Пример #1
int cli_info_listsamples(core_options *options, const char *gamename)
	int count = 0;
	int drvindex;

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		if (mame_strwildcmp(gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name) == 0)
			machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));
			const device_config_sound_interface *sound = NULL;

			/* find samples interfaces */
			for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(sound); gotone; gotone = sound->next(sound))
				if (sound->devconfig().type() == SOUND_SAMPLES)
					const char *const *samplenames = ((const samples_interface *)sound->devconfig().static_config())->samplenames;
					int sampnum;

					/* if the list is legit, walk it and print the sample info */
					if (samplenames != NULL)
						for (sampnum = 0; samplenames[sampnum] != NULL; sampnum++)
							mame_printf_info("%s\n", samplenames[sampnum]);


	return (count > 0) ? MAMERR_NONE : MAMERR_NO_SUCH_GAME;
Пример #2
software_config *software_config_alloc(int driver_index) //, hashfile_error_func error_proc)
	const game_driver *driver;
	software_config *config;

	// allocate the software_config
	config = (software_config *)malloc(sizeof(software_config));

	// allocate the machine config
	windows_options pCurrentOpts;
	load_options(pCurrentOpts, OPTIONS_GLOBAL, driver_index); 
	config->mconfig = global_alloc(machine_config(*drivers[driver_index],pCurrentOpts));

	// allocate the hash file
	driver = drivers[driver_index];
	while (driver) //&& (!config->hashfile))
		//config->hashfile = hashfile_open(*opts, driver->name, TRUE, error_proc);
		driver = driver_get_compatible(driver);

	// other stuff
	config->driver_index = driver_index;
	config->gamedrv = drivers[driver_index];

	return config;
Пример #3
int cli_info_listcrc(core_options *options, const char *gamename)
	int drvindex, count = 0;

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		if (mame_strwildcmp(gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name) == 0)
			machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));
			const rom_entry *region, *rom;
			const rom_source *source;

			/* iterate over sources, regions, and then ROMs within the region */
			for (source = rom_first_source(drivers[drvindex], config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(drivers[drvindex], config, source))
				for (region = rom_first_region(drivers[drvindex], source); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
					for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
						char hashbuf[HASH_BUF_SIZE];

						/* if we have a CRC, display it */
						if (hash_data_extract_printable_checksum(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_CRC, hashbuf))
							mame_printf_info("%s %-12s %s\n", hashbuf, ROM_GETNAME(rom), drivers[drvindex]->description);


	/* return an error if none found */
	return (count > 0) ? MAMERR_NONE : MAMERR_NO_SUCH_GAME;
Пример #4
static void match_roms(core_options *options, const char *hash, int length, int *found)
	int drvindex;

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));
		const rom_entry *region, *rom;
		const rom_source *source;

		/* iterate over sources, regions and files within the region */
		for (source = rom_first_source(drivers[drvindex], config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(drivers[drvindex], config, source))
			for (region = rom_first_region(drivers[drvindex], source); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
				for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
					if (hash_data_is_equal(hash, ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), 0))
						int baddump = hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP);

						/* output information about the match */
						if (*found != 0)
							mame_printf_info("                    ");
						mame_printf_info("= %s%-20s  %-10s %s\n", baddump ? "(BAD) " : "", ROM_GETNAME(rom), drivers[drvindex]->name, drivers[drvindex]->description);


	softlist_match_roms( options, hash, length, found );
Пример #5
static int info_listmedia(core_options *options, const char *gamename)
	int count = 0, devcount;
	int drvindex;
	machine_config *config;
	const device_config_image_interface *dev = NULL;
	const char *src;
	const char *driver_name;
	const char *name;
	const char *shortname;
	char paren_shortname[16];

	printf("----------  --------------------  ------------------------------------\n");

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		if (mame_strwildcmp(gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name) == 0)
			/* allocate the machine config */
			config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));

			driver_name = drivers[drvindex]->name;

			devcount = 0;

			for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(dev); gotone; gotone = dev->next(dev))
				src = downcast<const legacy_image_device_config_base *>(dev)->file_extensions();
				name = downcast<const legacy_image_device_config_base *>(dev)->instance_name();
				shortname = downcast<const legacy_image_device_config_base *>(dev)->brief_instance_name();

				sprintf(paren_shortname, "(%s)", shortname);

				printf("%-13s%-12s%-8s   ", driver_name, name, paren_shortname);
				driver_name = " ";

				astring extensions(src);
				char *ext = strtok((char*)extensions.cstr(),",");
				while (ext != NULL)
					ext = strtok (NULL, ",");
			if (!devcount)


	if (!count)
		printf("There are no Computers or Consoles named %s\n", gamename);

	return (count > 0) ? MAMERR_NONE : MAMERR_NO_SUCH_GAME;
Пример #6
    softlist_match_roms - scan for a matching
    software ROM by hash
static void softlist_match_roms(core_options *options, const char *hash, int length, int *found)
	int drvindex;

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));

		for (const device_config *dev = config->m_devicelist.first(SOFTWARE_LIST); dev != NULL; dev = dev->typenext())
			software_list_config *swlist = (software_list_config *)downcast<const legacy_device_config_base *>(dev)->inline_config();

			for ( int i = 0; i < DEVINFO_STR_SWLIST_MAX - DEVINFO_STR_SWLIST_0; i++ )
				if ( swlist->list_name[i] )
					software_list *list = software_list_open( options, swlist->list_name[i], FALSE, NULL );

					for ( software_info *swinfo = software_list_find( list, "*", NULL ); swinfo != NULL; swinfo = software_list_find( list, "*", swinfo ) )
						for ( software_part *part = software_find_part( swinfo, NULL, NULL ); part != NULL; part = software_part_next( part ) )
							for ( const rom_entry *region = part->romdata; region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region) )
								for ( const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != NULL; rom = rom_next_file(rom) )
									if ( hash_data_is_equal(hash, ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), 0) )
										int baddump = hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP);

										/* output information about the match */
										if (*found != 0)
											mame_printf_info("                    ");
										mame_printf_info("= %s%-20s  %s:%s %s\n", baddump ? "(BAD) " : "", ROM_GETNAME(rom), swlist->list_name[i], swinfo->shortname, swinfo->longname);

					software_list_close( list );

Пример #7
void image_add_device_options(core_options *opts, const game_driver *driver)
	int index = 0;
	machine_config *config;
	const device_config_image_interface *image = NULL;

	/* create the configuration */
	config = global_alloc(machine_config(driver->machine_config));

	/* enumerate our callback for every device */
	/* loop on each device instance */
	for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(image); gotone; gotone = image->next(image))
		options_entry entry[2];
		astring dev_full_name;

		/* first device? add the header as to be pretty */
		if (index == 0)
			memset(entry, 0, sizeof(entry));
			entry[0].description = "IMAGE DEVICES";
			entry[0].flags = OPTION_HEADER;
			options_add_entries(opts, entry);

		/* retrieve info about the device instance */
		dev_full_name.printf("%s;%s", image->instance_name(), image->brief_instance_name());

		/* add the option */
		memset(entry, 0, sizeof(entry));
		entry[0].name = dev_full_name;
		options_add_entries(opts, entry);


	/* record that we've added device options */

	/* free the configuration */
Пример #8
machine_config &driver_enumerator::config(int index, emu_options &options) const
	assert(index >= 0 && index < s_driver_count);

	// if we don't have it cached, add it
	if (m_config[index] == NULL)
		// if our cache is full, release the head entry
		if (m_config_cache.count() == CONFIG_CACHE_COUNT)
			config_entry *first = m_config_cache.first();
			m_config[first->index()] = NULL;

		// allocate the config and add it to the end of the list
		machine_config *config = m_config[index] = global_alloc(machine_config(*s_drivers_sorted[index], options));
		m_config_cache.append(*global_alloc(config_entry(*config, index)));
	return *m_config[index];
Пример #9
int cli_info_listdevices(core_options *options, const char *gamename)
	int count = 0;
	int drvindex;

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		if (mame_strwildcmp(gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name) == 0)
			machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));
			const device_config *devconfig;

			if (count != 0)
			printf("Driver %s (%s):\n", drivers[drvindex]->name, drivers[drvindex]->description);

			/* iterate through devices */
			for (devconfig = config->m_devicelist.first(); devconfig != NULL; devconfig = devconfig->next())
				printf("   %s ('%s')", devconfig->name(), devconfig->tag());

				UINT32 clock = devconfig->clock();
				if (clock >= 1000000000)
					printf(" @ %d.%02d GHz\n", clock / 1000000000, (clock / 10000000) % 100);
				else if (clock >= 1000000)
					printf(" @ %d.%02d MHz\n", clock / 1000000, (clock / 10000) % 100);
				else if (clock >= 1000)
					printf(" @ %d.%02d kHz\n", clock / 1000, (clock / 10) % 100);
				else if (clock > 0)
					printf(" @ %d Hz\n", clock);


	return (count > 0) ? MAMERR_NONE : MAMERR_NO_SUCH_GAME;
Пример #10
int audit_images(core_options *options, const game_driver *gamedrv, UINT32 validation, audit_record **audit)
	machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(gamedrv->machine_config));
	const rom_entry *region, *rom;
	const rom_source *source;
	audit_record *record;
	int anyfound = FALSE;
	int anyrequired = FALSE;
	int allshared = TRUE;
	int records;

	/* determine the number of records we will generate */
	records = 0;
	for (source = rom_first_source(gamedrv, config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(gamedrv, config, source))
		int source_is_gamedrv = rom_source_is_gamedrv(gamedrv, source);
		for (region = rom_first_region(gamedrv, source); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region))
			for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != NULL; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
					if (source_is_gamedrv && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom) && !ROM_NOGOODDUMP(rom))
						anyrequired = TRUE;

						if (allshared && !rom_used_by_parent(gamedrv, rom, NULL))
							allshared = FALSE;

	if (records > 0)
		/* allocate memory for the records */
		*audit = global_alloc_array_clear(audit_record, records);
		record = *audit;

		/* iterate over ROM sources and regions */
		for (source = rom_first_source(gamedrv, config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(gamedrv, config, source))
			int source_is_gamedrv = rom_source_is_gamedrv(gamedrv, source);
			for (region = rom_first_region(gamedrv, source); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region))
				const char *regiontag = ROMREGION_ISLOADBYNAME(region) ? ROM_GETNAME(region) : NULL;
				for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
					/* audit a file */
					if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region))
						audit_one_rom(options, rom, regiontag, gamedrv, validation, record);

					/* audit a disk */
					else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
						audit_one_disk(options, rom, gamedrv, validation, record);


					if (source_is_gamedrv && record->status != AUDIT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND && (allshared || !rom_used_by_parent(gamedrv, rom, NULL)))
						anyfound = TRUE;


	/* if we found nothing, we don't have the set at all */
	if (!anyfound && anyrequired)
		*audit = NULL;
		records = 0;

	return records;
Пример #11
int audit_samples(core_options *options, const game_driver *gamedrv, audit_record **audit)
	machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(gamedrv->machine_config));
	audit_record *record;
	int records = 0;
	int sampnum;

	/* count the number of sample records attached to this driver */
	const device_config_sound_interface *sound = NULL;
	for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(sound); gotone; gotone = sound->next(sound))
		if (sound->devconfig().type() == SOUND_SAMPLES)
			const samples_interface *intf = (const samples_interface *)sound->devconfig().static_config();

			if (intf->samplenames != NULL)
				/* iterate over samples in this entry */
				for (sampnum = 0; intf->samplenames[sampnum] != NULL; sampnum++)
					if (intf->samplenames[sampnum][0] != '*')

	/* if no records, just quit now */
	if (records == 0)
		goto skip;

	/* allocate memory for the records */
	*audit = global_alloc_array_clear(audit_record, records);
	record = *audit;

	/* now iterate over sample entries */
	for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(sound); gotone; gotone = sound->next(sound))
		if (sound->devconfig().type() == SOUND_SAMPLES)
			const samples_interface *intf = (const samples_interface *)sound->devconfig().static_config();
			const char *sharedname = NULL;

			if (intf->samplenames != NULL)
				/* iterate over samples in this entry */
				for (sampnum = 0; intf->samplenames[sampnum] != NULL; sampnum++)
					if (intf->samplenames[sampnum][0] == '*')
						sharedname = &intf->samplenames[sampnum][1];
						file_error filerr;
						mame_file *file;

						/* attempt to access the file from the game driver name */
						astring fname(gamedrv->name, PATH_SEPARATOR, intf->samplenames[sampnum]);
						filerr = mame_fopen_options(options, samplepath, fname, OPEN_FLAG_READ | OPEN_FLAG_NO_PRELOAD, &file);

						/* attempt to access the file from the shared driver name */
						if (filerr != FILERR_NONE && sharedname != NULL)
							filerr = mame_fopen_options(options, samplepath, fname, OPEN_FLAG_READ | OPEN_FLAG_NO_PRELOAD, &file);

						/* fill in the record */
						record->type = AUDIT_FILE_SAMPLE;
						record->name = intf->samplenames[sampnum];
						if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
							set_status(record++, AUDIT_STATUS_GOOD, SUBSTATUS_GOOD);
							set_status(record++, AUDIT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, SUBSTATUS_NOT_FOUND);

	return records;
Пример #12
static struct DriversInfo* GetDriversInfo(int driver_index)
	if (drivers_info == NULL)
		int ndriver;
		drivers_info = (DriversInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct DriversInfo) * GetNumGames());
		for (ndriver = 0; ndriver < GetNumGames(); ndriver++)
			const game_driver *gamedrv = drivers[ndriver];
			struct DriversInfo *gameinfo = &drivers_info[ndriver];
			const rom_entry *region, *rom;
			machine_config *config;
			const rom_source *source;
			int num_speakers;

			/* Allocate machine config */
			config = global_alloc(machine_config(gamedrv->machine_config));

			gameinfo->isClone = (GetParentRomSetIndex(gamedrv) != -1);
			gameinfo->isBroken = ((gamedrv->flags & GAME_NOT_WORKING) != 0);
			gameinfo->supportsSaveState = ((gamedrv->flags & GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE) != 0);
			gameinfo->isHarddisk = FALSE;
			gameinfo->isVertical = (gamedrv->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? TRUE : FALSE;
			for (source = rom_first_source(gamedrv, config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(gamedrv, config, source))
				for (region = rom_first_region(gamedrv, source); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
					if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
						gameinfo->isHarddisk = TRUE;
			gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS = FALSE;
			if (gamedrv->rom != NULL)
				for (rom = gamedrv->rom; !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); rom++)
						gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS = TRUE;

			num_speakers = numberOfSpeakers(config);

			gameinfo->isStereo = (num_speakers > 1);
			gameinfo->screenCount = numberOfScreens(config);
			gameinfo->isVector = isDriverVector(config); // ((drv.video_attributes & VIDEO_TYPE_VECTOR) != 0);
			gameinfo->usesRoms = FALSE;
			for (source = rom_first_source(gamedrv, config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(gamedrv, config, source))
				for (region = rom_first_region(gamedrv, source); region; region = rom_next_region(region))
					for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
						gameinfo->usesRoms = TRUE; 
			gameinfo->usesSamples = FALSE;
				const device_config_sound_interface *sound;
				const char * const * samplenames = NULL;
				for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(sound); gotone; gotone = sound->next(sound)) {
					if (sound->devconfig().type() == SOUND_SAMPLES)
						const samples_interface *intf = (const samples_interface *)sound->devconfig().static_config();
						samplenames = intf->samplenames;

						if (samplenames != 0 && samplenames[0] != 0)
							gameinfo->usesSamples = TRUE;
			gameinfo->numPlayers = 0;
			gameinfo->numButtons = 0;
			memset(gameinfo->usesController, 0, sizeof gameinfo->usesController);

			gameinfo->parentIndex = -1;
			if (gameinfo->isClone)
				int i;

				for (i = 0; i < GetNumGames(); i++)
					if (GetParentRomSetIndex(gamedrv) == i)
						gameinfo->parentIndex = i;

			gameinfo->biosIndex = -1;
			if (DriverIsBios(ndriver))
				gameinfo->biosIndex = ndriver;
			else if (gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS)
				int parentIndex;

				if (gameinfo->isClone)
					parentIndex = gameinfo->parentIndex;
					parentIndex = ndriver;

				while (1)
					parentIndex = GetGameNameIndex(drivers[parentIndex]->parent);
					if (parentIndex == -1)
						dprintf("bios for %s is not found", drivers[ndriver]->name);

					if (DriverIsBios(parentIndex))
						gameinfo->biosIndex = parentIndex;
			/* Free the structure */

			gameinfo->usesTrackball = FALSE;
			gameinfo->usesLightGun = FALSE;
			if (gamedrv->ipt != NULL)
				const input_port_config *port;
				ioport_list portlist;
				input_port_list_init(portlist, gamedrv->ipt, NULL, 0, FALSE);
				for (port = portlist.first(); port != NULL; port = port->next())
					const input_field_config *field;
					for (field = port->fieldlist; field != NULL; field = field->next)
						UINT32 type;
						type = field->type;
						if (type == IPT_END)
						if (type == IPT_DIAL || type == IPT_PADDLE || 
							type == IPT_TRACKBALL_X || type == IPT_TRACKBALL_Y ||
							type == IPT_AD_STICK_X || type == IPT_AD_STICK_Y)
							gameinfo->usesTrackball = TRUE;
						if (type == IPT_LIGHTGUN_X || type == IPT_LIGHTGUN_Y)
							gameinfo->usesLightGun = TRUE;
						if (type == IPT_MOUSE_X || type == IPT_MOUSE_Y)
							gameinfo->usesMouse = TRUE;
	return &drivers_info[driver_index];
Пример #13
static int info_listsoftware(core_options *options, const char *gamename)
	FILE *out = stdout;
	int nr_lists = 0;
	char ** lists = NULL;
	int list_idx = 0;

	/* First determine the maximum number of lists we might encounter */
	for ( int drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++ )
		if ( mame_strwildcmp( gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name ) == 0 )
			/* allocate the machine config */
			machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));

			for (const device_config *dev = config->m_devicelist.first(SOFTWARE_LIST); dev != NULL; dev = dev->typenext())
				software_list_config *swlist = (software_list_config *)downcast<const legacy_device_config_base *>(dev)->inline_config();

				for ( int i = 0; i < DEVINFO_STR_SWLIST_MAX - DEVINFO_STR_SWLIST_0; i++ )
					if ( swlist->list_name[i] && *swlist->list_name[i]  && (swlist->list_type == SOFTWARE_LIST_ORIGINAL_SYSTEM))

			/* free the machine config */

	lists = global_alloc_array( char *, nr_lists );

	fprintf( out,
			"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
			"<!DOCTYPE softwarelist [\n"
			"<!ELEMENT softwarelists (softwarelist*)>\n"
			"\t<!ELEMENT softwarelist (software+)>\n"
			"\t\t<!ATTLIST softwarelist name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t<!ATTLIST softwarelist description CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t<!ELEMENT software (description, year?, publisher, part*)>\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ATTLIST software name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ATTLIST software cloneof CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ATTLIST software supported (yes|partial|no) \"yes\">\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA)>\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ELEMENT publisher (#PCDATA)>\n"
			"\t\t\t<!ELEMENT part (dataarea*)>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST part name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST part interface CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST part feature CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t<!ELEMENT dataarea (rom*)>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST dataarea name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST dataarea size CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST dataarea databits (8|16|32|64) \"8\">\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST dataarea endian (big|little) \"little\">\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t<!ELEMENT rom EMPTY>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom name CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom size CDATA #REQUIRED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom crc CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom md5 CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom sha1 CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom offset CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom status (baddump|nodump|good) \"good\">\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t\t<!ATTLIST rom loadflag (load16_byte|load16_word|load16_word_swap|load32_byte|load32_word|load32_word_swap|load32_dword|load64_word|load64_word_swap|reload) #IMPLIED>\n"

	for ( int drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++ )
		if ( mame_strwildcmp( gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name ) == 0 )
			/* allocate the machine config */
			machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));

			for (const device_config *dev = config->m_devicelist.first(SOFTWARE_LIST); dev != NULL; dev = dev->typenext())
				software_list_config *swlist = (software_list_config *)downcast<const legacy_device_config_base *>(dev)->inline_config();

				for ( int i = 0; i < DEVINFO_STR_SWLIST_MAX - DEVINFO_STR_SWLIST_0; i++ )
					if ( swlist->list_name[i] && *swlist->list_name[i] && (swlist->list_type == SOFTWARE_LIST_ORIGINAL_SYSTEM))
						software_list *list = software_list_open( options, swlist->list_name[i], FALSE, NULL );

						if ( list )
							/* Verify if we have encountered this list before */
							bool seen_before = false;
							for ( int l = 0; l < list_idx && !seen_before; l++ )
								if ( ! strcmp( swlist->list_name[i], lists[l] ) )
									seen_before = true;

							if ( ! seen_before )
								lists[list_idx] = core_strdup( swlist->list_name[i] );

								fprintf(out, "\t<softwarelist name=\"%s\">\n", swlist->list_name[i] );

								for ( software_info *swinfo = software_list_find( list, "*", NULL ); swinfo != NULL; swinfo = software_list_find( list, "*", swinfo ) )
									fprintf( out, "\t\t<software name=\"%s\"", swinfo->shortname );
									if ( swinfo->parentname != NULL )
										fprintf( out, " cloneof=\"%s\"", swinfo->parentname );
									if ( swinfo->supported == SOFTWARE_SUPPORTED_PARTIAL )
										fprintf( out, " supported=\"partial\"" );
									if ( swinfo->supported == SOFTWARE_SUPPORTED_NO )
										fprintf( out, " supported=\"no\"" );
									fprintf( out, ">\n" );
									fprintf( out, "\t\t\t<description>%s</description>\n", xml_normalize_string(swinfo->longname) );
									fprintf( out, "\t\t\t<year>%s</year>\n", xml_normalize_string( swinfo->year ) );
									fprintf( out, "\t\t\t<publisher>%s</publisher>\n", xml_normalize_string( swinfo->publisher ) );

									for ( software_part *part = software_find_part( swinfo, NULL, NULL ); part != NULL; part = software_part_next( part ) )
										fprintf( out, "\t\t\t<part name=\"%s\"", part->name );
										if ( part->interface_ )
											fprintf( out, " interface=\"%s\"", part->interface_ );
//                                          if ( part->feature )
//                                              fprintf( out, " features=\"%s\"", part->feature );
										fprintf( out, ">\n");

										/* TODO: display rom region information */
										for ( const rom_entry *region = part->romdata; region; region = rom_next_region( region ) )
											fprintf( out, "\t\t\t\t<dataarea name=\"%s\" size=\"%x\">\n", ROMREGION_GETTAG(region), ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region) );

											for ( const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file( region ); rom && !ROMENTRY_ISREGIONEND(rom); rom++ )
												if ( ROMENTRY_ISFILE(rom) )
													fprintf( out, "\t\t\t\t\t<rom name=\"%s\" size=\"%d\"", xml_normalize_string(ROM_GETNAME(rom)), rom_file_size(rom) );

													/* dump checksum information only if there is a known dump */
													if (!hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP))
														char checksum[HASH_BUF_SIZE];
														int hashtype;

														/* iterate over hash function types and print out their values */
														for (hashtype = 0; hashtype < HASH_NUM_FUNCTIONS; hashtype++)
															if (hash_data_extract_printable_checksum(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), 1 << hashtype, checksum))
																fprintf(out, " %s=\"%s\"", hash_function_name(1 << hashtype), checksum);

													fprintf( out, " offset=\"%x\"", ROM_GETOFFSET(rom) );

													if ( hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP) )
														fprintf( out, " status=\"baddump\"" );
													if ( hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom), HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP) )
														fprintf( out, " status=\"nodump\"" );

													fprintf( out, "/>\n" );
												else if ( ROMENTRY_ISRELOAD(rom) )
													fprintf( out, "\t\t\t\t\t<rom size=\"%d\" offset=\"%x\" loadflag=\"reload\" />\n", ROM_GETLENGTH(rom), ROM_GETOFFSET(rom) );

											fprintf( out, "\t\t\t\t</dataarea>\n" );

										fprintf( out, "\t\t\t</part>\n" );

									fprintf( out, "\t\t</software>\n" );

								fprintf(out, "\t</softwarelist>\n" );

							software_list_close( list );


	fprintf( out, "</softwarelists>\n" );

	global_free( lists );

	return MAMERR_NONE;
Пример #14
int cli_info_listroms(core_options *options, const char *gamename)
	int drvindex, count = 0;

	/* iterate over drivers */
	for (drvindex = 0; drivers[drvindex] != NULL; drvindex++)
		if (mame_strwildcmp(gamename, drivers[drvindex]->name) == 0)
			machine_config *config = global_alloc(machine_config(drivers[drvindex]->machine_config));
			const rom_entry *region, *rom;
			const rom_source *source;

			/* print the header */
			if (count > 0)
			mame_printf_info("This is the list of the ROMs required for driver \"%s\".\n"
					"Name            Size Checksum\n", drivers[drvindex]->name);

			/* iterate over sources, regions and then ROMs within the region */
			for (source = rom_first_source(drivers[drvindex], config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(drivers[drvindex], config, source))
				for (region = rom_first_region(drivers[drvindex], source); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region))
					for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != NULL; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
						const char *name = ROM_GETNAME(rom);
						const char *hash = ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom);
						char hashbuf[HASH_BUF_SIZE];
						int length = -1;

						/* accumulate the total length of all chunks */
						if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region))
							length = rom_file_size(rom);

						/* start with the name */
						mame_printf_info("%-12s ", name);

						/* output the length next */
						if (length >= 0)
							mame_printf_info("%7d", length);
							mame_printf_info("       ");

						/* output the hash data */
						if (!hash_data_has_info(hash, HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP))
							if (hash_data_has_info(hash, HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP))
								mame_printf_info(" BAD");

							hash_data_print(hash, 0, hashbuf);
							mame_printf_info(" %s", hashbuf);
							mame_printf_info(" NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN");

						/* end with a CR */


	return (count > 0) ? MAMERR_NONE : MAMERR_NO_SUCH_GAME;
Пример #15
		} hw;
		struct {
			Bitu rate;
			Bit8u buf[TDAC_DMA_BUFSIZE];
			Bit8u last_sample;
			DmaChannel * chan;
			bool transfer_done;
		} dma;
		Bit8u mode,control;
		Bit16u frequency;
		Bit8u amplitude;
		bool irq_activated;
	} dac;
} tandy;

static sn76496_device device_sn76496(machine_config(), 0, 0, SOUND_CLOCK );
static ncr8496_device device_ncr8496(machine_config(), 0, 0, SOUND_CLOCK);

static sn76496_base_device* activeDevice = &device_ncr8496;
#define device (*activeDevice)

static void SN76496Write(Bitu /*port*/,Bitu data,Bitu /*iolen*/) {
	if (!tandy.enabled) {

//	LOG_MSG("3voice write %X at time %7.3f",data,PIC_FullIndex());