int main() { int option, execute = true; main_menu(); while (execute) { option = readOption(); switch (option) { case 0: system("clear"); main_menu(); break; case 1: while (substituitionCipher()); break; case 2: while (transpositionCipher()); break; case 3: while (productCipher()); break; case 4: execute = false; break; } } return 0; }
main_menu(){ system("cls"); //se windows printa_topo(); animate("\n\n\t1 - Jogar\n", 5); animate("\t2 - Instrucoes\n", 5); animate("\t3 - Creditos\n", 5); animate("\tQ - Sair\n", 5); printf("\n\tOpcao: "); scanf("%c)", &opcao_menu); getchar(); switch(opcao_menu){ case '1': break; case '2': printa_instrucoes(); break; case '3': chama_creditos(); break; case 'Q': case 'q': exit(0); break; default: printf("\nOpcao invalida! \nPressione <ENTER> para continuar\n"); getchar(); main_menu(); } }
void menu_palindrome() { int num; puts("Definition of palindrome:"); puts("1. Input a number"); puts("2. Help"); puts("9. Back to main menu"); puts("0. Exit"); printf(">>> "); if (scanf("%d", &num) == 1) { switch (num) { case 0: break; case 1: input_palindrome(); menu_palindrome(); break; case 2: help_palindrome(); menu_palindrome(); break; case 9: main_menu(); break; default: puts("Error! Invalid number.\n"); menu_palindrome(); break; } } else { puts("Error! Input a number.\n"); __fpurge(stdin); menu_palindrome(); } }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // Phase 1 int selection=0; int error_code = NO_ERROR; while (selection != EXIT_SEL) { selection = main_menu(); switch (selection) { case FILE_SEL: { FILE * fid; file_main_menu(fid); selection = 0; break; } /*case EDIT_SEL: edit_menu(); case SEARCH_SEL: search_menu(); case COMPUTE_SEL: compute_menu(); case REPORT_SEL: report_menu(); */ } } clear_screen(); printf("Thank you for using StatPac. Goodbye.\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
void menu_phrases() { int num; puts("Inspection of phrases:"); puts("1. Input text from console"); puts("2. Input text from files"); puts("3. Help"); puts("9. Back to main menu"); puts("0. Exit"); printf(">>> "); if (scanf("%d", &num) == 1) { switch (num) { case 0: break; case 1: input_console_phrases(); menu_phrases(); break; case 2: input_file_phrases(); menu_phrases(); break; case 3: help_phrases(); menu_phrases(); break; case 9: main_menu(); break; default: puts("Error! Invalid number.\n"); menu_phrases(); break; } } else { puts("Error! Input a number.\n"); __fpurge(stdin); menu_phrases(); } }
/** * xcom.IApplication entry point. * * @return XC_OK * */ xc_result_t application_start ( xc_handle_t importHandle, void (* Start_result) ( xc_handle_t importHandle, xc_result_t result, void *user_data ), void (* Start_error) ( xc_handle_t importHandle, xc_result_t result, void *user_data ), void *user_data ) { printf ( "\n" "xCOM Test Driver\n" "\n" ); while (main_menu () == true); if (Start_result != NULL) { Start_result (importHandle, XC_OK, user_data); } return XC_OK; }
//个人信息页面 static void userinfo_menu(){ int index=1; char commend[1]; erase(); cbreak(); noecho(); mvprintw(3 ,25, "%s", " 欢迎访问模拟铁路订票系统!"); mvprintw(5 ,25, "%s", " 个人资料:"); mvprintw(7, 30, "a. 用户 id :%d", static_message.userinfo_data.uid); mvprintw(8, 30, "b. 用户名:%s", static_message.userinfo_data.u_name); mvprintw(9, 30, "c. 性别:%s",; mvprintw(10, 30, "d. 电话号码:%d", static_message.userinfo_data.phone_num); mvprintw(11, 30, "e. 邮箱:%s",; mvprintw(13, 30, "%s", "1. 修改个人资料"); mvprintw(13, 50, "%s", "2. 返回上一页"); refresh(); while(index){ commend[0]=getch(); switch(commend[0]){ case '1': echo(); nocbreak(); modify_userinfo_menu(); index=0; break; case '2': echo(); nocbreak(); main_menu(); index=0; break; default: mvprintw(15, 30, "%s", "无效的命令!"); break; } } }
main(){ system("cls"); main_menu(); getch(); }
void menu_inch_to_cm() { int num; puts("Translate inches to meters:"); puts("1. Input inches"); puts("2. Help"); puts("9. Back to main menu"); puts("0. Exit"); printf(">>> "); if (scanf("%d", &num) == 1) { switch (num) { case 0: break; case 1: input_inch_to_cm(); menu_inch_to_cm(); break; case 2: help_inch_to_cm(); menu_inch_to_cm(); break; case 9: main_menu(); break; default: puts("Error! Invalid number.\n"); menu_inch_to_cm(); break; } } else { puts("Error! Input a number.\n"); __fpurge(stdin); menu_inch_to_cm(); } }
void main_menu(){ int choice; system("cls"); system("COLOR 1C"); //selecting color of background and text to be displayed printf("\n-----START MENU-----"); printf("\n1 : Play with X"); printf("\n2 : Play with O"); printf("\n3 : Exit"); printf("\nEnter your choice:> "); scanf("%d",&choice); turn = 1; switch (choice){ case 1: player = 1; computer = 0; player_1(); break; case 2: player = 0; computer = 1; begin_game(); break; case 3: exit(1); default: main_menu(); } }
// View the total of an account void Bank::customer_total() { cout << "--View the Total of Your Account--" << endl << endl; cout << "This menu will allow you to view the total of any of your accounts." << endl; int account; cout << "Account to view total of: "; cin >> account; vector<Account*>::const_iterator account_iter; vector<Customer*>::const_iterator customer_iter; bool match = false; for (account_iter = pAccounts.begin(); account_iter != pAccounts.end(); ++account_iter) { if ((*account_iter)->getNumber() == account) { for (customer_iter = (*account_iter)->getOwners().begin(); customer_iter != (*account_iter)->getOwners().end(); ++customer_iter) { if ((*customer_iter)->getId() == current_user) { match = true; double total = (*account_iter)->calculate_total(); cout << "Account Number: " << (*account_iter)->getNumber() << " " << " Account Total: $" << total << endl << endl; } } } } if (!match) { cout << endl << "You do not own this account or this account does not exist." << endl << endl; } cout << "Enter 1 View Another Total for a Different Account." << endl; cout << "Enter 0 to Return to the Main Menu." << endl; int option = get_input(); switch (option) { case 0: main_menu(); case 1: customer_total(); } }
void Sys_Quit() { char newtime[100]; FILE* pf3 = fopen("log.txt","a+"); char ch[10] = "q"; while (NOTNEED) { printf("确定退出呵呵词典?(y/n)\n"); scanf("%s", ch); } if (0 == strcmp(ch, "y")) { int i; strcpy(newtime , timeinfo()); fprintf(pf3,"%s",newtime); fprintf(pf3, "%s\n", "退出系统"); fclose(pf3); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n\n\n"); printf("\t\t谢谢使用!\n\n\n\n"); printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); for (i=0; i<100000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n\n"); printf("\t\t谢谢使用!\n\n\n"); printf(" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); for (i=0; i<4000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n"); printf("\t\t谢谢使用!\n\n"); printf("\n\n\n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); for (i=0; i<4000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n\n\n ~~~~~~~~~\n"); printf("\t\t谢谢使用!\n"); printf(" ~~~~~~~~~\n"); for (i=0; i<4000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n\n\n ~~~~~\n"); printf("\n ~~~~~\n"); for (i=0; i<13000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n\n\n _____________________________\n"); for (i=0; i<2500000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n\n\n ___________________\n"); for (i=0; i<2000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n\n\n _________\n"); for (i=0; i<2000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); printf("\n\n\n\n *\n"); for (i=0; i<4000000; i++); printf("%s","\033[1H\033[2J"); exit(0); } else main_menu(); }
void erasure_tool_run() { keyboard_register_key_down(handle_down); console_clear(); console_puts("Welcome to K-OS!\n\nCopyright (c) 2013 Keeley Hoek\nAll rights reserved.\n\n"); console_puts("THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND\n"); console_puts("ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n"); console_puts("WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n"); console_puts("DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR\n"); console_puts("ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n"); console_puts("(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\n"); console_puts("LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n"); console_puts("ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n"); console_puts("(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\n"); console_puts("SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n\n"); console_puts("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); console_puts("If you do not agree to the above terms TURN THE COMPUTER OFF NOW.\n"); console_puts("If you do agree to the above terms press enter to continue."); beep(); wait_for_enter(); main_menu(); }
int main() { int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; initscr(); start_color(); cbreak(); nonl(); noecho(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); if (viewer_init_colors()) { ret = EXIT_FAILURE; goto uninit; } if (main_menu()) ret = EXIT_FAILURE; uninit: viewer_restore_colors(); keypad(stdscr, FALSE); echo(); nocbreak(); endwin(); return ret; }
/** * @brief Main function for the game. * @param argc count of arguments provided to the game. * @param argv an array of the arguments provided to the game. * @return always 0. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Init_All(); done = 0; do { if(gameState == 0) { main_menu(); } else if(gameState == 1) { levelOne(); } else if(gameState == 2) { levelTwo(); } else if(gameState ==3) { } }while(!done); slog("got here"); exit(0); /*technically this will end the program, but the compiler likes all functions that can return a value TO return a value*/ SDL_DestroyTexture(bullet_Texture); return 1; }
int main(void) { //test(); puts("\nWelcome to our warehouse program!"); main_menu(); return 0; }
int main(void) { struct item *ptr = NULL; ptr = main_menu(ptr); if(ptr != NULL) { ptr = del_list(ptr); } return 0; }
int main(){ print_welcome(); print_menu(); while(1){ main_menu(); } return 0; }
int main() { std::list<compte_normal *> l_compte; read_file(l_compte); main_menu(l_compte); save_data(l_compte); }
void CmdInterface::run(PhoneBook & pb) { cout << " Phone Book 0.1 By JackalDire \n"; main_menu(); char cmd; do { cout << "cmd>"; cmd = getCommand(); switch (cmd) { case '1': onAddRecord(pb); pause(); main_menu();break; case '2': onEditRecord(pb); pause(); main_menu();break; case '3': onSearchRecord(pb); pause(); main_menu();break; case '4': onDelRecord(pb); pause(); main_menu();break; case '5': show(pb); pause(); main_menu();break; case '9': main_menu(); break; case '0': cout << "Exit.\n"; break; default: cout << "Error Command!\n"; cin.clear(); cin.sync(); break; } } while(cmd != '0'); }
void chama_creditos(){ system("cls"); //se windows printa_topo(); animate("\nimagok: #Coding, #Compiling, #Complaining, #low_class_jokes.lib\n", 10); animate("Spy: #Coding + #Insulting = #Consulting\n", 10); animate("\nPress <ENTER> to return to the main menu", 10); getchar(); main_menu(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { CLEAR_SCREEN; printf(WELCOME_MSG); main_menu(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { strcpy(sbstr, "loading..."); do_init(); main_menu(); exit(0); }
static void setsound () { #ifdef SOUND if (sndinit) ssound = !ssound; #endif main_menu (); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { system("clear"); while(1) { main_menu(argc, argv); } return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { init_allegro_elements(); if (main_menu()==0) { exit_game(); return 0; } }
/* Funcao main apenas pega a opcao do usuario e direciona o programa para a funcao correspondente Variaveis: opc- opcao digitada pelo usuario btree- arvore binaria reg- possivel arquivo de registros ja existente */ int main(void) { int opc; arvoreb_t *btree; btree = createArvoreB(); if (file_exists(FILE_REG) && isEmptyArvoreB(btree)) { //arquivo de registros ja existe e deve ser carregado FILE *reg; reg = fopen(FILE_REG, "r"); Load_reg(reg, btree); fclose(reg); } opc = 1; while (opc) { clearScreen(); main_menu(); opc = _scanf_int(); printf("==========================================================\n"); switch (opc) { case 1: Insere_usuario(btree); break; case 2: Remove_usuario(btree); break; case 3: Busca_usuario(btree); break; case 4: clearScreen(); printArvoreB(btree); system_pause(); break; case 5: clearScreen(); printf("Fechando o programa...\n"); freeArvoreB(btree); opc = 0; break; default: printf("Opcao invalida, tente novamente\n"); opc = 1; //Garante que o usuario podera escolher novamente system_pause(); break; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { app.status = 1; //char buf[256]; //bool conection_open = false; if ( (argc < 2) || ((strcmp("/dev/ttyS0", argv[1])!=0) && (strcmp("/dev/ttyS4", argv[1])!=0) )) { printf("Usage:\tnserial SerialPort\n\tex: nserial /dev/ttyS0\n"); exit(1); } set_basic_definitions(3, 3, argv[1], BAUDRATE); char anws=' '; while (anws != 'f'){ anws=main_menu(APP_STATUS_RECEIVER); switch (anws){ case 'a': if (connect() == 0) { //conection_open = true; if (testread() == 0) { llclose(app.fd); //if (llclose() == OK) //{ close_tio(app.fd); //conection_open = false; //} sleep(9); } } break; case 'b':printf("\nNOT IMPLEMENTED");//reconnect(); break; case 'c':select_config(config); break; case 'd': printf("\nNOT IMPLEMENTED");//if (receiver != 0) choosePicture2Send(); break; case 'e': datalink_log = get_occurrences_log(); show_prog_stats(datalink_log->num_of_Is, datalink_log->total_num_of_timeouts, datalink_log->num_of_REJs, APP_STATUS_RECEIVER); break; case 'f':printf("\nNow exiting...\n"); sleep(1); break; default: printf("\nNo valid command recognized."); sleep(1); break; } } return 0; }
void fed( void ) { cufontpath[0] = '\0'; cuwordpath[0] = '\0'; cuprintpath[0] = '\0'; matrix_image = ( char* ) malloc( 1 ); char_block_image = ( char* ) malloc( 1 ); center_x = 320 + align; center_y = 347 / 2; main_menu( ); }
void init_menu () { mx1 = 10; mx2 = MAPWIDTH - 10; my2 = 10; my2 = MAPHEIGHT - 10; ssound = sound; playertext[1] = nrockets + '0'; main_menu (); }