Id::Id(const char* _c) { make(QString(_c)); }
Signature::Signature(IdentList &idents) { make(idents); }
Id::Id(QString const& _str) { make(_str); }
bogusRoots[i] = (mps_addr_t)p; } } r = (size_t)rnd(); if (r & 1) { i = (r >> 1) % exactRootsCOUNT; if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL) die(HeaderFormatCheck(exactRoots[i]), "wrapper check"); exactRoots[i] = make(roots_count); if (exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i] != objNULL) dylan_write(exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i], exactRoots, exactRootsCOUNT); } else { i = (r >> 1) % ambigRootsCOUNT; ambigRoots[(ambigRootsCOUNT-1) - i] = make(roots_count); /* Create random interior pointers */ ambigRoots[i] = (mps_addr_t)((char *)(ambigRoots[i/2]) + 1); } if (r % initTestFREQ == 0) *(int*)busy_init = -1; /* check that the buffer is still there */ if (objs % 1024 == 0) { report(arena); putchar('.'); (void)fflush(stdout); } ++objs; }
static void *test(mps_arena_t arena, mps_pool_class_t pool_class, size_t roots_count) { mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_root_t exactRoot, ambigRoot, bogusRoot; unsigned long objs; size_t i; mps_word_t collections, rampSwitch; mps_alloc_pattern_t ramp = mps_alloc_pattern_ramp(); int ramping; mps_ap_t busy_ap; mps_addr_t busy_init; die(EnsureHeaderFormat(&format, arena), "fmt_create"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, pool_class, format, chain), "pool_create(amc)"); die(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate"); die(mps_ap_create(&busy_ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "BufferCreate 2"); for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; ++i) exactRoots[i] = objNULL; for(i = 0; i < ambigRootsCOUNT; ++i) ambigRoots[i] = rnd_addr(); die(mps_root_create_table_masked(&exactRoot, arena, mps_rank_exact(), (mps_rm_t)0, &exactRoots[0], exactRootsCOUNT, (mps_word_t)1), "root_create_table(exact)"); die(mps_root_create_table(&ambigRoot, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), (mps_rm_t)0, &ambigRoots[0], ambigRootsCOUNT), "root_create_table(ambig)"); die(mps_root_create_table(&bogusRoot, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), (mps_rm_t)0, &bogusRoots[0], bogusRootsCOUNT), "root_create_table(bogus)"); /* create an ap, and leave it busy */ die(mps_reserve(&busy_init, busy_ap, 64), "mps_reserve busy"); collections = 0; rampSwitch = rampSIZE; die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(ap, ramp), "pattern begin (ap)"); die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(busy_ap, ramp), "pattern begin (busy_ap)"); ramping = 1; objs = 0; while (collections < collectionsCOUNT) { mps_word_t c; size_t r; c = mps_collections(arena); if (collections != c) { collections = c; printf("\nCollection %"PRIuLONGEST", %lu objects.\n", (ulongest_t)c, objs); report(arena); for (r = 0; r < exactRootsCOUNT; ++r) { if (exactRoots[r] != objNULL) die(HeaderFormatCheck(exactRoots[r]), "wrapper check"); } if (collections == rampSwitch) { int begin_ramp = !ramping || /* Every other time, switch back immediately. */ (collections & 1); rampSwitch += rampSIZE; if (ramping) { die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(ap, ramp), "pattern end (ap)"); die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(busy_ap, ramp), "pattern end (busy_ap)"); ramping = 0; /* kill half of the roots */ for(i = 0; i < exactRootsCOUNT; i += 2) { if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL) { die(HeaderFormatCheck(exactRoots[i]), "ramp kill check"); exactRoots[i] = objNULL; } } } if (begin_ramp) { die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(ap, ramp), "pattern rebegin (ap)"); die(mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(busy_ap, ramp), "pattern rebegin (busy_ap)"); ramping = 1; } } /* fill bogusRoots with variations of a real pointer */ r = rnd() % exactRootsCOUNT; if (exactRoots[r] != objNULL) { char *p = (char*)exactRoots[r]; for(i = 0; i < bogusRootsCOUNT; ++i, ++p) bogusRoots[i] = (mps_addr_t)p; } } r = (size_t)rnd(); if (r & 1) { i = (r >> 1) % exactRootsCOUNT; if (exactRoots[i] != objNULL) die(HeaderFormatCheck(exactRoots[i]), "wrapper check"); exactRoots[i] = make(roots_count); if (exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i] != objNULL) dylan_write(exactRoots[(exactRootsCOUNT-1) - i], exactRoots, exactRootsCOUNT); } else {
int main() { hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f0)(make()); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g0)(make()); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f1)(make(), 1); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g1)(make(), 1); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f2)(make(), 1, 2); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g2)(make(), 1, 2); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f3)(make(), 1, 2, 3); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g3)(make(), 1, 2, 3); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f4)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g4)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f5)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g5)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f6)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g6)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f7)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g7)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::f8)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); hpx::util::mem_fn(&X::g8)(make(), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); HPX_TEST(hash == 2155); return hpx::util::report_errors(); }
CubeExample() : cube_instr(make_cube.Instructions()) , cube_indices(make_cube.Indices()) , prog(make()) , projection_matrix(prog, "ProjectionMatrix") , camera_matrix(prog, "CameraMatrix") , model_matrix(prog, "ModelMatrix") , light_pos(prog, "LightPos") { // bind the VAO for the cube gl.Bind(cube); gl.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array, verts); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_cube.Positions(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); (prog | "Position").Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex).Enable(); } gl.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array, normals); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_cube.Normals(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); (prog | "Normal").Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex).Enable(); } gl.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array, tangents); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_cube.Tangents(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); (prog | "Tangent").Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex).Enable(); } gl.Bind(Buffer::Target::Array, texcoords); { std::vector<GLfloat> data; GLuint n_per_vertex = make_cube.TexCoordinates(data); Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, data); (prog | "TexCoord").Setup<GLfloat>(n_per_vertex).Enable(); } { auto img = images::SphereBumpMap(512, 512, 2, 2); Uniform<GLsizei>(prog, "BumpTexWidth").Set(img.Width()); Uniform<GLsizei>(prog, "BumpTexHeight").Set(img.Height()); UniformSampler(prog, "BumpTex").Set(0); Texture::Active(0); gl.Bound(Texture::Target::_2D, bumpTex) .MinFilter(TextureMinFilter::LinearMipmapLinear) .MagFilter(TextureMagFilter::Linear) .WrapS(TextureWrap::Repeat) .WrapT(TextureWrap::Repeat) .Image2D(img) .GenerateMipmap(); } // gl.ClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.0f); gl.ClearDepth(1.0f); gl.Enable(Capability::DepthTest); gl.Enable(Capability::CullFace); gl.FrontFace(make_cube.FaceWinding()); }
DoubleVector DoubleVector::operator/(int num) { return make(*this, '/', num); }
DoubleVector DoubleVector::operator%(DoubleVector& rightVec) { return make(rightVec, '%'); }
void Label::setText(const char* text) { free(text_); text_ = (char*) malloc(strlen(text) + 1); strcpy(text_, text); make(); }
DoubleVector DoubleVector::operator-(DoubleVector& rightVec) { shouldResize(rightVec); return make(rightVec, '-'); }
void Label::setSize(int size) { size_ = size; make(); }
void Label::setFace(const char* face) { free(face_); face_ = (char*) malloc(strlen(face) + 1); strcpy(face_, face); make(); }
sptr get_new(boost::shared_array<char> mem, size_t len){ _mem = mem; return make(this, _mem.get(), len); }
bool parse(Iterator& f, const Iterator& l, unused_type) const { static auto p = make(); return p(f, l, unused); }
void reset() { ::reset(); if (!present("magician")) make(MOB"2t2"); }
bool parse(Iterator& f, const Iterator& l, http::header& a) const { static auto p = make();; a.value.clear(); return p(f, l,, a.value); }
ShadowProg(void) : Program(make()) , projection_matrix(self(), "ProjectionMatrix") , camera_matrix(self(), "CameraMatrix") , fade(self(), "Fade") { }
List::List() : Value() { make(TYPES.list, this); }
void item::deserialize(JsonObject &data) { init(); clear(); std::string idtmp=""; std::string ammotmp="null"; int lettmp = 0; std::string corptmp = "null"; int damtmp = 0; if ( ! "typeid", idtmp) ) { debugmsg("Invalid item type: %s ", data.str().c_str() ); idtmp = "null"; } "charges", charges ); "burnt", burnt ); "poison", poison ); "owned", owned ); "bday", bday ); "mode", mode ); "mission_id", mission_id ); "player_id", player_id ); if (! "corpse", corptmp )) { int ctmp = -1; "corpse", ctmp ); if (ctmp != -1) { corptmp = legacy_mon_id[ctmp]; } else { corptmp = "null"; } } if (corptmp != "null") { corpse = GetMType(corptmp); } else { corpse = NULL; } make(itypes[idtmp]); if ( ! "name", name ) ) { name=type->name; } "invlet", lettmp ); invlet = char(lettmp); "damage", damtmp ); damage = damtmp; // todo: check why this is done after make(), using a tmp variable "active", active ); "fridge", fridge ); "curammo", ammotmp ); if ( ammotmp != "null" ) { curammo = dynamic_cast<it_ammo*>(itypes[ammotmp]); } else { curammo = NULL; }"item_tags", item_tags); JsonObject pvars = data.get_object("item_vars"); std::set<std::string> members = pvars.get_member_names(); for ( std::set<std::string>::iterator pvarsit = members.begin(); pvarsit != members.end(); ++pvarsit ) { if ( pvars.has_string( *pvarsit ) ) { item_vars[ *pvarsit ] = pvars.get_string( *pvarsit ); } } int tmplum=0; if ("light",tmplum) ) { light=nolight; int tmpwidth=0; int tmpdir=0;"light_width",tmpwidth);"light_dir",tmpdir); light.luminance = tmplum; light.width = (short)tmpwidth; light.direction = (short)tmpdir; }"contents", contents); }