Пример #1
void CGameDescription::Dump(){
	globalOutputStream() << "game description file: " << makeQuoted( mGameFile.c_str() ) << "\n";
	for ( GameDescription::iterator i = m_gameDescription.begin(); i != m_gameDescription.end(); ++i )
		globalOutputStream() << ( *i ).first.c_str() << " = " << makeQuoted( ( *i ).second.c_str() ) << "\n";
Пример #2
void LoadCommandMap( const char* path ){
	StringOutputStream strINI( 256 );
	strINI << path << "shortcuts.ini";

	FILE* f = fopen( strINI.c_str(), "r" );
	if ( f != 0 ) {
		fclose( f );
		globalOutputStream() << "loading custom shortcuts list from " << makeQuoted( strINI.c_str() ) << "\n";

		Version version = version_parse( COMMANDS_VERSION );
		Version dataVersion = { 0, 0 };

			char value[1024];
			if ( read_var( strINI.c_str(), "Version", "number", value ) ) {
				dataVersion = version_parse( value );

		if ( version_compatible( version, dataVersion ) ) {
			globalOutputStream() << "commands import: data version " << dataVersion << " is compatible with code version " << version << "\n";
			ReadCommandMap visitor( strINI.c_str() );
			GlobalShortcuts_foreach( visitor );
			globalOutputStream() << "parsed " << Unsigned( visitor.count() ) << " custom shortcuts\n";
			globalOutputStream() << "commands import: data version " << dataVersion << " is not compatible with code version " << version << "\n";
		globalOutputStream() << "failed to load custom shortcuts from " << makeQuoted( strINI.c_str() ) << "\n";
Пример #3
void registerModule( const char* type, int version, const char* name, Module& module ){
	ASSERT_NOTNULL( &module );
	if ( !m_modules.insert( Modules_::value_type( ModuleKey( ModuleType( type, version ), name ), &module ) ).second ) {
		globalErrorStream() << "module already registered: type=" << makeQuoted( type ) << " name=" << makeQuoted( name ) << "\n";
		globalOutputStream() << "Module Registered: type=" << makeQuoted( type ) << " version=" << makeQuoted( version ) << " name=" << makeQuoted( name ) << "\n";
Пример #4
void build_run(const char* name, CommandListener& listener)
  for(Tools::iterator i = g_build_tools.begin(); i != g_build_tools.end(); ++i)
    StringBuffer output;
    build_set_variable((*i).first.c_str(), output.c_str());

    Project::iterator i = Project_find(g_build_project, name);
    if(i != g_build_project.end())
      Build& build = (*i).second;
      for(Build::iterator j = build.begin(); j != build.end(); ++j)
        StringBuffer output;
      globalErrorStream() << "build " << makeQuoted(name) << " not defined";
Пример #5
void EntityClass_resolveInheritance( EntityClass* derivedClass ){
	if ( derivedClass->inheritanceResolved == false ) {
		derivedClass->inheritanceResolved = true;
		EntityClasses::iterator i = g_EntityClassDoom3_classes.find( derivedClass->m_parent.front().c_str() );
		if ( i == g_EntityClassDoom3_classes.end() ) {
			globalErrorStream() << "failed to find entityDef " << makeQuoted( derivedClass->m_parent.front().c_str() ) << " inherited by "  << makeQuoted( derivedClass->m_name.c_str() ) << "\n";
			EntityClass* parentClass = ( *i ).second;
			EntityClass_resolveInheritance( parentClass );
			if ( !derivedClass->colorSpecified ) {
				derivedClass->colorSpecified = parentClass->colorSpecified;
				derivedClass->color = parentClass->color;
			if ( !derivedClass->sizeSpecified ) {
				derivedClass->sizeSpecified = parentClass->sizeSpecified;
				derivedClass->mins = parentClass->mins;
				derivedClass->maxs = parentClass->maxs;
				derivedClass->fixedsize = parentClass->fixedsize;

			for ( EntityClassAttributes::iterator j = parentClass->m_attributes.begin(); j != parentClass->m_attributes.end(); ++j )
				EntityClass_insertAttribute( *derivedClass, ( *j ).first.c_str(), ( *j ).second );
Пример #6
void keyup_accelerators_remove(Accelerator accelerator)
  //globalOutputStream() << "keyup_accelerators_remove: " << makeQuoted(accelerator) << "\n";
  if(!accelerator_map_erase(g_keyup_accelerators, accelerator))
    globalErrorStream() << "keyup_accelerators_remove: not found: " << makeQuoted(accelerator) << "\n";
Пример #7
void keyup_accelerators_add(Accelerator accelerator, const Callback& callback)
  //globalOutputStream() << "keyup_accelerators_add: " << makeQuoted(accelerator) << "\n";
  if(!accelerator_map_insert(g_keyup_accelerators, accelerator, callback))
    globalErrorStream() << "keyup_accelerators_add: already exists: " << makeQuoted(accelerator) << "\n";
Пример #8
bool MapResource_save(const MapFormat& format, scene::Node& root, const char* path, const char* name)
  StringOutputStream fullpath(256);
  fullpath << path << name;

    if(!file_exists(fullpath.c_str()) || file_saveBackup(fullpath.c_str()))
      return MapResource_saveFile(format, root, Map_Traverse, fullpath.c_str());

    globalErrorStream() << "failed to save a backup map file: " << makeQuoted(fullpath.c_str()) << "\n";
    return false;

  globalErrorStream() << "map path is not fully qualified: " << makeQuoted(fullpath.c_str()) << "\n";
  return false;
Пример #9
const char* build_get_variable(const char* name)
  Variables::iterator i = g_build_variables.find(name);
  if(i != g_build_variables.end())
    return (*i).second.c_str();
  globalErrorStream() << "undefined build variable: " << makeQuoted(name) << "\n";
  return "";
Пример #10
void CGameDialog::LoadPrefs(){
	// load global .pref file
	StringOutputStream strGlobalPref( 256 );
	strGlobalPref << g_Preferences.m_global_rc_path->str << "global.pref";

	globalOutputStream() << "loading global preferences from " << makeQuoted( strGlobalPref.c_str() ) << "\n";

	if ( !Preferences_Load( g_global_preferences, strGlobalPref.c_str(), "global" ) ) {
		globalOutputStream() << "failed to load global preferences from " << strGlobalPref.c_str() << "\n";
Пример #11
void EntityClassDoom3_loadFile( const char* filename ){
	globalOutputStream() << "parsing entity classes from " << makeQuoted( filename ) << "\n";

	StringOutputStream fullname( 256 );
	fullname << "def/" << filename;

	ArchiveTextFile* file = GlobalFileSystem().openTextFile( fullname.c_str() );
	if ( file != 0 ) {
		EntityClassDoom3_parse( file->getInputStream(), fullname.c_str() );
Пример #12
bool file_saveBackup(const char* path)
	  StringOutputStream backup(256);
    backup << StringRange(path, path_get_extension(path)) << "bak";

    return (!file_exists(backup.c_str()) || file_remove(backup.c_str())) // remove backup
      && file_move(path, backup.c_str()); // rename current to backup

  globalErrorStream() << "map path is not writeable: " << makeQuoted(path) << "\n";
  return false;
Пример #13
void realise(){
	if ( --m_unrealised == 0 ) {
		globalOutputStream() << "searching vfs directory " << makeQuoted( "def" ) << " for *.def\n";
		GlobalFileSystem().forEachFile( "def/", "def", makeCallbackF(EntityClassDoom3_loadFile) );

			for ( Models::iterator i = g_models.begin(); i != g_models.end(); ++i )
				Model_resolveInheritance( ( *i ).first.c_str(), ( *i ).second );
			for ( EntityClasses::iterator i = g_EntityClassDoom3_classes.begin(); i != g_EntityClassDoom3_classes.end(); ++i )
				EntityClass_resolveInheritance( ( *i ).second );
				if ( !string_empty( ( *i ).second->m_modelpath.c_str() ) ) {
					Models::iterator j = g_models.find( ( *i ).second->m_modelpath );
					if ( j != g_models.end() ) {
						( *i ).second->m_modelpath = ( *j ).second.m_mesh;
						( *i ).second->m_skin = ( *j ).second.m_skin;
				eclass_capture_state( ( *i ).second );

				StringOutputStream usage( 256 );

				usage << "-------- NOTES --------\n";

				if ( !string_empty( ( *i ).second->m_comments.c_str() ) ) {
					usage << ( *i ).second->m_comments.c_str() << "\n";

				usage << "\n-------- KEYS --------\n";

				for ( EntityClassAttributes::iterator j = ( *i ).second->m_attributes.begin(); j != ( *i ).second->m_attributes.end(); ++j )
					const char* name = EntityClassAttributePair_getName( *j );
					const char* description = EntityClassAttributePair_getDescription( *j );
					if ( !string_equal( name, description ) ) {
						usage << EntityClassAttributePair_getName( *j ) << " : " << EntityClassAttributePair_getDescription( *j ) << "\n";

				( *i ).second->m_comments = usage.c_str();

Пример #14
/// moves selected primitives to entity, which is or its primitive is ultimateSelected() or firstSelected()
void Entity_moveSelectedPrimitives( bool toLast ){
	if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() < 2 ) {
		globalErrorStream() << "Source and target entity primitives should be selected!\n";

	const scene::Path& path = toLast? GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path() : GlobalSelectionSystem().firstSelected().path();
	scene::Node& node = ( !Node_isEntity( path.top() ) && path.size() > 1 )? path.parent() : path.top();

	if ( Node_isEntity( node ) && node_is_group( node ) ) {
		StringOutputStream command;
		command << "movePrimitivesToEntity " << makeQuoted( Node_getEntity( node )->getEntityClass().name() );
		UndoableCommand undo( command.c_str() );
		Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity( GlobalSceneGraph(), node );
Пример #15
NodeSmartReference MapResource_load(const MapFormat& format, const char* path, const char* name)
  NodeSmartReference root(NewMapRoot(name));

  StringOutputStream fullpath(256);
  fullpath << path << name;

    MapResource_loadFile(format, root, fullpath.c_str());
    globalErrorStream() << "map path is not fully qualified: " << makeQuoted(fullpath.c_str()) << "\n";

  return root;
Пример #16
bool build_commands_parse(const char* filename)
  TextFileInputStream projectFile(filename);
    ProjectXMLConstructor projectConstructor(g_build_project, g_build_tools);
    RootXMLConstructor rootConstructor("project", projectConstructor, BUILDMENU_VERSION);
    XMLParser importer(rootConstructor);
    XMLStreamParser parser(projectFile);

      project_verify(g_build_project, g_build_tools);

      return true;
    globalErrorStream() << "failed to parse build menu: " << makeQuoted(filename) << "\n";
  return false;
Пример #17
void visit( const char* name, Accelerator& accelerator ){
	char value[1024];
	if ( read_var( m_filename, "Commands", name, value ) ) {
		if ( string_empty( value ) ) {
			accelerator.key = 0;
			accelerator.modifiers = (GdkModifierType)0;

		gtk_accelerator_parse( value, &accelerator.key, &accelerator.modifiers );
		accelerator = accelerator; // fix modifiers

		if ( accelerator.key != 0 ) {
			globalOutputStream() << "WARNING: failed to parse user command " << makeQuoted( name ) << ": unknown key " << makeQuoted( value ) << "\n";
Пример #18
bool EntityClassDoom3_parseModel( Tokeniser& tokeniser ){
	const char* name;
	PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, name ) );

	Model& model = g_models[name];

	PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) );

	for (;; )
		const char* parameter;
		PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, parameter ) );
		if ( string_equal( parameter, "}" ) ) {
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "inherit" ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, model.m_parent ) );
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "remove" ) ) {
			//const char* remove =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "mesh" ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, model.m_mesh ) );
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "skin" ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, model.m_skin ) );
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "offset" ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser, "(" ) );
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser, ")" ) );
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "channel" ) ) {
			//const char* channelName =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser, "(" ) );
			for (;; )
				const char* end;
				PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, end ) );
				if ( string_equal( end, ")" ) ) {
		else if ( string_equal( parameter, "anim" ) ) {
			CopiedString animName;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, animName ) );
			const char* animFile;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, animFile ) );
			model.m_anims.insert( Model::Anims::value_type( animName, animFile ) );

			const char* token;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, token ) );

			while ( string_equal( token, "," ) )
				PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, animFile ) );
				PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, token ) );

			if ( string_equal( token, "{" ) ) {
				for (;; )
					const char* end;
					PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, end ) );
					if ( string_equal( end, "}" ) ) {
			globalErrorStream() << "unknown model parameter: " << makeQuoted( parameter ) << "\n";
			return false;
	return true;
Пример #19
const KeyEvent& GlobalKeyEvents_find( const char* name ){
	KeyEvents::iterator i = g_keyEvents.find( name );
	ASSERT_MESSAGE( i != g_keyEvents.end(), "failed to lookup keyEvent " << makeQuoted( name ) );
	return ( *i ).second;
Пример #20
const char* file_dialog_show(GtkWidget* parent, bool open, const char* title, const char* path, const char* pattern)
  filetype_t type;

  if(pattern == 0)
    pattern = "*";

  FileTypeList typelist;
  GlobalFiletypes().getTypeList(pattern, &typelist);

  GTKMasks masks(typelist);

  if (title == 0)
    title = open ? "Open File" : "Save File";
  GtkWidget* dialog;
  if (open)
    dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new(title,
                                        GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                                        GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
    dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new(title,
                                        GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                                        GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
    gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), "unnamed");

  gtk_window_set_modal(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), TRUE);
  gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT);

  // we expect an actual path below, if the path is 0 we might crash
  if (path != 0 && !string_empty(path))
    ASSERT_MESSAGE(path_is_absolute(path), "file_dialog_show: path not absolute: " << makeQuoted(path));

    Array<char> new_path(strlen(path)+1);

    // copy path, replacing dir separators as appropriate
    Array<char>::iterator w = new_path.begin();
    for(const char* r = path; *r != '\0'; ++r)
      *w++ = (*r == '/') ? G_DIR_SEPARATOR : *r;
    // remove separator from end of path if required
    if(*(w-1) == G_DIR_SEPARATOR)
    // terminate string
    *w = '\0';

    gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), new_path.data());

  // we should add all important paths as shortcut folder...
  // gtk_file_chooser_add_shortcut_folder(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), "/tmp/", NULL);

  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < masks.m_filters.size(); ++i)
    GtkFileFilter* filter = gtk_file_filter_new();
    gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, masks.m_filters[i].c_str());
    gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, masks.m_masks[i].c_str());
    gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), filter);

  if(gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
    strcpy(g_file_dialog_file, gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog)));

    if(!string_equal(pattern, "*"))
      GtkFileFilter* filter = gtk_file_chooser_get_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog));
      if(filter != 0) // no filter set? some file-chooser implementations may allow the user to set no filter, which we treat as 'all files'
        type = masks.GetTypeForGTKMask(gtk_file_filter_get_name(filter)).m_type;
        // last ext separator
        const char* extension = path_get_extension(g_file_dialog_file);
        // no extension
          strcat(g_file_dialog_file, type.pattern+1);
          strcpy(g_file_dialog_file + (extension - g_file_dialog_file), type.pattern+2);

    // convert back to unix format
    for(char* w = g_file_dialog_file; *w!='\0'; w++)
        *w = '/';
    g_file_dialog_file[0] = '\0';


  // don't return an empty filename
  if(g_file_dialog_file[0] == '\0') return NULL;

  return g_file_dialog_file;
Пример #21
void GlobalKeyEvents_insert( const char* name, const Accelerator& accelerator, const Callback& keyDown, const Callback& keyUp ){
	bool added = g_keyEvents.insert( KeyEvents::value_type( name, KeyEvent( GlobalShortcuts_insert( name, accelerator ), keyDown, keyUp ) ) ).second;
	ASSERT_MESSAGE( added, "command already registered: " << makeQuoted( name ) );
Пример #22
void EntityClassQuake3_constructDirectory(const char* directory, const char* extension, Paths& paths)
  globalOutputStream() << "EntityClass: searching " << makeQuoted(directory) << " for *." << extension << '\n'; 
  Directory_forEach(directory, matchFileExtension(extension, PathsInsert(paths, directory)));
Пример #23
CGameDescription::CGameDescription(xmlDocPtr pDoc, const CopiedString& gameFile)
  // read the user-friendly game name 
  xmlNodePtr pNode = pDoc->children;

  while (strcmp((const char*)pNode->name, "game") && pNode != 0)
  if (!pNode)
    Error("Didn't find 'game' node in the game description file '%s'\n", pDoc->URL);

  for(xmlAttrPtr attr = pNode->properties; attr != 0; attr = attr->next)
    m_gameDescription.insert(GameDescription::value_type(xmlAttr_getName(attr), xmlAttr_getValue(attr)));

    StringOutputStream path(256);
    path << AppPath_get() << gameFile.c_str() << "/";
    mGameToolsPath = path.c_str();

  ASSERT_MESSAGE(file_exists(mGameToolsPath.c_str()), "game directory not found: " << makeQuoted(mGameToolsPath.c_str()));

  mGameFile = gameFile;
    GameDescription::iterator i = m_gameDescription.find("type");
    if(i == m_gameDescription.end())
      globalErrorStream() << "Warning, 'type' attribute not found in '" << reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pDoc->URL) << "'\n";
      // default
      mGameType = "q3";
      mGameType = (*i).second.c_str();
Пример #24
  void visit(const char* name, Accelerator& accelerator)
    char value[1024];
    if (read_var(m_filename, "Commands", name, value ))
        accelerator.key = 0;
        accelerator.modifiers = (GdkModifierType)0;
      int modifiers = 0;
      const char* last = value + string_length(value);
      const char* keyEnd = stringrange_find(value, last, '+');
      for(const char* modifier = keyEnd; modifier != last;)
        const char* next = stringrange_find(modifier + 1, last, '+');
        if(next - modifier == 4
          && string_equal_nocase_n(modifier, "+alt", 4))
          modifiers |= GDK_MOD1_MASK;
        else if(next - modifier == 5
          && string_equal_nocase_n(modifier, "+ctrl", 5) != 0)
          modifiers |= GDK_CONTROL_MASK;
        else if(next - modifier == 6
          && string_equal_nocase_n(modifier, "+shift", 6) != 0)
          modifiers |= GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
          globalOutputStream() << "WARNING: failed to parse user command " << makeQuoted(value) << ": unknown modifier " << makeQuoted(StringRange(modifier, next)) << "\n";
        modifier = next;
      accelerator.modifiers = (GdkModifierType)modifiers;

      // strBuff has been cleaned of it's modifiers .. switch between a regular key and a virtual one
      // based on length
      if(keyEnd - value == 1) // most often case.. deal with first
        accelerator.key = std::toupper(value[0]);
      else // special key
        CopiedString keyName(StringRange(value, keyEnd));
        accelerator.key = global_keys_find(keyName.c_str());
        if(accelerator.key != 0)
          globalOutputStream() << "WARNING: failed to parse user command " << makeQuoted(value) << ": unknown key " << makeQuoted(keyName.c_str()) << "\n";
Пример #25
void GlobalCommands_insert( const char* name, const Callback& callback, const Accelerator& accelerator ){
	bool added = g_commands.insert( Commands::value_type( name, Command( callback, GlobalShortcuts_insert( name, accelerator ) ) ) ).second;
	ASSERT_MESSAGE( added, "command already registered: " << makeQuoted( name ) );
Пример #26
void GlobalToggles_insert( const char* name, const Callback& callback, const BoolExportCallback& exportCallback, const Accelerator& accelerator ){
	bool added = g_toggles.insert( Toggles::value_type( name, Toggle( callback, GlobalShortcuts_insert( name, accelerator ), exportCallback ) ) ).second;
	ASSERT_MESSAGE( added, "toggle already registered: " << makeQuoted( name ) );
Пример #27
const Command& GlobalCommands_find( const char* command ){
	Commands::iterator i = g_commands.find( command );
	ASSERT_MESSAGE( i != g_commands.end(), "failed to lookup command " << makeQuoted( command ) );
	return ( *i ).second;
Пример #28
static bool EntityClass_parse( EntityClass& entityClass, Tokeniser& tokeniser ){
	PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, entityClass.m_name ) );

	PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser, "{" ) );

	StringOutputStream usage( 256 );
	StringOutputStream description( 256 );
	CopiedString* currentDescription = 0;
	StringOutputStream* currentString = 0;

	for (;; )
		const char* key;
		PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, key ) );

		const char* last = string_findFirstSpaceOrTab( key );
		CopiedString first( StringRange( key, last ) );

		if ( !string_empty( last ) ) {
			last = string_findFirstNonSpaceOrTab( last );

		if ( currentString != 0 && string_equal( key, "\\" ) ) {
			*currentString << " ";
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, *currentString ) );

		if ( currentDescription != 0 ) {
			*currentDescription = description.c_str();
			currentDescription = 0;
		currentString = 0;

		if ( string_equal( key, "}" ) ) {
		else if ( string_equal( key, "model" ) ) {
			const char* token;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, token ) );
			entityClass.fixedsize = true;
			StringOutputStream buffer( 256 );
			buffer << PathCleaned( token );
			entityClass.m_modelpath = buffer.c_str();
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_color" ) ) {
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( !string_empty( value ) ) {
				entityClass.colorSpecified = true;
				bool success = string_parse_vector3( value, entityClass.color );
				ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "editor_color: parse error" );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_ragdoll" ) ) {
			//bool ragdoll = atoi(tokeniser.getToken()) != 0;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_mins" ) ) {
			entityClass.sizeSpecified = true;
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( !string_empty( value ) && !string_equal( value, "?" ) ) {
				entityClass.fixedsize = true;
				bool success = string_parse_vector3( value, entityClass.mins );
				ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "editor_mins: parse error" );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_maxs" ) ) {
			entityClass.sizeSpecified = true;
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( !string_empty( value ) && !string_equal( value, "?" ) ) {
				entityClass.fixedsize = true;
				bool success = string_parse_vector3( value, entityClass.maxs );
				ASSERT_MESSAGE( success, "editor_maxs: parse error" );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_usage" ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, usage ) );
			currentString = &usage;
		else if ( string_equal_n( key, "editor_usage", 12 ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, usage ) );
			currentString = &usage;
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_rotatable" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_showangle" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_showangles" ) // typo? in prey movables.def
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_mover" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_model" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_material" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_combatnode" )
				  || ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_gui" ) )
				  || string_equal_n( key, "editor_copy", 11 ) ) {
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && ( string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_var" ) || string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_string" ) ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "string";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_float" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "string";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_snd" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "sound";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_bool" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_int" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "integer";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_model" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "model";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_color" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "color";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( !string_empty( last ) && ( string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_material" ) || string_equal( first.c_str(), "editor_mat" ) ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, last ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "shader";
			currentDescription = &attribute.m_description;
			currentString = &description;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, description ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "inherit" ) ) {
			entityClass.inheritanceResolved = false;
			ASSERT_MESSAGE( entityClass.m_parent.empty(), "only one 'inherit' supported per entityDef" );
			const char* token;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, token ) );
			entityClass.m_parent.push_back( token );
		// begin quake4-specific keys
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_targetonsel" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_menu" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_ignore" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		// end quake4-specific keys
		// begin ignore prey (unknown/unused?) entity keys
		else if ( string_equal( key, "editor_light" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_debrisspawner" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_drop" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_guihand" )
				  || string_equal( key, "editor_def def_mine" ) ) {
			//const char* value =
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseToken( tokeniser ) );
		// end ignore prey entity keys
			CopiedString tmp( key );
			if ( string_equal_n( key, "editor_", 7 ) ) {
				globalErrorStream() << "unsupported editor key " << makeQuoted( key ) ;
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, key ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "string";
			const char* value;
			PARSE_RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL( EntityClassDoom3_parseString( tokeniser, value ) );
			if ( string_equal( value, "}" ) ) { // hack for quake4 powerups.def bug
				globalErrorStream() << "entityDef " << makeQuoted( entityClass.m_name.c_str() ) << " key " << makeQuoted( tmp.c_str() ) << " has no value\n";
				attribute.m_value = value;

	entityClass.m_comments = usage.c_str();

	if ( string_equal( entityClass.m_name.c_str(), "light" ) ) {
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "light_radius" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "vector3";
			attribute.m_value = "300 300 300";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "light_center" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "vector3";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "noshadows" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			attribute.m_value = "0";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "nospecular" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			attribute.m_value = "0";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "nodiffuse" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "boolean";
			attribute.m_value = "0";
			EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClass_insertAttribute( entityClass, "falloff" ).second;
			attribute.m_type = "real";

	return true;
Пример #29
const Toggle& GlobalToggles_find( const char* name ){
	Toggles::iterator i = g_toggles.find( name );
	ASSERT_MESSAGE( i != g_toggles.end(), "failed to lookup toggle " << makeQuoted( name ) );
	return ( *i ).second;
Пример #30
   ASSERT_MESSAGE(!realised(), "ModelResource::~ModelResource: resource reference still realised: " << makeQuoted(m_name.c_str()));