Пример #1
signed long int SysGetRtcSeconds()
	RtcTimeStruct time;

	if(SysGetDate(&time) !=  ESUCCESS)
		 return -EIO;
	return maketime(time.Year, time.Month, time.DayMonth, time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second);
Пример #2
/* Parse a free-format date in *SOURCE, yielding a Unix format time.
   Update *SOURCE to point to the first character after the date.
   If *SOURCE is missing some information, take defaults from
   DEFAULT_TIME and DEFAULT_ZONE.  *SOURCE may even be the empty
   string or an immediately invalid string, in which case the default
   time and zone is used.
   Return (time_t) -1 if the time is invalid or cannot be represented.  */
str2time (char const **source,
          time_t default_time,
          long default_zone)
   struct partime pt;

   *source = partime (*source, &pt);
   if (pt.zone == TM_UNDEFINED_ZONE)
      pt.zone = default_zone;
   return maketime (&pt, default_time);
Пример #3
static void
find_jobs(time_t vtime, cron_db *db, int doWild, int doNonWild) {
	time_t virtualSecond = vtime * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
	struct tm *tm;
	int minute, hour, dom, month, dow;
	user *u;
	entry *e;
	char *orig_tz, *job_tz;

#define maketime(tz1, tz2) do { \
	char *t = tz1; \
	if (t != NULL && *t != '\0') \
		setenv("TZ", t, 1); \
	else if ((tz2) != NULL) \
		setenv("TZ", (tz2), 1); \
	else \
		unsetenv("TZ"); \
	tzset(); \
	tm = localtime(&virtualSecond); \
	minute = tm->tm_min -FIRST_MINUTE; \
	hour = tm->tm_hour -FIRST_HOUR; \
	dom = tm->tm_mday -FIRST_DOM; \
	month = tm->tm_mon + 1 /* 0..11 -> 1..12 */ -FIRST_MONTH; \
	dow = tm->tm_wday -FIRST_DOW; \
	} while (/*CONSTCOND*/0)

	orig_tz = getenv("TZ");
	maketime(NULL, orig_tz);
	tm = gmtime(&virtualSecond);

	Debug(DSCH, ("[%ld] tick(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) %s %s\n",
		     (long)getpid(), minute, hour, dom, month, dow,
		     doWild?" ":"No wildcard",doNonWild?" ":"Wildcard only"));

	/* the dom/dow situation is odd.  '* * 1,15 * Sun' will run on the
	 * first and fifteenth AND every Sunday;  '* * * * Sun' will run *only*
	 * on Sundays;  '* * 1,15 * *' will run *only* the 1st and 15th.  this
	 * is why we keep 'e->dow_star' and 'e->dom_star'.  yes, it's bizarre.
	 * like many bizarre things, it's the standard.
	for (u = db->head; u != NULL; u = u->next) {
		for (e = u->crontab; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
			job_tz = env_get("CRON_TZ", e->envp);
			maketime(job_tz, orig_tz);
#define job_tz "N/A"
#define orig_tz "N/A"
			Debug(DSCH|DEXT, ("user [%s:%ld:%ld:...] "
			    "[jobtz=%s, origtz=%s] "
			    "tick(%s), cmd=\"%s\"\n",
			    e->pwd->pw_name, (long)e->pwd->pw_uid,
			    (long)e->pwd->pw_gid, job_tz, orig_tz,
			    tick(e), e->cmd));
			if (bit_test(e->minute, minute) &&
			    bit_test(e->hour, hour) &&
			    bit_test(e->month, month) &&
			    ( ((e->flags & DOM_STAR) || (e->flags & DOW_STAR))
			      ? (bit_test(e->dow,dow) && bit_test(e->dom,dom))
			      : (bit_test(e->dow,dow) || bit_test(e->dom,dom))
			   ) {
				if ((doNonWild &&
				    !(e->flags & (MIN_STAR|HR_STAR))) || 
				    (doWild && (e->flags & (MIN_STAR|HR_STAR))))
					job_add(e, u, StartTime);
	if (orig_tz != NULL)
		setenv("TZ", orig_tz, 1);