Пример #1
// In a tool's load() function, we don't need to read its class
// because that has already been read and used to instantiate the
// object before this can have been called.
void FlagTool3D::load( const rviz::Config& config )
    // Here we get the "Flags" sub-config from the tool config and loop over its entries:
    rviz::Config flags_config = config.mapGetChild( "Flags" );
    int num_flags = flags_config.listLength();
    for( int i = 0; i < num_flags; i++ )
        rviz::Config flag_config = flags_config.listChildAt( i );
        // At this point each ``flag_config`` represents a single flag.
        // Here we provide a default name in case the name is not in the config file for some reason:
        QString name = "Flag " + QString::number( i + 1 );
        // Then we use the convenience function mapGetString() to read the
        // name from ``flag_config`` if it is there.  (If no "Name" entry
        // were present it would return false, but we don't care about
        // that because we have already set a default.)
        flag_config.mapGetString( "Name", &name );
        // Given the name we can create an rviz::VectorProperty to display the position:
        rviz::VectorProperty* prop = new rviz::VectorProperty( name );
        // Then we just tell the property to read its contents from the config, and we've read all the data.
        prop->load( flag_config );
        // We finish each flag by marking it read-only (as discussed
        // above), adding it to the property container, and finally making
        // an actual visible flag object in the 3D scene at the correct
        // position.
        prop->setReadOnly( true );
        getPropertyContainer()->addChild( prop );
        makeFlag( prop->getVector() );
Пример #2
 int PolygonTool::processMouseEvent( rviz::ViewportMouseEvent& event )
   if( !moving_flag_node_ )
     return Render;
   Ogre::Vector3 intersection;
   Ogre::Plane ground_plane( Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z, 0.0f );
   if( rviz::getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY( event.viewport,
   event.x, event.y, intersection ))
     moving_flag_node_->setVisible( true );
     moving_flag_node_->setPosition( intersection );
     current_flag_property_->setVector( intersection );
     if( event.leftDown() )
       makeFlag( intersection );
       current_flag_property_ = NULL;
       return Render | Finished;
     moving_flag_node_->setVisible( false ); 
   return Render;
Пример #3
void TclClass::sendColor(byte red, byte green, byte blue) {
  byte flag;

  flag = makeFlag(red,green,blue);

// Handling mouse events
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// processMouseEvent() is sort of the main function of a Tool, because
// mouse interactions are the point of Tools.
// We use the utility function rviz::getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY() to
// see where on the ground plane the user's mouse is pointing, then
// move the moving flag to that point and update the VectorProperty.
// If this mouse event was a left button press, we want to save the
// current flag location.  Therefore we make a new flag at the same
// place and drop the pointer to the VectorProperty.  Dropping the
// pointer means when the tool is deactivated the VectorProperty won't
// be deleted, which is what we want.
int PottingTool::processMouseEvent( rviz::ViewportMouseEvent& event )
  if( !moving_flag_node_ )
    return Render;
  Ogre::Vector3 intersection;
  Ogre::Plane ground_plane( Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z, 0.0f );
  if( rviz::getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY( event.viewport,
                                         event.x, event.y, intersection ))
    // set the area the obstacle can be settled
    if ((abs(intersection.x)<10)&&(abs(intersection.y)<10))
      moving_flag_node_->setVisible( true );
      moving_flag_node_->setPosition( intersection );
      current_flag_property_->setVector( intersection );

      if( event.leftDown() )
        makeFlag( intersection );
        ofstream myfile("obstacles.txt",ios::app);  //example.txt是你要输出的文件的名字
          cout<<"error !";
        current_flag_property_ = NULL; // Drop the reference so that deactivate() won't remove it.
        return Render | Finished;
    moving_flag_node_->setVisible( false ); // If the mouse is not pointing at the ground plane, don't show the flag.
  return Render;
Пример #5
// Handling mouse events
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// processMouseEvent() is sort of the main function of a Tool, because
// mouse interactions are the point of Tools.
// We use the utility function rviz::getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY() to
// see where on the ground plane the user's mouse is pointing, then
// move the moving flag to that point and update the VectorProperty.
// If this mouse event was a left button press, we want to save the
// current flag location.  Therefore we make a new flag at the same
// place and drop the pointer to the VectorProperty.  Dropping the
// pointer means when the tool is deactivated the VectorProperty won't
// be deleted, which is what we want.
int FlagTool3D::processMouseEvent( rviz::ViewportMouseEvent& event )

    if( !moving_flag_node_ )
        return Render;

    Ogre::Vector3 intersection,intersection1;
    Ogre::Plane ground_plane( Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z, 0.0f );

    if( rviz::getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY( event.viewport,
                                           event.x, event.y, intersection ))
        //moving_flag_node_->setVisible( true );
        moving_flag_node_->setPosition( intersection );
        current_flag_property_->setVector( intersection );

        if( event.leftDown() )
            std::cout << "Computing projection for " << pcd.size() << " points.\n";
            for( size_t i = 0; i < pcd.size(); i++ ) {
                Ogre::Vector3 temp3D(pcd.points[i].x,pcd.points[i].y,pcd.points[i].z);
                Ogre::Vector2 temp2D = rviz::project3DPointToViewportXY(event.viewport,temp3D);
                //std::cout << "\t3D - x: " << temp3D.x << " y: " << temp3D.y << " z: " << temp3D.z << "\t";
                //std::cout << "2D - x: " << temp2D.x << " y: " << temp2D.y << "\n";

            Ogre::Vector2 mouse_pos(event.x,event.y),closest;
            std::cout << "Mouse position - x: " << event.x << " y: " << event.y << "\n";

            std::cout << "Computing distances for " << correspondences.size() << " points:\n";
            double min_dist = 1000000;
            for(std::vector<std::pair<Ogre::Vector3,Ogre::Vector2> >::iterator it=correspondences.begin(); it != correspondences.end(); ++it){
                std::pair<Ogre::Vector3,Ogre::Vector2> pair = *it;
                double dist = FlagTool3D::computeDistance(mouse_pos,pair.second);
                //std::cout << "\t2D Point - x: " << pair.second.x << " y: " << pair.second.y << "\tdistance: " << dist << "\n";
                if(dist < min_dist) {
                    min_dist = dist;
                    intersection1 = pair.first;
                    closest = pair.second;
            std::cout << "Closest point - x: " << closest.x << " y: " << closest.y << "\n";
            std::cout << "Distance: " << min_dist << "\n";
            std::cout << "3D point - x: " << intersection1.x << " y: " << intersection1.y << " z: " << intersection1.z << "\n";

            moving_flag_node_->setVisible( true );

            makeFlag( intersection1 );

            //std::cout << "Ogre 3D point - x: " << intersection.x << " y: " << intersection.y << " z: " << intersection.z << "\n";
            //std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

            //Adding flag pose to the list
            geometry_msgs::Pose wp_pose;
            wp_pose.position.x = intersection1.x;
            wp_pose.position.y = intersection1.y;
            wp_pose.position.z = intersection1.z;

            current_flag_property_ = NULL; // Drop the reference so that deactivate() won't remove it.
            return Render | Finished;

        if( event.rightDown() ){
            //Publishing the flag pose

            return Render | Finished;
        moving_flag_node_->setVisible( false ); // If the mouse is not pointing at the ground plane, don't show the flag.
    return Render;
