Пример #1
hashMapInsert(Thread* t, object map, object key, object value,
              uint32_t (*hash)(Thread*, object))
  // note that we reinitialize the array variable whenever an
  // allocation (and thus possibly a collection) occurs, in case the
  // array changes due to a table resize.

  PROTECT(t, map);

  uint32_t h = hash(t, key);

  bool weak = objectClass(t, map) == type(t, Machine::WeakHashMapType);

  object array = hashMapArray(t, map);

  ++ hashMapSize(t, map);

  if (array == 0 or hashMapSize(t, map) >= arrayLength(t, array) * 2) { 
    PROTECT(t, key);
    PROTECT(t, value);

    hashMapResize(t, map, hash, array ? arrayLength(t, array) * 2 : 16);

    array = hashMapArray(t, map);

  object k = key;

  if (weak) {
    PROTECT(t, key);
    PROTECT(t, value);

    object r = makeWeakReference(t, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    jreferenceTarget(t, r) = key;
    jreferenceVmNext(t, r) = t->m->weakReferences;
    t->m->weakReferences = r;
    k = r;

    array = hashMapArray(t, map);

  object n = makeTriple(t, k, value, 0);

  array = hashMapArray(t, map);

  unsigned index = h & (arrayLength(t, array) - 1);

  set(t, n, TripleThird, arrayBody(t, array, index));
  set(t, array, ArrayBody + (index * BytesPerWord), n);

  if (hashMapSize(t, map) <= arrayLength(t, array) / 3) {
    // this might happen if nodes were removed during GC in which case
    // we weren't able to resize at the time
    hashMapResize(t, map, hash, arrayLength(t, array) / 2);
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int toBeReturned = 0;
	if(argc < 5) {
		std::cerr<<"usage: sor omega nRowsInMatrix nColumnsInMatrix nIterations nRowsInTile nColumnsInTile [-v]\n";
		std::cerr<<"nRowsInTile should be a factor of nRowsInMatrix \n";
		std::cerr<<"nColumnsInTile should be a factor of nColumnsInMatrix \n";
		toBeReturned = 1;
	} else{
        //		srand(0xdeadbeef);
		double omega = atof(argv[1]);
		int nRowsInMatrix = (int)atoi(argv[2]);
		int nColumnsInMatrix = (int)atoi(argv[3]);
		nIterations = (int)atoi(argv[4]);

		int nRowsInTile = (int)atoi(argv[5]);
		int nColumnsInTile = (int)atoi(argv[6]);
		int nElementsInTile = nRowsInTile * nColumnsInTile; 

		//int  ceiling(
		nRowsOfTiles = nRowsInMatrix/ nRowsInTile;
		//int  ceiling(
		nColumnsOfTiles = nColumnsInMatrix/ nColumnsInTile;

		bool verbose = argc==8 && !strcmp("-v", argv[7]);

		double** inputArray = new double*[nRowsInMatrix];

		// not the best rand but this is a test program anyway
		for(int i = 0; i < nRowsInMatrix; ++i)
                double* currRow = inputArray[i] = new double[nColumnsInMatrix];
                for(int j = 0; j < nColumnsInMatrix; ++j)
                    //				currRow[j] = (rand() % 100) *0.01;
                    currRow[j] = ((j*11) % 100) *0.01;
		TiledInputArray tiledInputArray(inputArray, nRowsOfTiles, nColumnsOfTiles, nRowsInTile, nColumnsInTile);

		if(verbose) {
			printf("omega=%lf, M=%d, N=%d, nIterations=%d, nRowsInTile=%d and nColumnsInTile=%d\n",
                   omega, nRowsInMatrix, nColumnsInMatrix, nIterations, nRowsInTile, nColumnsInTile);
			for(int i = 0; i < nRowsInMatrix; ++i)
                    for(int j = 0; j < nColumnsInMatrix-1; ++j)
                        printf("%lf, ",inputArray[i][j]);

		tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();

		sorContext graph;//	
        //CnC::debug::trace_all(graph, "tiled sor");
		graph.omega.put(111, omega);
		graph.nRowsInTile.put(222, nRowsInTile);
		graph.nColumnsInTile.put(333, nColumnsInTile);

#ifndef REVERSE
		for(int iteration = 0; iteration < nIterations; ++iteration)
			for(int i = 0; i < nRowsOfTiles; ++i)
				for(int j = 0; j < nColumnsOfTiles; ++j)
                        if(iteration == 0) {
                            graph.currTileMatrix.put(makeTriple(i,j,0), *tiledInputArray.getTile(i,j) );
		for(int iteration = nIterations-1; iteration >= 0; --iteration)
			for(int i = nRowsOfTiles-1; i >= 0  ; --i)
				for(int j = nColumnsOfTiles-1; j >= 0; --j)
                        if(!iteration) graph.currTileMatrix.put(makeTriple(i,j,0), *tiledInputArray.getTile(i,j) );

		// since execution finished I can now write over **inputArray

        Tile _tmp;
		for(int i = 0; i < nRowsOfTiles; ++i)
			for(int j = 0; j < nColumnsOfTiles; ++j) {
                graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(i,j,nIterations), _tmp );
				tiledInputArray.replace(i, j, _tmp); 
		//	std::cout<<"loop end"<<std::endl;

		tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
		printf("Computed in %g seconds\n", (t1-t0).seconds());

		for(int i = 0; i < nRowsInMatrix; ++i)
			delete [] inputArray[i];
		delete [] inputArray;
	return toBeReturned;
Пример #3
int relaxation::execute(intTriple tileIndex3D, sorContext& graph) const
	int rowIndexOfTile = getFirst(tileIndex3D);
	int columnIndexOfTile = getSecond(tileIndex3D);
	int iterationOfTile = getThird(tileIndex3D);

	// these are from curr, already computed matrix
	bool hasAbove = rowIndexOfTile != 0;
	bool hasLeft = columnIndexOfTile != 0;

	// these are from prev, input matrix
	// also these are the corner cases
	bool hasBelow = rowIndexOfTile != nRowsOfTiles-1;
	bool hasRight= columnIndexOfTile != nColumnsOfTiles-1;

	int nRowsInTile;
    graph.nRowsInTile.get(222, nRowsInTile); 
	int nColumnsInTile;
    graph.nColumnsInTile.get(333, nColumnsInTile); 

    Tile above, left, below, right;
	const double *aboveArray = NULL, *leftArray = NULL, *belowArray = NULL, *rightArray = NULL;
            //above = new Tile(graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile-1, columnIndexOfTile,iterationOfTile+1)));
            graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile-1, columnIndexOfTile,iterationOfTile+1), above);
            aboveArray = above.getArray();

            //left = new Tile(graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile, columnIndexOfTile-1,iterationOfTile+1)));
            graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile, columnIndexOfTile-1,iterationOfTile+1), left);
            leftArray = left.getArray();

            //below = new Tile(graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile+1, columnIndexOfTile,iterationOfTile)));
            graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile+1, columnIndexOfTile,iterationOfTile), below);
            belowArray = below.getArray();

            //right = new Tile(graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile, columnIndexOfTile+1, iterationOfTile)));
            graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile, columnIndexOfTile+1, iterationOfTile), right);
            rightArray = right.getArray();

	Tile tile;
    graph.currTileMatrix.get(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile, columnIndexOfTile, iterationOfTile), tile);
	double* tileArray = tile.getArray();

	double omega;
    graph.omega.get(111, omega);
	double omegaOver4 = omega * 0.25;
	double oneMinusOmega = 1-omega;

	int currRowDist = 0;
	int indexLastRow = (nRowsInTile-1)*nColumnsInTile;
	for(int i = 0; i < nRowsInTile; ++i)
            double *currRow = tileArray + currRowDist;
	       	const double *aboveRow = NULL, *belowRow = NULL;

            if(i) aboveRow = currRow-nColumnsInTile; //non zero row
            else if(hasAbove) aboveRow = aboveArray + indexLastRow; //zero row

            if(i != nRowsInTile-1) belowRow = currRow + nColumnsInTile; //not last row
            else if(hasBelow) belowRow = belowArray; //zero row

            if(aboveRow && belowRow)
                    if(hasLeft && (nColumnsInTile > 1 || hasRight))
                            double valueRight;

                            if(nColumnsInTile > 1) valueRight = currRow[1];
                            else valueRight = rightArray[currRowDist];

                            currRow[0] = omegaOver4*(belowRow[0]+valueRight+aboveRow[0]+leftArray[currRowDist+nColumnsInTile-1]) + oneMinusOmega*currRow[0];

                    for(int j = 1; j < nColumnsInTile-1; ++j)
                            currRow[j] = omegaOver4*(belowRow[j]+currRow[j+1]+aboveRow[j]+currRow[j-1])+oneMinusOmega*currRow[j];

                    if(hasRight && nColumnsInTile > 1)
                            int j = nColumnsInTile-1;
                            currRow[j] = omegaOver4*(belowRow[j]+rightArray[currRowDist]+aboveRow[j]+currRow[j-1]) + oneMinusOmega*currRow[j];
            currRowDist += nColumnsInTile;

	//if(hasAbove) delete above;
	//if(hasLeft) delete left;
	//if(hasBelow) delete below;
	//if(hasRight) delete right;

	graph.currTileMatrix.put(makeTriple(rowIndexOfTile, columnIndexOfTile, iterationOfTile+1), tile );

    //	delete tile;
	return CnC::CNC_Success;