/** * \brief Save the animation without asking anything. */ bool bf::main_frame::effective_save() { bool result = m_animation_edit->validate(); if (result) { std::string std_path( wx_to_std_string(m_animation_file) ); std::ofstream f( std_path.c_str() ); if (f) { animation_file_xml_writer writer; writer.save( f, m_animation_edit->get_value() ); m_last_saved_animation = m_animation_edit->get_value(); result = true; make_title(); } else { wxMessageDialog dlg ( this, _("Can't open the animation file."), _("Error"), wxOK ); dlg.ShowModal(); } } return result; } // main_frame::effective_save()
void DispValue::plot() const { int ndim = can_plot(); if (ndim == 0) return; if (plotter() == 0) { string title = make_title(full_name()); MUTABLE_THIS(DispValue *)->_plotter = new_plotter(title, CONST_CAST(DispValue *,this)); if (plotter() == 0) return; plotter()->addHandler(Died, PlotterDiedHP, (void *)this); }
/** * \brief Load an animation. * \param path The path to the animation to load. */ void bf::main_frame::load_animation( const wxString& path ) { wxLogNull no_log; wxXmlDocument doc; animation_file_xml_reader reader; animation anim; if ( doc.Load(path) ) anim = reader.load( doc.GetRoot(), m_workspace ); m_animation_edit->set_value(anim); m_last_saved_animation = m_animation_edit->get_value(); m_animation_file = path; make_title(); } // main_frame::load_animation()
void re_title() { char bob[40]; make_title(bob); title_text(bob); }