Пример #1
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing sgetrf
int main( int argc, char** argv)
    magma_setdevice( 0 );

    float *hA, *dA;

    /* Matrix size */
    magma_int_t m = 5;
    magma_int_t n = 10;
    //magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    //magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    //magma_int_t size;
    magma_int_t lda, ldda;
    lda    = ((m + 31)/32)*32;
    ldda   = ((m + 31)/32)*32;

    /* Allocate host memory for the matrix */
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( hA, float, lda *n );
    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dA, float, ldda*n );

    //size = lda*n;
    //lapackf77_slarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, hA );
    for( int j = 0; j < n; ++j ) {
        for( int i = 0; i < m; ++i ) {
            hA[i + j*lda] = MAGMA_S_MAKE( i + j*0.01, 0. );
    magma_ssetmatrix( m, n, hA, lda, dA, ldda );
    printf( "A=" );
    magma_sprint( m, n, hA, lda );
    printf( "dA=" );
    magma_sprint_gpu( m, n, dA, ldda );
    //printf( "dA=" );
    //magma_sprint( m, n, dA, ldda );
    //printf( "A=" );
    //magma_sprint_gpu( m, n, hA, lda );
    /* Memory clean up */

    /* Shutdown */
Пример #2
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_slobpcg( magma_s_sparse_matrix A, magma_s_solver_par *solver_par ) {

#define  residualNorms(i,iter)  ( residualNorms + (i) + (iter)*n )
#define magmablas_swap(x, y)    { pointer = x; x = y; y = pointer; }
#define hresidualNorms(i,iter)  (hresidualNorms + (i) + (iter)*n )

#define gramA(    m, n)   (gramA     + (m) + (n)*ldgram)
#define gramB(    m, n)   (gramB     + (m) + (n)*ldgram)
#define gevectors(m, n)   (gevectors + (m) + (n)*ldgram)
#define h_gramB(  m, n)   (h_gramB   + (m) + (n)*ldgram)

#define magma_s_bspmv_tuned(m, n, alpha, A, X, beta, AX)       {        \
            magmablas_stranspose( m, n, X, m, blockW, n );        	\
            magma_s_vector x, ax;                                       \
            x.memory_location = Magma_DEV;  x.num_rows = m*n;  x.nnz = m*n;  x.val = blockW; \
            ax.memory_location= Magma_DEV; ax.num_rows = m*n; ax.nnz = m*n; ax.val = AX;     \
            magma_s_spmv(alpha, A, x, beta, ax );                           \
            magmablas_stranspose( n, m, blockW, n, X, m );            		\


    // Memory allocation for the eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and workspace
    solver_par->solver = Magma_LOBPCG;
    magma_int_t m = A.num_rows;
    magma_int_t n =(solver_par->num_eigenvalues);
    float *blockX = solver_par->eigenvectors;
    float *evalues = solver_par->eigenvalues;

    float *dwork, *hwork;
    float *blockP, *blockAP, *blockR, *blockAR, *blockAX, *blockW;
    float *gramA, *gramB, *gramM;
    float *gevectors, *h_gramB;

    float *pointer, *origX = blockX;
    float *eval_gpu;

    magma_int_t lwork = max( 2*n+n*magma_get_dsytrd_nb(n),
                             1 + 6*3*n + 2* 3*n* 3*n);

    magma_smalloc_pinned( &hwork   ,        lwork );
    magma_smalloc(        &blockAX   ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &blockAR   ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &blockAP   ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &blockR    ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &blockP    ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &blockW    ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &dwork     ,        m*n );
    magma_smalloc(        &eval_gpu  ,        3*n );


    magma_int_t verbosity = 1;
    magma_int_t *iwork, liwork = 15*n+9;

    // === Set solver parameters ===
    float residualTolerance  = solver_par->epsilon;
    magma_int_t maxIterations = solver_par->maxiter;

    // === Set some constants & defaults ===
    float c_one = MAGMA_S_ONE, c_zero = MAGMA_S_ZERO;

    float *residualNorms, *condestGhistory, condestG;
    float *gevalues;
    magma_int_t *activeMask;

    // === Check some parameters for possible quick exit ===
    solver_par->info = 0;
    if (m < 2)
        solver_par->info = -1;
    else if (n > m)
        solver_par->info = -2;

    if (solver_par->info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(solver_par->info) );
        return solver_par->info;
    magma_int_t *info = &(solver_par->info); // local info variable;

    // === Allocate GPU memory for the residual norms' history ===
    magma_smalloc(&residualNorms, (maxIterations+1) * n);
    magma_malloc( (void **)&activeMask, (n+1) * sizeof(magma_int_t) );

    // === Allocate CPU work space ===
    magma_smalloc_cpu(&condestGhistory, maxIterations+1);
    magma_smalloc_cpu(&gevalues, 3 * n);
    magma_malloc_cpu((void **)&iwork, liwork * sizeof(magma_int_t));

    float *hW;
    magma_smalloc_pinned(&hW, n*n);
    magma_smalloc_pinned(&gevectors, 9*n*n);
    magma_smalloc_pinned(&h_gramB  , 9*n*n);

    // === Allocate GPU workspace ===
    magma_smalloc(&gramM, n * n);
    magma_smalloc(&gramA, 9 * n * n);
    magma_smalloc(&gramB, 9 * n * n);

#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
    float *rwork;
    magma_int_t lrwork = 1 + 5*(3*n) + 2*(3*n)*(3*n);

    magma_smalloc_cpu(&rwork, lrwork);

    // === Set activemask to one ===
    for(int k =0; k<n; k++)
    magma_setmatrix(n, 1, sizeof(magma_int_t), iwork, n ,activeMask, n);

    magma_int_t gramDim, ldgram  = 3*n, ikind = 4;

    // === Make the initial vectors orthonormal ===
    magma_sgegqr_gpu(ikind, m, n, blockX, m, dwork, hwork, info );
    //magma_sorthomgs( m, n, blockX );

    magma_s_bspmv_tuned(m, n, c_one, A, blockX, c_zero, blockAX );

    // === Compute the Gram matrix = (X, AX) & its eigenstates ===
    magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, n, n, m,
                c_one,  blockX, m, blockAX, m, c_zero, gramM, n);

    magma_ssyevd_gpu( MagmaVec, MagmaUpper,
                      n, gramM, n, evalues, hW, n, hwork, lwork,
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                      rwork, lrwork,
                      iwork, liwork, info );

    // === Update  X =  X * evectors ===
    magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, n,
                c_one,  blockX, m, gramM, n, c_zero, blockW, m);
    magmablas_swap(blockW, blockX);

    // === Update AX = AX * evectors ===
    magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, n,
                c_one,  blockAX, m, gramM, n, c_zero, blockW, m);
    magmablas_swap(blockW, blockAX);

    condestGhistory[1] = 7.82;
    magma_int_t iterationNumber, cBlockSize, restart = 1, iter;

    real_Double_t tempo1, tempo2;
    // === Main LOBPCG loop ============================================================
    for(iterationNumber = 1; iterationNumber < maxIterations; iterationNumber++)
        // === compute the residuals (R = Ax - x evalues )
        magmablas_slacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, n, blockAX, m, blockR, m);

                    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
                       magma_saxpy(m, MAGMA_S_MAKE(-evalues[i],0), blockX+i*m, 1, blockR+i*m, 1);
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_d)
        magma_dsetmatrix( 3*n, 1, evalues, 3*n, eval_gpu, 3*n );
        magma_ssetmatrix( 3*n, 1, evalues, 3*n, eval_gpu, 3*n );

        magma_slobpcg_res( m, n, eval_gpu, blockX, blockR, eval_gpu);

        magmablas_snrm2_cols(m, n, blockR, m, residualNorms(0, iterationNumber));

        // === remove the residuals corresponding to already converged evectors
        magma_scompact(m, n, blockR, m,
                       residualNorms(0, iterationNumber), residualTolerance,
                       activeMask, &cBlockSize);

        if (cBlockSize == 0)

        // === apply a preconditioner P to the active residulas: R_new = P R_old
        // === for now set P to be identity (no preconditioner => nothing to be done )
        // magmablas_slacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, cBlockSize, blockR, m, blockW, m);

        // === make the preconditioned residuals orthogonal to X
        magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, n, cBlockSize, m,
                    c_one, blockX, m, blockR, m, c_zero, gramB(0,0), ldgram);
        magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, cBlockSize, n,
                    c_mone, blockX, m, gramB(0,0), ldgram, c_one, blockR, m);

        // === make the active preconditioned residuals orthonormal
        magma_sgegqr_gpu(ikind, m, cBlockSize, blockR, m, dwork, hwork, info );
        //magma_sorthomgs( m, cBlockSize, blockR );

        // === compute AR
        magma_s_bspmv_tuned(m, cBlockSize, c_one, A, blockR, c_zero, blockAR );

        if (!restart) {
            // === compact P & AP as well
            magma_scompactActive(m, n, blockP,  m, activeMask);
            magma_scompactActive(m, n, blockAP, m, activeMask);

            // === make P orthogonal to X ?
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, n, cBlockSize, m,
                        c_one, blockX, m, blockP, m, c_zero, gramB(0,0), ldgram);
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, cBlockSize, n,
                        c_mone, blockX, m, gramB(0,0), ldgram, c_one, blockP, m);

            // === make P orthogonal to R ?
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, cBlockSize, m,
                        c_one, blockR, m, blockP, m, c_zero, gramB(0,0), ldgram);
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, cBlockSize, cBlockSize,
                        c_mone, blockR, m, gramB(0,0), ldgram, c_one, blockP, m);

            // === Make P orthonormal & properly change AP (without multiplication by A)
            magma_sgegqr_gpu(ikind, m, cBlockSize, blockP, m, dwork, hwork, info );
            //magma_sorthomgs( m, cBlockSize, blockP );

            //magma_s_bspmv_tuned(m, cBlockSize, c_one, A, blockP, c_zero, blockAP );
            magma_ssetmatrix( cBlockSize, cBlockSize, hwork, cBlockSize, dwork, cBlockSize);

//                magma_strsm( MagmaRight, MagmaUpper, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNonUnit,
            //                           m, cBlockSize, c_one, dwork, cBlockSize, blockAP, m);

            // replacement according to Stan
#if defined(PRECISION_s) || defined(PRECISION_d)
            magmablas_strsm( MagmaRight, MagmaUpper, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNonUnit,
                             m, cBlockSize, c_one, dwork, cBlockSize, blockAP, m);
            magma_strsm( MagmaRight, MagmaUpper, MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNonUnit, m,
                         cBlockSize, c_one, dwork, cBlockSize, blockAP, m);

        iter = max(1,iterationNumber-10- (int)(log(1.*cBlockSize)));
        float condestGmean = 0.;
        for(int i = 0; i<iterationNumber-iter+1; i++)
            condestGmean += condestGhistory[i];
        condestGmean = condestGmean / (iterationNumber-iter+1);

        if (restart)
            gramDim = n+cBlockSize;
            gramDim = n+2*cBlockSize;

        /* --- The Raileight-Ritz method for [X R P] -----------------------
           [ X R P ]'  [AX  AR  AP] y = evalues [ X R P ]' [ X R P ], i.e.,

                  GramA                                 GramB
            / X'AX  X'AR  X'AP \                 / X'X  X'R  X'P \
           |  R'AX  R'AR  R'AP  | y   = evalues |  R'X  R'R  R'P  |
            \ P'AX  P'AR  P'AP /                 \ P'X  P'R  P'P /
           -----------------------------------------------------------------   */

        // === assemble GramB; first, set it to I
        magmablas_slaset(MagmaFull, ldgram, ldgram, c_zero, c_one, gramB, ldgram);  // identity

        if (!restart) {
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, n, m,
                        c_one, blockP, m, blockX, m, c_zero, gramB(n+cBlockSize,0), ldgram);
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, cBlockSize, m,
                        c_one, blockP, m, blockR, m, c_zero, gramB(n+cBlockSize,n), ldgram);
        magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, n, m,
                    c_one, blockR, m, blockX, m, c_zero, gramB(n,0), ldgram);

        // === get GramB from the GPU to the CPU and compute its eigenvalues only
        magma_sgetmatrix(gramDim, gramDim, gramB, ldgram, h_gramB, ldgram);
        lapackf77_ssyev("N", "L", &gramDim, h_gramB, &ldgram, gevalues,
                        hwork, &lwork,
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)

        // === check stability criteria if we need to restart
        condestG = log10( gevalues[gramDim-1]/gevalues[0] ) + 1.;
        if ((condestG/condestGmean>2 && condestG>2) || condestG>8) {
            // Steepest descent restart for stability
            printf("restart at step #%d\n", (int) iterationNumber);

        // === assemble GramA; first, set it to I
        magmablas_slaset(MagmaFull, ldgram, ldgram, c_zero, c_one, gramA, ldgram);  // identity

        magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, n, m,
                    c_one, blockR, m, blockAX, m, c_zero, gramA(n,0), ldgram);
        magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, cBlockSize, m,
                    c_one, blockR, m, blockAR, m, c_zero, gramA(n,n), ldgram);

        if (!restart) {
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, n, m,
                        c_one, blockP, m, blockAX, m, c_zero,
                        gramA(n+cBlockSize,0), ldgram);
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, cBlockSize, m,
                        c_one, blockP, m, blockAR, m, c_zero,
                        gramA(n+cBlockSize,n), ldgram);
            magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, cBlockSize, cBlockSize, m,
                        c_one, blockP, m, blockAP, m, c_zero,
                        gramA(n+cBlockSize,n+cBlockSize), ldgram);

        // === Compute X' AX or just use the eigenvalues below ?
        magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, n, n, m,
                    c_one, blockX, m, blockAX, m, c_zero,
                    gramA(0,0), ldgram);

        if (restart==0) {
            magma_sgetmatrix(gramDim, gramDim, gramA, ldgram, gevectors, ldgram);
        else {
            gramDim = n+cBlockSize;
            magma_sgetmatrix(gramDim, gramDim, gramA, ldgram, gevectors, ldgram);

        for(int k=0; k<n; k++)
            *gevectors(k,k) = MAGMA_S_MAKE(evalues[k], 0);

        // === the previous eigensolver destroyed what is in h_gramB => must copy it again
        magma_sgetmatrix(gramDim, gramDim, gramB, ldgram, h_gramB, ldgram);

        magma_int_t itype = 1;
        lapackf77_ssygvd(&itype, "V", "L", &gramDim,
                         gevectors, &ldgram, h_gramB, &ldgram,
                         gevalues, hwork, &lwork,
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                         rwork, &lrwork,
                         iwork, &liwork, info);

        for(int k =0; k<n; k++)
            evalues[k] = gevalues[k];

        // === copy back the result to gramA on the GPU and use it for the updates
        magma_ssetmatrix(gramDim, gramDim, gevectors, ldgram, gramA, ldgram);

        if (restart == 0) {
            // === contribution from P to the new X (in new search direction P)
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, cBlockSize,
                        c_one, blockP, m, gramA(n+cBlockSize,0), ldgram, c_zero, dwork, m);
            magmablas_swap(dwork, blockP);

            // === contribution from R to the new X (in new search direction P)
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, cBlockSize,
                        c_one, blockR, m, gramA(n,0), ldgram, c_one, blockP, m);

            // === corresponding contribution from AP to the new AX (in AP)
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, cBlockSize,
                        c_one, blockAP, m, gramA(n+cBlockSize,0), ldgram, c_zero, dwork, m);
            magmablas_swap(dwork, blockAP);

            // === corresponding contribution from AR to the new AX (in AP)
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, cBlockSize,
                        c_one, blockAR, m, gramA(n,0), ldgram, c_one, blockAP, m);
        else {
            // === contribution from R (only) to the new X
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, cBlockSize,
                        c_one, blockR, m, gramA(n,0), ldgram, c_zero, blockP, m);

            // === corresponding contribution from AR (only) to the new AX
            magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,m, n, cBlockSize,
                        c_one, blockAR, m, gramA(n,0), ldgram, c_zero, blockAP, m);

        // === contribution from old X to the new X + the new search direction P
        magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, n,
                    c_one, blockX, m, gramA, ldgram, c_zero, dwork, m);
        magmablas_swap(dwork, blockX);
        //magma_saxpy(m*n, c_one, blockP, 1, blockX, 1);
        magma_slobpcg_maxpy( m, n, blockP, blockX );

        // === corresponding contribution from old AX to new AX + AP
        magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, n,
                    c_one, blockAX, m, gramA, ldgram, c_zero, dwork, m);
        magmablas_swap(dwork, blockAX);
        //magma_saxpy(m*n, c_one, blockAP, 1, blockAX, 1);
        magma_slobpcg_maxpy( m, n, blockAP, blockAX );

        if (verbosity==1) {
            // float res;
            // magma_sgetmatrix(1, 1,
            //                  (float*)residualNorms(0, iterationNumber), 1,
            //                  (float*)&res, 1);
            //  printf("Iteration %4d, CBS %4d, Residual: %10.7f\n",
            //         iterationNumber, cBlockSize, res);
            printf("%4d-%2d ", (int) iterationNumber, (int) cBlockSize);
            magma_sprint_gpu(1, n, residualNorms(0, iterationNumber), 1);

        restart = 0;
    }   // === end for iterationNumber = 1,maxIterations =======================

    // fill solver info
    solver_par->runtime = (real_Double_t) tempo2-tempo1;
    solver_par->numiter = iterationNumber;
    if( solver_par->numiter < solver_par->maxiter) {
        solver_par->info = 0;
    } else if( solver_par->init_res > solver_par->final_res )
        solver_par->info = -2;
        solver_par->info = -1;

    // =============================================================================
    // === postprocessing;
    // =============================================================================

    // === compute the real AX and corresponding eigenvalues
    magma_s_bspmv_tuned(m, n, c_one, A, blockX, c_zero, blockAX );
    magma_sgemm(MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans, n, n, m,
                c_one,  blockX, m, blockAX, m, c_zero, gramM, n);

    magma_ssyevd_gpu( MagmaVec, MagmaUpper,
                      n, gramM, n, gevalues, dwork, n, hwork, lwork,
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                      rwork, lrwork,
                      iwork, liwork, info );

    for(int k =0; k<n; k++)
        evalues[k] = gevalues[k];

    // === update X = X * evectors
    magmablas_swap(blockX, dwork);
    magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, n,
                c_one, dwork, m, gramM, n, c_zero, blockX, m);

    // === update AX = AX * evectors to compute the final residual
    magmablas_swap(blockAX, dwork);
    magma_sgemm(MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans, m, n, n,
                c_one, dwork, m, gramM, n, c_zero, blockAX, m);

    // === compute R = AX - evalues X
    magmablas_slacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, n, blockAX, m, blockR, m);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        magma_saxpy(m, MAGMA_S_MAKE(-evalues[i], 0), blockX+i*m, 1, blockR+i*m, 1);

    // === residualNorms[iterationNumber] = || R ||
    magmablas_snrm2_cols(m, n, blockR, m, residualNorms(0, iterationNumber));

    // === restore blockX if needed
    if (blockX != origX)
        magmablas_slacpy( MagmaUpperLower, m, n, blockX, m, origX, m);

    for(int i =0; i<n; i++)
        printf("%e  ", evalues[i]);

    printf("Final residuals:\n");
    magma_sprint_gpu(1, n, residualNorms(0, iterationNumber), 1);

    //=== Print residual history in a file for plotting ====
    float *hresidualNorms;
    magma_smalloc_cpu(&hresidualNorms, (iterationNumber+1) * n);
    magma_sgetmatrix(n, iterationNumber,
                     (float*)residualNorms, n,
                     (float*)hresidualNorms, n);

    printf("Residuals are stored in file residualNorms\n");
    printf("Plot the residuals using: myplot \n");

    FILE *residuals_file;
    residuals_file = fopen("residualNorms", "w");
    for(int i =1; i<iterationNumber; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j<n; j++)
            fprintf(residuals_file, "%f ", *hresidualNorms(j,i));
        fprintf(residuals_file, "\n");

    // === free work space
    magma_free(     residualNorms   );
    magma_free_cpu( condestGhistory );
    magma_free_cpu( gevalues        );
    magma_free_cpu( iwork           );

    magma_free_pinned( hW           );
    magma_free_pinned( gevectors    );
    magma_free_pinned( h_gramB      );

    magma_free(     gramM           );
    magma_free(     gramA           );
    magma_free(     gramB           );
    magma_free(  activeMask         );

    magma_free(     blockAX    );
    magma_free(     blockAR    );
    magma_free(     blockAP    );
    magma_free(     blockR    );
    magma_free(     blockP    );
    magma_free(     blockW    );
    magma_free(     dwork    );
    magma_free(     eval_gpu    );

    magma_free_pinned( hwork    );

#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
    magma_free_cpu( rwork           );

    return MAGMA_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing slaset
   Code is very similar to testing_slacpy.cpp
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t    gbytes, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    float           error, work[1];
    float  c_neg_one = MAGMA_S_NEG_ONE;
    float *h_A, *h_R;
    magmaFloat_ptr d_A;
    float offdiag, diag;
    magma_int_t M, N, size, lda, ldda;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );

    magma_uplo_t uplo[] = { MagmaLower, MagmaUpper, MagmaFull };

    printf("%% uplo    M     N    offdiag    diag    CPU GByte/s (ms)    GPU GByte/s (ms)   check\n");
    for( int iuplo = 0; iuplo < 3; ++iuplo ) {
      for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
          for( int ival = 0; ival < 4; ++ival ) {
            // test combinations of zero & non-zero:
            // ival  offdiag  diag
            // 0     0        0
            // 1     0        3.14
            // 2     1.23     0
            // 3     1.23     3.14
            offdiag = MAGMA_S_MAKE( 1.2345, 6.7890 ) * (ival / 2);
            diag    = MAGMA_S_MAKE( 3.1415, 2.7183 ) * (ival % 2);
            M = opts.msize[itest];
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            //M += 2;  // space for insets
            //N += 2;
            lda    = M;
            ldda   = magma_roundup( M, opts.align );
            size   = lda*N;
            if ( uplo[iuplo] == MagmaLower ) {
                // save lower trapezoid (with diagonal)
                if ( M > N ) {
                    gbytes = sizeof(float) * (1.*M*N - 0.5*N*(N-1)) / 1e9;
                } else {
                    gbytes = sizeof(float) * 0.5*M*(M+1) / 1e9;
            else if ( uplo[iuplo] == MagmaUpper ) {
                // save upper trapezoid (with diagonal)
                if ( N > M ) {
                    gbytes = sizeof(float) * (1.*M*N - 0.5*M*(M-1)) / 1e9;
                } else {
                    gbytes = sizeof(float) * 0.5*N*(N+1) / 1e9;
            else {
                // save entire matrix
                gbytes = sizeof(float) * 1.*M*N / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A, float, size   );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_R, float, size   );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A, float, ldda*N );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            for( int j = 0; j < N; ++j ) {
                for( int i = 0; i < M; ++i ) {
                    h_A[i + j*lda] = MAGMA_S_MAKE( i + j/10000., j );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            magma_ssetmatrix( M, N, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda, opts.queue );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue );
            //magmablas_slaset( uplo[iuplo], M-2, N-2, offdiag, diag, d_A+1+ldda, ldda, opts.queue );  // inset by 1 row & col
            magmablas_slaset( uplo[iuplo], M, N, offdiag, diag, d_A, ldda, opts.queue );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue ) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            //magma_int_t M2 = M-2;  // inset by 1 row & col
            //magma_int_t N2 = N-2;
            //lapackf77_slaset( lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ), &M2, &N2, &offdiag, &diag, h_A+1+lda, &lda );
            lapackf77_slaset( lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ), &M, &N, &offdiag, &diag, h_A, &lda );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if ( opts.verbose ) {
                printf( "A= " );  magma_sprint(     M, N, h_A, lda );
                printf( "dA=" );  magma_sprint_gpu( M, N, d_A, ldda );
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result
               =================================================================== */
            magma_sgetmatrix( M, N, d_A, ldda, h_R, lda, opts.queue );
            blasf77_saxpy(&size, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione);
            error = lapackf77_slange("f", &M, &N, h_R, &lda, work);

            bool okay = (error == 0);
            status += ! okay;
            printf("%5s %5d %5d  %9.4f  %6.4f   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %s\n",
                   lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ), (int) M, (int) N,
                   real(offdiag), real(diag),
                   cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                   (okay ? "ok" : "failed") );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_R );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
      printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Пример #4
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing slaset
   Code is very similar to testing_slacpy.cpp
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t    gbytes, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    float           error, work[1];
    float  c_neg_one = MAGMA_S_NEG_ONE;
    float *h_A, *h_R;
    magmaFloat_ptr d_A;
    float offdiag = MAGMA_S_MAKE( 1.2000, 6.7000 );
    float diag    = MAGMA_S_MAKE( 3.1415, 2.7183 );
    magma_int_t M, N, size, lda, ldda;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );

    magma_uplo_t uplo[] = { MagmaLower, MagmaUpper, MagmaFull };

    printf("uplo      M     N   CPU GByte/s (ms)    GPU GByte/s (ms)    check\n");
    for( int iuplo = 0; iuplo < 3; ++iuplo ) {
      for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M = opts.msize[itest];
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            //M += 2;  // space for insets
            //N += 2;
            lda    = M;
            ldda   = ((M+31)/32)*32;
            size   = lda*N;
            if ( uplo[iuplo] == MagmaLower || uplo[iuplo] == MagmaUpper ) {
                // save triangle (with diagonal)
                // TODO wrong for trapezoid
                gbytes = sizeof(float) * 0.5*N*(N+1) / 1e9;
            else {
                // save entire matrix
                gbytes = sizeof(float) * 1.*M*N / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A, float, size   );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_R, float, size   );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A, float, ldda*N );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            for( int j = 0; j < N; ++j ) {
                for( int i = 0; i < M; ++i ) {
                    h_A[i + j*lda] = MAGMA_S_MAKE( i + j/10000., j );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            magma_ssetmatrix( M, N, h_A, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, opts.queue );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            //magmablas_slaset( uplo[iuplo], M-2, N-2, offdiag, diag, d_A+1+ldda, 0, ldda, opts.queue );  // inset by 1 row & col
            magmablas_slaset( uplo[iuplo], M, N, offdiag, diag, d_A, 0, ldda, opts.queue );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            //magma_int_t M2 = M-2;  // inset by 1 row & col
            //magma_int_t N2 = N-2;
            //lapackf77_slaset( lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ), &M2, &N2, &offdiag, &diag, h_A+1+lda, &lda );
            lapackf77_slaset( lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ), &M, &N, &offdiag, &diag, h_A, &lda );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if ( opts.verbose ) {
                printf( "A= " );  magma_sprint(     M, N, h_A, lda );
                printf( "dA=" );  magma_sprint_gpu( M, N, d_A, 0, ldda, opts.queue );
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result
               =================================================================== */
            magma_sgetmatrix( M, N, d_A, 0, ldda, h_R, lda, opts.queue );
            blasf77_saxpy(&size, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione);
            error = lapackf77_slange("f", &M, &N, h_R, &lda, work);

            printf("%5s %5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %s\n",
                   lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ), (int) M, (int) N,
                   cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                   (error == 0. ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status += ! (error == 0.);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_R );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
      printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Пример #5
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dlat2s and slat2d
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    #define  A(i_,j_) ( A + (i_) + (j_)*lda)
    #define SA(i_,j_) (SA + (i_) + (j_)*lda)
    real_Double_t   gbytes, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double error, work[1];
    float serror, swork[1];
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    float  s_neg_one = MAGMA_S_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t n, lda, ldda, size, info;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    float   *SA, *SR;
    double   *A,  *R;
    float  *dSA;
    double  *dA;
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    magma_uplo_t uplo[] = { MagmaLower, MagmaUpper };
    printf("func    uplo     N     CPU GB/s (ms)       GPU GB/s (ms)     ||R||_F\n");
    for( int iuplo = 0; iuplo < 2; ++iuplo ) {
      for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            n = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda  = n;
            ldda = ((n+31)/32)*32;
            // 0.5*(n+1)*n double-real loads and 0.5*(n+1)*n single-real stores (and vice-versa for slat2d)
            gbytes = (real_Double_t) 0.5*(n+1)*n * (sizeof(double) + sizeof(float)) / 1e9;
            size = ldda*n;  // ldda >= lda
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(  SA, float,  size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(   A, double, size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(  SR, float,  size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(   R, double, size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dSA, float,  size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV(  dA, double, size );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size,  A );
            lapackf77_slarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, SA );
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, A,  lda, dA,  ldda );
            magma_ssetmatrix( n, n, SA, lda, dSA, ldda );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK dlat2s
               =================================================================== */
            info = 0;
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            lapackf77_dlat2s( lapack_uplo_const(uplo[iuplo]), &n, A, &lda, SA, &lda, &info );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("lapackf77_dlat2s returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA dlat2s
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime(0);
            magmablas_dlat2s( uplo[iuplo], n, dA, ldda, dSA, ldda, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime(0) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magmablas_dlat2s returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            magma_sgetmatrix( n, n, dSA, ldda, SR, lda );
            if ( opts.verbose ) {
                printf( "A=  " );  magma_dprint( n, n, A,  lda );
                printf( "SA= " );  magma_sprint( n, n, SA, lda );
                printf( "dA= " );  magma_dprint_gpu( n, n, dA,  ldda );
                printf( "dSA=" );  magma_sprint_gpu( n, n, dSA, ldda );
            /* =====================================================================
               compute error |SA_magma - SA_lapack|
               should be zero if both are IEEE compliant
               =================================================================== */
            blasf77_saxpy( &size, &s_neg_one, SA, &ione, SR, &ione );
            serror = lapackf77_slange( "Fro", &n, &n, SR, &lda, swork );
            printf( "dlat2s %5s %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                    lapack_uplo_const(uplo[iuplo]), (int) n,
                    cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                    serror, (serror == 0 ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status += ! (serror == 0);
            /* =====================================================================
               Reset matrices
               =================================================================== */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size,  A );
            lapackf77_slarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, SA );
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, A,  lda, dA,  ldda );
            magma_ssetmatrix( n, n, SA, lda, dSA, ldda );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK slat2d
               LAPACK doesn't implement slat2d; use our own simple implementation.
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            if ( uplo[iuplo] == MagmaLower ) {
                for( int j=0; j < n; ++j ) {
                    for( int i=j; i < n; ++i ) {
                        *A(i,j) = MAGMA_D_MAKE( real(*SA(i,j)), imag(*SA(i,j)) );
            else { // upper
                for( int j=0; j < n; ++j ) {
                    for( int i=0; i <= j; ++i ) {
                        *A(i,j) = MAGMA_D_MAKE( real(*SA(i,j)), imag(*SA(i,j)) );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("lapackf77_slat2d returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA slat2d
               =================================================================== */
            magma_ssetmatrix( n, n, SA, lda, dSA, ldda );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime(0);
            magmablas_slat2d( uplo[iuplo], n, dSA, ldda, dA, ldda, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime(0) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magmablas_slat2d returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            magma_dgetmatrix( n, n, dA, ldda, R, lda );
            if ( opts.verbose ) {
                printf( "A=  " );  magma_dprint( n, n, A,  lda );
                printf( "SA= " );  magma_sprint( n, n, SA, lda );
                printf( "dA= " );  magma_dprint_gpu( n, n, dA,  ldda );
                printf( "dSA=" );  magma_sprint_gpu( n, n, dSA, ldda );
            /* =====================================================================
               compute error |A_magma - A_lapack|
               should be zero if both are IEEE compliant
               =================================================================== */
            blasf77_daxpy( &size, &c_neg_one, A, &ione, R, &ione );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "Fro", &n, &n, R, &lda, work );
            printf( "slat2d %5s %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                    lapack_uplo_const(uplo[iuplo]), (int) n,
                    cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                    error, (error == 0 ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status += ! (error == 0);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(  SA );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(   A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(  SR );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(   R );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dSA );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV(  dA );
            printf( "\n" );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
      printf( "\n" );
    return status;