] = self->closed[self->n_closed - 1 - i];

    // call the function with the new vars array
    return rt_call_function_n(self->fun, n_args + self->n_closed, args2);